Wir empfehlen Ihnen, den Ihren Anforderungen entsprechend passenden Release Kanal auszuwählen, um die neueste und sicherste Nextcloud Server Version als Update angeboten zu bekommen.
Gehen Sie direkt zur letzten Wartungsversion von:
Privatsphäre braucht Sicherheit
Wir empfehlen, Nextcloud auf dem neuesten Stand zu halten, damit Ihre Daten sicher sind. Die Updates zur Fehlerbehebung (minor Versions) beheben Sicherheitslücken, die zum Beispiel durch unser HackerOne-Programm gefunden werden. Wenn Sie Nextcloud nicht aktualisieren, können Ihre Daten gefährdet sein. Aktualisieren Sie rechtzeitig und verwenden Sie keine veralteten Nextcloud-Versionen. Privatsphäre gibt es nicht ohne Sicherheit.
Unsere Sicherheitsrichtlinien sehen vor, CVEs etwa 3 Wochen nach der Veröffentlichung einer neuen Version zu veröffentlichen. Administratoren können dann mehr über die behobenen Schwachstellen erfahren und feststellen, ob ihre Systeme möglicherweise verwundbar sind. Da böswillige Akteure zu diesem Zeitpunkt besser in der Lage sind, Angriffsvektoren zu bestimmen, ist es wichtig, vor der Veröffentlichung der CVEs aktualisiert zu haben.
Für Nextcloud Enterprise stellen wir Ihnen vorab Patches und Sicherheitsinformationen zur Verfügung. Wenn Sie einen Server mit sensiblen Daten in großem Umfang betreiben, empfehlen wir Ihnen Nextcloud Enterprise zu verwenden.
Latest Nextcloud 30 release below.
January 17, 2025
# Version 30.0.5
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Chore(i18n): Improved grammar (server#49100)
- Fix metadata storage with sharding (server#49165)
- Chore(i18n): Fixed grammar (server#49556)
- Fix(files): virtual scroller item size computation (server#49561)
- FIX WebDav MacOS failed uploads php-fpm and big files (-36 error) (server#49562)
- Fix(maintenance): Show a success message on data-fingerprint command (server#49591)
- Fix(setupcheck): Make the Memcache setupcheck use the cache (server#49594)
- Chore(absence): Add capability (server#49595)
- Fix(files): properly update paths and folder children on node move (server#49610)
- Fix: Add command to update re-share if shared-by user has been revoked (server#49612)
- Perf: improve performance of SharedStorage::getWatcher (server#49615)
- Add an error log message that notifications app isn’t enabled at file… (server#49618)
- Fix(external_storage): Cast id to int (server#49624)
- Fix: promote re-shares when deleting the parent share (server#49629)
- Enh: Improvements on sharing details (server#49631)
- Fix: Handle copy of folders containing live photos (server#49650)
- Fix: smb: don’t fail hard if we can’t load acls for a file (server#49651)
- Fix: don’t propagate future mtimes (server#49656)
- Fix(migration): Check if table exists (server#49690)
- Fix(CalDav): add support for Microsoft time zones (server#49741)
- Fix(files): cancel renaming on enter if no file name changes (server#49752)
- Fix(CalDAV): disable both iTip and iMip messages (server#49780)
- Disable/hide share edit options when user can not edit the share (server#49784)
- Fix(files): failsafe when executing actions methods (server#49792)
- Fix mimetype not being updated when changing file extention on objectstore (server#49794)
- Fix: Fix ServiceWorker scope when Nextcloud installed in subfolder (server#49798)
- Fix(files): throttle favorite with max 5 simultaneous requests (server#49805)
- Fix(files_sharing): Fix error messages from password policy (server#49822)
- Revert „fix: Handle copy of folders containing live photos“ (server#49825)
- Improve select handling for sharded queries (server#49838)
- Fix(files_external): wrong type for external mount id (server#49846)
- Fix: return 204 instead of 404 (server#49851)
- Fix: replace null character when serializing (server#49855)
- Fix(TemplateManager): Make sure TemplateFolder is a Folder (server#49877)
- Fix(share): Don’t print twice the same text on emails (server#49878)
- Fix(ReferenceApiController): Bump rate limit for public resolve endpoint (server#49884)
- Fix(View): Catch exceptions when executing mkdir for non-existent parents (server#49894)
- Fix: make sure we have a valid scheme when testing ocm urls (server#49900)
- Fix(files): Only register preview service worker once when the instance is hosted at the root path (server#49918)
- Fix(share): render conflict modal in public shares (server#49924)
- Fix: Create empty file instead of file with a space (server#49936)
- Fix(shares): Remove noisy text from email (server#49994)
- Fix(federatedfilesharing): fix notification typo (server#50014)
- Fix: remove references to non-existent ShareTypes (server#50021)
- Chore(ci): Run kerberos tests on ubuntu-latest (server#50023)
- Fix(cypress): flaky live photo test grid_view trigger issue (server#50028)
- Fix(logger): Prevent infinite recursion with log.condition => users or matches (server#50031)
- Fix(app-store): add missing exApps list items to search filter (server#50032)
- Fix(HTTP): Adjust JSONResponse data type (server#50058)
- Fix: block moving files to it’s own parent with dav (server#50060)
- Clarify installation wording to be clear that it is about account creation (server#50062)
- Fix(preview): Do not try to parse M3U files as MP3 (server#50079)
- Fix(Http): Only allow valid HTTP status code values via template (server#50089)
- Fix(SetupChecks): Don’t test caches using binary data (server#50117)
- Fix(files_sharing): Stop overwriting the share expiration date with the default expiration date (server#50204)
- Sync NC<->app patch versions (app_api#477)
- Fix: do not override sharing text (circles#1816)
- Revert „remove caching for shares“ (circles#1831)
- Fix(composer): update nextcloud/coding-standard to ^1.3 (logreader#1439)
- Fix(LogErrors): Handle unsupported log_type gracefully (logreader#1452)
- Chore(ci): update workflows (logreader#1462)
- Chore: update composer lock and nextcloud/ocp (photos#2741)
- Visual fixes and improvements (serverinfo#718)
- Chore(dev-deps): Bump nextcloud/ocp package (survey_client#354)
- Fix(notifications): Notifier::prepare() threw \InvalidArgumentExcepti… (suspicious_login#962)
- Fix(deps): Bump symfony/process (suspicious_login#967)
- Fix(eslint): Fix linting javascript files, also lint typescript files (text#6726)
- Fix(editor): Also unset `draggedOver` at drop (text#6731)
- Fix(files): catch race condition in FilesWorkspaceHeader init (text#6735)
- Fix(outline): fix mobile detection and box shadow (text#6739)
- Fix(debug): remove component in beforeDestroy hook (text#6757)
- Fix(cy): avoid double upload to prevent lock error (text#6761)
- Chore: Bump composer files with new composer version (text#6771)
- Fix(licenses): SPDF license in package.json and khroma (text#6792)
- Fix(link): Don’t throw exception on invalid URL href (text#6796)
- Fix: showing RichWorkspace for non-English language (text#6821)
- Fix(Editor): Broken translation ref (viewer#2624)
- Fix: source/dav handling and delete event payload (viewer#2627)
- Fix: Close viewer if we navigate back in browser history (viewer#2679)
December 12, 2024
# Version 30.0.4
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Fix(app-store): Add back legacy store API used for update and removal (server#49216)
- Fix(activity): make emails for link share uploads true by default (server#49691)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump @babel/node from 7.25.0 to 7.25.9 (server#49712)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump @nextcloud/cypress from 1.0.0-beta.8 to 1.0.0-beta.12 (server#49713)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/sharing from 0.2.3 to 0.2.4 (server#49714)
- Chore(deps): bump pinia from 2.2.6 to 2.2.8 (server#49715)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump cypress-split from 1.24.0 to 1.24.7 (server#49716)
- Fix(files_sharing): Stop infinite loop blocking link share requests (server#49724)
- Fix(files_sharing): Correct property enforced property names (server#49809)
- Fix(files_sharing): also submit new share on password submit (server#49817)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#1424)
- Fix npm audit (logreader#1434)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#408)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#2112)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#717)
- Update dependency @rollup/rollup-linux-x64-gnu to ^4.28.1 (text#6716)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.24.7 (text#6717)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.21.0 (text#6748)
- Fix(deps): update dependency lib0 to ^0.2.99 (text#6749)
- Fix(deps): update dependency y-prosemirror to ^1.2.15 (text#6751)
December 5, 2024
# Version 30.0.3 (Withdrawn)
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Fix: Move cloud id into readonly input (server#48978)
- Fix(settings): Align contents of profile picture heading (server#48981)
- Build(deps-dev): bump cypress from 13.13.2 to 13.13.3 (server#49047)
- Fix(caldav): duration handling in the event reader class (server#49066)
- Clear pending two factor tokens also from configuration (server#49098)
- Fix(net/security): Handle IPv6 zone IDs in link-local addresses (server#49107)
- Fix(TaskProcessingApiController): Don’t use + to merge non-assoc. arrays (server#49110)
- Fix(files): multiselect and filters store declaration (server#49136)
- Fix(theming): Return default theme if the user never selected a theme (server#49138)
- Fix(SharingEntryLink): Show default password before create if any (server#49149)
- Fix(files_sharing): note icon color on public pages (server#49153)
- Fix(files): open sidebar on sharing tab by default for files (server#49157)
- Fix: undefined variable $response in DAV storage (server#49160)
- Fix(files): edit locally buttons and description (server#49161)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @pinia/testing from 0.1.5 to 0.1.7 (server#49174)
- Fix(files): view-in-folder enabled conditions (server#49180)
- Feat(testing): Add a fake summary task provider (server#49195)
- Fix: log a warning when we can’t build a background job (server#49207)
- Chore(github): Update groupware code owners (server#49214)
- Fix(files_external): cast storage id int (server#49222)
- Docs: Adjust taiwan translators (server#49230)
- Feat: Add X-NC-Disable-Scheduling property to allow skipping scheduling (server#49234)
- Fx(dav): file request guest nickname encoding (server#49239)
- Fix remaining readdir() calls in loops with undesirable false evaluation potential (server#49241)
- Fix(Middleware): log deprecation when annotation was actually used (server#49242)
- Chore: Update `@nextcloud/upload` and `@nextcloud/files` (server#49250)
- Feat: mail provider settings (server#49254)
- Chore(deps): Add SabreDav Patch for iTip Broker (server#49264)
- Fix: override iTip Broker to fix several issues (server#49268)
- DNS: do not query CNAME if A succeeded already (server#49277)
- Textprocessing] Fix: Accept scheduling a task if there are equivalent taskprocessing providers only (server#49280)
- Fix: use invokePrivate for test (server#49292)
- Fix: RDATE and EXDATE property instances (server#49302)
- Fix: Do not check for strict cookie when running webcron (server#49310)
- Build(deps-dev): bump jsdoc from 4.0.3 to 4.0.4 (server#49321)
- Build(deps-dev): bump @types/jest from 29.5.13 to 29.5.14 (server#49330)
- Fix(files): Allow downloading multiple nodes not from same base (server#49344)
- Test(fakeAI): Allow to specify whether the fake providers should fail (server#49358)
- Fix(core): Do not use `v-html` for translation output (server#49363)
- Fix(files): improve delete display name when trashbin is disabled (server#49369)
- Fix(SetupChecks): Make sure array key is set (server#49373)
- Feat(settings): add big file upload setup checks (server#49384)
- Fix(job): Check if carddata is resource and read it to string (server#49400)
- Fix: Properly calculate intermediate icon for touch icon generation (server#49405)
- Fix(storage): Try to delete existing target (server#49410)
- Fix(files): Restore page title (folder – view – product) (server#49419)
- Fix: (CalDav) Delete invitation link when deleting Calendars or Events (server#49429)
- Fix(BackgroundJobs): Adjust intervals and time sensitivities (server#49461)
- Fix(external_storage): Cast id to int (server#49468)
- Fix(OCMDiscoveryService): Also cache error results during discovery (server#49472)
- Fix: invalid usage of IQueryBuilder::createNamedParameter() (server#49480)
- Fix(TaskProcessing): Set up fs in getFileContentsInternal (server#49491)
- Fix: throw correct exception type when we can’t verify if an s3 bucket exists (server#49497)
- Fix(security): Update CA certificate bundle (server#49509)
- Fix(activity): Fix activity object type warnings (server#49522)
- Fix(migration): Decrypt ownCloud secrets v2 (server#49537)
- Chore: stricter access to testremote endpoint (server#49544)
- Feat: Use inline password confirmation in external storage settings (server#49547)
- Fix(setupcheck): Disable PhpMaxFileSize setupcheck for now (server#49642)
- Add SabreDav Patch for iTip Broker (3rdparty#1983)
- Backport/stable30/430/manual (app_api#434)
- Check healthcheck and heartbeat after ExApp container start [backport] (app_api#440)
- Stable30: updated CI to use actions/upload-artifact@v4 (app_api#444)
- Fix): do not expose haproxy password to UI (app_api#449)
- Fix): Encrypt sensitive values(haproxy_password) in the DB (app_api#454)
- Fix migration for postgres support. (app_api#458)
- Remove caching for shares (circles#1750)
- Fix(notification): Make sure the action URL is an absolute URL (circles#1762)
- Fix(CoreQueryBuilder): Use correct member entry for circle as initiator (circles#1765)
- Fix(FederatedUserService): Increase cache TTL for singleId to one week (circles#1774)
- New daily maintenance to delete old federated events (circles#1777)
- Bypass user condition on cli (circles#1782)
- Fix duplicate name on fedcircle (circles#1783)
- Fix(activity): ensure absolute URL are used (circles#1786)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.4.10 to 5.4.11 (firstrunwizard#1438)
- Build(deps): for NC 30 support PHP>=8.1 (logreader#1415)
- Fix(SetupCheck): remove debug(?) output (logreader#1418)
- Chore(deps): Bump vue-material-design-icons from 5.3.0 to 5.3.1 (notifications#2077)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.7 to 5.3.8 (notifications#2094)
- Fix: use NcCheckboxRadioSwitch in settings (recommendations#820)
- Fix: add missing description to command (recommendations#824)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#695)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-visual-regression to ^5.2.2 (text#6470)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.24.5 (text#6589)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.4.10 (text#6590)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/files to ^3.9.1 (text#6591)
- Fix(deps): update dependency mermaid to ^10.9.3 (text#6592)
- Fix(deps): update dependency vue-material-design-icons to ^5.3.1 (text#6594)
- Fix(css): Set page `size: auto` instead of `size: A4` (text#6595)
- Fix some JS console errors (text#6600)
- Test(cypress): More specific selector for viewer header in links test (text#6604)
- Fix(addContent): only process addExtensions once (text#6605)
- Feat(debug): Expose yjs debug function in editor API (text#6608)
- Fix(files): set focus on image description right after inserting (text#6611)
- Fix(files): Reduce spacing between image and description a bit (text#6615)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/dialogs to ^5.3.8 (text#6620)
- Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.9.1 (text#6621)
- Fix(deps): update yjs (text#6622)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @rollup/rollup-linux-x64-gnu to ^4.24.4 (text#6623)
- Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-cypress to ^3.6.0 (text#6624)
- Chore(deps): update dependency rollup-plugin-webpack-stats to ^1.1.1 (text#6625)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @rollup/rollup-linux-x64-gnu to ^4.25.0 (text#6627)
- Fix(deps): update dependency debounce to ^2.2.0 (text#6628)
- Fix npm audit (text#6644)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.4.11 (text#6658)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @rollup/rollup-linux-x64-gnu to ^4.27.2 (text#6659)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/files to ^3.10.0 (text#6662)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.20.0 (text#6663)
- Revert „fix(css): Set page `size: auto` instead of `size: A4`“ (text#6669)
- Fix: log ignored workspace propfind exceptions at debug (text#6677)
- Fix npm audit (text#6691)
- Send one full update from y-websocket (text#6697)
- Ci: Run cypress on ubuntu-latest (text#6702)
- Feat: render text inserted from assistant (text#6704)
- Fix: catch all errors when getting rich workspace file (text#6705)
November 7, 2024
# Version 30.0.2
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Fix(files): Reset context menu position on close (server#47878)
- Fix(files): Ensure children are removed from folder and not duplicated (server#48240)
- Fix: improve moving object store items to trashbin (server#48245)
- Fix(FileList): Show correct avatar for federated share owner (server#48294)
- Fix(files): Add more visual move / copy notification (server#48458) 1
- Fix: provision api’s status codes (server#48474)
- Fix(filesexternal): Remove unneeded 3rdparty library use (server#48550)
- Fix: do not reduce count for subadmins if they are members of group (server#48571)
- Fix: Make user removal more resilient (server#48589)
- Fix email share transfer accross storages (server#48618)
- Chore: Replace Twitter & Diaspora links and text (server#48620)
- Fix: Return correct list of managers for a user (server#48622) 1
- Fix: Fix empty sections appearing in search results (server#48624)
- Fix: Allow overriding shouldApplyQuota check from child classes (server#48635)
- Fix: Fix “Reasons to use Nextcloud” design (server#48652)
- Chore(deps): Bump libphonenumber-js from 1.11.9 to 1.11.11 (server#48667)
- Fix(locking): Accept mixed as value on setTTL (server#48694)
- Fix: Shipped apps should include the Nextcloud version in the cache buster (server#48701) 1
- Fix(share): Return empty string if no label is set (server#48703)
- Fix(AppConfig): Add external JWT private key to sensitive keys (server#48710)
- Fix(files_sharing): Add proper user facing messages on success (server#48730)
- Fix(files): Ensure renaming state is correctly reset (server#48731)
- Fix: Fix “Unknown path” error when source user
folder has not been initialized (server#48746) - Fix: add PasswordConfirmationRequired to create user storages endpoint (server#48748)
- Fix: get rid of denied notification when accept (server#48751)
- Fix(appstore): Hide last modified information for shipped apps (server#48754)
- Build: Bump symfony/* to 6.4 (server#48763)
- Fix(security): Update code signing revocation list (server#48778)
- Feat(comments): Support mentioning emails (server#48785) 1
- Fix(activity): Fix download activity parameters (server#48818)
- Ci: Update list of installed PHP extensions (as some are not default … (server#48824)
- Fix(logger): Remove more parameters of other methods (server#48830)
- Fix(files): Adjust NavigationQuota for Nextcloud 30 design (server#48834)
- Fix(files_sharing): Add correct context to translation (server#48836)
- Build: Print RTL limited characters in translation-checker (server#48856)
- Fix(unified-search): Close on second ctrl+f (server#48861)
- Fix(app-store): Ensure the
property is always an array (server#48866) - Fix(app-store): Also proxy images of locally installed apps (server#48868)
- Fix(app-store): Correctly render Markdown in app description (server#48872)
- Fix(TextProcessing): Also list types that are available in task processing (server#48877)
- Fix(ShareAPI): Send mails for mail shares by default (server#48881) 1
- Fix(files_sharing): federated shares avatar (server#48888)
- Refactor(ShareApiController): Check for null and empty strings with e… (server#48890)
- Fix(files): handle empty view with error (server#48893)
- Chore(deps): Bump guzzlehttp/guzzle from 7.8.1 to 7.8.2 (server#48896)
- Fix(files): add title for files list table header button (server#48901)
- Fix(dav): Cleanup view-only check (server#48931)
- Fix(files_sharing): Cleanup error messages (server#48937)
- Fix: encrypt and store password, decrypt and retrieve the same (server#48939)
- Fix(app-store): Update update count in navigation (server#48945)
- Fix(config): Mark more configs as sensitive (server#48950)
- Ci(psalm): Add missing imagick extension (server#48957)
- Fix disabled user list for subadmins (server#48970)
- Fix: add PasswordConfirmationRequired to the external storages mentioned in review (server#48976)
- Fix(files): Do not jump to top when fileId is set to currentFolder (server#48979)
- Fix copying or moving from shared groupfolders (server#48984)
- Feat(settings): migrate AppAPI ExApps management to settings (server#48988)
- Fix(users): improve recently active search (server#49001)
- Fix: add PasswordConfirmationRequired to saveGlobalCredentials (server#49005)
- Fix(files_sharing): Password field must not be required if already set (server#49013)
- Fix(ShareEntryLinkList): Append new links to the end of list (server#49022)
- Fix(files-external): set password as sensitive (server#49028)
- Fix(apps-store): Fix exception on generating preview url for installed app screenshot (server#49044)
- Chore: Update code owners (server#49057)
- Docs: update overwrite.cli.url wording (server#49067)
- Fix(owncloud): Fix ownCloud migration with oauth2 app (server#49076)
- Fix(caldav): broken activity rich objects (server#49080)
- Update
to v6.0.1 (server#49093) - Chore(deps): Bump guzzlehttp/guzzle from 7.8.1 to 7.8.2 (3rdparty#1926)
- Build: Bump symfony/* to 6.4 (3rdparty#1960)
- Fix/remote activity constructor (activity#1815)
- Fix: do not send daily digest email to user who is disabled (activity#1829)
- Fix(notification): Throw new exceptions to stop debug logs (circles#1712)
- Migrating custom groups (circles#1719)
- Fix(ShareWrapperRequest): Save share attributes on creation (circles#1732)
- Fix toArray on null (circles#1740)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#1067)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1394)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.4.8 to 5.4.9 (firstrunwizard#1409)
- Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1413)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.4.9 to 5.4.10 (firstrunwizard#1419)
- Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1424)
- Refactor: Replace security annotations with respective attributes (logreader#1387)
- Chore(dev-deps): Bump nextcloud/ocp package (logreader#1392)
- Chore(dev-deps): Bump nextcloud/ocp package (nextcloud_announcements#399)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#403)
- Chore(dev-deps): Bump nextcloud/ocp package (notifications#2081)
- Fix(push): Make testing the push server easier (notifications#2084)
- Fix(generation): Fix common-password check when we accidentally hit t… (password_policy#687)
- Fix npm audit (recommendations#784)
- Fix inaccurate disk usage reporting for ext* filesystems due to reserved blocks (serverinfo#696)
- Chore(dev-deps): Bump nextcloud/ocp package (serverinfo#702)
- Feat(active users): add more active user statistics intervals and improve presentation (serverinfo#703)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 30 on stable30 (survey_client#306)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#6499)
- Fix(plaintext): multiple linebreaks at end (text#6508)
- Ci: Fix assistant button selector (text#6517)
- Chore(deps): update dependency typescript to ^5.6.3 (text#6527)
- Chore(deps): update vite (text#6528)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/axios to ^2.5.1 (text#6529)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.19.0 (text#6530)
- Fix npm audit (text#6556)
- Feat(editorApi): Add function to allow setting readonly bar props (text#6570)
- Fix(mermaid): No custom link handling for links in mermaid diagrams (text#6576)
- Fix npm audit (twofactor_nextcloud_notification#910)
- Chore(dev-deps): Bump nextcloud/ocp package (twofactor_nextcloud_notification#912)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (twofactor_nextcloud_notification#917)
- Fix npm audit (twofactor_nextcloud_notification#918)
- Fix npm audit (viewer#2575)
- Fix: Update default editor translations for version 4.8.1 (viewer#2594)
- Fix: Usage of pushToHistory function on prev/next (viewer#2608)
October 17, 2024
# Version 30.0.1
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Fix(files): Check if target path is a descendant of the shared folder (server#47796)
- Fix(TaskProcessing): increase error_message column length (server#47804)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump @pinia/testing from 0.1.4 to 0.1.5 (server#47814)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump cypress-if from 1.12.5 to 1.12.6 (server#47815)
- Chore(i18n): adapted lowercase (server#47838)
- Fix(caldav, carddav): also allow unsharing of circle shares (server#47857)
- Fix(preview): gracefully handle file not being opened in ProviderV2 (server#47868)
- Fix(appstore): return if appstore is manually disabled (server#47872)
- Fix: Display ‚Leave share‘ instead of ‚Delete‘ (server#47894)
- Fix(settings): Add back create group icon (server#47902)
- Fix(LDAP): check index before accessing it (server#47919)
- Fix(files_external): Handling in SFTP UI for custom ports (server#47923)
- Fix(appstore): Ensure returned apps from AppStore are valid (server#47937)
- Fix(config): Throw PreconditionException always when it didn’t match (server#47940)
- Fix(setup-checks): Ensure URL with webroot works (server#47944)
- Fix(files_external): broken credentials dialog (server#47951)
- Fix(files): Adjust Cache::searchQuery() parameter name to match interface (server#47957)
- Fix(files_external): Check key exists before accessing it (server#47976)
- Fix: Do not try to set HTTP response code on already closed connection (server#47981)
- Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#47989)
- Fix(a11y): Update OpenDyslexic from 0.920 to 2.001 (server#47995)
- Feat: Reset route if neither the Viewer of the Sidebar is open (server#48000)
- Fix(Storage\Local): Do not call getSourcePath() on SplFileInfo (server#48021)
- Fix(Comment): Initialize childrenCount as integer (server#48025)
- Fix(Tags): Return boolean for userHasTags() (server#48027)
- Fix(BaseResponse): Cast XML element values to string (server#48035)
- Fix(S3ConfigTrait): Allow proxy field to take false (server#48036)
- Fix: correct link to trademark (server#48038)
- Fix(dav): set string type for sanitizeMtime (server#48053)
- Fix(dav): imip service test expects integers for last occurence (server#48056)
- Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#48059)
- Fix(user_ldap): Use %n in plural translation to avoid a crash in L10N (server#48061)
- Fix(filesreport): cast fileId to integer (server#48069)
- Fix(dav): cast parameters to string (server#48071)
- Test: cast node name and data to string (server#48072)
- Fix(a11y): Add OTF font loading check (server#48073)
- Fix(weather_status): Fix search address errors when offline (server#48076)
- Fix: misc code fixes around db sharding (server#48077)
- Fix(Entity): Fix magic setter call for custom strong typed setters (server#48088)
- Fix: Prevent crash when refreshing metadata for files without an owner (server#48093)
- Catch MaxInstancesExceededException on calendar events (server#48097)
- Fix(config): Add missing handling for `envCache` in `getKeys()` (server#48101)
- Ensure that the hash method does not return null (server#48109)
- Fix(settings): disable Discover when appstore is disabled (server#48120)
- Fix(appstoreFetcher): get list from a custom store and remove unnecessary warning (server#48127)
- Feat(share): ensure unique share tokens (server#48142)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/calendar-availability-vue from 2.2.2 to 2.2.4 (server#48186)
- Chore(deps): Bump debounce from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 (server#48189)
- Ci: Bump phpunit to 9.6.19 and add dependabot (server#48191)
- Ci fixes (server#48205)
- Fix: expand select and group by for calendar reminder backend (server#48211)
- Improve (slow) move on same object (server#48221)
- Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#48229)
- Perf: reuse cache info we already have when moving to object store (server#48233)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @types/jest from 29.5.12 to 29.5.13 (server#48256)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/axios from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1 (server#48257)
- Fix(psalm): Enable findUnusedBaselineEntry (server#48279)
- Chore: add .git-blame-ignore-revs (server#48282)
