Categoria: Comunità

500+ users at non-profit organization Sea-Watch use Nextcloud for confidentiality of data

Can Nextcloud support a team at sea? 🌊 The answer is yes! In this blog, we describe the use case of the non-profit organization Sea-Watch and why a data sovereign collaboration platform is indispensable to their work. About Sea-Watch NGO Sea-Watch is a non-profit initiative...

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Plus de 500 utilisateurs de l’organisation à but non lucratif Sea-Watch utilisent Nextcloud pour la confidentialité des données

Nextcloud peut-il soutenir une équipe en mer ? 🌊 La réponse est oui ! Dans ce blog, nous décrivons comment l’organisation à but non lucratif Sea-Watch utilise une plateforme de collaboration souveraine en matière de données et pourquoi celle-ci est indispensable à son travail. À...

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Contribute to the Text app: the hidden gem!

Nextcloud Office comes with powerful and visible apps like Talk, Groupware and Deck, but quietly working in the background is perhaps the lesser known Text app. Nextcloud Text is perfect for note-taking, outlines and templates and it is also used in some other apps like...

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Nextcloud Podcast

How Nextcloud’s Design Team and Community Work Together – Listen to the Nextcloud Podcast!

Interested in the design process at Nextcloud and want to get involved? Then this podcast is for you. In this next podcast episode, our host Marius Quabeck speaks to a member of the Nextcloud Design Team – Nimisha Vijay. Nimisha started out as contributor through...

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Optimisez votre migration vers Nextcloud Hub grâce à nos outils dédiés

Nextcloud propose des outils de migration pour passer de Google, Dropbox, OneDrive et ownCloud à Nextcloud Hub. Lisez la suite et découvrez comment vous pouvez reprendre le contrôle de vos données.

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Developer Tutorial #4: Create Dashboard Widgets with Vue.js

Welcome to ➡️ part 4 of the Nextcloud Developer Tutorial Series! 🛠️ The Developer Tutorial Series is a program where we help developers improve their coding skills by providing them the tools and step-by-step guides on a variety of topics to succeed. Nextcloud Dashboard The...

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Come installare Nextcloud All-in-One su Linux

Sei un utente Linux che vuole installare l’immagine Docker di Nextcloud All-in-One, o AIO? In questo blog ti guidiamo attraverso i passaggi, proprio come abbiamo fatto nella nostra ultima guida AIO per Windows 10 e 11! 🎉 Nextcloud All-in-One è un progetto basato su Docker...

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Come installare Nextcloud Office

Nextcloud Office is an open source online office suite designed for today’s high work standards. Nel mondo del lavoro a distanza di oggi, ha bisogno di modi efficienti per collaborare, portare a termine il lavoro e produrre splendidi risultati. L’editing collaborativo di Nextcloud Office e...

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600 Employees at Berlin NGO AWO Collaborate through Nextcloud

600 Employees at Berlin NGO AWO Collaborate through Nextcloud

At AWO Berlin-Mitte, 600 team members work with Nextcloud Hub, using Files, Talk, Deck, Tasks and more to communicate, share, plan and collaborate around often very critical, personal data. Read on to learn why AWO choose Nextcloud! AWO Berlin-Mitte is a major provider of social...

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