Category: testing

Nextcloud 17 Beta 2 is out!

After testing beta 1 many issues have been fixed and improvements were made. Today we put the second beta of Nextcloud 17 online! For this beta we aim to continue testing stability and have apps in the appstore compatible with Nextcloud 17. We want to...

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Nextcloud 16 Release Candidate 1 is here, help test!

We are getting closer and closer to a final Nextcloud 16 release! We fixed just 11 more issues since beta 3 and thus the time of the first release candidate is here. We call you all to help finishing up! Help out now! There’s a...

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Nextcloud 16 Beta 2 arrived!

In more testing news, we have put the second beta of Nextcloud 16 online! And again, we look forward to your feedback on bugs and help with polishing this release! Maybe running the beta through its paces will make for a good weekend project? We...

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Time for some testing: Beta 1 of Nextcloud 16 is here!

Yesterday we made available the first beta of Nextcloud 16, which marks our feature freeze! This release will, as always, bring a lot of improvements. And we are of course looking for help: finding and fixing bugs, finishing a lot of polishing and updating apps...

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Nextcloud 15 RC1 is here for testing, earn swag for upgrade bugs

We are making swift progress: Nextcloud 15 is near to a release thus it is time for the first release candidate. Last week we did Beta 2 and there have been at least 40 changesets included since then. We ask everyone, as always, to help...

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Nextcloud 15 Beta 1 is out, time to start testing!

We hit feature freeze this week and today we’ve put the first beta of Nextcloud 15 on our download servers, ready for your testing! As always, we want to make sure that upgrades are smooth as well as, of course, day to day usage. There...

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Running Nextcloud, Arm server can provide 40% performance per dollar uplift

Arm is a relatively new player in the server market. One implementation using their IP is the Cavium ThunderX, a system designed for massive parallel applications. This Arm based hardware is available on bare-metal cloud providers like Packet which is what we used to assess...

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Nextcloud 13 Beta 3 ready for your testing! Go and win a t-shirt!

We’re making swift progress stabilizing Nextcloud 13 and today we’d like to announce the availability of Nextcloud 13 Beta 3 on our download servers! You can use our famously easy updater to get this beta on your server and give it a whirl, or grab...

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