- Fix: Don’t crash if disabled user is missing in the database (server#48285)
- Fix(tests): Fix test selection and run unit tests of DAV and user_status (server#48286)
- Chore: bump 3rdparty (server#48296)
- Fix(i18n): Changed grammar (server#48298)
- Fix(autocomplete): Move known array keys to psalm docs (server#48299)
- Fix: skip the integrity check for nextcloud-init-sync.lock (server#48302)
- Add bidirectional text support – Backend (server#48308)
- Fix: Ensure app discover section is returned as list (server#48314)
- Fix: gracefully parse non-standard trusted certificates (server#48317)
- Chore(deps): Bump web-auth/webauthn-lib from 4.8.5 to 4.9.1 (server#48319)
- Build(deps): bump giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php-lite from 8.13.35 to… (server#48328)
- Fix(deps): Bump doctrine/dbal from 3.8.3 to 3.9.1 (server#48330)
- Fix(security): Update CA certificate bundle (server#48337)
- Fix(files): Fix having to resolve conflicts twice when dropping files (server#48350)
- Fix(icons): Document icon requirements for notifications and activities (server#48358)
- Fix(files_external): Catch correct exception (server#48365)
- Fix: Show storage full warning when storage is actually full (server#48369)
- Build(deps): Bump laravel/serializable-closure from 1.3.3 to 1.3.5 (server#48374)
- Fix: Use placeholder for external storage password (server#48388)
- Fix(QueryBuilder): Restrict identifier length to 30 characters due to Oracle limitations (server#48391)
- Skip future shipped apps from updatenotification check (server#48394)
- Feat(app_api): make app_api shipped and default enabled (server#48395)
- Fix(files_sharing): Parse OCM share permissions from OCM and not OCS prop (server#48401)
- Chore(deps): Bump @vueuse/core from 10.11.0 to 10.11.1 (server#48428)
- Chore(deps): Bump libphonenumber-js from 1.11.5 to 1.11.9 (server#48429)
- Fix: correctly count disabled users for subadmins (server#48447)
- Fix(theming): Use `AppConfig` for setting background image (server#48452)
- Ci: fail psalm when baseline update required (server#48469)
- Fix(migration): Check if column exists before adding it (server#48489)
- Fix(Auth): ignore missing token when trying to set password-unconfirm… (server#48492)
- Fix(config): Suppress `config.php` fopen error at install time (server#48503)
- Fix: make federation address book sync work with allow_local_remote_servers = false (server#48506)
- Fix(TaskProcessing\Manager): Don’t provoke PHP notice in setTaskResult (server#48514)
- Fix(files): Fix folders not being selectable in the smart picker (server#48516)
- Chore: Move from Twitter to X (server#48523)
- Fix(dav): don’t crash subscription on invalid calendar object (server#48529)
- Fix(caldav): add missing handlers (server#48531)
- Fix(admin_audit): Listen to the right events (server#48551)
- Fix(theming): Fix layout of themes (server#48553)
- Fix(QueryBuilder): Account for aliases in output columns (server#48558)
- Fix(config): Mark more app configs sensitive (server#48586)
- Fix(settings): Use axios directly for health check to preven URL sanitizing (server#48615)
- Fix(dav): Public WebDAV endpoint should allow `GET` requests (server#48630)
- Fix(deps): Bump doctrine/dbal from 3.8.3 to 3.9.1 (3rdparty#1919)
- Chore(deps): Bump web-auth/webauthn-lib from 4.8.5 to 4.9.1 (3rdparty#1921)
- Bump giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php-lite from 8.13.35 to 8.13.45 (3rdparty#1937)
- Chore: set version in composer.json (3rdparty#1938)
- Build(deps): Bump laravel/serializable-closure from 1.3.3 to 1.3.5 (3rdparty#1953)
- Remove requiring PNG for iOS (activity#1796)
- Fix npm audit (bruteforcesettings#638)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.5 to 5.3.7 (bruteforcesettings#642)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/axios from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1 (bruteforcesettings#656)
- Fix npm audit (bruteforcesettings#664)
- Fix(CoreQueryBuilder): Use shorter prefixes to stay below 30 characters for Oracle <12.2 (circles#1702)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#364)
- Fix npm audit (files_downloadlimit#375)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#385)
- Fix npm audit (files_downloadlimit#386)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#392)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#1044)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump axios from 1.7.6 to 1.7.7 (files_pdfviewer#1048)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/axios from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1 (files_pdfviewer#1056)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#1060)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1351)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1361)
- Fix: Add missing whiteboard icon (firstrunwizard#1365)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump vite from 5.4.2 to 5.4.7 (firstrunwizard#1372)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/axios from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1 (firstrunwizard#1373)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1377)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump vite from 5.4.7 to 5.4.8 (firstrunwizard#1385)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1387)
- Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1388)
- Fix: cards should have the same size (firstrunwizard#1400)
- Chore(deps): bump axios from 1.7.3 to 1.7.4 (logreader#1343)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#384)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#388)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#390)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#2036)
- Create block-merge-eol.yml (notifications#2038)
- Fix(notifications): Fix notification parameter types (notifications#2042)
- Chore(deps): Bump ua-parser-js from 1.0.38 to 1.0.39 (notifications#2049)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/axios from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1 (notifications#2050)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#2055)
- Ci(performance): Make performance test more reliable by disabling cro… (notifications#2061)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#2062)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#2064)
- Feat: Check upload directory share state (photos#2661)
- Fix: Use user uid to compare in PhotosPicker (photos#2665)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#683)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#685)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#690)
- Fix: failure when using sqlite3 (survey_client#320)
- Fix: clarify language for removing previously sent report data (survey_client#321)
- Fix: notifications link for mobile / desktop error generating errors in v30 (survey_client#324)
- Fix(notifications): Only define URLs and actions in one place (survey_client#328)
- Fix npm audit (suspicious_login#927)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-visual-regression to ^5.2.1 (text#6230)
- Fix(CodeBlock): Fix visibleFocus and pasting in code blocks (text#6352)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @rollup/rollup-linux-x64-gnu to ^4.21.3 (text#6362)
- Fix(deps): update dependency debounce to ^2.1.1 (text#6363)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.4.5 (text#6366)
- Fix(deps): update dependency yjs to ^13.6.19 (text#6367)
- Chore(deps): update dependency typescript to ^5.6.2 (text#6375)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/files to ^3.9.0 (text#6376)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#6378)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.18.0 (text#6379)
- Test(cy): Fix ImageView native tests (text#6384)
- Fix headings papercuts (text#6407)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to v5.4.6 [security] (text#6418)
- Fix(placeholder): Show placeholder on empty paragraph, improve wording (text#6421)
- Fix(paragraph): migrate preview options to decorations (text#6431)
- Feat(menu): Put list items in submenu, add indentation options (text#6433)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#6446)
- Fix(css): Use singlequotes to please stylelint (text#6450)
- Fix(codeblock): Add border radius (text#6456)
- Fix(tasklist): Correct indention (text#6459)
- Fix(vite): set `NODE_ENV` in `package.json` scripts (text#6460)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#6475)
- Fix npm audit (text#6477)
- Fix(sync): Disable browser broadcast (text#6483)
- Fix: Apply checks on shares in the middleware (text#6489)
- Check link protocol (text#6493)
- Fix(sync): handle 502 (Bad Gateway) gracefully (text#6496)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (twofactor_nextcloud_notification#884)
- Fix npm audit (twofactor_nextcloud_notification#886)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (twofactor_nextcloud_notification#891)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (twofactor_nextcloud_notification#898)
- Fix npm audit (twofactor_nextcloud_notification#899)
- Create .l10nignore (twofactor_nextcloud_notification#901)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (twofactor_nextcloud_notification#904)
- Fix npm audit (twofactor_totp#1557)
- Chore(deps): update cypress (viewer#2471)
- Fix: Make loading the viewer an init script (viewer#2488)
- Fix(cypress): roboto loading check for visual regression (viewer#2497)
- Update cypress snapshots (viewer#2500)
- Perf: fast cypress (viewer#2514)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.4.5 (viewer#2515)
- Fix: Only remove openfile from route when closing the viewer (viewer#2516)
- Update cypress snapshots (viewer#2520)
- Fix(deps): update dependency debounce to ^2.1.1 (viewer#2525)
- Chore(deps): update dependency typescript to ^5.6.2 (viewer#2526)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.18.0 (viewer#2527)
- Chore(deps): lock file maintenance (viewer#2538)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to v5.4.6 [security] (viewer#2543)
- Fix: make dark header configurable (viewer#2545)
- Update cypress snapshots (viewer#2559)
- Fix: Proper layout for split view (viewer#2568)
September 14, 2024
# Version 30.0.0
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Allow calling cron jobs background job class with occ (server#30359)
- Use LazyUser in DefaultShareProvider (server#33581)
- Unmark deleted users if their last login date is more recent than deleted date (server#36942)
- Fix(files_sharing): tab shares title and creation sort (server#37878)
- Fix(previews): Don’t crash on animated WEBP images (server#38364)
- Wordings : Enhancement of background and UI color change thanks to better title and description (server#38670)
- Feat: remove orphaned entries from filecache_extended (server#38933)
- Refactor „substr“ calls in lib/public to improve code readability (server#39217)
- Add option to add backtrace to the query logger (server#39247)
- Set Doctrine to use nest transactions with savepoints (server#39589)
- Increase debounce delay when saving account properties (server#39825)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getContactsManager` (server#40119)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getCsrfTokenManager` (server#40120)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getEncryptionFilesHelper` (server#40122)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getSecureRandom` (server#40124)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getEncryptionKeyStorage` (server#40133)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getHTTPClientService` (server#40137)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getL10NFactory` (server#40141)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getNotificationManager` (server#40147)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getMailer` (server#40151)
- Audit the tag creator (server#40163)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getAvatarManager` in user_ldap app (server#40206)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getAvatarManager` in dav app (server#40207)
- Feat: Adding the displayname to the output of occ group:list –info (server#40427)
- Feat: In app search (server#41609)
- Fix(dav): Handle duplicate event reminder (server#41740)
- Update IRC URL (server#42746)
- Enh(metadata): Introduce a memory limit for metadata generation (server#42800)
- Expose dashboard layout and statuses API (server#42973)
- Theming: Separate `primary` and `background` colors – fix the header menu colors (server#42977)
- Get child ids for folder in a separate query during move (server#43531)
- Fix for ignored `CSP_NONCE` in ContentSecurity Header (server#43573)
- Enh(metadata): migrate metadata to lazy appconfig (server#43574)
- Fix(styles): Adjust heading styles (server#43640)
- Fix(files): handle multidimensional arrays in scanner (server#43794)
- [master] Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#43808)
- Fix(Session): avoid password confirmation on SSO (server#43942)
- Migrate away from OC_App and toward IAppManager. (server#44025)
- Fix: regression with updating read-only config (server#44039)
- Feat(core): Include core capabilities in OpenAPI (server#44216)
- Show upload menu in folders‘ emptycontent (server#44272)
- Fix: Pass the mountpoint target user to storages without owner (server#44294)
- Fix(settings): show warning for indexToReplace as part of missing indices (server#44306)
- Fix(dav): Fix quota check for chunk upload (server#44332)
- Fix(LDAP): escape DN on check-user (server#44350)
- Fix: csrf check failed on public share with password (server#44369)
- Fix(files): breadcrumbs drag-and-drop & unifying methods (server#44409)
- Fix(breadcrumbs): improved rendering of breadcrumb progress bar (server#44450)
- Make sass command compatible with macos (server#44452)
- Refactor: remove non-shallow getSharesInFolder (server#44460)
- Build(deps-dev): bump express from 4.18.2 to 4.19.2 (server#44467)
- Respect empty `expiryDate` value in server (server#44485)
- Feat: support „s3-accelerate“ endpoint (server#44496)
- Fix(dashboard): do not suggest to install new widgets if appstore is disabled (server#44506)
- Perf(dav): skip non-calendar requests in webcal caching plugin (server#44511)
- Feat(trashbin): Show original location of deleted file (server#44512)
- Fix(files): Fix translation of „Delete file“ (server#44526)
- Master is now 30 (server#44530)
- Build(deps): bump vimeo/psalm from 5.9.0 to 5.23.1 in /vendor-bin/psalm (server#44533)
- Build(deps): bump nextcloud/coding-standard from 1.1.1 to 1.2.1 in /vendor-bin/cs-fixer (server#44534)
- Build(deps-dev): bump typescript from 5.4.2 to 5.4.3 (server#44537)
- Build(deps-dev): bump sass from 1.71.1 to 1.72.0 (server#44538)
- Build(deps-dev): bump @babel/preset-typescript from 7.23.3 to 7.24.1 (server#44540)
- Build(deps): bump @nextcloud/files from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 (server#44542)
- Build(deps): bump davclient.js from `1ab200d` to `de93b73` (server#44544)
- Build(deps): bump webdav from 5.4.0 to 5.5.0 (server#44545)
- Build(deps): bump the github-actions group with 4 updates (server#44547)
- Fix(files): Fix error with numeric filenames (server#44562)
- Fix(files_sharing): Create passwords when enforced for mail shares (server#44571)
- Fix(files_sharing): Disable autocomplete for share label and password (server#44575)
- Perf(core): add index on name (server#44586)
- Fix(encryption): Clicking default module in UI sets bogus value (server#44604)
- Feat: drop support for php 8.0 (server#44607)
- Fix(tests): Fix tests when daytime saving time change happened recently (server#44612)
- Chore(bug-report-template): update list of nc versions (server#44619)
- Fix(SetupChecks): Add hint about dns/firewall if `mjs` check can’t run (server#44621)
- Fix(federation): ICloudId->getRemote() should contain the protocol (server#44625)
- Fix(appconfig): returns correct value on details (server#44640)
- Fix(appconfig): compare with original value (server#44642)
- Feat(trashbin): Add deleted by properties (server#44643)
- Fix(appconfig): format app values (server#44644)
- Fix: Remove obsolete resource typing (server#44658)
- Build(deps-dev): bump undici from 5.28.3 to 5.28.4 (server#44660)
- Fix(files): Do not show files from hidden folders in „Recent“-view if hidden files are disabled by user (server#44661)
- Fix(deps): Update phpseclib from 2.0.45 to 2.0.47 (server#44662)
- Fix(DateTimeFormatter): Adjust invalid doc blocks (server#44663)
- Fix(dav): Rate limit address book creation (server#44664)
- Occ: Improve `user:lastseen` timestamp (server#44666)
- Fix(session): Do not update authtoken last_check for passwordless (server#44670)
- Fix(3rdparty): Add a CI job to check 3rdparty integrity (server#44678)
- Build(deps): bump libphonenumber-js from 1.10.58 to 1.10.60 (server#44681)
- Fix(deps): Update doctrine/dbal to 3.8.3 (server#44683)
- Feat(trashbin): Show user who deleted a file (server#44694)
- Build(deps-dev): bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.18 to 9.6.19 in /build/integration (server#44695)
- Build(deps-dev): bump cypress from 13.7.1 to 13.7.2 (server#44698)
- Build(deps-dev): bump sass from 1.72.0 to 1.74.1 (server#44699)
- Fix(Blurhash): Suppress imagecreatefromstring() E_WARNING (server#44705)
- Chore(RichObjectStrings): Add missing newlines (server#44707)
- Fix(preview): check mime type before processing with Imagick (server#44710)
- Call davGetFavoritesReport after the registration of propfind properties (server#44714)
- Fix: Update `fusonic/opengraph` from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0 (server#44715)
- Fix(oc-dialog): Get rid of the overlay (server#44717)
- Fix(3rdparty): Adjust dependencies to also require min. PHP 8.1 (server#44720)
- Fix(AppFramework): Fix error message about 204 not allowing custom headers (server#44726)
- Fix: use proper jailed patch in watcher (server#44730)
- Fix: Fix avatar images (server#44736)
- Fix(auth): Keep redirect URL during 2FA setup and challenge (server#44745)
- Docs: Adjust branding in IDBConnection::prepare doc block (server#44746)
- Expose subscription calendars (server#44752)
- Feat(occ): Add –disabled option to occ user:list (server#44753)
- Feat: Deprecate and replace legacy jQuery UI dialogs with Vue (server#44755)
- Fix: Add deprecation to `OC.dialogs.fileexists` (server#44756)
- Fix(deps): Bump web-auth/webauthn-lib from 3.3.9 to 4.8.5 (server#44761)
- Build(deps-dev): bump cypress-split from 1.21.0 to 1.23.0 (server#44762)
- Fix(groups): allows to save group names with more than 64 characters (server#44763)
- Fix(notifications): Improved notification exceptions (server#44770)
- Fix(federation): give some time to prepare both servers (server#44771)
- Reduce app container border radius (server#44786)
- Feat: add additional logging for database errors (server#44788)
- Fix: consider all paths the user has for a share source when considering max permissions (server#44791)
- Fix(memcache): remove double $$ to fix error (server#44794)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue to v8.11.2 (server#44795)
- Fix(Router): Stop loading routes of disabled apps (server#44797)
- Fix(capabilities): Expose if mod-rewrite is working via capabilities (server#44799)
- Fix(files): Display selected files count (server#44805)
- Chore(files): Switch widget icon to primary color (server#44806)
- Build(deps-dev): bump typescript from 5.4.3 to 5.4.5 (server#44809)
- Chore(db): move to OCP\Server (server#44810)
- Fix(files): apply the renaming when leaving the input field (server#44819)
- Chore(deps): Update openapi-extractor (server#44827)
- Feat(occ): Add –storage-tree option to info:file to help debug storages (server#44829)
- Fix(files): Inherit some node attributes when creating new nodes to preserve shared state (server#44834)
- Chore: Update `@nextcloud/upload` to 1.1.1 to fix uploading large files (server#44835)
- Fix: avoid douple `expireDate` parsing (server#44838)
- Fix(sharingDetails): Show correct share target (server#44839)
- Feature/occ clear avatar cache command (server#44840)
- Fix(files): Focus filename input in new-node dialog when opened (server#44847)
- Fix: Drop unmaintained and unused dependencies (server#44849)
- Fix(deps): Update symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer from 1.28.0 to 1.29.0 (server#44854)
- Support multiple scopes in DAV search (server#44858)
- Feat(user_ldap): Add setup check to verify connection configuration (server#44859)
- Fix(user_ldap): Remove unicode character from log lines (server#44860)
- Chore: Fix update-psalm-baseline to use correct php version depending on branch (server#44861)
- Fix(comments): Fix issues thrown by comments sidebar tab code (server#44868)
- Fix(systemtags): Use built-in input label to satisfy a11y check of NcSelect (server#44869)
- [master] Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#44870)
- Feat: include file id in audit logs (server#44871)
- Feat: reduce available languages per config value „reduce_to_languages“ (server#44876)
- Fix(status): Update status time when reverting to it manually (server#44878)
- Fix(files): Clear search filter when changing directory or view (server#44882)
- Feat: add request id as comment to all queries (server#44884)
- Fix(activity): Improved activity exceptions (server#44886)
- Fix(files): Also skip cross storage move with access control (server#44889)
- Fix(caldav): When message is a reply compare the message sender not the recipient (server#44893)
- Fix(files): Close sidebar and update fileid when current node is deleted (server#44897)
- Fix(files): Also restore shares after ownership transfer for object storage (server#44904)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs to v5.3.1 (server#44905)
- Feat(files): Use receiving users language for the ownership transfer target folder (server#44906)
- Fix: Use strict_types in ClearGeneratedAvatarCacheCommand.php (server#44915)
- Fix(sharing): Don’t change the type of the controller argument (server#44916)
- Fix: Fix truncation on public page (server#44923)
- [master] Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#44928)
- Better wordings in the new user modal (server#44931)
- Chore(deps): Bump giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php-lite from 8.13.27 to 8.13.35 (server#44935)
- Fix(CalDAV): remove UNKNOWN from room / resource consideration (server#44938)
- Fix(settings): Save one HTTP request on enabling an app (server#44939)
- Bump @types/dockerode from 3.3.26 to 3.3.28 (server#44941)
- Bump @simplewebauthn/browser from 9.0.1 to 10.0.0 (server#44942)
- Bump @nextcloud/password-confirmation from 5.0.1 to 5.1.0 (server#44943)
- Build(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 2.15.1 to 2.15.2 (server#44944)
- Perf(templates): Emit RegisterTemplateCreatorEvent to register template creators more lazy (server#44952)
- Perf(ILockManager): Allow registering a lock provider lazy (server#44953)
- Chore(deps): Bump sabre/dav from 4.5.0 to 4.6.0 (server#44962)
- Chore: Add missing parameter to docblock tag psalm-taint-sink (server#44966)
- Perf(files_sharing): Move events to listener classes and registration instead of boot (server#44967)
- Fix: Drop workarounds for unsupported obsolete PHP versions (server#44968)
- Chore(deps): Bump php-opencloud/openstack from 3.2.1 to 3.10.0 (server#44970)
- Feat: Add legal notice and privacy policy links to help page (server#44973)
- Fix(provisioning_api): Show warning but do not fail when listing accounts in case of users removed from backend but still in database (server#44982)
- Fix(files): Use OCP\Util::getForbiddenFileNameChars instead of directaccess to system config (server#44996)
- Fix(migration): Bump files_trashbin version to trigger migration (server#45000)
- Fix(DAV): Migrate known exceptions to Sabre exceptions when copying (server#45001)
- Chore(deps): Bump symfony/translation from 5.4.24 to 6.4.4 (server#45006)
- Fix(db): Prevent two connections for single node databases (server#45013)
- Fix: forbid moving a folder into a subfolder of itself (server#45014)
- Avoid updating the same oc_authtoken row twice (server#45026)
- Fix(unifiedSearch): Prevent broken avatars for federated users (server#45029)
- Replaces „Time:“ with „Date and time:“ in calendar e-mail notification (server#45032)
- Fix: chunked upload leading to 0-byte files (server#45035)
- Fix(caldav): Add sharee to address list when calendar is shared (server#45054)
- Fix(userstatus): catch unique constrain violation on revert (server#45055)
- Feat(exception-template): allow to link to specific documentation for how to retreive server log (server#45057)
- Perf(db): Sort data for IN before chunking (server#45058)
- Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (server#45065)
- Updating dependabot-approve-merge.yml workflow from template (server#45066)
- Update license header how-to for use of SPDX header (server#45067)
- Build(deps-dev): bump @nextcloud/cypress from 1.0.0-beta.7 to 1.0.0-beta.8 (server#45071)
- Build(deps-dev): bump puppeteer from 22.5.0 to 22.7.1 (server#45072)
- Build(deps-dev): bump sass from 1.74.1 to 1.75.0 (server#45073)
- Update devcontainer PHP dependencies to 8.3 (server#45086)
- Fix(User\Manager): Avoid future collisions with updater/audit logs (server#45088)
- Education „bundle“ (server#45091)
- Fix(search): show user search provider for deactivated and admin pages (server#45092)
- Fix(session): Avoid race condition for cache::get() vs. cache::hasKey() (server#45093)
- Feat: TaskProcessing API (server#45094)
- Feat(files): Allow to upload folders (server#45095)
- Fix(files): Add missing properties and fix Typescript errors in `FileEntryName` (server#45096)
- Fix(caldav): Do not load IMipPlugin before user auth and session is c… (server#45098)
- Chore: remove unnecessary ini_set (server#45117)
- Fix(dav): Don’t log access control as error (server#45120)
- Fix(querybuilder): Remove temporary internal method executeUpdate() (server#45122)
- Fix(deps): Drop `ical.js` from dependencies (server#45125)
- Fix(core): add fs_name_hash index to migration (server#45129)
- Chore: Remove All files prefix from original location (server#45131)
- [master] Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#45134)
- Feat(webauthn): submit device name by pressing enter (server#45136)
- Retry smb notify test a few times (server#45138)
- Fix: fix FileAccess::getByFileId(InStorage) (server#45140)
- Fix(github): Add a security info to the PR template (server#45149)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump ejs from 3.1.9 to 3.1.10 (server#45150)
- Fix(tests): Replace deprecated methods in `FileTest` (server#45159)
- Fix: Changes the color of the „Delete User“ and „X“ exit buttons on hover. (server#45160)
- Fix: Do not import from `axios` but only `@nextcloud/axios` (server#45161)
- Fix(icons): Update files icon (server#45163)
- Feat: add option to disable scanner transactions (server#45172)
- Fix(ci): Update `node-test` workflow and drop unneeded `cypress:version` output (server#45177)
- Fix: Do not import styles that are already included in server bundle (server#45178)
- Chore(deps): bump vimeo/psalm from 5.23.1 to 5.24.0 in /vendor-bin/psalm (server#45179)
- Chore(deps): bump core-js from 3.36.1 to 3.37.0 (server#45181)
- [master] Fix npm audit (server#45186)
- Docs: added customclient_fdroid key to the config.sample.php file (server#45193)
- Fix(OC_Image): Set correct return type for exif_imagetype stub (server#45196)
- Fix(dav): Try basic auth for ajax WebDAV requests (server#45207)
- [master] Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#45209)
- Update pdf icon (server#45218)
- Fix(userstatus): Fix docs of user status manager (server#45219)
- Feat(auth): Clean-up unused auth tokens and wipe tokens (server#45221)
- CalDAV fix search with limit and time range (server#45222)
- Fix: Remove reminder action from trash (server#45227)
- Fix(settings): define a ‚heartbeat‘ route, so SecurityHeaders can handle redirected root (server#45228)
- Fix: Avoid updating size when calling touch on a file (server#45233)
- Fix(caldav): automatically delete outdated scheduling objects (server#45235)
- Hide ‚updater.server.url‘ As It May Contain Enterprise Key (server#45236)
- Perf(deleteAction): Queue delete requests (server#45237)
- Fix(issue_template): Add security reporting redirect to bug report form (server#45240)
- Fix(setupChecks): update db version checks (server#45241)
- Fix(setupCheck): Only warn when memcache present w/o memcached (server#45242)
- Add SPDX header – batch #1 (server#45244)
- Feat: Split display name and username columns (server#45245)
- Add variable for inputs border width (server#45247)
- Feat: add ability to sort by last login (server#45249)
- Revert rename (server#45250)
- Fix(files): do not rely on unique fileid (server#45251)
- Add SPDX header – batch #2 (server#45252)
