Category: Security

BREAKING NEWS: ECJ rules US Cloud services fundamentally incompatible with EU Privacy laws

The US “culture of surveillance” received a major EU push back today, with the European Court of Justice ruling against the legitimacy of the EU’s Standard Contractual Clauses as a way of transferring data to legal regimes outside of the Union. As we wrote 2...

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Minor releases 18.0.6, 17.0.7 and 16.0.11 are here. End of support for 16!

Last Thursday we published minor updates to the current stable series. These came just one day after we made available version 19 of Nextcloud Hub. And this release, in turn, came out just 1 day after our 4 year anniversary! EDIT: shortly after 18.0.5 we...

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Security in Nextcloud: how to block 99.9% of user account attacks

If tech sites would write about every individual data leak, they’d have no time to cover anything else. Generally, only email-and-password leaks numbered in the millions get covered. LinkedIn: 164 million. Adobe: 38 million. MySpace: 359 million. Facebook: 200 to 600 million. It should be...

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Update 18.0.3 and 17.0.5 out, update soon!

Yesterday we made available minor releases with some critical bugfixes to Nextcloud 17 and 18. Please, upgrade at your earliest convenience! These are in-between updates outside our usual schedule to bring you some fixes as soon as possible. Note: running web facing software without regular...

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Nextcloud 17.0.2, 16.0.7 and 15.0.14 available for update! Plus Beta 3 of 18 for testing.

It is that time again: updates for the stable series of Nextcloud are available now. As always, these include stability and security improvements that are designed to be a safe and quick upgrade. This is one of the last for Nextcloud 15, so start planning...

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3 easy predictions for ransomware in 2020

As the new year quickly approaches, cyber criminals are once again preparing to attack individuals and especially businesses. Their attacks will be more sophisticated and even better at extracting money from you. We make three easy predictions for the next year and urge you to...

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Jos Poortvliet

Nextcry or how a hacker tried to exploit a NGINX issue with 2 Nextcloud servers out of 300.000 hit and no payout

As you might have read in various news outlets, an attacker has been trying to use a known and reported NGINX/PHP-FPM bug (CVE-2019-11043) to break into servers. After breaking into the server and gaining control, the attacker used a compiled python script that encrypts data...

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Urgent security issue in NGINX/php-fpm

Dear system administrators, In the last 24 hours, a new security risk has emerged around NGINX, documented in CVE-2019-11043. This exploit allows for remote code execution on some NGINX and php-fpm configurations. If you do not run NGINX, this exploit does not effect you. Unfortunately...

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Nextcloud 17 scales up and improves data protection with Remote Wipe, collaborative text editor, 2FA updates, IBM Spectrum Scale support and Global Scale improvements

Fresh from the Nextcloud conference stage, we are proud to announce a major release of Nextcloud, the easiest solution for secure, on premise collaboration on documents, calendars and communication! Nextcloud 17 will introduce a series of secure collaboration features including a collaborative text editor, remote...

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