Today we’re pleased to announce another customer joining us. DeiC is as much a customer as a partner, serving the universities in Denmark and bringing Nextcloud to tens of thousands of users, scaling up the coming years to hundreds of thousands.
Quoting from the press release:
„We require a truly scalable and 100% open source enterprise solution from a reliable partner“ said Martin Bech, Head of NREN at DeIC „so we decided to migrate our service from ownCloud to Nextcloud 10“
As provider for educational and research institutions, DeIC requires a fully open source solution from a business partner with proven security and scalability expertise and a long term support offering. Unique features like a high quality SAML implementation and monitoring tooling were critical in choosing Nextcloud as supplier.
Of course the educational market is very important to us, as it represents large users which often end up giving a lot of valuable feedback and even code contributions. We developed the Monitoring capability in Nextcloud 10 on request of a large university in Germany and are working on other requests as well. Over the last 4 months we have proven to have accelerated development with a stronger focus on what these large installations need in terms of authentication technology, storage and so on and this will continue.
Bechtle und Nextcloud kündigen heute eine vollständig verwaltete Kollaborationsplattform für den öffentlichen Sektor an, die keiner Ausschreibung bedarf und sofort bereitgestellt werden kann.
Our mission is to help individuals, businesses and organizations achieve digital sovereignty and regain control over their data. Nextcloud Hub 5 marks a massive step forward towards achieving this mission, putting the power of AI into your hands – in a way that keeps you in control. New release, new possibilities Hub 5 builds on […]
As the #NextcloudConf24 is just around the corner, we would like to additionally present you with the full program for the weekend. From our keynote speakers and panelists, to live podcasting, lightning talks and workshops, we have a full agenda booked that we cannot wait to experience with you!
Mit Flow stellt Nextcloud die erste Open Source Plattform für die Umsetzung des Onlinezugangsgesetzes vor. Verwaltungen erhalten damit ein digital souveränes Tool, um Behördenleistungen online anzubieten und zu automatisieren.
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