- Fix: Move hint about firewall issues to common helper string (server#45254)
- Fix(ci): Align mariadb versions with list of supported versions (server#45255)
- Revert rename changes (server#45256)
- Fix: getMountsForFileId may return an unordered list (server#45258)
- Fix(SetupChecks): Detect CLI mode in HTTPS / URL generator check (server#45262)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump @nextcloud/stylelint-config from 2.4.0 to 3.0.1 (server#45263)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/l10n from 2.2.0 to 3.1.0 (server#45264)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump @simplewebauthn/types from 9.0.1 to 10.0.0 (server#45267)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump @testing-library/jest-dom from 6.4.2 to 6.4.5 (server#45268)
- Refactor(provisioning_api): Add types for user details scopes (server#45270)
- Feat(SetupChecks): Refactor DatabaseHasMissingIndices (server#45272)
- Feat(log): Allow to combine log.conditions to only log (app&user) (server#45277)
- Docs(preview): Improve API parameter descriptions (server#45288)
- Add temporary variable for border radius (server#45295)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (server#45297)
- Revert: „Check datadirectory owner, not config owner.“ (server#45302)
- 44032 fix show new shares without refresh (server#45305)
- Perf(systemtags): Add index for systemtags_object_mappings.objectid (server#45306)
- Fix(caldav): loop through all events for busy events (server#45309)
- Fix(settings): Move new user modal to dialog + minor refactoring (server#45315)
- Fix(search): Limit maximum number of search results (server#45317)
- Fix: Correctly check result of function (server#45321)
- Fix: Extend SVG reference check (server#45340)
- Fix(IRegistrationContext): Add missing TaskProcessing methods (server#45345)
- Fix setOwner since doc (server#45346)
- Fix: Only list remnants as disabled if option is enabled (server#45347)
- Fix(login): Disable login button when already logging in (server#45352)
- Feat: support excalidraw file (server#45353)
- Docs(TaskProcessingApi): Cleanup endpoint descriptions (server#45354)
- Fix: delete user credentials stored in storages_credentials when user gets deleted (server#45355)
- Fix: add ldap_exop_passwd function to sensitive value (server#45357)
- Feat: Add back searching in disabled user list (server#45370)
- Feat: Add `forbidden_filename_characters` to JSConfig for use in frontend libraries (server#45374)
- Move EventSource to `OC` namespace (server#45375)
- Fix(files): Drop `xml2js` dependency and use browser native DOMParser (server#45387)
- Fix: Mark more configs as sensitive (server#45390)
- Feat(TaskProcessingApi): Add endpoint for getting the next task (server#45391)
- Refactor(files): Fix some ESLint and Typescript issues in FilesList (server#45394)
- Fix(theming): Conitionally disable blur filter for performance (server#45395)
- Chore(settings): Change „user“ to „account“ (server#45398)
- Fix(db): Prevent data loss by temporarily disabling `db:convert-type` (server#45400)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/logger from 2.7.0 to 3.0.2 (server#45401)
- Fix(contactsmenu): empty content margin (server#45406)
- Fix(auth): Update authtoken activity selectively (server#45411)
- Fix(files): Don’t fail if dir exists (server#45413)
- Fix(login-mask): remove `Login with` from label (server#45415)
- Feat(files): refresh preview on etag change (server#45417)
- Fix(files): Implement `SortingService` to fix sorting of files (server#45419)
- Feat(RichObjectStrings): Add missing Talk ‚file‘ metadata fields (server#45424)
- Chore(deps): Bump pear/archive_tar from 1.4.14 to 1.5.0 (server#45428)
- Add SPDX header – Batch 3 (server#45429)
- Feat(dav): Add an API for upcoming events (server#45435)
- Fix(INavigationManager): Fix psalm alias not set in the right place (server#45455)
- Fix: register DI alias for IFileAccess (server#45459)
- Add SPDX header for `/lib/*` – batch 4 (server#45474)
- Feat: Add support for webhook listeners (server#45475)
- Fix(theming): replace standard generic package icon by material design (server#45480)
- Fix: Reset notification email when deleting additonal email (server#45487)
- Fix(core): unsupported browser redirect url (server#45494)
- Add SPDX header – batch 4 (server#45499)
- Fix(db): Log long transaction times at debug level (server#45506)
- Fix:Ensure security.txt file ends with a newline character (server#45508)
- Use OC namespace for core ReponseDefinitions instead of OCA (server#45509)
- Feat(ldap): sync additional properties to profile and SAB (server#45512)
- Fix: use different file name for generated dark avatars (server#45514)
- Chore: update .jshintrc (server#45521)
- Add SPDX header – batch 5 (server#45524)
- Fix(cron): Log excess memory usage at debug and info levels (server#45530)
- Feat: implement public OCP api to update resources and rooms (server#45532)
- Chore(deps): bump the github-actions group across 1 directory with 5 updates (server#45536)
- Fix(files): Adjust type import and usage for removed dependency (server#45537)
- Fix: Update `@nextcloud/files` to fix public link shares (server#45538)
- Add SPDX header – batch 6 (server#45539)
- Feature: Improved Recurrence Invitations Messages (server#45547)
- Add SPDX header – batch 7 (server#45549)
- Add SPDX header – batch 8 (server#45554)
- Add mapping for lock wait timeout (server#45559)
- Fix(ShareApiClients): Maintain meaning of `“` and null for share api cli… (server#45562)
- Fix(Mailer): Allow to enforce strict email format (server#45570)
- Fix(files): also trigger new tab on file name middle click (server#45571)
- Fix(deps): Update `egulias/email-validator` to version 4.0.2 (server#45572)
- Add SPDX header – batch 9 (server#45573)
- Fix: avoid duplicate tag inserts by checking if the mapping exists already in db (server#45580)
- Fix(files): reset menu pos when opening in grid mode (server#45581)
- Delete background jobs by id when cleaning up (server#45582)
- Refactor(files): Adjust some Typescript code in virtual files list (server#45585)
- Fix(files): Only execute default action if there is an action to perform (server#45586)
- Add SPDX header – batch 10 (server#45592)
- Fix(files): Ensure active file list entry is highlighted (server#45594)
- Fix(federatedfilesharing): import external federated share script (server#45606)
- Docs(ShareApiController): Correct note about expiry date timezone (server#45608)
- Fix(theming): replace standard generic package icon by material design (server#45609)
- Fix(files): Make sure files are opened when using `open-in-files` action(s) or at lease are scrolled into view (server#45611)
- Chore(deps): Bump cypress-io/github-action from 6.6.1 to 6.7.0 in the github-actions group (server#45612)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump cypress-split from 1.23.0 to 1.23.4 (server#45615)
- Ci: Migrate Litmus and CalDAVTester from drone to GitHub (server#45619)
- Chore(CI): Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (server#45623)
- Add SPDX header – batch 11 (server#45627)
- Feat(db): remove workaround for pqsql 9.4 and older (server#45629)
- Fix(core): Add missing null value possibility to Resource and Reference richObject (server#45632)
- Add SPDX header – batch 12 (server#45647)
- Fix(ObjectStore): Fix regression when hostname is empty (server#45649)
- Feat(dbal): insert ignore conflict method for MySQL and SQLite (server#45655)
- Fix(caldav): stricter default calendar checks (server#45667)
- Fix: Autodetect legacy filekey instead of trusting the header for legacy header (server#45669)
- Fix(files_sharing): usage of NcTextField in SelectShareFolderDialogue (server#45679)
- Feat(settings): Support svg user row action icons (server#45684)
- Feat(settings): Emit loaded event for user management (server#45685)
- Feat(settings): Add user row action enabled callback (server#45686)
- Show non writable folders during move or copy (server#45688)
- Avoid accessing unset argv index (server#45694)
- Add SPDX header – batch 13 (server#45696)
- Fix(files_sharing): fix parsing of remote shares (server#45698)
- Add SPDX header – batch 14 (server#45699)
- Chore: update `@nextcloud/files` to 3.4.1 (server#45700)
- Updated images for Material icons and added SPDX info (server#45706)
- Feat(files): Implement files list filters (server#45708)
- Fix(actions): Harden workflows when using variables in strings (server#45710)
- Fix(files): Correctly type virtual files list ref type (server#45711)
- Fix(dist): Make sure changed icons are compiled (server#45712)
- Feat: Add Recently active accounts section (server#45716)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump cypress-split from 1.23.4 to 1.24.0 (server#45718)
- Fix(AppManager): Name correct method in error + show error string (server#45737)
- Replace icons with latest `Material Symbol` versions (server#45755)
- Feat: Allow users to select another user as their out-of-office replacement (server#45766)
- Use isRetryable to catch retryable exceptions (server#45768)
- Fix(caldav): event links in shared calendar notifications (server#45775)
- Fix(CI): Update PHP requirement in dev dependencies (server#45779)
- Fix(search): tags redirect route (server#45781)
- Fix(caldav): allow VJOURNAL if no supported component set is specified (server#45786)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 (server#45787)
- Refactor(files): Use `@nextcloud/files` functions where possible and make files views cancelable (server#45788)
- Fix(files): Use `data-cy` (data attribute) instead of `cy-data` (server#45789)
- Chore(composer): composer install –no-dev (server#45794)
- Fix(cron): Log long running jobs (server#45804)
- Add SPDX header – batch 16 (server#45810)
- Test: add tests for ProfilePageController (server#45811)
- Feat: add new clickable area variables (server#45818)
- Feat: reduce border radius element to 8 px (server#45819)
- Chore: Adjust post-build script to add license files for sourcemaps on build (server#45832)
- Chore: Properly extract copyright information from bundled packages (server#45833)
- Feat(dav): add regex to match Gnome and KDE calendar user-agents (server#45841)
- Fix: rename split into two as before rename and after rename (server#45845)
- Fix/comment deleting with activities installed (server#45848)
- Chore(deps): Bump deepdiver/zipstreamer from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 (server#45852)
- Chore(deps): Bump aws/aws-sdk-php from 3.240.8 to 3.311.2 (server#45854)
- Fix(files): Bring back handling of failed files (server#45860)
- Fix(files): Ignore right click for default action (server#45861)
- Fix(preview): don’t create folder structure when previews are disabled (server#45866)
- Fix(comments): Use proper icon components instead of icon classes to fix dark mode (server#45867)
- Fix(git): Ignore the updater/ directory from diffs (server#45872)
- Fix(theming): also apply enforced theme for guests (server#45875)
- Fix: Avoid throwing errors for teams are unavailable (server#45876)
- Fix: don’t use custom certificate bundle if no customer certificates are configured (server#45877)
- Feat: add command to export certificate bundle (server#45879)
- Tests(settings): Fix AccountMigratorTest when using PNG avatars (server#45883)
- Fix(files): Properly handle denied ownership transfers (server#45884)
- Chore(deps): bump jquery-ui-dist from 1.13.2 to 1.13.3 (server#45885)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump mime from 4.0.1 to 4.0.3 (server#45886)
- Chore(deps): bump core-js from 3.37.0 to 3.37.1 (server#45887)
- Fix(cypress): Check for local changes before trying to apply them (server#45889)
- [master] Fix npm audit (server#45893)
- Test(cypress): don’t apply changes in CI (server#45894)
- Fix(files_versions): Use `NcDateTime` for proper translated version dates (server#45900)
- [master] Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#45901)
- Fix(deleteAction): Bump up delete requests concurrency to 5 (server#45902)
- Ci: use precise ref for 3rdparty check (server#45912)
- Align app icon for versions with right sidebar used icon (server#45916)
- Fix: Adjust icon generation to bring back themed icons (server#45917)
- Refactor(files): Update `@nextcloud/files` to v3.5.1 (server#45929)
- Fix: move repair mimetype repair step to the expensive steps (server#45930)
- Fix(files_versions): avoid unintentional skipping of expiration (server#45932)
- Fix: Do not log an error when connecting to SFTP without a logged in user (server#45938)
- Perf: Avoid reusing previous migration steps (server#45945)
- Feat: Add yieldEntities wrapper for entity mapping in QBMapper (server#45947)
- Chore: Remove deprecated legacy search backend (server#45950)
- Chore: Move comments event handler to use proper event dispatcher (server#45951)
- Fix license information extracted from built assets (server#45952)
- Perf: Tell browsers to cache storage stats endpoint as it is cached (server#45957)
- Fix(files_versions): renaming file version when its not a string (server#45958)
- Add SPDX header – batch 17 (server#45960)
- Rename openFileInfo to fileInfo (server#45963)
- Fix(dav): Limit number of UPDATES for sync token created_at (server#45968)
- Ci(phpunit-mysql): increase mysql health check retries (server#45969)
- Chore(deps): bump ws, engine.io, socket.io-adapter and puppeteer (server#45970)
- Update copy icon to Material Design icon and checkmark in non-bold (server#45972)
- Chore: remove chunking-v1 (server#45973)
- Fix(caldav): lower scheduling table size warning (server#45974)
- Update favorites navigation list on folder renames (server#45977)
- Fix(theming): properly apply warning style to update output (server#45980)
- Fix(deps): Update `@nextcloud/dialogs` to 5.3.4 to fix picking current directory (server#45981)
- Fix(files): Disable buttons in copy/move dialog for non writable folders (server#45982)
- Don’t trigger action when renaming (server#45984)
- Perf: remove full filesystem setup for accessing public link share dav endpoints (server#45998)
- Fix(caldav): encode calendar URIs with umlauts for activities (server#45999)
- Use guzzle for addressbook federation (server#46002)
- Add missing ContextWrite default task type in task processing manager (server#46003)
- Perf(capabilities): Log capabilities providers that are slow (server#46004)
- Feat(files_sharing): add `new file request` option (server#46007)
- Refactor(cron): Use `IAppConfig` for cron settings and migrate ajax cron away from jQuery (server#46009)
- Fix(dashboard): Correctly redirect guests to login page when opening dashboard (server#46010)
- Fix: also use optimized getFirstNodeyIdInPath for Folder::getFirstNodeById (server#46017)
- Fix rmdir() to release possible directory lock prior to removing directory (server#46027)
- Fix(FilesView): Update files view upon share creation/delete (server#46030)
- Fix(dav): add missing database index for dav_shares (server#46036)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump @nextcloud/eslint-config from 8.3.0 to 8.4.1 (server#46041)
- Chore(deps): bump vimeo/psalm from 5.24.0 to 5.25.0 in /vendor-bin/psalm (server#46042)
- [master] Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#46048)
- Increase PHP memory limit for DevContainer to 512mb (server#46055)
- Fix task processing input validation (server#46058)
- Perf(session): remove useless session open (server#46059)
- Feat(CI): Speed up cs:check with parallelism (server#46062)
- Fix(ExternalSharing): Handle template shares from external sources (server#46068)
- Fix(Token): add FILESYSTEM scope with SCOPE_SKIP_PASSWORD_VALIDATION (server#46071)
- Fix: allows admin to edit global credentials (server#46073)
- Feat(webhooks): Add support for a userid filter (server#46076)
- Fix(userstatus): Fix user status automation in real-life scenario (server#46077)
- Fix(settings): make trailing slash for caldav/carddav redirects optional (server#46079)
- Chore: Enable ESLint for apps and fix all errors (server#46082)
- Refactor(files): Migrate logger to Typescript (server#46083)
- [master] Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#46085)
- Feat(notifications): Migrate server INotifiers to new exceptions (server#46095)
- Fix(files_sharing): Also set the expiration date timezone during validation (server#46097)
- Fix: Add `acceptShare` as an interface (server#46099)
- Build(deps): disable dependabot for EOL 27 (server#46104)
- Fix(session): Log when session_* calls are slow (server#46106)
- Feat(WebhooksController): Allow querying listeners by URI (server#46107)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/calendar-availability-vue from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2 (server#46110)
- Chore(deps): bump the github-actions group with 3 updates (server#46111)
- Reference 3rd party licenses via SPDX (server#46112)
- Feat(occ): Add a –debug option to output all log levels to the output (server#46115)
- Ci: Adjust database versions to current LTS / supported versions (server#46121)
- Feat: Allow getting/setting the password hash of a user (server#46123)
- Feat(files): increase max copy-move concurrency to 5 (server#46127)
- Fix(federation): Fix missing protocol on CloudID remote (server#46133)
- Debt(encryption): Migrate app.php to Application.php (server#46136)
- Fix(SharingEntryLink): Show enforced password input label (server#46143)
- [master] fix(security): Update code signing revocation list (server#46158)
- Support profiler in occ commands (server#46169)
- Fix(IntegrityCheck): Ensure the check is run if no results are available (server#46174)
- Fix: Authorization header can be an empty string (server#46184)
- Refactor: simplify background commands (server#46185)
- Feat: Add utility method to validate an IHasher hash (server#46186)
- Fix(setupchecks): skip check when disk_free_space is disabled (server#46190)
- Fix(carddav): limit vcard size (server#46193)
- Feat: add commands for exporting current and expected database schema (server#46194)
- Use the same `setup-php` version on all tests (server#46197)
- Chore: use spdx for migrations generator (server#46199)
- Update dashboard panels border radius (server#46201)
- Chore: remove EOL v27 from issue template (server#46206)
- Chore: Replace dashboard icon with Material Symbols (server#46215)
- Fix(DAV): offset not applied (server#46219)
- Fix(dav): Thrown forbidden error for authenticated user instead of no… (server#46225)
- Fix(config): Clarify smtp debugging config option usage (server#46229)
- Feat(OpenAPI): Add ex_app scope (server#46233)
- Fix(dependabot): add back npm patch upgrades for stable branches (server#46235)
- Feat(TaskProcessing): Add more task types (server#46251)
- Feat(theming): Provide `body-container-` variables through theming (server#46259)
- [master] fix(security): Update CA certificate bundle (server#46263)
- Match input height with clickable area (server#46270)
- Update dashboard icon (server#46271)
- Fix: Make out of office replacement nullable (server#46273)
- Ci: also check for uncompiled SCSS styles (server#46275)
- Chore(mp3info): apply upstream patch for invalid array access (server#46276)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue to v8.14.0 (server#46283)
- Fix(tests): Remove output when running tests (server#46284)
- Fix(TaskProcessing): Set task status to running when processing via ISynchronousProvider (server#46286)
- Fix(userstatus): add missing parenthesis (server#46287)
- Chore(caldav): remove obsolete function (server#46295)
- Feat(files): Refresh grid view layout (server#46307)
- Fix(cypress): wait for apps list fetch for better testing stability (server#46310)
- Ci: Bump reuse to v4.0.0 (server#46311)
- Fix(caldav): limit vevent size (server#46315)
- Fix(s3): Don’t wait indefinitely for S3 to return (server#46317)
- Perf: Set session.cache_limiter at runtime to avoid clients caching static assets served by PHP (server#46320)
- Fix(SharingDetailsView): Prevent illegal unselection of read permissions (server#46321)
- Unify copy icon (server#46323)
- Chore(deps): bump libphonenumber-js from 1.10.60 to 1.11.4 (server#46327)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump @testing-library/jest-dom from 6.4.5 to 6.4.6 (server#46328)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/password-confirmation from 5.1.0 to 5.1.1 (server#46329)
- Fix(previews): Stop returning true when `getimagesize()` fails (server#46342)
- Add app icon to file reminders (server#46349)
- Fix(setupchecks): Skip checking for OPcache settings if running checks from CLI (server#46353)
- Stop file actions when conflict dialog skipped (server#46354)
- Feat(occ): Add support for iterable in Base and use it in group:list and user:list (server#46356)
- Fix(files): Correctly center the checkbox’s background in grid view (server#46358)
- [TaskProcessing] Add start, stop and schedule time to tasks (server#46359)
- Align dashboard app icon in size with photos app icon (server#46360)
- Perf(settings): Optimize user list scroll performance (server#46361)
- TaskProcessing follow-up (server#46368)
- Refactor: split app menu into smaller components (server#46370)
- Feat: Add `IFilenameValidator` to have one consistent place for filename validation (server#46371)
- Fix(files): Add rounded corners back in grid view (server#46373)
- Feat(Reference): Add public API endpoints to get references (server#46378)
- Fix: `OCP\Files\Node\Folder::search` was not setting the owner (server#46379)
- Fix(files_sharing): Only enable mixed sharing types if there is at least one sharing type (server#46382)
- Feat: Template field workflow (server#46383)
- Fix(workflows): Fix file systemtag cache (server#46388)
- Chore: Make app icons consistent Material Symbols with same settings (server#46391)
- Feat: don’t count failed CSRF as failed login attempt (server#46392)
- Fix: set default TTL for APCu cache as per docs (server#46395)
- Feat: allow inspecting the parts of the composite expression builder (server#46396)
- Feat: add base class for extending the query builder (server#46397)
- Fix(Session): avoid race conditions on clustered setups (server#46398)
- Feat: Add new forbidden filename options to Capabilities (server#46414)
- Feat(users): Add users and group management to admin delegation (server#46418)
- Fix(mail): Fix big logos in mail templates for Outlook (server#46419)
- Chore(deps): Update `@nextcloud/dialogs` to v5.3.5 (server#46424)
- Fix(theming): Don’t reset the cachebuster value when we reset theming (server#46428)
- Fix(files): Close sidebar on navigation (server#46432)
- Update license header infos (server#46439)
- Docs: correct return type for findAppInDirectories (server#46445)
- Use „app_api“ session key in rate limit middleware, „app_api_system“ is deprecated (server#46446)
- Fix(dashboard): Unify widget icon colors and document it’s behaviour (server#46448)
- Fix(files_metadata): Don’t run generation job on every upgrade (server#46450)
- Feat(editLocallyAction): Handle possible no local client scenario (server#46452)
- Feat(theming): Allow shipped backgrounds to have a dark variant (server#46453)
- Fix(SetupCheck): Properly check public access to data directory (server#46456)
- Chore: auto approve the psalm baseline update (server#46458)
- Unified search: add attributes for clients (server#46464)
- Fix(CI): Require compilation check when touching version.php (server#46472)
- Feat(security): restrict admin actions to IP ranges (server#46473)
- Fix(redis): Require version >=4 for unlink (server#46475)
- Migration Attributes (server#46476)
- Feat: webhooks_listeners app: send direct requests to ExApps using AppAPI (server#46477)
- Build(deps-dev): bump typescript from 5.4.5 to 5.5.3 (server#46486)
- Build(deps-dev): bump puppeteer from 22.11.2 to 22.13.0 (server#46487)
- Build(deps-dev): bump webpack-merge from 5.10.0 to 6.0.1 (server#46488)
- Build(deps-dev): bump webpack from 5.91.0 to 5.93.0 (server#46489)
- Build(deps-dev): bump @types/dockerode from 3.3.28 to 3.3.29 (server#46491)
- Build(deps): bump @nextcloud/upload from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2 (server#46492)
- Build(deps-dev): bump cypress from 13.7.2 to 13.13.0 (server#46493)
- Build(deps): bump p-limit from 4.0.0 to 6.1.0 (server#46494)
- Build(deps-dev): bump workbox-webpack-plugin from 7.0.0 to 7.1.0 (server#46501)
- Fix(theming): enforce theme should still provide dark as fallback (server#46504)
- Feat(preview): introducing new class ImaginaryPDF (server#46508)
- Feat(settings/admin/ai): Add Task Processing API settings (server#46509)
- Feat: hide caldav server settings if no app uses the caldav backend (server#46510)
- [master] Fix npm audit (server#46513)
- Fix(CI): Skip some CI work from forks as they don’t work anyway (server#46531)
- Fix: Add direct parameter to flow auth v2 (server#46534)
- Fix(ci): Use ubuntu-latest for object storage test (server#46535)
- Refactor: Migrate filename validation from `Storage` and `Util` to `FilenameValidator` (server#46538)
- Fix(htaccess): Serve images as static assets (server#46543)
- Feat: Add `forbidden_filename_basenames` config option (server#46545)
- Feat: allow running QueryBuilder queries on different connections (server#46547)
- Fix(dav): drop unwanted RemoteException class (server#46550)
- Fix(files_sharing): remove undesirable translations from ShareAPIController (server#46551)
- Fix(appstore): Return an empty array in case of fail (server#46555)
- Fix(files): Typo in import of `ShareType` (server#46556)
- Refactor: Improve design of declarative settings (server#46557)
- Feat(files): Allow to configure Windows filename compatibility in the settings (server#46558)
- Fix(CI): Fix compile command (server#46559)
- Move share tests await from positional parameters (server#46567)
- Refactor: Migrate some legacy and core functions to `IFilenameValidator` (server#46571)
- [TaskProcessing] Add support for webhooks (server#46579)
- Fix(ReferenceApiController): Remove accidently added AnonRateLimit (server#46581)
- Make filecache queries compatible with sharding (server#46583)
- Fix(css): Shrink headlines a bit (server#46587)
- Fix(files_sharing): file request followups (server#46589)
- Fix(files_sharing): add missing subtitle on search for share recipients (server#46591)
- Feat: let users configure their first day of week (server#46592)
- Fix(caldav): Throw 403 Forbidden Error instead of 500 Internal Server… (server#46593)
- Fix(caldav): decode values before returning (server#46594)
- Fix(comments): center align submit button in new comment field (server#46595)
- Feat: Navigate via folder tree (server#46596)
- Fix(deps): Deprecate functionality deprecated by doctrine and test on more oracle versions (server#46605)
- Feat(Security): Warn about using annotations instead of attributes (server#46606)
- Feat: allow for ExApps to call Admin endpoints marked with specific attr (server#46607)
- Fix(TextProcessing): use error instead of info for exception logging (server#46608)
- Feat: allow for ExApps to use webhook_listeners without user context (server#46615)
- Fix(settings): Fix endless spinner when wiping or deleting accounts (server#46622)
- Fix(caldav): fixed initial sync and double processing (server#46623)
- Fix(caldav): test for null and blank value (server#46624)
- Chore(files_sharing): add file request cypress testing (server#46631)
- Fix(Token): take over scope in token refresh with login by cookie (server#46640)
- Fix(comments): Extend Vue before calling `new` on it (server#46643)
- Fix: cast to bigint on postgresql (server#46644)
- Fix(files_sharing): `open-in-files` should open a folder and not the parent (server#46648)
- Refactor: Fix some linting issues in frontend code (server#46649)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump guzzlehttp/guzzle from 7.8.1 to 7.9.1 in /build/integration (server#46650)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump ts-jest from 29.1.2 to 29.2.3 (server#46651)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump @babel/node from 7.24.7 to 7.24.8 (server#46652)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump cypress-wait-until from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 (server#46653)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump cypress from 13.13.0 to 13.13.1 (server#46654)
- Chore(deps): bump throttle-debounce from 5.0.0 to 5.0.2 (server#46655)
- Feat: migrate backupcodes personal settings buttons (server#46659)
- Fix(caldav): added localization hints for translators (server#46661)
- Avoid using partial file info as valid one (server#46672)
- Update CODEOWNERS (server#46673)
- Feat: add config flag to toggle persistent redis connections (server#46674)
- Fix(files): Reduce preview size in grid view mode (server#46681)
- Fix: keep previous exception when wrapping dav exceptions (server#46685)
- Fix(files): validate input when creating file/directory (server#46689)
- Update `@nextcloud/files` to 3.6.0 and fix display name handling of folders (breadcrumbs and filename) (server#46690)
