Kategorie: Nachrichten

Open Source Experience Paris, France

Obtenez dès maintenant votre badge gratuit pour le salon Open Source Experience 2022

Avec notre partenaire Arawa, nous participons à la deuxième édition de l'Open Source Experience 2022 et nous vous invitons à une visite gratuite !

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nextcloud social mastodon

Vertrauen Sie auf Musk oder kommunizieren Sie föderiert mit Nextcloud Social!

Nextcloud Social bietet föderierte, vertrauenswürdige, "Big-Tech" -freie soziale Netzwerke

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Nextcloud Open Source school in Denmark

Schools in Denmark look toward open-source solutions after DPA bans Google Chromebooks

In the school district or municipality of Helsingør in Denmark, a conflict has arisen over the continuous use of Google Chromebooks despite the ban by the Danish Data Protection Agency (DPA).

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First in Germany again!

Nextcloud participated in the CloudComputing-Insider Awards 2022 and won again the first prize in Germany! IT Awards got votes from over 70 000 readers this year and Nextcloud came out on top, left behind Dropbox, Microsoft and others, and was chosen by the largest community...

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Join our webinar on the Overview of Nextcloud Talk

Learn From Nextcloud Professionals. Our webinar implies having a qualified presenter who can explain Nextcloud features based on their own experience. Join our webinar to learn how Nextcloud can add value to your organization.

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Join our webinar on Nextcloud Hub 3!

Join us on Tuesday,15th November at 16:30 hrs for the fun webinar session on what's new in Nextcloud Hub 3

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Nextcloud Office

Nextcloud Office release solves document compatibility, overhauls knowledge management

We are excited to to introduce a major update of Nextcloud Office! Based on feedback from users and customers, we focused our efforts on user interface, security and document compatibility.

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Introduction to Nextcloud Hub 3 (French)

In this webinar, together with our French partner TAS Cloud Services, we will present the benefits, features and new features of Nextcloud Hub 3.

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Introduction à Nextcloud Hub 3

Dans ce webinaire, avec notre partenaire français TAS Cloud Services, nous présenterons les avantages, les caractéristiques et les nouveautés de Nextcloud Hub 3.

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