Kategorie: Community

Nextcloud Near You!

Nextcloud continues to travel to events all over. We’ve had a heavy presence in Berlin in the last week, giving talks at 2 events and presenting a booth at a third! Next week, (prospective) customers can talk to our team at the IT-SA in Nürnberg,...

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Nextcloud Conference Talks online!

This year again, Nextcloud conference has been great: More than 200 guests, a hackweek, two days of awesome talks, a great barbecue party where we got to hang out as an awesome community, and much more! As usual, most of the talks presented in the...

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Nextcloud 14: the most accessible Nextcloud ever

Its easy and efficient user interface is one of Nextcloud’s biggest advantages over the competition. The upcoming Nextcloud 14 introduces a series of improvements to make Nextcloud even easier to use and also more accessible to people with visual disabilities. In this post we detail...

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Nextcloud Conference 2018: Millions of NEC routers, Nextcloud 14 and Simple Signup

While the Nextcloud Conference is not yet over, we wanted to do a quick recap of the last few days. Over 200 people have participated in the Nextcloud Conference during the days of our coding marathon as well as our program with keynotes, talks and...

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Introducing Simple Signup: you can now get started with Nextcloud in 2 steps!

At the Nextcloud Conference today we announced an exciting new program: Simple Signup! With privacy an ever-growing concern, many people have been looking to move away from centralized cloud services. However, technical complexity is a major barrier to liberating your data. Simple Signup makes the...

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Nextcloud Conference 2018: Contributor Travel Support Program!

In six weeks, the Nextcloud Conference 2018 kicks off in Berlin. During a full week, Nextcloud contributors get together to code, write Nextcloud apps, improve design, plan new features and hang out together. And on the weekend of August 25 and 26, a program with...

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Help test the next generation Nextcloud Desktop Clients!

Over the past months, the Nextcloud desktop team has been working hard to integrate End-to-end Encryption as well as a number of other improvements in the Nextcloud desktop client. To facilitate testing, we’ve set up daily builds for Windows, Linux and Mac and we’d like...

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Nextcloud pushes forward Open Cloud Mesh API with proposal for 1.0 release

Nextcloud founders Frank Karlitschek and Bjoern Schießle invented the Federated Cloud Sharing API when still at ownCloud, and pushed the solution as a collaboratively developed standard under the Open Cloud Mesh initiative of the GÉANT Association, a European collaboration on e-infrastructure and services for research...

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Celebrating 2 years Nextcloud

Just over two years ago on June 2, a dozen engineers started a new journey: Building a better private cloud. One that delivered on the needs of users and customers, providing ultimate protection for their data while empowering them to share, collaborate and be productive...

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