- Fix(dav): Call Sabre server start (server#46692)
- Feat: add a specialized writeStream implementation for s3 external storage (server#46693)
- Fix: FileInfo from `View` should have the correct name of a mountpoint (server#46694)
- Chore(theming): Adjust dark variant of the new default background (server#46702)
- Fix: Add .whiteboard alias for .excalidraw files (server#46703)
- Docs: update docs for ocp events (server#46708)
- Fix: Use timestamp instead of revision id in files_versions metadata API (server#46710)
- Chore(i18n): Changed wording to singular (server#46714)
- Feat(TaskProcessing): Implement enums and default values (server#46722)
- Feat(webcal): only update modified and deleted events from webcal calendars (server#46723)
- [taskprocessing] Add missing translate default task type (server#46739)
- Refactor(cloud_federation_api): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46744)
- Refactor(comments): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46745)
- Refactor(dashboard): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46746)
- Refactor(dav): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46747)
- Refactor(core): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46748)
- Fix: add a try and catch for delete versioning (server#46749)
- Fix(files): Use `@nextcloud/files` filename validation to show more details (server#46753)
- Fix(theming): Use version with less color banding for dark variant (server#46759)
- Fix(AppFramework): Allow requests with OCS-APIRequest header to pass CSRF checks (server#46760)
- Fix(core): Document CSRF token endpoint (server#46761)
- Build(deps-dev): bump requirejs from 2.3.6 to 2.3.7 (server#46765)
- Fix(files): Correctly validate new node name (server#46767)
- Fix(files): Provide default file action for file entry name (on click action) (server#46768)
- Feat(files_sharing): show file requests in navigation (server#46770)
- Style(settings): align icons at legacy help navigation (server#46773)
- Chore: deprecate old AI APIs (server#46775)
- Fix(testing): Make Testing TextProcessing providers unicode safe (server#46779)
- Fix(files): Ensure scrolled file list does not leak through file filters (server#46782)
- Fix(styles): Make sure footer with legal links is shown correctly (server#46784)
- Fix(styles): use also new CSS variable for correct header text color on public pages (server#46785)
- Fix(files): always ask for confirmation if trashbin app is disabled (server#46786)
- Build(deps-dev): bump guzzlehttp/guzzle from 7.9.1 to 7.9.2 in /build/integration (server#46793)
- Build(deps): bump query-string from 9.0.0 to 9.1.0 (server#46794)
- Build(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 2.15.2 to 3.4.0 (server#46795)
- Build(deps): bump @nextcloud/sharing from 0.2.2 to 0.2.3 (server#46796)
- Build(deps-dev): bump @testing-library/jest-dom from 6.4.6 to 6.4.8 (server#46797)
- Build(deps-dev): bump puppeteer from 22.13.0 to 22.14.0 (server#46798)
- Build(deps-dev): bump cypress-if from 1.12.0 to 1.12.4 (server#46799)
- Build(deps-dev): bump tar from 6.2.1 to 7.4.3 (server#46800)
- Chore: bump cypress workers to 8 (server#46803)
- Refactor(encryption): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46804)
- Refactor(federatedfilesharing): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46805)
- Refactor(federation): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46806)
- Refactor(files): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46807)
- Refactor(files_external): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46809)
- Refactor(files_sharing): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46810)
- Refactor(files_trashbin): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46812)
- Refactor(files_versions): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46813)
- Refactor(oauth2): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46814)
- Refactor(provisioning_api): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46815)
- Refactor(settings): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46816)
- Refactor(systemtags): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46817)
- Refactor(testing): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46818)
- Refactor(theming): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46819)
- Refactor(twofactor_backupcodes): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46820)
- Refactor(updatenotification): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46821)
- Refactor(user_ldap): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46822)
- Refactor(user_status): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46823)
- Refactor(weather_status): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46824)
- Refactor(workflowengine): Replace security annotations with respective attributes (server#46825)
- Test(theming): Fix broken footer links tests (server#46826)
- Build(psalm): Enforce named attribute arguments (server#46827)
- Chore(ShareSettings): Proper wording for share autocompletion settings (server#46830)
- Chore: fix some comments (server#46834)
- Fix(psalm): named attribute argument (server#46846)
- Fix: fix recursive share check (server#46849)
- Fix(files_sharing): Adjust design of account filter for file list (server#46857)
- Build(deps): bump fast-xml-parser from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1 (server#46858)
- Fix: don’t persist previews used during blurhash generation – take 2 (server#46864)
- Fix(files): correctly shrink breadcrumbs bar (server#46865)
- Fix(files): Bring back files personal settings (server#46867)
- Fix: Update 3rdparty commit hash to latest (only actions changed) (server#46871)
- Fix(TaskProcessing): Don’t break if provider methods throw (server#46872)
- Chore(core): wrap initial state into hidden container (server#46873)
- Update line height (server#46876)
- Ci: Fix summary condition (server#46877)
- Fix: Make account menu follow the design (use nextcloud-vue components) (server#46880)
- Fix: try to find non-recursive share source (server#46881)
- Fix: ensure array returned from getMountsForFileId is continious (server#46886)
- Fix(files_versions): Catch constraint error on version insertion (server#46887)
- Feat: enable bruteforcesettings app by default (server#46888)
- Fix: Update documentation for Mail Provider Send (server#46890)
- Fix(files_sharing): Add missing „note to recipient“ (server#46892)
- Chore: Fix cypress docker integration when testing locally (server#46893)
- Fix(trashbin): Improve documentation of since/until timestamps of res… (server#46894)
- Resolve template filler bugs (server#46895)
- Fix(files): Set container for file list actions (server#46896)
- Revert: chore(files): cleanup old templates (server#46897)
- [master] Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#46901)
- Fix(build): do not run SPDX Plugin in dev mode (server#46903)
- More fixes for task processing (server#46912)
- Fix: template folder and file request menu order (server#46913)
- Fix: don’t break doc builds / fix imaginary config sample formatting (server#46915)
- Fix(core): app menu label position and animation (server#46916)
- Fix(files): Add missing `emptyView` handling (server#46917)
- Fix(files): Correctly create Nodes from WebDAV result in „recent“-view (server#46918)
- Fix(caldav): allow listing of room and resource principals (server#46919)
- Fix(systemtags): Correctly set the display name for the Nextcloud node (server#46921)
- Feat: update border radius variables (server#46923)
- Fix(files_sharing): filter out invalid shareWith in sharee API (server#46924)
- Add small font size variable (server#46925)
- Tests: don’t reuse the query builder for multiple tables in CardDavBackendTest (server#46926)
- Fix(files): do not show legacy `edit locally` action on public pages (server#46927)
- Fix(files): empty folder pending size (server#46928)
- Fix(core): app menu notification should be in the top right (server#46930)
- Fix: fix passing additional db connection parameters in factory (server#46931)
- Build(deps): bump the github-actions group with 6 updates (server#46936)
- Fix(activity): regroup Files and split sharing activity (server#46942)
- Fix(AdminSettings/AI): show pref list of only the enabled translation providers (server#46943)
- Feat(activity): add share link upload notifications (server#46945)
- Chore: delete repair step for 8y old oc_mounts issue (server#46953)
- Fix(LDAP): remove unneeded dependencies (server#46956)
- Fix(files): Minimize `min-height` of dialog form (server#46958)
- Fix(files): cancel move-copy action should not be handled as an error (server#46963)
- Perf(files): Cache `getContents` function used for uploader (server#46966)
- Fix(files_sharing): show proper share not found error message (server#46967)
- Feat(migrations): add metadata to existing migrations (server#46974)
- [master] Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#46975)
- Feat(sharebymail): improve share email format (server#46985)
- Fix(2fa): Vertical align the 2FA icons with the name (server#46986)
- Fix(dav): Ensure share properties are also set on public remote endpoint (server#46987)
- Fix(files): show folder sharing overlay on received shares (server#46989)
- Fix(trashbin): Correctly set original name as displayname (server#46996)
- Build(deps): bump jquery-ui from 1.13.2 to 1.13.3 (server#47005)
- Build(deps): bump webdav from 5.6.0 to 5.7.0 (server#47008)
- Build(deps-dev): bump typescript from 5.5.3 to 5.5.4 (server#47010)
- Build(deps-dev): bump cypress-if from 1.12.4 to 1.12.5 (server#47011)
- Build(deps): bump @nextcloud/paths from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1 (server#47012)
- Build(deps): bump marked from 11.2.0 to 13.0.3 (server#47013)
- Fix(files): Correctly handle open file URL query (server#47015)
- Refactor(files): Drop unneeded initial state (server#47016)
- Chore: Replace dashboard icon with Material Symbols „View Column“ (server#47030)
- Fix: Ensure app overflow menu is rendered centered (server#47031)
- Fix: Make app menu overflow entries vertically aligned (server#47034)
- Fix(inherited-shares): ignore top root folder (server#47043)
- Fix(encryption): Fix mountpoint check to accept if several are found (server#47044)
- Chore: Update `@nextcloud/vue` to v8.16.0 (server#47047)
- Fix: Do not log link reference exceptions as error (server#47048)
- Feat(core): add selection for recommended apps (server#47055)
- Fix(webhook_listeners): Avoid collision between two identical calls at the same second (server#47061)
- Fix: Ensure database connection is setup when getting group details (server#47065)
- Fix(migration-preview): display a message if no attributes set (server#47069)
- Fix(share): Rename Circle to Team (server#47070)
- Fix(admin_audit): Do not log errors for new files (server#47071)
- Fix: Fix failing test for group listing (server#47083)
- [master] Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#47090)
- Fix(theming): make cache buster depend on the app version (server#47095)
- Fix(files): reduce number of fetch contents on load (server#47102)
- Fix(files): file name and header sort buttons alignments (server#47106)
- Fix(migration): Add column only if it does not exist (server#47116)
- Fix(systemtags): Correctly load tagged files in „tags“-files-view (server#47120)
- Fix(systemtags): Make inline tags list fully accessible (server#47121)
- Feat(files): Load limited depth tree (server#47122)
- Fix(systemtags): Sub folders should be opened in files (server#47135)
- Fix: Make focused app menu entry wider to see full name (server#47140)
- Fix(files): trim names on new node creation (server#47147)
- Fix(files): Disable tags editing for shared files/folders with view only permission (server#47149)
- Fix(styles): Guest layout should follow the new design (server#47152)
- Fix: fix getting the folder node from the dav response (server#47153)
- Perf(files): Prevent extraneous requests when tree children are loading (server#47157)
- [Task processing] Fix preferred providers (server#47177)
- Apply group limit on remove from group (server#47180)
- Fix(files): Add messages when „new folder“ fails or gets cancelled (server#47181)
- Fix(avatar): Fix icon-color for action-router contacts menu options (server#47188)
- Chore: Ship twofactor_nextcloud_notification (server#47189)
- Fix(federation): Return the used userID to allow the inviting server … (server#47195)
- Change label „Allow download“ for better l10n (server#47198)
- Fix: test variables before returning (server#47200)
- Fix(userstatus): run user status automation job for start and end events (server#47201)
- Chore(deps): Update `@nextcloud/auth` to v2.4.0 and use `getCSPNonce` where possible (server#47202)
- Fix(files): Fix non-sticky sticky views in files nav (server#47207)
- Chore(i18n): Improved grammar (server#47209)
- Fix(core): Limit valid avatar sizes (server#47211)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump karma-coverage from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1 (server#47217)
- Chore(deps): bump webdav from 5.7.0 to 5.7.1 (server#47219)
- Fix(security): Update expiration date in security.txt (server#47229)
- Chore(branchoff): Test against stable30 branches (server#47235)
- Fix(AppMenu): Prevent menu entries from jumping on hover (server#47236)
- Fix(webauthn): Increase database column for public key id (server#47249)
- Feat(webauthn): Add user verification to webauthn challenges (server#47255)
- Fix(adminaudit): Don’t crash when creating folder (server#47260)
- Don’t save translated predefined user status as custom status (server#47264)
- Fix: Adjust legacy CSS styles for new Nextcloud 30 design (server#47276)
- Fix: check for correct storage class when checking for link parent (server#47283)
- Occ:bg-job:worker] Add ’stop_after‘ option (server#47292)
- Chore(deps): bump pinia from 2.2.0 to 2.2.2 (server#47295)
- Fix: Access node owner by top level `owner` property (server#47305)
- Fix npm audit (server#47309)
- Perf: improve cleanup of tags/comments (server#47322)
- Fix(UnifiedSearch): Focus search input on open (server#47333)
- Fix(caldav): allow renaming of birthday calendars (server#47338)
- Store the mountpoint of storages in the mount options and use it to find the encryption keys (server#47355)
- Chore: Add webhook_listeners to list of shipped apps (server#47362)
- Bump Hub 8 -> Hub 9 (server#47364)
- Fix(files_sharing): Sort by correct share attribute („share with displayname“) (server#47374)
- Fix: adding blurhash to definitions (server#47382)
- Fix(theming): Make getImage() call save against missing non-SVG version (server#47385)
- Fix: `FilenameValidator::isForbidden` should only check forbidden files (server#47387)
- Chore(deps): Update openapi-extractor to v1.0.0 (server#47389)
- Fix(TaskProcessing/ContextWrite): Fix wording „ContextWrite“ -> „Context write“ (server#47390)
- Fix: Disable auto-zoom on iOS (server#47391)
- Fix(files): Move loading icon before grid toggle (server#47392)
- Fix(ProvisioningAPI): set typed config values by via API (server#47393)
- Ci: Skip flaky test on PHP 8.3 (server#47395)
- Feat: add negative compare-and-delete to imemcache (server#47398)
- Update `@nextcloud/vue` to v8.17.0 (server#47401)
- Fix: use empty template by default when pressing enter (server#47404)
- Fix(caldav): limit property length (server#47422)
- Fix: Trusted server icon recovery without addressbook change (server#47429)
- Fix(dashboard): Adjust widget border radius (server#47434)
- Fix(files_versions): Migrate version name dialog from NcModal to NcDialog (server#47436)
- Fix(migration): Add missing migration attributes (server#47437)
- Fix(files): Respect „Show hidden files“ setting in tree (server#47442)
- Fix: correct documentation for mail provider (server#47454)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.5 to 6.0.0 (server#47456)
- Fix npm audit (server#47471)
- Fix(mailer): Call to custom mail_template_class (server#47475)
- Fix(flow): cannot set custom user agent (server#47483)
- Fix: write object to the correct urn when moving from another storage to object store (server#47484)
- Fix(files): Adjust margin at the file list bottom (server#47492)
- Fix(files): Reset drop notice on firefox (server#47498)
- Chore(files): Adjust wording for file type filter (server#47499)
- Fix(user_status): add link to Availability page if user set predefined ‚Vacationing‘ (server#47505)
- Fix(dav): Allow apps to get unshares for DAV resources (server#47512)
- Feat: Delegate is-encrypted handling to the e2ee app (server#47514)
- Fix(Router): Load attribute routes of all apps when not app is specified (server#47518)
- Fix(db): Increase log level for very slow transactions (server#47528)
- Fix: gracefully handle unexpected exif orientation types (server#47533)
- Fix(files): fix list gap at bottom (server#47539)
- TaskProcessing] Add manager::runTask method (server#47542)
- Line“ manager instead of „Account“ manager (server#47543)
- Ci: Reduce required run time (server#47545)
- Fix(files): Correctly check for already used names when creating new folder (server#47547)
- Fix(logger): ignore session logging during setup (server#47550)
- Feat(files): Allow more than 50 favorite views (server#47555)
- Feat: Improve encryption mode detection in occ info:file (server#47559)
- Transparent* database sharding (server#47561)
- Feat(templates): add support for checkboxes in template filler (server#47564)
- Fix(provisionning_api): Remove parameters that are not set into template (server#47574)
- Fix: optimise `getWrongShareOwnership` query (server#47578)
- Fix: Filename validation should only forbid `create` and `update` (server#47583)
- Feat(webhook_listeners): Enable the app by default (server#47587)
- Fix(migration): Correctly sort migrations by version number (server#47588)
- Fix(files_sharing): Make share labels nullable (server#47593)
- Fix(test): Fix provisioning enabled apps (server#47597)
- Fix(files): Remove margin and width to not break layout (server#47607)
- Fix(DB): set sharding parameters only when intended (server#47612)
- Fix: re-enable content-length header via htaccess (server#47619)
- Fix(config): Avoid error messages for restricted opcache API (server#47621)
- Fix: Do not fail to get internal path on NonExistingFile (server#47625)
- Fix: Adjust filename validation messages (server#47626)
- TaskProcessing] Use taskprocessing in TextProcessing and STT managers (server#47633)
- Fix(css): Adjust header styles to only add focus-visible styles to menu (server#47641)
- Fix(UnifiedSearch): Restore normal dialog size (server#47644)
- Fix(settings): Hide forbidden UI elements for group managers (server#47651)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump ts-jest from 29.2.4 to 29.2.5 (server#47653)
- Fix(files): Node loading information should be accessible (server#47666)
- Fix npm audit (server#47667)
- Fix(files): Correctly parse external shares for files UI (server#47691)
- Fix(css): make scrollbar visible again (server#47693)
- LinkReferenceProvider] Better size check (server#47695)
- Oauth2] Store hashed secret instead of encrypted (server#47699)
- Fix(settings): Don’t display built-in task types in AI settings TextP… (server#47710)
- Fix(settings): Fix sharing exclude groups from password requirement option not working (server#47716)
- Fix(files): Fix navigating with breadcrumbs not highlighting navigation entry (server#47719)
- Fix: only keep major as server version (server#47720)
- Fix: Do not throw if appstore is unavailable during upgrade (server#47726)
- Fix(jobs): Switch to executeStatement() while deleting rows (server#47728)
- Chore: Improve isEncrypted description (server#47729)
- Fix status check and saving of external storages (server#47733)
- Fix(files): undefined sidebar (server#47748)
- Fix(files): Create non-existent parents of mountpoints (server#47751)
- Fix(files): undefined displayname for outdated `@nextcloud/files`<3.6.0 apps (server#47753)
- Fix(appstore): Cache apps.json also on dev instances (server#47764)
- Fix: add option to remove the webroot for setup checks and don’t chec… (server#47775)
- Fix: Use sha256 to hash arguments of background jobs (server#47778)
- Feat(transfer-ownership): Correctly react to encrypted files (server#47781)
- Fix(dav): Always respond custom error page on exceptions (server#47787)
- Fix: Fix inaccessible content on public pages due to overlapping footer (server#47810)
- Fix: Run migration sql as statement so that the primary db node is used (server#47839)
- Fix: Replace conflicting tags in `xml_exception` template (server#47842)
- Fix(files_sharing): password checkbox and labels in link share (server#47851)
- Add an endpoint to remove all webhook registrations from an app (server#47855)
- Fix: Only write once to template instead of create/copy (server#47863)
- Fix: make swift connect exception message more informative (server#47874)
- Fix(files): Sort tree views correctly by natural order (server#47882)
- Fix(theming): Add migration to restore primary color after separating primary and background (server#47897)
- Chore: Update trashbin retention documentation with exceeded quota details (server#47912)
- Fix: Add whiteboard to education and public sector bundle (server#47915)
- Chore(deps): Bump sabre/dav from 4.5.0 to 4.6.0 (3rdparty#1708)
- Chore(deps): Bump fusonic/opengraph from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0 (3rdparty#1709)
- Chore(deps): Bump symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme from 1.28.0 to 1.29.0 (3rdparty#1733)
- Chore(deps): Bump symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer from 1.28.0 to 1.29.0 (3rdparty#1734)
- Chore(deps): Bump phpseclib/phpseclib from 2.0.45 to 2.0.47 (3rdparty#1751)
- Chore(deps): Bump doctrine/dbal from 3.7.0 to 3.8.3 (3rdparty#1754)
- Fix: Also run dependabot for stable29 and github actions (3rdparty#1768)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 4 (3rdparty#1769)
- Chore(deps): Bump php-opencloud/openstack from 3.2.1 to 3.10.0 (3rdparty#1770)
- Chore(deps): Bump peter-evans/create-or-update-comment from 1 to 4 (3rdparty#1771)
- Chore(deps): Bump xt0rted/pull-request-comment-branch from 1 to 2 (3rdparty#1773)
- Chore(deps): Bump skjnldsv/check-actor-permission from 2 to 3 (3rdparty#1775)
- Fix(ci): Bring back reactions on `/composer-update` command (3rdparty#1790)
- Fix: Upgrade PHP requirement to 8.1 (3rdparty#1798)
- Chore(deps): Bump web-auth/webauthn-lib from 3.3.9 to 4.8.5 (3rdparty#1799)
- Chore(deps): Bump pear/pear-core-minimal from 1.10.14 to 1.10.15 (3rdparty#1800)
- Chore(deps): Bump pear/archive_tar from 1.4.14 to 1.5.0 (3rdparty#1807)
- Chore(deps): Bump symfony/translation from 5.4.24 to 6.4.4 (3rdparty#1808)
- Chore(deps): Bump giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php-lite from 8.13.27 to 8.13.35 (3rdparty#1810)
- Chore(deps): Bump egulias/email-validator from 3.2.6 to 4.0.2 (3rdparty#1811)
- Chore(deps): Bump aws/aws-sdk-php from 3.240.8 to 3.311.2 (3rdparty#1850)
- Chore(deps): Bump deepdiver/zipstreamer from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 (3rdparty#1863)
- Build(deps): disable dependabot for EOL 27 (3rdparty#1879)
- Chore(mp3info): apply upstream patch for invalid array access (3rdparty#1888)
- Chore: set version in composer.json (3rdparty#1890)
- Ci: Update actions (3rdparty#1909)
- Chore(branchoff): Run dependabot on stable30 (3rdparty#1914)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (activity#1555)
- Upgrade: Bump vue-material-design-icons from 5.2.0 to 5.3.0 (activity#1573)
- Upgrade: Bump cypress-visual-regression from 3.0.0 to 5.0.0 (activity#1575)
- Feat(deps): Add Nextcloud 30 support on master (activity#1615)
- Group activities sent by mail (activity#1616)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1620)
- Upgrade: Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.19 (activity#1625)
- Upgrade: Bump typescript from 5.3.3 to 5.4.4 (activity#1627)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1629)
- [master] Fix npm audit (activity#1634)
- Upgrade: Bump @types/dockerode from 3.3.26 to 3.3.28 (activity#1636)
- Upgrade: Bump happy-dom from 13.2.0 to 14.7.1 (activity#1638)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1639)
- [master] Fix npm audit (activity#1641)
- Fix(activity): Improved activity exceptions (activity#1642)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1643)
- Fix(tests): Fix selecting the correct tagging field (activity#1644)
- Upgrade: Bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 2.15.1 to 2.15.2 (activity#1646)
- Upgrade: Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.1.1 to 5.3.1 (activity#1647)
- Updating node.yml workflow from template (activity#1649)
- Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (activity#1650)
- Fix: add missing angle bracket (activity#1651)
- Upgrade: Bump @nextcloud/router from 2.2.0 to 3.0.1 (activity#1652)
- Upgrade: Bump @nextcloud/logger from 2.7.0 to 3.0.1 (activity#1653)
- Upgrade: Bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 2.15.2 to 3.0.2 (activity#1654)
- Upgrade: Bump @nextcloud/cypress from 1.0.0-beta.7 to 1.0.0-beta.8 (activity#1655)
- Upgrade: Bump @nextcloud/vite-config from 1.2.0 to 1.2.3 (activity#1657)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1658)
- Update block-merge-eol workflow (activity#1659)
- Fix checkboxes alignment and add proper spacing to frequency select (activity#1660)
- Add SPDX headers (activity#1663)
- Upgrade: Bump typescript from 5.4.4 to 5.4.5 (activity#1664)
- Upgrade: Bump @vitest/coverage-v8 from 1.4.0 to 1.6.0 (activity#1667)
- Upgrade: Bump @types/dockerode from 3.3.28 to 3.3.29 (activity#1669)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1672)
- Upgrade: Bump happy-dom from 14.7.1 to 14.10.1 (activity#1675)
- Upgrade: Bump @nextcloud/l10n from 2.2.0 to 3.1.0 (activity#1676)
- Upgrade: Bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 3.0.2 to 3.2.0 (activity#1677)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1678)
- [master] Fix npm audit (activity#1682)
- Upgrade: Bump @nextcloud/eslint-config from 8.3.0 to 8.4.1 (activity#1688)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1690)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1691)
- [master] Fix npm audit (activity#1698)
- Chore(CI): Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (activity#1699)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1703)
- [master] Fix npm audit (activity#1704)
- Update to Material Symbol icon style (activity#1706)
- [master] Fix npm audit (activity#1709)
- Upgrade: Bump psalm/phar from 5.23.1 to 5.25.0 (activity#1713)
- Chore(CI): Updating reuse.yml workflow from template (activity#1716)
- Migrate REUSE to TOML format (activity#1718)
- Upgrade: Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.2 to 8.14.0 (activity#1719)
- Upgrade: Bump happy-dom from 14.10.1 to 14.12.3 (activity#1720)
- Upgrade: Bump cypress from 13.7.1 to 13.13.0 (activity#1721)
- Fix(dashboard): Fix missing dashboard icon (activity#1722)
- Fix(DigestSender): Do not add `and 1 more` in digest mail but simply include it (activity#1723)
- Feat(DigestSender): Make `and X more` a link (activity#1724)
- Upgrade: Bump vitest and @vitest/coverage-v8 (activity#1729)
- Forces sidebarPlugins to unmount and mount during an ActivityTab update (activity#1732)
- Fix(ActivityTab): vertically center empty content (activity#1733)
- Fix(stream): Don’t render avatar for federated users (activity#1744)
- Fix: split link upload activity type (activity#1745)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 30 on stable30 (activity#1746)
- Various fixes (activity#1759)
- Feat(deps): Add Nextcloud 30 support on master (bruteforcesettings#579)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump express from 4.18.2 to 4.19.2 (bruteforcesettings#580)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.1 to 8.11.2 (bruteforcesettings#583)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.2.0 to 5.3.0 (bruteforcesettings#584)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.0 to 5.3.1 (bruteforcesettings#585)
- Add SPDX header (bruteforcesettings#586)
- Add reuse compliance badge (bruteforcesettings#588)
- Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (bruteforcesettings#589)
