Kategorie: Nachrichten

Nextcloud design team updates! :)

We had a great design workshop at the Nextcloud Conference in Berlin! There we discussed the current design process and how to improve it even further. Starting out we talked about how our process works currently, what we like about it, and what is happening...

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New Nextcloud maintenance releases out with improved updater and over 40 fixes

Today we’ve released the first update to Nextcloud 10 and a 3rd update to Nextcloud 9. These releases bring a large number of improvements, most notably an improved updater. We strongly recommend upgrading. Read on for a taste of what is new. Improvements The new...

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The Danish research and education network moves from ownCloud to Nextcloud

Today we’re pleased to announce another customer joining us. DeiC is as much a customer as a partner, serving the universities in Denmark and bringing Nextcloud to tens of thousands of users, scaling up the coming years to hundreds of thousands. Quoting from the press...

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Nextcloud Android client 1.3.0 Brings Files Drop Support, Calendar/Contacts Integration with DAVdroid

Directly from the Nextcloud conference in Berlin we are happy to announce the release of Nextcloud Android Client version 1.3.0 on the Google Play Store and f-droid store. Besides our usual bug fixes and design improvements we introduce significant new features, including support for new...

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Nextcloud Conference: Keynote Speakers and Launch Event

We’re very excited to announce our keynote speakers for the Nextcloud Conference, scheduled to start on September 16 at the Technical University Berlin. On Saturday, Jane Silber, CEO of Canonical will open our event while Sunday Karen Sandler, Executive Director at the Software Freedom Conservancy...

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Friday Focus: Enterprise Use of Nextcloud at the Conference

The Nextcloud conference features a focus day on Friday around use of Nextcloud in large deployments. A variety of customers and partners is working with Nextcloud on deployments and migrations and will be there to be part of the conversation. The goal is to have...

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Secure, Monitor and Control your data with Nextcloud 10 – get it now!

Nextcloud 10 is now available with many new features for system administrators to control and direct the flow of data between users on a Nextcloud server. Rule based file tagging and responding to these tags as well as other triggers like physical location, user group,...

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File Access Control – A firewall for your private files in Nextcloud

When you think about a firewall, you think about a complicated tool big companies use to keep hackers out of their networks. And perhaps you think about the many movies where weird visuals are used to represent them being used and broken through. Nextcloud has...

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Nextcloud 10 RC out: help test!

Today we made available a release candidate of Nextcloud 10! We’d love to get feedback on this and thus ask you to help test it! Almost ready Since our beta release some weeks ago we made a lot of progress. The last features were integrated...

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