Kategorie: Community

Nextcloud grew customer base 7x, added over 6.6 million lines of code and doubled its team in 2017

2017 has been the year of Nextcloud, if you would ask Google Trends: We’re clearly the project with the greatest momentum in the self-hosted Enterprise File Sync and Share market, steaming past the likes of Citrix Sharefile, Egnyte, Accellion, FileCloud and ownCloud. On the good...

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Nextcloud will rock FOSDEM – are you ready for it, too?

This year, Nextcloud will again be at FOSDEM! Last year, we had a team of over a dozen enthusiastic volunteers to present our project to the thousands of visitors and this year, we hope to have an even bigger and cooler presence. What can you...

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Nextcloud and Collabora get 100K app downloads, showing growth of self-hosted online office and private cloud

In a press release today, Nextcloud GmbH and Collabora Productivity announce that in the first 12 months since Nextcloud and Collabora released the Collabora Online Developer Edition Docker image the Nextcloud app integrating Collabora Online was downloaded over 100.000 times! 100K downloads in one year...

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Collabora Online 3.0 out with full-featured editing dialogs

Today is an exciting day for Nextcloud users who use Online Office! Collabora makes available a new version of their development/home user edition, introducing full-featured editing dialogs to the office browser. Been a long way You might recall we introduced the easy to use Online...

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Next level of Android Mobile app testing!

Recently the Nextcloud Android 2.0 app introduced contacts backup, search, fingerprint locking, notifications and much more. We’ve made many smaller and larger improvements since then. The team has since decided to make a change to the Android App test version: from now on, it is...

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85% faster LDAP, 10x read/write speed of Windows Network Drive: Welcome to Nextcloud 13 Beta

Nextcloud 13 is now out! Read our announcement blog here and discover all the improvements we made! We know, it is crazy, this is just the beta. You’ve already seen us publish a draft of our End-to-end Encryption feature coming to Nextcloud 13 and here is...

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VNCsafe provides Zimbra integration now with Collabora Online document editing

Since about half a year, VNC has been offering the VNCsafe app making Nextcloud data available within the Zimbra Email Collaboration solution. A new version of VNCsafe was released, bringing Collabora Online integration from Nextcloud to Zimbra. The VNCsafe Zimlet enables a seamless integration of...

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Q and A with Jan-Christoph Borchardt: Importance of diversity in Open Source

Jan-Christoph Borchardt is an interaction designer and community manager working on Nextcloud, Open Source Design and Open Source Diversity. Jan recently delivered a talk at the Nextcloud Conference, in which he talked about the importance of diversity in the open source community. We talked to...

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Nextcloud Introduces Easy Website Builder for Education Edition with PicoCMS

In August Nextcloud and 5 partners, Moodle, DeiC, regio iT, the TU Berlin and Univention, announced the Nextcloud Education Edition. We promised we’d keep working on it with them and extend it with other capabilities sought after in the educational space. Today, we are proud...

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