- Updating 2 workflows from template (bruteforcesettings#590)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/router from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (bruteforcesettings#591)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (bruteforcesettings#592)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/axios from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 (bruteforcesettings#598)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/initial-state from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 (bruteforcesettings#599)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/stylelint-config from 2.4.0 to 3.0.0 (bruteforcesettings#600)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/babel-config from 1.0.0 to 1.1.1 (bruteforcesettings#601)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/stylelint-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (bruteforcesettings#602)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/eslint-config from 8.3.0 to 8.4.1 (bruteforcesettings#605)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/babel-config from 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 (bruteforcesettings#606)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.2 to 8.12.0 (bruteforcesettings#607)
- Chore(CI): Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (bruteforcesettings#608)
- Chore(deps): Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 (bruteforcesettings#609)
- Fix: npm audit (bruteforcesettings#610)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump ws from 8.14.2 to 8.17.1 (bruteforcesettings#612)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.12.0 to 8.14.0 (bruteforcesettings#615)
- Chore(CI): Updating reuse.yml workflow from template (bruteforcesettings#618)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.1 to 5.3.5 (bruteforcesettings#619)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (bruteforcesettings#620)
- Migrate dep5 to toml (bruteforcesettings#622)
- Chore(deps): Bump fast-xml-parser from 4.3.6 to 4.4.1 (bruteforcesettings#623)
- Add npm audit action (bruteforcesettings#624)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.14.0 to 8.15.1 (bruteforcesettings#628)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.15.1 to 8.16.0 (bruteforcesettings#629)
- [master] Fix npm audit (bruteforcesettings#630)
- Chore(deps): Bump axios from 1.6.8 to 1.7.4 (bruteforcesettings#632)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (circles#1469)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (circles#1513)
- Updating phpunit-mysql.yml workflow from template (circles#1529)
- Feat(deps): Add Nextcloud 30 support on master (circles#1535)
- Chore(i18n): Established the meaning of the sentence (circles#1571)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (circles#1572)
- Add SPDX header (circles#1605)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump psalm/phar from 5.22.1 to 5.24.0 (circles#1607)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump psalm/phar from 5.24.0 to 5.25.0 (circles#1611)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (circles#1612)
- Ignore empty fileIds (circles#1615)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.10 to 10.5.24 (circles#1616)
- Chore(CI): Updating reuse.yml workflow from template (circles#1623)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 10.5.24 to 10.5.25 (circles#1626)
- Fix(dashboard): Fix dashboard icon (circles#1630)
- Icon replaced by Material Symbol (circles#1632)
- Fix(notifications): Don’t trigger invite notifications for system groups (circles#1650)
- Migrate reuse to toml format (circles#1657)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 30 on stable30 (circles#1670)
- Fix display name of new users (circles#1688)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.0 to 8.11.1 (files_downloadlimit#252)
- Feat(deps): Add Nextcloud 30 support (files_downloadlimit#255)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.3 to 5.2.7 (files_downloadlimit#256)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#257)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.7 to 5.2.8 (files_downloadlimit#259)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#260)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.1 to 8.11.2 (files_downloadlimit#263)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#264)
- [master] Fix npm audit (files_downloadlimit#265)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.2.0 to 5.3.1 (files_downloadlimit#266)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.8 to 5.2.9 (files_downloadlimit#267)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#268)
- Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (files_downloadlimit#269)
- Updating dependabot-approve-merge.yml workflow from template (files_downloadlimit#270)
- Updating appstore-build-publish.yml workflow from template (files_downloadlimit#271)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.9 to 5.2.10 (files_downloadlimit#272)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/router from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (files_downloadlimit#273)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/logger from 2.7.0 to 3.0.1 (files_downloadlimit#274)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/auth from 2.2.1 to 2.3.0 (files_downloadlimit#275)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (files_downloadlimit#276)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#277)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vimeo/psalm from 5.23.1 to 5.24.0 (files_downloadlimit#278)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.10 to 5.2.11 (files_downloadlimit#280)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/axios from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 (files_downloadlimit#281)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/vite-config from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 (files_downloadlimit#282)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/initial-state from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 (files_downloadlimit#283)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#284)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/l10n from 2.2.0 to 3.1.0 (files_downloadlimit#285)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.2 to 8.11.3 (files_downloadlimit#286)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#287)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/eslint-config from 8.3.0 to 8.4.1 (files_downloadlimit#288)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/logger from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 (files_downloadlimit#290)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#291)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.3 to 8.12.0 (files_downloadlimit#292)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#293)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.11 to 5.2.12 (files_downloadlimit#294)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#295)
- Chore(CI): Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (files_downloadlimit#296)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.12 to 5.2.13 (files_downloadlimit#297)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#298)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.1 to 5.3.2 (files_downloadlimit#299)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/vite-config from 1.2.3 to 1.2.5 (files_downloadlimit#300)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.13 to 5.3.1 (files_downloadlimit#301)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#302)
- [master] Fix npm audit (files_downloadlimit#304)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 (files_downloadlimit#306)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vimeo/psalm from 5.24.0 to 5.25.0 (files_downloadlimit#307)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/sharing from 0.1.0 to 0.2.2 (files_downloadlimit#308)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.2 to 5.3.3 (files_downloadlimit#309)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/vite-config from 1.2.5 to 1.3.0 (files_downloadlimit#310)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#311)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.3.1 to 5.3.2 (files_downloadlimit#313)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#315)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.3.2 to 5.3.3 (files_downloadlimit#317)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.3 to 5.3.5 (files_downloadlimit#318)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (files_downloadlimit#319)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#320)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (files_downloadlimit#321)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.3.4 to 5.3.5 (files_downloadlimit#322)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/sharing from 0.2.2 to 0.2.3 (files_downloadlimit#323)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.12.0 to 8.15.0 (files_downloadlimit#324)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#325)
- Chore(deps): Bump fast-xml-parser from 4.3.6 to 4.4.1 (files_downloadlimit#327)
- Fix: prevent null token (files_downloadlimit#328)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#331)
- Reuse compliance (files_downloadlimit#335)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.15.0 to 8.16.0 (files_downloadlimit#336)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/vite-config from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0 (files_downloadlimit#337)
- Chore: Make app REUSE compliant (files_downloadlimit#340)
- Add REUSE status badge (files_downloadlimit#342)
- [master] Fix npm audit (files_downloadlimit#343)
- Refactor: Adjust code for some Typescript errors (files_downloadlimit#344)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.3.5 to 5.4.0 (files_downloadlimit#345)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#346)
- Fix npm audit (files_downloadlimit#356)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump axios from 1.7.2 to 1.7.3 (files_pdfviewer#1000)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump adm-zip from 0.5.14 to 0.5.15 (files_pdfviewer#1006)
- [master] Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#1010)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump axios from 1.7.3 to 1.7.4 (files_pdfviewer#1013)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#1019)
- Fix: Use the user configured UI language for PDFjs instead of browser language (files_pdfviewer#1026)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump axios from 1.7.4 to 1.7.5 (files_pdfviewer#1028)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#1032)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump axios from 1.7.5 to 1.7.6 (files_pdfviewer#1040)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump adm-zip from 0.5.15 to 0.5.16 (files_pdfviewer#1041)
- Updating command-compile.yml workflow from template (files_pdfviewer#915)
- Feat(deps): Add Nextcloud 30 support on master (files_pdfviewer#936)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump express from 4.18.2 to 4.19.2 (files_pdfviewer#937)
- [master] Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#942)
- [master] Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#945)
- Chore(deps): Bump tar from 6.1.14 to 6.2.1 (files_pdfviewer#947)
- [master] Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#951)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.2.0 to 5.3.1 (files_pdfviewer#955)
- Updating node.yml workflow from template (files_pdfviewer#957)
- Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (files_pdfviewer#958)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (files_pdfviewer#960)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/babel-config from 1.0.0 to 1.1.1 (files_pdfviewer#964)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/axios from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 (files_pdfviewer#966)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/stylelint-config from 2.4.0 to 3.0.1 (files_pdfviewer#968)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/babel-config from 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 (files_pdfviewer#969)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/eslint-config from 8.3.0 to 8.4.1 (files_pdfviewer#971)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump axios from 1.6.8 to 1.7.2 (files_pdfviewer#972)
- Chore(CI): Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (files_pdfviewer#973)
- Chore(CI): Updating lint-eslint.yml workflow from template (files_pdfviewer#974)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 (files_pdfviewer#978)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump adm-zip from 0.5.12 to 0.5.14 (files_pdfviewer#979)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.1 to 5.3.2 (files_pdfviewer#980)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump ws from 8.13.0 to 8.17.1 (files_pdfviewer#985)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.2 to 5.3.3 (files_pdfviewer#986)
- Update PDF icon(s) to latest server-version used one (files_pdfviewer#987)
- Add SPDX header (files_pdfviewer#988)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (files_pdfviewer#989)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.4 to 5.3.5 (files_pdfviewer#990)
- Fix missing/incorrect SPDX data (files_pdfviewer#991)
- Migrate REUSE file to toml (files_pdfviewer#992)
- Chore(CI): Updating reuse.yml workflow from template (files_pdfviewer#993)
- Move build to build-js (files_pdfviewer#995)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (files_pdfviewer#996)
- Chore(deps): Bump fast-xml-parser from 4.3.6 to 4.4.1 (files_pdfviewer#999)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.0 to 8.11.1 (firstrunwizard#1139)
- Feat: Add Nextcloud Hub changelog (firstrunwizard#1145)
- Feat(deps): Add Nextcloud 30 support on master (firstrunwizard#1147)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.3 to 5.2.6 (firstrunwizard#1149)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.6 to 5.2.7 (firstrunwizard#1152)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1153)
- Chore(deps): Bump shivammathur/setup-php from 2.30.1 to 2.30.2 (firstrunwizard#1154)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.18 to 9.6.19 (firstrunwizard#1155)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump sass from 1.72.0 to 1.74.1 (firstrunwizard#1158)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1159)
- Chore(deps): Bump skjnldsv/read-package-engines-version-actions from 2.2 to 3 (firstrunwizard#1163)
- Fix: Do not mess with all NcModal styles – scope styles to wizard (firstrunwizard#1164)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump sass from 1.74.1 to 1.75.0 (firstrunwizard#1165)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.1 to 8.11.2 (firstrunwizard#1166)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1170)
- [master] Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1173)
- Chore(deps): Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 6.0.2 to 6.0.3 (firstrunwizard#1174)
- Chore(deps): Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 6.0.3 to 6.0.4 (firstrunwizard#1175)
- Fix(i18n): Fixed typo (firstrunwizard#1176)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.8 to 5.2.9 (firstrunwizard#1179)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1180)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/checkout from 4.1.2 to 4.1.3 (firstrunwizard#1181)
- Chore(deps): Bump shivammathur/setup-php from 2.30.2 to 2.30.3 (firstrunwizard#1182)
- Fix: Adjust styles for Nextcloud 30 (default heading styles) (firstrunwizard#1184)
- Fix: Apply class to wizard page title (was a typo) and correctly navigate to page whats-new page (firstrunwizard#1185)
- Chore(deps): Bump shivammathur/setup-php from 2.30.3 to 2.30.4 (firstrunwizard#1187)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/checkout from 4.1.3 to 4.1.4 (firstrunwizard#1188)
- Chore(deps): Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 6.0.4 to 6.0.5 (firstrunwizard#1189)
- Updating node.yml workflow from template (firstrunwizard#1190)
- Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (firstrunwizard#1191)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/router from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (firstrunwizard#1192)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/vite-config from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 (firstrunwizard#1193)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (firstrunwizard#1194)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1200)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.9 to 5.2.11 (firstrunwizard#1202)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump sass from 1.75.0 to 1.76.0 (firstrunwizard#1203)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/initial-state from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 (firstrunwizard#1204)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/stylelint-config from 2.4.0 to 3.0.0 (firstrunwizard#1205)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/axios from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 (firstrunwizard#1206)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump psalm/phar from 5.23.1 to 5.24.0 (firstrunwizard#1208)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1209)
- Chore(deps): Bump skjnldsv/block-fixup-merge-action from 1 to 2 (firstrunwizard#1210)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/checkout from 4.1.4 to 4.1.5 (firstrunwizard#1211)
- Add SPDX header (firstrunwizard#1212)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/l10n from 2.2.0 to 3.1.0 (firstrunwizard#1213)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.2 to 8.11.3 (firstrunwizard#1214)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump sass from 1.76.0 to 1.77.0 (firstrunwizard#1215)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/stylelint-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (firstrunwizard#1216)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump sass from 1.77.0 to 1.77.1 (firstrunwizard#1218)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1219)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/checkout from 4.1.5 to 4.1.6 (firstrunwizard#1223)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/eslint-config from 8.3.0 to 8.4.1 (firstrunwizard#1224)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump sass from 1.77.1 to 1.77.2 (firstrunwizard#1226)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1227)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.3 to 8.12.0 (firstrunwizard#1228)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1229)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.11 to 5.2.12 (firstrunwizard#1233)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump sass from 1.77.2 to 1.77.4 (firstrunwizard#1234)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1235)
- Chore(CI): Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (firstrunwizard#1239)
- Chore(deps): Bump shivammathur/setup-php from 2.30.4 to 2.30.5 (firstrunwizard#1240)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.12 to 5.2.13 (firstrunwizard#1241)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1245)
- Update icons to Material Symbols (firstrunwizard#1246)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/checkout from 4.1.6 to 4.1.7 (firstrunwizard#1248)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump sass from 1.77.4 to 1.77.5 (firstrunwizard#1251)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.13 to 5.3.1 (firstrunwizard#1253)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1254)
- [master] Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1255)
- Migrate personal setting page to vue (firstrunwizard#1259)
- Chore(deps): Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 6.0.5 to 6.1.0 (firstrunwizard#1261)
- Perf: optimize `@nextcloud/vue` imports (firstrunwizard#1262)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump psalm/phar from 5.24.0 to 5.25.0 (firstrunwizard#1263)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump sass from 1.77.5 to 1.77.6 (firstrunwizard#1264)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/vite-config from 1.2.3 to 1.3.0 (firstrunwizard#1265)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1267)
- Chore(deps): Bump shivammathur/setup-php from 2.30.5 to 2.31.0 (firstrunwizard#1268)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/typings from 1.8.0 to 1.9.0 (firstrunwizard#1269)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.3.1 to 5.3.2 (firstrunwizard#1270)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.12.0 to 8.13.0 (firstrunwizard#1271)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1272)
- Chore(CI): Updating reuse.yml workflow from template (firstrunwizard#1275)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/typings from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1 (firstrunwizard#1276)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.3.2 to 5.3.3 (firstrunwizard#1277)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.13.0 to 8.14.0 (firstrunwizard#1278)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1279)
- Migrate REUSE to TOML format (firstrunwizard#1280)
- Chore(deps): Bump shivammathur/setup-php from 2.31.0 to 2.31.1 (firstrunwizard#1281)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/setup-node from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3 (firstrunwizard#1282)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump sass from 1.77.6 to 1.77.8 (firstrunwizard#1284)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (firstrunwizard#1285)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1286)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/setup-node from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3 (firstrunwizard#1289)
- Chore(deps): Bump shivammathur/setup-php from 2.31.0 to 2.31.1 (firstrunwizard#1290)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (firstrunwizard#1291)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1292)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.14.0 to 8.15.0 (firstrunwizard#1293)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.3.4 to 5.3.5 (firstrunwizard#1294)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.15.0 to 8.15.1 (firstrunwizard#1298)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1299)
- [master] Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1300)
- Chore: Update data for HUB 9 release (firstrunwizard#1302)
- Chore: Add new animation with updated icons (firstrunwizard#1304)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.3.5 to 5.4.0 (firstrunwizard#1305)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1307)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 30 on stable30 (firstrunwizard#1308)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.4.0 to 5.4.1 (firstrunwizard#1313)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.5 to 5.3.6 (firstrunwizard#1314)
- Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1321)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.4.1 to 5.4.2 (firstrunwizard#1328)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.6 to 5.3.7 (firstrunwizard#1329)
- Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1334)
- Chore: Adjust HUB 9 release notes (firstrunwizard#1339)
- Fix: Move version information to first page (firstrunwizard#1340)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1345)
- Fix: Add app hint for whiteboard (firstrunwizard#1355)
- Feat(deps): Add Nextcloud 30 support on master (logreader#1199)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump happy-dom from 14.3.1 to 14.3.9 (logreader#1200)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#1203)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump happy-dom from 14.3.9 to 14.6.1 (logreader#1204)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump typescript from 5.4.3 to 5.4.4 (logreader#1205)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump vite from 5.2.6 to 5.2.8 (logreader#1206)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump happy-dom from 14.6.1 to 14.7.1 (logreader#1210)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump typescript from 5.4.4 to 5.4.5 (logreader#1212)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump @vitest/coverage-istanbul from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0 (logreader#1213)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.1 to 8.11.2 (logreader#1214)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#1216)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.2.0 to 5.3.1 (logreader#1219)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump vite from 5.2.8 to 5.2.9 (logreader#1220)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#1222)
- Updating node.yml workflow from template (logreader#1224)
- Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (logreader#1225)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump vite from 5.2.9 to 5.2.10 (logreader#1228)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump @nextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (logreader#1230)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump @vitest/coverage-istanbul from 1.5.0 to 1.5.2 (logreader#1231)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#1234)
- Fix: LogIterator duplicates and drops log entries (logreader#1235)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/initial-state from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 (logreader#1239)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump @vitest/coverage-istanbul from 1.5.2 to 1.6.0 (logreader#1240)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump vite from 5.2.10 to 5.2.11 (logreader#1241)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/axios from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 (logreader#1242)
- Add SPDX header (logreader#1244)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/l10n from 2.2.0 to 3.1.0 (logreader#1246)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump happy-dom from 14.7.1 to 14.10.1 (logreader#1248)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#1251)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/logger from 2.7.0 to 3.0.2 (logreader#1255)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump happy-dom from 14.10.1 to 14.11.0 (logreader#1256)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump @nextcloud/eslint-config from 8.3.0 to 8.4.1 (logreader#1257)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-chai-friendly from 0.7.4 to 0.8.0 (logreader#1260)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump vite from 5.2.11 to 5.2.12 (logreader#1265)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump happy-dom from 14.11.0 to 14.12.0 (logreader#1266)
- Chore(CI): Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (logreader#1268)
- Chore(CI): Updating lint-eslint.yml workflow from template (logreader#1270)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump vite from 5.2.12 to 5.2.13 (logreader#1272)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-chai-friendly from 0.8.0 to 1.0.0 (logreader#1273)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump vite from 5.2.13 to 5.3.1 (logreader#1278)
- Chore(deps): bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 (logreader#1280)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump happy-dom from 14.12.0 to 14.12.3 (logreader#1282)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump typescript from 5.4.5 to 5.5.2 (logreader#1285)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#1286)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/typings from 1.8.0 to 1.9.0 (logreader#1288)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump vite from 5.3.1 to 5.3.2 (logreader#1291)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#1292)
- Chore(CI): Updating reuse.yml workflow from template (logreader#1294)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.1 to 5.3.5 (logreader#1295)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump vite from 5.3.2 to 5.3.3 (logreader#1296)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/typings from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1 (logreader#1297)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.2 to 8.14.0 (logreader#1298)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump typescript from 5.5.2 to 5.5.3 (logreader#1299)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#1300)
- Migrate REUSE to TOML format (logreader#1301)
- Chore(deps): bump highlight.js from 11.9.0 to 11.10.0 (logreader#1303)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (logreader#1304)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump vite from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (logreader#1307)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump vitest and @vitest/coverage-istanbul (logreader#1308)
- Chore: update .git/workflows content (logreader#1309)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump typescript from 5.5.3 to 5.5.4 (logreader#1313)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump @vitest/coverage-istanbul from 2.0.3 to 2.0.4 (logreader#1315)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump vite from 5.3.4 to 5.3.5 (logreader#1317)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#1320)
