After a testing period we’ve made available bugfix and security updates for Nextcloud 9, 10 and 11 today. You can download them from our changelog page. Here are the major improvements:
A fix for shared address books
WebDAV fix for Windows 10
Allow disabling the app store
Block migration from ownCloud 10 to Nextcloud 11 (will need 12)
Enable uploading of folders in Chrome
Some Calendar fixes
A LOT of enhancements to the log reader, like small screen compatibility, performance, filtering, date format display, better search, better highlighting and improved display.
Note that with our upcoming release of Nextcloud 12, you can skip the step of manually re-enabling apps as that will happen automatically!
As always, we suggest to update to this release as soon as you can! It should be a safe update but if you’re worried, we always encourage helping us test release candidates. Follow the releases topic on the forums, where RC’s for these releases appeared last week! You should also consider subscribing to our release announcement newsletter if you wish to be kept up to date by email.
Note that this is the last update for the Nextcloud 9 series. If you want to continue to use this version, please contact Nextcloud sales to get access to our Long Term Support offering.
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