After hitting feature freeze and testing beta 1, many issues have been resolved and improvements were made. For this beta, we hope to have most apps in the app store ready supporting 15 and of course we continue to value the upgrade process stability greatly, so test it!
You can see a list of what we’ve changed in this release and what is still open in github – consider it our changelog for now.
This is a major release so it comes with loads of goodies, but there’s a lot of testing still to be done. We have our automated tests and it has gotten some basic smoke testing but no test scheme can replace the myriad of ways you all use Nextcloud, on NAS devices to big iron servers!
Besides testing, your help is also welcome in polishing. Small UI improvements, fixes to details – and of course bugfixes! If you are new to Nextcloud, you’re more than welcome to get involved – simply join us on github or check out this page on our website. Note that translations are very welcome too! Now is the time to translate and make sure 15 is ready for as big a number of users as possible. We have millions of users and they don’t all read English!
If you are on the beta channel, we will make beta 2 of 15 available in just a minute, stay tuned!
If you’d rather test 14.0.4rc1, you can configure a separate updater server, see this comment on the forums.
Edit: what’s known broken
One thing we found is that the „App updates available“ list was not working in 14.0.3 and 15.0.0 beta 1, so you can’t rely on this when deciding for the update. It always says „All fine – all apps compatible“ while they are not. Workaround: apply this or update to 14.0.4 before going to 15 beta 2.
Bechtle und Nextcloud kündigen heute eine vollständig verwaltete Kollaborationsplattform für den öffentlichen Sektor an, die keiner Ausschreibung bedarf und sofort bereitgestellt werden kann.
Our mission is to help individuals, businesses and organizations achieve digital sovereignty and regain control over their data. Nextcloud Hub 5 marks a massive step forward towards achieving this mission, putting the power of AI into your hands – in a way that keeps you in control. New release, new possibilities Hub 5 builds on […]
Join us for an exciting weekend of coding, design, discussions, talks, and fun! Connect with the global Nextcloud Contributor Community and be part of shaping the future of Nextcloud.
See you in Berlin, Germany! 💙
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