- Chore(deps): bump fast-xml-parser from 4.3.6 to 4.4.1 (logreader#1324)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-chai-friendly from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 (logreader#1326)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump @vitest/coverage-istanbul from 2.0.4 to 2.0.5 (logreader#1327)
- Chore(deps): bump axios from 1.6.8 to 1.7.3 (logreader#1328)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.14.0 to 8.16.0 (logreader#1331)
- Chore(deps): bump pinia from 2.1.7 to 2.2.1 (logreader#1334)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump vite from 5.3.5 to 5.4.0 (logreader#1335)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump @nextcloud/vite-config from 1.2.2 to 1.4.2 (logreader#1336)
- Fix(format): export missing formatTime function (logreader#1338)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 30 on stable30 (logreader#1340)
- Feat(deps): Add Nextcloud 30 support on master (nextcloud_announcements#313)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#314)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.18 to 9.6.19 (nextcloud_announcements#315)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#318)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#319)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#322)
- Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (nextcloud_announcements#323)
- Updating dependabot-approve-merge.yml workflow from template (nextcloud_announcements#324)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#325)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump psalm/phar from 5.23.1 to 5.24.0 (nextcloud_announcements#326)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#327)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#331)
- Fix: Correctly check result of function (nextcloud_announcements#332)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#336)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#341)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#345)
- Chore(CI): Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (nextcloud_announcements#346)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#349)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#351)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump psalm/phar from 5.24.0 to 5.25.0 (nextcloud_announcements#352)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#353)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#354)
- Add SPDX header (nextcloud_announcements#356)
- Chore(CI): Updating reuse.yml workflow from template (nextcloud_announcements#357)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#358)
- Migrate REUSE to TOML format (nextcloud_announcements#359)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (nextcloud_announcements#360)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#361)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#364)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#365)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#369)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#371)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 30 on stable30 (nextcloud_announcements#372)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#378)
- Feat(deps): Add Nextcloud 30 support on master (notifications#1869)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump express from 4.18.2 to 4.19.2 (notifications#1870)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1872)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.18 to 9.6.19 (notifications#1873)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.18 to 9.6.19 in /tests/Integration (notifications#1874)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1875)
- Fix(openapi): Update openapi-extractor (notifications#1879)
- Perf(push): Only get user language when needed (notifications#1880)
- Techdebt(exceptions): Migrate to new exceptions (notifications#1882)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/capabilities from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0 (notifications#1883)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.1 to 8.11.2 (notifications#1884)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.2.0 to 5.3.0 (notifications#1885)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1889)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1891)
- Fix(exceptions): Catch AlreadyProcessedException as well now (notifications#1892)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.0 to 5.3.1 (notifications#1893)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1894)
- Updating node.yml workflow from template (notifications#1895)
- Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (notifications#1896)
- Updating dependabot-approve-merge.yml workflow from template (notifications#1897)
- Bump @nextcloud/auth from 2.2.1 to 2.3.0 (notifications#1901)
- Bump @nextcloud/router from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (notifications#1902)
- Bump @nextcloud/event-bus from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 (notifications#1903)
- Bump @nextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (notifications#1904)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1905)
- Chore: Add license headers in missing files (notifications#1906)
- Chore: Convert copyright headers to SPDX format (notifications#1908)
- Updating reuse.yml workflow from template (notifications#1909)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/axios from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 (notifications#1910)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/initial-state from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 (notifications#1911)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/babel-config from 1.0.0 to 1.1.1 (notifications#1912)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/stylelint-config from 2.4.0 to 3.0.0 (notifications#1913)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/browser-storage from 0.3.0 to 0.4.0 (notifications#1914)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vimeo/psalm from 5.23.1 to 5.24.0 (notifications#1915)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1916)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.2 to 8.11.3 (notifications#1917)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/stylelint-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (notifications#1918)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1921)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/babel-config from 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 (notifications#1924)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/eslint-config from 8.3.0 to 8.4.1 (notifications#1925)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1927)
- Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.3 to 8.12.0 (notifications#1928)
- Bump @nextcloud/notify_push from 1.1.4 to 1.3.0 (notifications#1929)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1930)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/event-bus from 3.2.0 to 3.3.1 (notifications#1932)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1935)
- Chore(CI): Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (notifications#1937)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1940)
- Fix(browser): Don’t create web notifications for old notifications (notifications#1943)
- Fix: separate creation of browser notifications and sounds from Vue rendering (notifications#1947)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.1 to 5.3.2 (notifications#1953)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 (notifications#1955)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1956)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump ws from 8.13.0 to 8.17.1 (notifications#1958)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vimeo/psalm from 5.24.0 to 5.25.0 (notifications#1959)
- Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.2 to 5.3.3 (notifications#1960)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1961)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.12.0 to 8.13.0 (notifications#1963)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (notifications#1964)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1966)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.13.0 to 8.14.0 (notifications#1967)
- Chore(CI): Updating reuse.yml workflow from template (notifications#1968)
- Feat: Adapt FakeUser to new IUser (notifications#1969)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.4 to 5.3.5 (notifications#1970)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1971)
- Migrate REUSE to TOML (notifications#1972)
- Add rich object support to API (notifications#1973)
- Feat(sounds): play call notification sound on second output device (notifications#1974)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (notifications#1975)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1976)
- Chore(CI): Test compile command (notifications#1979)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump guzzlehttp/guzzle from 7.8.1 to 7.9.1 in /tests/Integration (notifications#1981)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1982)
- Fix(controller): Migrate from annotations to attributes (notifications#1983)
- Fix(ci): Fix compile command (notifications#1984)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump guzzlehttp/guzzle from 7.9.1 to 7.9.2 in /tests/Integration (notifications#1985)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.14.0 to 8.15.0 (notifications#1986)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1989)
- Chore(deps): Bump fast-xml-parser from 4.3.6 to 4.4.1 (notifications#1993)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.15.0 to 8.15.1 (notifications#1994)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1995)
- Chore(deps): bump nextcloud/vue lib from 8.15.1 to 8.16.0 (notifications#1996)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#2000)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 30 on stable30 (notifications#2003)
- Build: migrate from Webpack to Vite (notifications#2006)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.5 to 5.3.6 (notifications#2010)
- Chore(deps): Update openapi-extractor to v1.0.0 (notifications#2014)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.6 to 5.3.7 (notifications#2017)
- Feat(cli): Allow to replace and delete CLI notifications (notifications#2020)
- Chore(deps): audit dependencies (notifications#2022)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.17.0 to 8.17.1 (notifications#2024)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#2026)
- Chore(deps): bump nextcloud/vue from 8.17.1 to 8.18.0 (notifications#2031)
- Feat(deps): Add Nextcloud 30 support on master (password_policy#566)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.3 to 5.2.7 (password_policy#567)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump sass from 1.72.0 to 1.74.1 (password_policy#568)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.18 to 9.6.19 (password_policy#570)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump sass from 1.74.1 to 1.75.0 (password_policy#572)
- Fix(setting): Clarify the „Account disabled“ option (password_policy#575)
- Fix(i18n): Changed grammar (password_policy#581)
- Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (password_policy#583)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (password_policy#586)
- Add SPDX header (password_policy#588)
- Update CODEOWNERS (password_policy#589)
- Add real size to SVG to fix iOS (password_policy#590)
- Chore(CI): Updating reuse.yml workflow from template (password_policy#591)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump sass from 1.75.0 to 1.76.0 (password_policy#593)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump sass from 1.76.0 to 1.77.1 (password_policy#597)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/l10n from 2.2.0 to 3.1.0 (password_policy#598)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/stylelint-config from 2.4.0 to 3.0.1 (password_policy#599)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/eslint-config from 8.3.0 to 8.4.1 (password_policy#601)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump sass from 1.77.1 to 1.77.2 (password_policy#603)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump sass from 1.77.2 to 1.77.4 (password_policy#606)
- Chore(CI): Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (password_policy#607)
- Chore(CI): Updating lint-eslint.yml workflow from template (password_policy#608)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump sass from 1.77.4 to 1.77.5 (password_policy#613)
- Chore(deps): Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 (password_policy#614)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump sass from 1.77.5 to 1.77.6 (password_policy#616)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.2.0 to 5.3.5 (password_policy#621)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.7 to 5.3.3 (password_policy#622)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.10.0 to 8.14.0 (password_policy#623)
- Migrate REUSE to TOML format (password_policy#624)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump sass from 1.77.6 to 1.77.8 (password_policy#625)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (password_policy#626)
- Chore(deps): Bump semver from 6.3.0 to 6.3.1 (password_policy#627)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.3.4 to 5.3.5 (password_policy#629)
- Chore(deps): Bump fast-xml-parser from 4.3.5 to 4.4.1 (password_policy#631)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.3.5 to 5.4.0 (password_policy#633)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump dockerode and @types/dockerode (photos#2079)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/router from 2.2.0 to 3.0.0 (photos#2346)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump cypress-visual-regression from 4.0.0 to 5.0.0 (photos#2347)
- Feat(deps): Add Nextcloud 30 support on master (photos#2408)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#2417)
- [master] Fix npm audit (photos#2418)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.18 to 9.6.19 (photos#2421)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#2425)
- Feat: Allow multiple source folders (photos#2426)
- Fix(3rd-party apps): do not link to maps/recognize install page if the appstore isn’t enabled (photos#2428)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#2430)
- Fix: Open Viewer when clicking on photo in folder (photos#2431)
- Check download attribute when fetching previews (photos#2434)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#2441)
- [master] Fix npm audit (photos#2443)
- Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (photos#2448)
- Updating dependabot-approve-merge.yml workflow from template (photos#2449)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump postcss from 8.4.35 to 8.4.38 (photos#2450)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#2455)
- Add block-merge-eol workflow (photos#2456)
- Add SPDX header (photos#2459)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump psalm/phar from 5.23.1 to 5.24.0 (photos#2461)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#2462)
- [master] Fix npm audit (photos#2466)
- Fix(faces): Fix call to Viewer.open (photos#2468)
- Fix(SizeMetadataProvider): Swap the width and height if the image is rotated (photos#2474)
- Fix: add typecast for mimetype (photos#2494)
- Update Material Symbol icons (photos#2501)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 (photos#2504)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump ws from 8.13.0 to 8.17.1 (photos#2505)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump psalm/phar from 5.24.0 to 5.25.0 (photos#2507)
- Various fixes in preparation of 30 (photos#2514)
- Chore: Update @nextcloud/vue to 8.13.0 (photos#2515)
- Chore(CI): Updating reuse.yml workflow from template (photos#2519)
- Fix: avoid erroring out on corrupt image data (photos#2524)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#2526)
- Fix(l10n): Translate „All Tags“ string (photos#2528)
- Feat: Handle complex location type (photos#2533)
- Fix(dashboard): Fix ID and provide icon url (photos#2542)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (photos#2549)
- Migrate to TOML format (photos#2561)
- [master] Fix npm audit (photos#2566)
- Fix(migrations): duplicated preference (photos#2571)
- Fix(folders): empty content and unknown folder render (photos#2577)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump postcss-loader from 7.3.3 to 8.1.1 (photos#2582)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 30 on stable30 (photos#2597)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump tslib from 2.6.2 to 2.6.3 (photos#2599)
- Fix(migration): Fix migration for MySQL which does not allow joining (photos#2607)
- Fix: remove nextcloud_photos_ tmp files when done (photos#2608)
- Fix npm audit (photos#2623)
- Fix(dashboard): Fix dashboard panel ID (photos#2626)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.9.1 to 8.11.1 (privacy#1053)
- Feat(deps): Add Nextcloud 30 support on master (privacy#1054)
- [master] Fix npm audit (privacy#1057)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.18 to 9.6.19 (privacy#1059)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.1 to 8.11.2 (privacy#1061)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.2.0 to 5.3.0 (privacy#1062)
- [master] Fix npm audit (privacy#1063)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.0 to 5.3.1 (privacy#1065)
- Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (privacy#1066)
- Updating dependabot-approve-merge.yml workflow from template (privacy#1067)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/router from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (privacy#1071)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/auth from 2.2.1 to 2.3.0 (privacy#1072)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (privacy#1073)
- Add SPDX header (privacy#1074)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/babel-config from 1.0.0 to 1.1.1 (privacy#1075)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/initial-state from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 (privacy#1076)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/axios from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 (privacy#1077)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/stylelint-config from 2.4.0 to 3.0.0 (privacy#1078)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/l10n from 2.2.0 to 3.1.0 (privacy#1080)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.2 to 8.11.3 (privacy#1081)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/stylelint-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (privacy#1082)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/eslint-config from 8.3.0 to 8.4.1 (privacy#1083)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/babel-config from 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 (privacy#1084)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.3 to 8.12.0 (privacy#1085)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.1 to 5.3.2 (privacy#1086)
- [master] Fix npm audit (privacy#1089)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 (privacy#1091)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump ws from 8.13.0 to 8.17.1 (privacy#1092)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.2 to 5.3.3 (privacy#1093)
- Chore(CI): Updating reuse.yml workflow from template (privacy#1096)
- Chore(deps): Bump fast-xml-parser from 4.3.6 to 4.4.1 (privacy#1102)
- Revert „perf(dashboard): implement widget item api v2“ (recommendations#667)
- Feat(deps): Add Nextcloud 30 support on master (recommendations#723)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump express from 4.18.2 to 4.19.2 (recommendations#724)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.9.1 to 8.11.1 (recommendations#725)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/files from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 (recommendations#726)
- Fix: Fix navigation to folder (recommendations#727)
- [master] Fix npm audit (recommendations#731)
- Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (recommendations#733)
- Updating dependabot-approve-merge.yml workflow from template (recommendations#734)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/stylelint-config from 2.4.0 to 3.0.0 (recommendations#735)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.1 to 8.11.2 (recommendations#736)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/babel-config from 1.0.0 to 1.1.1 (recommendations#737)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/router from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (recommendations#738)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (recommendations#739)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/files from 3.1.1 to 3.2.1 (recommendations#740)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/axios from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 (recommendations#741)
- Add SPDX header (recommendations#742)
- Add additional SPDX header (recommendations#743)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/l10n from 2.2.0 to 3.1.0 (recommendations#744)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/stylelint-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (recommendations#745)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.2 to 8.11.3 (recommendations#746)
- Fix: use folder material design icon (recommendations#747)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/eslint-config from 8.3.0 to 8.4.1 (recommendations#753)
- Fix: catch and filter shares whom storage is not available (recommendations#755)
- Chore(deps): Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 (recommendations#762)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump ws from 8.16.0 to 8.17.1 (recommendations#763)
- Chore(CI): Updating reuse.yml workflow from template (recommendations#766)
- Fix(dashboard): Fix dashboard icon (recommendations#767)
- Migrate REUSE to TOML format (recommendations#769)
- Chore(deps): Bump fast-xml-parser from 4.3.5 to 4.4.1 (recommendations#771)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 30 on stable30 (recommendations#778)
- Fix npm audit (recommendations#782)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#374)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 10.5.13 to 10.5.15 (related_resources#379)
- Feat(deps): Add Nextcloud 30 support on master (related_resources#383)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump express from 4.18.2 to 4.19.2 (related_resources#384)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 10.5.15 to 10.5.16 (related_resources#385)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#386)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 10.5.16 to 10.5.17 (related_resources#391)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 7.12.4 to 8.11.2 (related_resources#394)
- Fix: Skip aggregating resources that are already listed in team resources (related_resources#397)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 10.5.17 to 10.5.19 (related_resources#399)
- Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (related_resources#400)
- Updating dependabot-approve-merge.yml workflow from template (related_resources#401)
- Updating appstore-build-publish.yml workflow from template (related_resources#402)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (related_resources#403)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/router from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (related_resources#404)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 10.5.19 to 10.5.20 (related_resources#405)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#406)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vimeo/psalm from 5.23.1 to 5.24.0 (related_resources#407)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/axios from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 (related_resources#408)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/babel-config from 1.0.0 to 1.1.1 (related_resources#411)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#412)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/l10n from 2.2.0 to 3.1.0 (related_resources#413)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/stylelint-config from 2.4.0 to 3.0.1 (related_resources#414)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.2 to 8.11.3 (related_resources#415)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#417)
- Bump @nextcloud/babel-config from 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 (related_resources#420)
- Bump @nextcloud/eslint-config from 8.3.0 to 8.4.1 (related_resources#421)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#422)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.3 to 8.12.0 (related_resources#423)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#425)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#426)
- Chore(CI): Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (related_resources#430)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#433)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 (related_resources#435)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#436)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump ws from 8.16.0 to 8.17.1 (related_resources#441)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump vimeo/psalm from 5.24.0 to 5.25.0 (related_resources#442)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#443)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump phpunit/phpunit from 10.5.20 to 10.5.24 (related_resources#445)
- Add SPDX header (related_resources#448)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump phpunit/phpunit from 10.5.24 to 10.5.25 (related_resources#449)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.12.0 to 8.14.0 (related_resources#450)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (related_resources#452)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 30 on stable30 (related_resources#464)
- Feat(deps): Add Nextcloud 30 support on master (serverinfo#579)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#580)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.18 to 9.6.19 (serverinfo#581)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#582)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#586)
- Fix: replace removed success and complete callbacks (serverinfo#589)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#591)
- Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (serverinfo#593)
- Updating dependabot-approve-merge.yml workflow from template (serverinfo#594)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#595)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump psalm/phar from 5.23.1 to 5.24.0 (serverinfo#596)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#597)
- Fix: handle disabled shell_exec (serverinfo#598)
- Add SPDX header (serverinfo#601)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#602)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#606)
- Chore: remove dns server (serverinfo#607)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#608)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#611)
- Chore(CI): Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (serverinfo#615)
- Ci: automate ocp updates (serverinfo#619)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#623)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#625)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump psalm/phar from 5.24.0 to 5.25.0 (serverinfo#627)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#628)
- Fix: handle getNetInterfaces error (serverinfo#630)
- Fix: update wording about apps element in monitoring response (serverinfo#631)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#637)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#639)
- Migrate REUSE to TOML format (serverinfo#640)
- Use a more sensible format for load average (serverinfo#641)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (serverinfo#642)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#645)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#646)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#649)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#655)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#656)
- Fix: Display threads and not cores (serverinfo#658)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 30 on stable30 (serverinfo#661)
