Category: Release

Nextcloud Hub 7 release featured image

Nextcloud Hub 7: advanced search and global out-of-office features

Nextcloud functions as a single platform, bridging together all apps under one roof in synchronization. Today, we’re introducing our most integrated platform yet - Nextcloud Hub 7.

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Minor Nextcloud updates released

Last update for Hub 3, plus Hub 4, 6 and desktop client

Minor Nextcloud updates are released, as well as an update to the desktop client. As always, minor releases include stability and security improvements that are designed to be a safe and quick upgrade.

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Minor Nextcloud updates released

Maintenance release for visual issue in Hub 6

Minor Nextcloud updates are released! As always, minor releases include stability and security improvements that are designed to be a safe and quick upgrade.

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Minor Nextcloud updates released

Maintenance releases for Hub 4, 5 and 6

Minor Nextcloud updates are released! As always, minor releases include stability and security improvements that are designed to be a safe and quick upgrade.

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Hub 6 release

Nextcloud Hub 6: Healthy meeting culture and the first local AI Assistant

Our latest release, Nextcloud Hub 6, supports a healthy meeting culture, introduces the Nextcloud Assistant and emphasizes user-centric design, transparency and user control. Thank you to our community! 💙 Nextcloud would not be the same without our dedicated, encouraging community. A huge thank you to...

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Minor Nextcloud updates released

Just before the conference: maintenance updates!

Minor Nextcloud updates are released, just before the conference! As always, minor releases include stability and security improvements that are designed to be a safe and quick upgrade.

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Minor Nextcloud updates released

New maintenance releases out

Minor Nextcloud updates are released! As always, minor releases include stability and security improvements that are designed to be a safe and quick upgrade.

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Minor Nextcloud updates released

First maintenance release for Hub 5

Minor Nextcloud updates are released! As always, minor releases include stability and security improvements that are designed to be a safe and quick upgrade.

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Nextcloud Talk related resources

Nextcloud Talk in Hub 4 – next level video chat

Over the last years Nextcloud Talk has developed in a fantastic productivity tool, enabling teams across the globe to communicate and collaborate in chat rooms, video meetings and webinars.

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