Techweek Frankfurt, known as the event of digital transformation, is an independent trade show that brings under one roof the leading suppliers of these 7 core themes: Cloud, Cloud & Cyber Security, Data Center, Blockchain, DevOps, Smart IoT and Big Data.
Visitors/attendees have the opportunity to get to know the latest news, ideas and innovations of these technologies. Our partners from HKN, the biggest German multiregion Openstack Cloud, will host together with ScaleUptech the OpenCloud booth there and will be available to answer any questions.
HKN at TechWeek Frankfurt
HKN, with Nextcloud and its own data centers in three German cities (Düsseldorf, Hamburg and Berlin with soon Frankfurt being added), is building for its customers unique cloud solutions that automatically scale with the needs of their users.
Take the opportunity to meet them and learn how companies have secured their cloud, how they prepare for the future and how they are keeping track of things in increasingly complex systems.
Bechtle und Nextcloud kündigen heute eine vollständig verwaltete Kollaborationsplattform für den öffentlichen Sektor an, die keiner Ausschreibung bedarf und sofort bereitgestellt werden kann.
Our mission is to help individuals, businesses and organizations achieve digital sovereignty and regain control over their data. Nextcloud Hub 5 marks a massive step forward towards achieving this mission, putting the power of AI into your hands – in a way that keeps you in control. New release, new possibilities Hub 5 builds on […]
Join us for an exciting weekend of coding, design, discussions, talks, and fun! Connect with the global Nextcloud Contributor Community and be part of shaping the future of Nextcloud.
See you in Berlin, Germany! 💙
Last year we were joined by Roundcube, the most popular open source webmail client. At the time we promised to invest in the project (interview) and since then we have brought back the mailing lists and accelerating development. And today - we introduce enterprise support for Roundcube!
DIE ZEIT, a prominent German outlet, interviewed Nextcloud’s founder Frank Karlitschek for an article on Microsoft’s anti-competitive behaviour on the European office software market. Read for a recap of the article and the key takeaways.
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