- Fix: allow dot in mounted on (serverinfo#668)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#672)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#678)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (survey_client#224)
- Feat(deps): Add Nextcloud 30 support on master (survey_client#252)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.18 to 9.6.19 (survey_client#256)
- Update dependency (survey_client#272)
- Chore(CI): Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (survey_client#273)
- Updating dependabot-approve-merge.yml workflow from template (survey_client#274)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vimeo/psalm from 5.23.1 to 5.24.0 (survey_client#279)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (survey_client#283)
- Update README.md (survey_client#287)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (survey_client#293)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vimeo/psalm from 5.24.0 to 5.25.0 (survey_client#294)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (survey_client#295)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (survey_client#297)
- Add SPDX header (survey_client#298)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (survey_client#299)
- Feat(deps): Add Nextcloud 30 support on master (suspicious_login#865)
- Fix inverted app icon (suspicious_login#868)
- Fix: Add geo/ISP lookup button config option to README (suspicious_login#872)
- Feat(suspicious_login): Add „more info“ button to email notifications (suspicious_login#873)
- Ci: update workflows from templates (suspicious_login#874)
- Fix(README): Adjust IP lookup instructions to match default (suspicious_login#876)
- Add SPDX header (suspicious_login#880)
- Add npm audit fix job (suspicious_login#882)
- [master] Fix npm audit (suspicious_login#884)
- Chore(CI): Updating reuse.yml workflow from template (suspicious_login#888)
- Feat: Improved email and notification text (suspicious_login#897)
- Chore: move php-cs-fixer to vendor-bin (suspicious_login#898)
- Chore: move composer-bin-plugin to prod dependencies (suspicious_login#901)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 30 on stable30 (suspicious_login#903)
- Fix(php): Make OptimizerService::optimize nullalble param required (suspicious_login#907)
- Fix: inverted logo in notification (suspicious_login#913)
- Feat: Use notify push for sync messages during editing (text#4585)
- Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.2.4 (main) (text#5238)
- Feat: Move to vite for bundling (text#5367)
- Cleanup `_oc_webroot` stubs where possible (text#5378)
- Build(deps): bump prosemirror-trailing-node to 2.0.8 (text#5438)
- Fix(LinkBubble): Treat links to hashes in same page directly (text#5521)
- Feat(deps): Add Nextcloud 30 support on main (text#5578)
- Fix: Make edit mode in interactive widgets opt-in (text#5579)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.21.1 (main) (text#5582)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.2.7 (main) (text#5583)
- Fix(deps): update dependency y-websocket to ^2.0.2 (main) (text#5584)
- Always initialize with the same yjs document if no state is present (text#5589)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5590)
- Fix: workspace tables expand correctly (text#5591)
- Chore: Update renovate.json to match stable releases (text#5592)
- Fix(css): Adjust heading sizes (Fixes: #5515) (text#5594)
- Test(cypress): Wait for syncs after opening+editing in in `sync.spec.js` (text#5601)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.21.2 (main) (text#5605)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.2.8 (main) (text#5606)
- Build: Update RelativeCI workflow (text#5607)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump psalm/phar from 5.19.0 to 5.23.1 (text#5608)
- Fix(deps): update dependency markdown-it-front-matter to ^0.2.4 (main) (text#5609)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump undici from 5.28.3 to 5.28.4 (text#5616)
- Fix: focus issue on translate modal, remove duplicate code (text#5630)
- Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.2.5 (main) (text#5631)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.18 to 9.6.19 (text#5635)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @tiptap/extension-blockquote to ^2.2.6 (main) (text#5641)
- Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.2.6 (main) (text#5643)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5644)
- Fix: improve node and mark copy-paste behavior (text#5654)
- Fix(imageview): Don’t try to load unresolved images (text#5655)
- Fix: Avoid throwing when a workspace file cannot be found due to a failed storage (text#5659)
- Request the native app to reload the direct editing view on 403 errors (text#5662)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.11.2 (main) (text#5666)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.23.0 (main) (text#5668)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/dialogs to ^5.3.0 (main) (text#5669)
- Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.3.0 (main) (text#5670)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5682)
- [main] Fix npm audit (text#5686)
- Fix(links): 5539 close link bubble on click outside (text#5691)
- Update(ci): cypress workflow to use latest dependencies with node 20 (text#5693)
- Fix(l10n): „Connection failed“ not translatable (text#5696)
- Feat: disable spellcheck inside code blocks (text#5701)
- Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-cypress to ^2.15.2 (main) (text#5704)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.2.9 (main) (text#5705)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/dialogs to ^5.3.1 (main) (text#5706)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/files to ^3.2.0 (main) (text#5707)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.2.10 (main) (text#5712)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5715)
- Fix(description): 5688 no need to encode filename (text#5716)
- Perf(bootstrap): Lazy register template creator through event (text#5717)
- Fix: disable callouts button when all callout variants are disabled (text#5720)
- Test(ci): use node-test template rather than our own jest (text#5721)
- Fix(linkBubble): load only when needed (text#5723)
- Test(cy): rely on @nextcloud/axios for requests (text#5727)
- Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (text#5729)
- Updating dependabot-approve-merge.yml workflow from template (text#5730)
- Chore(deps): update cypress (main) (text#5731)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5732)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5734)
- Chore: Add SPDX headers (text#5738)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/browserslist-config to ^3.0.1 (main) (text#5739)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.23.1 (main) (text#5740)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.2.11 (main) (text#5741)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/files to ^3.2.1 (main) (text#5742)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump psalm/phar from 5.23.1 to 5.24.0 (text#5743)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/router to ^3.0.1 (main) (text#5744)
- Fix(deps): update dependency yjs to ^13.6.15 (main) (text#5745)
- Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.3.1 (main) (text#5746)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/babel-config to ^1.1.1 (main) (text#5747)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/auth to ^2.3.0 (main) (text#5748)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/axios to ^2.5.0 (main) (text#5749)
- Fix(editor): requestAnimationFrame in onResize callbacks (text#5750)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/browser-storage to ^0.4.0 (main) (text#5751)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/event-bus to ^3.2.0 (main) (text#5752)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/initial-state to ^2.2.0 (main) (text#5754)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/stylelint-config to v3 (main) (text#5755)
- Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-cypress to v3 (main) (text#5756)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/l10n to v3 (main) (text#5757)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/l10n to ^3.0.1 (main) (text#5758)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/logger to v3 (main) (text#5759)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5771)
- Test(cypress): Avoid failure when editor is updated on webdav requests (text#5772)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.23.2 (main) (text#5776)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.11.3 (main) (text#5778)
- Fix(deps): update dependency y-prosemirror to ^1.2.5 (main) (text#5779)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^13.9.0 (main) (text#5780)
- Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-cypress to ^3.2.0 (main) (text#5781)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/l10n to ^3.1.0 (main) (text#5782)
- Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.3.2 (main) (text#5784)
- Fix(deps): update dependency y-websocket to ^2.0.3 (main) (text#5786)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5794)
- Feat(editor): Add keyboard shortcut (Ctrl-Alt-H) to toggle outline (text#5799)
- Fix: showing folder description on favorites (text#5802)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vite-config to ^1.2.3 (main) (text#5803)
- Chore(deps): update dependency rollup-plugin-webpack-stats to ^0.2.6 (main) (text#5804)
- Chore(deps): update dependency typescript to ^5.4.5 (main) (text#5805)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/logger to ^3.0.2 (main) (text#5806)
- Fix(deps): update dependency lib0 to ^0.2.94 (main) (text#5807)
- Fix(deps): update dependency mermaid to ^10.9.1 (main) (text#5808)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/babel-config to ^1.2.0 (main) (text#5809)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/eslint-config to ^8.4.1 (main) (text#5810)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @rollup/rollup-linux-x64-gnu to ^4.17.2 (main) (text#5811)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/event-bus to ^3.3.1 (main) (text#5812)
- Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.4.0 (main) (text#5813)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5815)
- Fix(ci): stop building main assets for now (text#5823)
- Fix(ci): build on main again (text#5824)
- Fix(ci): typo in update-node-dist workflow (text#5825)
- Fix(ci): handle grep with no results gracefully (text#5826)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5830)
- Fix: smartpicker set links for selected text (text#5832)
- Fix(PreviewOptions): Set buttons position to absolute (text#5833)
- Fix(preview): prev token can be undefined in `isPreviewLinkInParagraph` (text#5834)
- Fix(SmartPicker): Insert smart picker links as preview per default (text#5846)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.23.6 (main) (text#5847)
- Chore(deps): update dependency ts-jest to ^29.1.4 (main) (text#5848)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.2.12 (main) (text#5849)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vue-demi to ^0.14.8 (main) (text#5850)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5851)
- Fix(table): Fix readonly detection in vue components (text#5856)
- Test(cypress): Fix selector for new button in files app (text#5859)
- Fix(locks): only lock when editing (text#5863)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.2.13 (main) (text#5868)
- Fix(deps): update dependency y-prosemirror to ^1.2.6 (main) (text#5869)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @rollup/rollup-linux-x64-gnu to ^4.18.0 (main) (text#5870)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^13.11.0 (main) (text#5871)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.24.0 (main) (text#5872)
- Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-cypress to ^3.3.0 (main) (text#5873)
- Chore(deps): update dependency rollup-plugin-webpack-stats to ^0.3.0 (main) (text#5874)
- Chore(deps): update vueuse to ^10.10.0 (main) (text#5875)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/files to ^3.4.1 (main) (text#5876)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.13.0 (main) (text#5877)
- Fix(deps): update dependency debounce to ^2.1.0 (main) (text#5878)
- Fix(deps): update dependency slug to ^9.1.0 (main) (text#5879)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5880)
- Chore(deps): update braces to fix security issue (text#5885)
- Perf: Lazy load optional dependencies (text#5886)
- Reset all sessions (in occ command and on upgrade) (text#5887)
- Feat(db): Add timestamp field to steps database (text#5888)
- Fix/toc without transaction (text#5893)
- Feat(link): Add input rule to insert links using markdown syntax (text#5894)
- Fix: Ignore pushes of update steps for read only sessions (text#5895)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vite-config to ^1.2.5 (main) (text#5898)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/dialogs to ^5.3.4 (main) (text#5899)
- Fix(deps): update dependency y-prosemirror to ^1.2.8 (main) (text#5900)
- Fix(deps): update dependency yjs to ^13.6.16 (main) (text#5901)
- Chore(deps): update dependency rollup-plugin-webpack-stats to ^0.4.1 (main) (text#5902)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.3.1 (main) (text#5903)
- Chore(deps): update vueuse to ^10.11.0 (main) (text#5905)
- Fix(deps): update dependency uuid to v10 (main) (text#5906)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5910)
- Add REUSE badge (text#5916)
- Truncate tables and rename documents folder on reset (text#5918)
- Chore(deps): bump ws (text#5922)
- Added use statement for LoadEditor class (text#5923)
- Fix(LinkBubble): Don’t open bubble at initialization and on remote changes (text#5924)
- Fix(LinkPicker): Fix inserting markdown (e.g. from `text_templates` app) (text#5926)
- Fix(Preview): Show reference fallback (text#5927)
- Fix(menu): Use paperclip icon for inserting attachments menu item (text#5929)
- Perf: Reduce polling interval for read only users (text#5930)
- Perf: Use getFirstNodeById and pass userId for our internal helper to avoid fetching mountpoints (text#5933)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump psalm/phar from 5.24.0 to 5.25.0 (text#5936)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5937)
- Keep base version etag during reload (text#5941)
- Fix(build): increase ram for faster npm run watch (text#5942)
- Fix(editor): use reactive `hasEditor` in template (text#5943)
- Perf: Take shortcut for remaining getById if we can (text#5947)
- Perf: Cache workspace content for propfinds (text#5948)
- Ci: Skip cypress test crashing electron right now (text#5952)
- Fix(LinkBubble): Fix logic to detect transactions without history (text#5954)
- Perf: optimize WorkspaceService::getFile (text#5959)
- Perf: get folder node directly from dav node instead of getting it by id (text#5961)
- Chore(deps): update dependency ts-jest to ^29.1.5 (main) (text#5964)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.3.2 (main) (text#5965)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/files to ^3.5.1 (main) (text#5966)
- Fix(deps): update dependency y-prosemirror to ^1.2.9 (main) (text#5967)
- Fix(deps): update dependency yjs to ^13.6.18 (main) (text#5968)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vite-config to ^1.3.0 (main) (text#5969)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^13.12.0 (main) (text#5970)
- Chore(deps): update dependency typescript to ^5.5.2 (main) (text#5971)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5976)
- Fix(attachments): Don’t require document session for getting attachments (text#5979)
- Feat: add category for menu Add folder description (text#5988)
- Fix: Change search highlight color and border radius (text#5989)
- Fix: Use css vars to adapt to new clickable area size (text#5990)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.14.0 (main) (text#5991)
- Chore(CI): Updating reuse.yml workflow from template (text#5992)
- Chore(deps): update dependency typescript to ^5.5.3 (main) (text#5994)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.3.3 (main) (text#5995)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/dialogs to ^5.3.5 (main) – autoclosed (text#5996)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^13.13.0 (main) (text#5997)
- Chore(deps): update dependency rollup-plugin-webpack-stats to v1 (main) (text#5998)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#6011)
- Fix: compute number of icons in menubar based on `–default-clickable-area` (text#6015)
- Chore(editor): Remove obsolete code for author annotations (text#6018)
- Fix(ApiService): Catch NotPermittedException and return 404 (text#6019)
- Fix(vite): dedupe vue to only use one version of it (text#6024)
- Chore: Extract CSS instead of injecting (text#6026)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @rollup/rollup-linux-x64-gnu to ^4.19.0 (main) (text#6032)
- Chore(deps): update dependency ts-jest to ^29.2.2 (main) (text#6033)
- Fix(deps): update dependency highlight.js to ^11.10.0 (main) (text#6034)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (text#6038)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#6042)
- [main] Fix npm audit (text#6045)
- Fix(sync): reuse open connection (text#6054)
- Ci: Also commit css files during build (text#6056)
- Ci: Fix dep5 for css files (text#6058)
- Fix(cy): adjust share test to api change (text#6060)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^13.13.1 (main) (text#6063)
- Chore(deps): update dependency ts-jest to ^29.2.3 (main) (text#6064)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#6066)
- [main] Fix npm audit (text#6068)
- Test(cy): Install assistant app version matching the server branch (text#6072)
- Chore(deps): update dependency typescript to ^5.5.4 (main) (text#6075)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.3.4 (main) (text#6076)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/files to ^3.6.0 (main) (text#6077)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.15.0 (main) (text#6078)
- Fix(Assistant): Migrate to new task processing API (text#6079)
- Test(cypress): Downgrade to last cypress version that doesn’t crash (text#6082)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vue-demi to ^0.14.9 (main) (text#6084)
- Fix(deps): update dependency y-websocket to ^2.0.4 (main) (text#6085)
- No conflict dialogue in read only (text#6094)
- Deps(renovate): No longer open PRs for dependency updates on stable27 (text#6095)
- Fix: Remove superfluous import (text#6098)
- Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-cypress to ^3.4.0 (main) (text#6118)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/files to ^3.7.0 (main) (text#6119)
- Fix(css): Use single quotes (text#6122)
- Fix(search): Add data attribute to search decoration (text#6123)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.3.5 (main) (text#6130)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vue-demi to ^0.14.10 (main) (text#6131)
- [Assistant] Add button in task result (text#6132)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#6141)
- [main] Fix npm audit (text#6145)
- Fix(css): spacing issue in table (text#6150)
- Chore(deps): bump fast-xml-parser from 4.3.6 to 4.4.1 (text#6151)
- Ci(cypress): Adapt to file name link being a button now (text#6158)
- Chore(deps): update dependency ts-jest to ^29.2.4 (main) (text#6159)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.15.1 (main) (text#6160)
- Fix(deps): update dependency lib0 to ^0.2.95 (main) (text#6161)
- Fix: Avoid throwing in BeforeNodeWrittenListener on new files (text#6167)
- Chore(deps): Upgrade cypress to 13.6.4 (text#6168)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vite-config to ^1.4.0 (main) (text#6172)
- Fix(deps): update dependency lib0 to ^0.2.96 (main) (text#6173)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.16.0 (main) (text#6174)
- Chore: Add migration attributes (text#6177)
- Ci: Fix selector for viewer modal name (text#6179)
- Fix: Only insert smart picker result as preview if it is a valid URL (text#6181)
- Chore(deps): update vueuse to ^10.11.1 (main) (text#6188)
- Fix(deps): update dependency y-prosemirror to ^1.2.12 (main) (text#6189)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.4.0 (main) (text#6190)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#6194)
- [main] Fix npm audit (text#6196)
- Fix reconnecting websocket polyfill and error propagation during push (text#6200)
- Chore(deps): bump axios from 1.6.8 to 1.7.4 (text#6207)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 30 on stable30 (text#6208)
- Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.6.2 (main) (text#6212)
- Fix(attachments): Uploading of attachments from public shares (text#6216)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vite-config to ^1.4.2 (text#6229)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.4.1 (text#6231)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/dialogs to ^5.3.6 (text#6232)
- Fix(deps): update dependency lib0 to ^0.2.97 (text#6233)
- Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.6.4 (text#6234)
- Fix npm audit (text#6238)
- Fix: Ensure WebsocketPolyfill always has the latest session state and version (text#6241)
- Fix: catch all errors when getting rich workspace content (text#6247)
- Chore(deps): update dependency ts-jest to ^29.2.5 (text#6260)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.4.2 (text#6261)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/dialogs to ^5.3.7 (text#6262)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/files to ^3.8.0 (text#6263)
- Fix(ViewerComponent): use MarkdownContentEditor for readonly views (text#6270)
- Fix(editorApi): Add support for a onCreate callback that gets content (text#6278)
- Fix(attachments): Show proper error message at upload error (text#6279)
- Allow viewing of attachments when shared by mail (text#6284)
- Fix: hide menu Link to file for direct editing (text#6290)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @rollup/rollup-linux-x64-gnu to ^4.21.2 (text#6297)
- Chore(deps): update dependency rollup-plugin-webpack-stats to ^1.0.3 (text#6298)
- Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.6.6 (text#6299)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/auth to ^2.4.0 (text#6301)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.17.1 (text#6302)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#6306)
- Fix npm audit (text#6309)
- Fix: Correctly set „new“-menu entry for folder description (text#6312)
- Fix: Reuse NcAutoCompleteResult, remove code duplication (text#6313)
- Fix(Table): Fix pasting content with newlines to table cells (text#6319)
- Fix(mention): No extra whitespace in markdown before/after mentions (text#6321)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.4.3 (text#6328)
- Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-cypress to ^3.5.0 (text#6330)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#6334)
- Fix(TaskList): Add class name to rendered HTML (text#6340)
- Fix: Reset session if file rename changes mimetype from/to markdown (text#6348)
- Ci: update workflows from templates (twofactor_totp#1467)
- Chore(deps): bump actions/setup-node digest to 1a4442c (master) (twofactor_totp#1493)
- Chore(deps): bump buildjet/cache digest to c3f0612 (master) (twofactor_totp#1494)
- Chore(deps): bump christophwurst/nextcloud_testing from 0.12.4 to v1 (master) (twofactor_totp#1500)
- Feat(deps): Add Nextcloud 30 support on master (twofactor_totp#1508)
- [master] Fix npm audit (twofactor_totp#1511)
- Chore(deps-dev): replace vendor-bin/psalm with psalm-phar (twofactor_totp#1513)
- [master] Fix npm audit (twofactor_totp#1514)
- Chore(deps): bump codecov/codecov-action digest to ab904c4 (master) (twofactor_totp#1525)
- [master] Fix npm audit (twofactor_totp#1531)
- Ci(test): use codecov token (twofactor_totp#1534)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 30 on stable30 (twofactor_totp#1551)
- Fix npm audit (twofactor_totp#1553)
- Docs(README): Expand details for devs/contributors + misc tweaks (updater#541)
- Chore: Bump master to 30 in tests (updater#543)
- Add further files which are going to ship with Nextcloud v30+ (updater#555)
- Fix: Correctly check result of function (updater#556)
- Fix(README): Add box installation + test run instructions (updater#564)
- Fix(extractDownload): Check for presence of zip extension + log Libzip version detected (updater#565)
- Fix(updater): Add instructions to extra files found error (updater#568)
- Docs(readme): Add instructions for passing „check same code base“ test (updater#569)
- Feat(deps): Add Nextcloud 30 support on master (viewer#2268)
- [master] Fix npm audit (viewer#2277)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.18 to 9.6.19 (viewer#2285)
- Chore(deps): Bump skjnldsv/read-package-engines-version-actions from 2.2 to 3 (viewer#2294)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @types/dockerode to ^3.3.29 (master) (viewer#2295)
- Chore(deps): update typescript (master) (viewer#2296)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.3.3 (master) (viewer#2297)
- [master] Fix npm audit (viewer#2299)
- Chore(CI): Updating pr-feedback.yml workflow from template (viewer#2313)
- Updating dependabot-approve-merge.yml workflow from template (viewer#2314)
- Fix: sorting by date and number (viewer#2318)
- Properly save old route when opening the viewer (viewer#2322)
- Chore(deps): Bump shivammathur/setup-php from 2.30.0 to 2.30.5 (viewer#2324)
- Fix: Add missing generateUrl (viewer#2325)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/checkout from 4.1.2 to 4.1.7 (viewer#2331)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 (viewer#2332)
- Chore(deps): Bump skjnldsv/block-fixup-merge-action from 1 to 2 (viewer#2333)
- Chore(deps): Bump cypress-io/github-action from 6.6.1 to 6.7.0 (viewer#2334)
- [master] Update cypress snapshots (viewer#2335)
- Fix(requesttoken): Make sure to use the correct requesttoken in WebdavClient (viewer#2339)
- Chore(deps): Bump cypress-io/github-action from 6.7.0 to 6.7.1 (viewer#2340)
- Chore(deps): Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 6.0.2 to 6.1.0 (viewer#2341)
- Chore(deps): Bump shivammathur/setup-php from 2.30.5 to 2.31.0 (viewer#2345)
- [master] Update cypress snapshots (viewer#2347)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/upload-artifact from 4.3.1 to 4.3.4 (viewer#2348)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/setup-node from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3 (viewer#2351)
- Chore(deps): Bump shivammathur/setup-php from 2.31.0 to 2.31.1 (viewer#2352)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @fontsource/roboto to ^5.0.14 (master) (viewer#2353)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @skjnldsv/vue-plyr to ^7.5.0 (master) (viewer#2354)
- Fix(deps): update dependency debounce to ^2.1.0 (master) (viewer#2356)
- Fix(deps): update dependency filerobot-image-editor to ^4.8.1 (master) (viewer#2357)
- Fix(deps): update dependency webdav to ^5.7.1 (master) (viewer#2359)
- Fix(deps): update nextcloud (master) (viewer#2360)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (viewer#2361)
- Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-cypress to v3 (master) (viewer#2362)
- Fix(deps): update nextcloud (master) (major) (viewer#2363)
- [master] Fix npm audit (viewer#2365)
- Fix: Enforce unsetting openfile when the viewer is closed (viewer#2368)
- Editing while slideshow in full screen mode (viewer#2380)
- Chore(deps): Bump fast-xml-parser from 4.3.6 to 4.4.1 (viewer#2381)
- Refactor: Use `@nextcloud/files` and `@nextcloud/sharing` instead of custom logic (viewer#2392)
- [master] Update cypress snapshots (viewer#2407)
- [master] Fix npm audit (viewer#2410)
- Fix: Make sure correct DAV path is used (and use DAV v2 on public shares (viewer#2414)
- Ci: Run cypress tests properly again on CI (viewer#2416)
- Fix: Use relative paths to dav root (viewer#2417)
- Fix: undefined filename in livephoto (viewer#2418)
- Chore(deps): update cypress (viewer#2423)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @types/dockerode to ^3.3.31 (viewer#2424)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.4.3 (viewer#2425)
- Fix: When previewing some SVG, ‚btoa‘ report error: The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range.“ (viewer#2434)
- Chore: upgrade cypress-visual-regression (viewer#2437)
- Fix: Strictify live photo condition to prevent false positive (viewer#2444)
- Chore(deps): update cypress (viewer#2449)
- Chore(deps): update dependency tslib to ^2.7.0 (viewer#2450)
- Fix(deps): update nextcloud (viewer#2451)
- Chore(deps): lock file maintenance (viewer#2457)
- Update cypress snapshots (viewer#2462)
- Update cypress snapshots (viewer#2465)
Nextcloud Hub 9 ist da!
