Categoria: Comunità

ethical ai

AI in Nextcloud: what, why and how

Over the last year, AI has become a popular topic. Some is hype, some is substance. Some is good, some is bad. We want to give you the good, not the bad, and ignore the hype! AI has a ton of opportunity – but also...

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App development tutorials

Develop your own Nextcloud Apps: Check out our new tutorials!

Whether you’re an amateur, experienced or an expert developer, our tutorials will prepare you for developing apps for Nextcloud. We focus on open source app development and are commited to providing our community all the tools they need to transform their ideas into real Nextcloud...

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Google privacy policy

Nemmeno Google può prendere i tuoi dati su Nextcloud

Il 1° luglio, Google ha aggiornato la sua politica sulla privacy e ha suscitato un grande scalpore in Internet. Affermazioni come: “Google sta usando i tuoi Google Docs per addestrare l’intelligenza artificiale”. “Bard è addestrato sui tuoi dati web scraped”. e addirittura “Tutto Internet ora...

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Nextcloud Hub 5 - open source collaboration platform

Presentazione dell’Hub 5: il primo a fornire uno spazio di lavoro digitale autosufficiente alimentato dall’AI

La nostra missione è aiutare individui, aziende e organizzazioni a raggiungere la sovranità digitale e a riprendere il controllo sui propri dati. Nextcloud Hub 5 segna un enorme passo avanti verso la realizzazione di questa missione, mettendo la potenza dell’intelligenza artificiale nelle tue mani –...

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Hub 5 upgraded integrations for Teams and Outlook

Hub 5 announces new and upgraded integrations for Teams and Outlook

Nextcloud Hub 5 launches today and introduces new and upgraded integrations for Teams and Outlook. Join in revolutionizing secure communications and file sharing by participating in our beta testing for these integrations.

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File Drop – Convenient and secure file exchange for Enterprises

File Drop: convenient and secure file upload and share for Enterprises

Looking for a reliable and secure file upload and share solution? Nextcloud File Drop lets you safely upload & transfer files with confidence!

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Nextcloud June events 2023

Meet Nextcloud at Events in June!

At Nextcloud, we are dedicated to sharing our mission, values and products with you. That’s why this year, we’re headed to the biggest IT, digital technology and open source events all over Europe! If you have the opportunity to attend an event, you’ll: We hope...

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Nextcloud events May 2023

Nextcloud Events in May: Join us across Europe!

EsLibre Conference The EsLibre conference is a free software conference centered around libre technologies and open source projects. This year, Nextcloud will give a talk and workshop: “nc-env: a tool to mount Nextcloud environments on your computer!” Senior Sales Engineer, Pietro Marini will lead the...

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Nextcloud Enterprise Day Speakers: Why Samaritan’s Purse deploys Nextcloud

Nextcloud Enterprise Day is soon here and we have a growing list of speakers providing insightful talks! One of our speakers is Nextcloud customer Samaritan’s Purse – a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization based in North Carolina, U.S.A. In preparation for their talk at Nextcloud Enterprise...

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