Regain control over your time: Nextcloud Hub 9 is here! 🚀
- 🌐 Föderation: Bearbeiten Sie Dokumente und führen Sie Videoanrufe mit Nutzern von anderen Nextcloud-Servern!
- ✳️ Unternehmensprozesse automatisieren und digitalisieren
- 🎨 Brandneue Designverbesserungen
- 🖍️ Neue Whiteboard-App
- 💌 KI-Erinnerungen & Zusammenfassungen in Mail
- 📇 PDF-Vorlagen und Formular-API
- 💬 Chat UI für Nextcloud Assistant
January 17, 2025
# Version 29.0.11
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Fix(FileList): Show correct avatar for federated share owner (server#47441)
- Fix(caldav): Do not load IMipPlugin before user auth and session is c… (server#47791)
- Fix: Fix inaccessible content on public pages due to overlapping footer (server#47811)
- Fix: Only write once to template instead of create/copy (server#47861)
- Fix(preview): gracefully handle file not being opened in ProviderV2 (server#47866)
- Fix(appstore): return if appstore is manually disabled (server#47870)
- Fix(files): Reset context menu position on close (server#47876)
- Fix: Display ‚Leave share‘ instead of ‚Delete‘ (server#47893)
- Fix(LDAP): check index before accessing it (server#47917)
- Fix(appstore): Ensure returned apps from AppStore are valid (server#47935)
- Fix(config): Throw PreconditionException always when it didn’t match (server#47942)
- Fix(files_external): broken credentials dialog (server#47952)
- Fix(files): Adjust Cache::searchQuery() parameter name to match interface (server#47956)
- Fix(files_external): Check key exists before accessing it (server#47974)
- Fix: Do not try to set HTTP response code on already closed connection (server#47979)
- Feat: Reset route if neither the Viewer of the Sidebar is open (server#48002)
- Fix(Storage\Local): Do not call getSourcePath() on SplFileInfo (server#48019)
- Fix(Comment): Initialize childrenCount as integer (server#48022)
- Fix(Tags): Return boolean for userHasTags() (server#48023)
- Fix(BaseResponse): Cast XML element values to string (server#48032)
- Fix(dav): set string type for sanitizeMtime (server#48051)
- Fix(dav): imip service test expects integers for last occurence (server#48054)
- Fix(dav): cast parameters to string (server#48066)
- Fix(weather_status): Fix search address errors when offline (server#48074)
- Chore(1i8n): Fixed grammar and improved wording (server#48082)
- Catch MaxInstancesExceededException on calendar events (server#48085)
- Fix(Entity): Fix magic setter call for custom strong typed setters (server#48089)
- Fix: Prevent crash when refreshing metadata for files without an owner (server#48091)
- Fix(config): Add missing handling for `envCache` in `getKeys()` (server#48099)
- Ensure that the hash method does not return null (server#48103)
- Fix(appstoreFetcher): get list from a custom store and remove unnecessary warning (server#48166)
- Ci fixes (server#48213)
- Fix(psalm): Enable findUnusedBaselineEntry (server#48281)
- Fix: Don’t crash if disabled user is missing in the database (server#48283)
- Chore: add .git-blame-ignore-revs (server#48292)
- Fix: skip the integrity check for nextcloud-init-sync.lock (server#48300)
- Add bidirectional text support – Backend (server#48310)
- Refactor(AccountIcon): Remove needless console.log (server#48318)
- Chore(deps): Bump aws/aws-sdk-php from 3.240.8 to 3.322.4 (server#48348)
- Fix(files): Fix having to resolve conflicts twice when dropping files (server#48352)
- Fix(files_external): Catch correct exception (server#48363)
- Fix: Show storage full warning when storage is actually full (server#48367)
- Feat(share): ensure unique share tokens with dynamic length adjustment (server#48379)
- Fix: Use placeholder for external storage password (server#48386)
- Skip future shipped apps from updatenotification check (server#48392)
- Fix(files_sharing): Parse OCM share permissions from OCM and not OCS prop (server#48399)
- Fix: gracefully parse non-standard trusted certificates (server#48443)
- Fix(Auth): ignore missing token when trying to set password-unconfirmable (server#48445)
- Fix: correctly count disabled users for subadmins (server#48448)
- Fix(config): Suppress `config.php` fopen error at install time (server#48501)
- Fix(caldav): add missing handlers (server#48510)
- Fix(config): Mark more app configs sensitive (server#48590)
- Chore(deps): Bump aws/aws-sdk-php from 3.240.8 to 3.322.4 (3rdparty#1947)
- Remove requiring PNG for iOS (activity#1794)
- Updating block-merge-eol.yml workflow from template (bruteforcesettings#654)
- Fix(CoreQueryBuilder): Use shorter prefixes to stay below 30 characters for Oracle <12.2 (circles#1700)
- Create block-merge-eol.yml (notifications#2039)
- Feat: Check upload directory share state (photos#2659)
- Fix: failure when using sqlite3 (survey_client#318)
- Fix: notifications link for mobile / desktop error generating errors in v30 (survey_client#322)
- Fix: clarify language for removing previously sent report data (survey_client#326)
- Fix(CodeBlock): Fix visibleFocus and pasting in code blocks (text#6350)
- Ci: Fix selector for viewer modal name (text#6409)
- Fix(sync): Disable browser broadcast (text#6481)
- Fix: Apply checks on shares in the middleware (text#6487)
- Fix(sync): handle 502 (Bad Gateway) gracefully (text#6494)
- Chore(deps): cypress workflow update (viewer#2498)
- Fix: Only remove openfile from route when closing the viewer (viewer#2540)
December 5, 2024
# Version 29.0.10
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Fix(files): Ensure renaming state is correctly reset (server#48797)
- Clear pending two factor tokens also from configuration (server#49097)
- Fix(theming): Return default theme if the user never selected a theme (server#49137)
- Fix(files_sharing): note icon color on public pages (server#49156)
- Fix: undefined variable $response in DAV storage (server#49159)
- Fix(files): edit locally buttons and description (server#49162)
- Fix(files): view-in-folder enabled conditions (server#49179)
- Fix: log a warning when we can’t build a background job (server#49206)
- Chore(github): Update groupware code owners (server#49213)
- Fix(files_external): cast storage id int (server#49221)
- Fix remaining readdir() calls in loops with undesirable false evaluation potential (server#49228)
- Feat: Add X-NC-Disable-Scheduling property to allow skipping scheduling (server#49233)
- Chore: Update `@nextcloud/files` and `@nextcloud/update` libraries (server#49252)
- Chore(deps): Add SabreDav Patch for iTip Broker (server#49266)
- Fix: override iTip Broker to fix several issues (server#49270)
- DNS: do not query CNAME if A succeeded already (server#49278)
- Fix: Do not check for strict cookie when running webcron (server#49309)
- Fix(files): Allow downloading multiple nodes not from same base (server#49345)
- Fix(files): improve delete display name when trashbin is disabled (server#49368)
- Feat(settings): add big file upload setup checks (server#49383)
- Fix(job): Check if carddata is resource and read it to string (server#49389)
- Fix(storage): Try to delete existing target (server#49409)
- Fix(SetupChecks): Make sure array key is set (server#49424)
- Fix: (CalDav) Delete invitation link when deleting Calendars or Events (server#49428)
- Fix(BackgroundJobs): Adjust intervals and time sensitivities (server#49462)
- Fix(OCMDiscoveryService): Also cache error results during discovery (server#49471)
- Fix: invalid usage of IQueryBuilder::createNamedParameter() (server#49479)
- Fix: throw correct exception type when we can’t verify if an s3 bucket exists (server#49496)
- Fix(security): Update CA certificate bundle (server#49512)
- Fix(migration): Decrypt ownCloud secrets v2 (server#49536)
- Chore: stricter access to testremote endpoint (server#49543)
- Fix(setupcheck): Disable PhpMaxFileSize setupcheck for now (server#49641)
- Add SabreDav Patch for iTip Broker (3rdparty#1984)
- Remove caching for shares (circles#1751)
- Fix(notification): Make sure the action URL is an absolute URL (circles#1761)
- Fix(CoreQueryBuilder): Use correct member entry for circle as initiator (circles#1764)
- Fix(FederatedUserService): Increase cache TTL for singleId to one week (circles#1773)
- New daily maintenance to delete old federated events (circles#1776)
- Bypass user condition on cli (circles#1781)
- Fix duplicate name on fedcircle (circles#1784)
- Fix(activity): ensure absolute URL are used (circles#1787)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#1081)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.4.10 to 5.4.11 (firstrunwizard#1439)
- Fix(SetupCheck): remove debug(?) output (logreader#1417)
- Fix: use NcCheckboxRadioSwitch in settings (recommendations#819)
- Fix: add missing description to command (recommendations#823)
- Fix npm audit (text#6557)
- Fix(mermaid): No custom link handling for links in mermaid diagrams (text#6596)
- Fix some JS console errors (text#6599)
- Test(cypress): More specific selector for viewer header in links test (text#6603)
- Feat(debug): Expose yjs debug function in editor API (text#6607)
- Fix(files): set focus on image description right after inserting (text#6612)
- Fix(files): Reduce spacing between image and description a bit (text#6616)
- Fix(addContent): only process addExtensions once (text#6617)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.24.5 (text#6629)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-visual-regression to ^5.2.2 (text#6630)
- Chore(deps): update vite (text#6631)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/axios to ^2.5.1 (text#6632)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/dialogs to ^5.3.8 (text#6633)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/files to ^3.9.1 (text#6636)
- Fix(deps): update dependency mermaid to ^10.9.3 (text#6638)
- Fix(deps): update dependency vue-material-design-icons to ^5.3.1 (text#6639)
- Fix(deps): update yjs (text#6640)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.19.0 (text#6642)
- Fix(deps): update dependency debounce to ^2.2.0 (text#6645)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.4.11 (text#6664)
- Send one full update from y-websocket (text#6696)
- Fix: catch all errors when getting rich workspace file (text#6706)
- Fix(npm): Downgrade @nextcloud/webpack-vue-config to 6.0.1 (text#6707)
- Fix: Proper layout for split view (viewer#2569)
November 7, 2024
# Version 29.0.9 (Withdrawn)
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Fix(setup-checks): Ensure URL with webroot works (server#47943)
- Fix(files): Ensure children are removed from folder and not duplicated (server#48239)
- Fix(files): Add more visual move / copy notification (server#48457)
- Ci: fail psalm when baseline update required (server#48471)
- Fix: provision api’s status codes (server#48473)
- Test: re-add object store primary storage phpunit tests (server#48488)
- Fix: do not reduce count for subadmins if they are members of group (server#48570)
- Fix: Make user removal more resilient (server#48588)
- Fix email share transfer accross storages (server#48617) 1
- Fix(dav): Public WebDAV endpoint should allow
requests (server#48631) - Fix: Allow overriding shouldApplyQuota check from child classes (server#48634)
- Fix(locking): Accept mixed as value on setTTL (server#48693)
- Fix: Shipped apps should include the Nextcloud version in the cache buster (server#48700)
- Fix(share): Return empty string if no label is set (server#48704)
- Fix(AppConfig): Add external JWT private key to sensitive keys (server#48709)
- Fix(files_sharing): Add proper user facing messages on success (server#48729)
- Fix: Fix “Unknown path” error when source user
folder has not been initialized (server#48745) - Fix: add PasswordConfirmationRequired to create user storages endpoint (server#48750)
- Fix: get rid of denied notification when accept (server#48752)
- Fix(appstore): Hide last modified information for shipped apps (server#48755)
- Fix(message): Fix logic of Mail test (server#48764)
- Fix(security): Update code signing revocation list (server#48780)
- Fix(activity): Fix download activity parameters (server#48817)
- Ci: Update list of installed PHP extensions (as some are not default … (server#48825)
- Fix(logger): Remove more parameters of other methods (server#48831)
- Build: Print RTL limited characters in translation-checker (server#48857)
- Fix(files_sharing): federated shares avatar (server#48889)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump jsdoc from 4.0.2 to 4.0.4 (server#48905)
- Fix(files): add title for files list table header button (server#48922)
- Fix(dav): Cleanup view-only check (server#48930)
- Fix(files): handle empty view with error (server#48934)
- Fix(files_sharing): Cleanup error messages (server#48936)
- Fix: encrypt and store password, decrypt and retrieve the same (server#48940)
- Fix(app-store): Update update count in navigation (server#48944)
- Fix(config): Mark more configs as sensitive (server#48949)
- Ci(psalm): Add missing imagick extension (server#48958)
- Fix copying or moving from shared groupfolders (server#48968)
- Fix disabled user list for subadmins (server#48969)
- Fix: add PasswordConfirmationRequired to the external storages mentioned in review (server#48973)
- Fix(files): Do not jump to top when fileId is set to currentFolder (server#48980)
- Perf(ObjectStoreStorage): Improve (slow) move on same object bucket (server#48998)
- Fix: add PasswordConfirmationRequired to saveGlobalCredentials (server#49006)
- Fix(files_sharing): Password field must not be required if already set (server#49012)
- Fix(ShareEntryLinkList): Append new links to the end of list (server#49021)
- Fix(files-external): set password as sensitive (server#49029)
- Chore: request review from groupware when changing the card- and cald… (server#49055)
- Docs: update overwrite.cli.url wording (server#49068)
- Fix(owncloud): Fix ownCloud migration with oauth2 app (server#49085)
- Chore(deps): Update
to v5.3.8 (server#49095) - Fix/remote activity constructor (activity#1814)
- Fix: do not send daily digest email to user who is disabled (activity#1830)
- Fix npm audit (bruteforcesettings#674)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (circles#1684)
- Migrating custom groups (circles#1720)
- Fix(ShareWrapperRequest): Save share attributes on creation (circles#1733)
- Fix toArray on null (circles#1739)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#396)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#1068)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#1076)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1395)
- Fix: cards should have the same size (firstrunwizard#1401)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.4.8 to 5.4.9 (firstrunwizard#1406)
- Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1414)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.4.9 to 5.4.10 (firstrunwizard#1418)
- Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1422)
- Refactor: Replace security annotations with respective attributes (logreader#1386)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#395)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#2070)
- Chore(deps): Bump vue-material-design-icons from 5.3.0 to 5.3.1 (notifications#2076)
- Fix(push): Make testing the push server easier (notifications#2088)
- Fix(generation): Fix common-password check when we accidentally hit t… (password_policy#689)
- Fix npm audit (recommendations#785)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#693)
- Fix inaccurate disk usage reporting for ext* filesystems due to reserved blocks (serverinfo#697)
- Fix npm audit (suspicious_login#926)
- Fix(LoginClassifier): Adjust log levels / reduce logging noise (suspicious_login#942)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#6500)
- Feat(editorApi): Add function to allow setting readonly bar props (text#6571)
- Fix npm audit (twofactor_totp#1569)
- Fix: Make loading the viewer an init script (viewer#2490)
- Fix npm audit (viewer#2574)
- Fix: Update default editor translations for version 4.8.1 (viewer#2593)
- Fix: Usage of pushToHistory function on prev/next (viewer#2607)
October 10, 2024
# Version 29.0.8
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Fix(caldav): Do not load IMipPlugin before user auth and session is c… (server#47790)
- Fix(files): Check if target path is a descendant of the shared folder (server#47795)
- Fix: Fix inaccessible content on public pages due to overlapping footer (server#47812)
- Fix: Run migration sql as statement so that the primary db node is used (server#47840)
- Fix(files_sharing): password checkbox and labels in link share (server#47850)
- Fix: Only write once to template instead of create/copy (server#47862)
- Fix(preview): gracefully handle file not being opened in ProviderV2 (server#47867)
- Fix(appstore): return if appstore is manually disabled (server#47871)
- Fix: make swift connect exception message more informative (server#47873)
- Fix(files): Reset context menu position on close (server#47877)
- Fix: Display ‚Leave share‘ instead of ‚Delete‘ (server#47895)
- Fix(settings): Add back create group icon (server#47903)
- Fix(LDAP): check index before accessing it (server#47918)
- Fix(files_external): Handling in SFTP UI for custom ports (server#47922)
- Fix(appstore): Ensure returned apps from AppStore are valid (server#47936)
- Fix(config): Throw PreconditionException always when it didn’t match (server#47941)
- Fix(files_external): broken credentials dialog (server#47953)
- Fix(files): Adjust Cache::searchQuery() parameter name to match interface (server#47958)
- Fix(files_external): Check key exists before accessing it (server#47975)
- Fix: Do not try to set HTTP response code on already closed connection (server#47980)
- Fix(a11y): Update OpenDyslexic from 0.920 to 2.001 (server#47983)
- Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#47987)
- Feat: Reset route if neither the Viewer of the Sidebar is open (server#48001)
- Fix(Storage\Local): Do not call getSourcePath() on SplFileInfo (server#48020)
- Fix(Comment): Initialize childrenCount as integer (server#48024)
- Fix(Tags): Return boolean for userHasTags() (server#48026)
- Fix(BaseResponse): Cast XML element values to string (server#48033)
- Fix(S3ConfigTrait): Allow proxy field to take false (server#48034)
- Fix(dav): set string type for sanitizeMtime (server#48052)
- Fix(dav): imip service test expects integers for last occurence (server#48055)
- Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#48057)
- Fix(filesreport): cast fileId to integer (server#48067)
- Fix(dav): cast parameters to string (server#48068)
- Test: cast node name and data to string (server#48070)
- Fix(weather_status): Fix search address errors when offline (server#48075)
- Fix(Entity): Fix magic setter call for custom strong typed setters (server#48087)
- Fix: Prevent crash when refreshing metadata for files without an owner (server#48092)
- Catch MaxInstancesExceededException on calendar events (server#48096)
- Fix(config): Add missing handling for `envCache` in `getKeys()` (server#48100)
- Ensure that the hash method does not return null (server#48104)
- Fix(settings): disable Discover when appstore is disabled (server#48119)
- Fix(appstoreFetcher): get list from a custom store and remove unnecessary warning (server#48165)
- Ci fixes (server#48214)
- Fix(FileList): Show correct avatar for federated share owner (server#48227)
- Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#48228)
- Fix(psalm): Enable findUnusedBaselineEntry (server#48280)
- Fix: Don’t crash if disabled user is missing in the database (server#48284)
- Chore: add .git-blame-ignore-revs (server#48293)
- Fix: skip the integrity check for nextcloud-init-sync.lock (server#48301)
- Add bidirectional text support – Backend (server#48309)
- Fix: Ensure app discover section is returned as list (server#48313)
- Refactor(AccountIcon): Remove needless console.log (server#48315)
- Chore(deps): Bump aws/aws-sdk-php from 3.240.8 to 3.322.4 (server#48326)
- Fix(security): Update CA certificate bundle (server#48336)
- Fix(files): Fix having to resolve conflicts twice when dropping files (server#48351)
- Fix(files_external): Catch correct exception (server#48364)
- Fix: Show storage full warning when storage is actually full (server#48368)
- Feat(share): ensure unique share tokens with dynamic length adjustment (server#48380)
- Fix: Use placeholder for external storage password (server#48387)
- Skip future shipped apps from updatenotification check (server#48393)
- Fix(files_sharing): Parse OCM share permissions from OCM and not OCS prop (server#48400)
- Fix file item display for users with numerical user IDs (server#48417)
- Fix: gracefully parse non-standard trusted certificates (server#48444)
- Fix: correctly count disabled users for subadmins (server#48449)
- Fix(Auth): ignore missing token when trying to set password-unconfirm… (server#48491)
- Fix(config): Suppress `config.php` fopen error at install time (server#48502)
- Fix: make federation address book sync work with allow_local_remote_servers = false (server#48507)
- Fix(caldav): add missing handlers (server#48509)
- Fix(config): Mark more app configs sensitive (server#48585)
- Chore(deps): Bump aws/aws-sdk-php from 3.240.8 to 3.322.4 (3rdparty#1945)
- Remove requiring PNG for iOS (activity#1795)
- Fix npm audit (bruteforcesettings#647)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/axios from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1 (bruteforcesettings#660)
- Fix npm audit (bruteforcesettings#665)
- Fix(CoreQueryBuilder): Use shorter prefixes to stay below 30 characters for Oracle <12.2 (circles#1701)
- Fix npm audit (files_downloadlimit#357)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#369)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#383)
- Fix npm audit (files_downloadlimit#388)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#1046)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump axios from 1.7.6 to 1.7.7 (files_pdfviewer#1049)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/axios from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1 (files_pdfviewer#1057)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#1062)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.4.2 to 5.4.3 (firstrunwizard#1346)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1352)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.4.3 to 5.4.5 (firstrunwizard#1358)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.4.5 to 5.4.7 (firstrunwizard#1368)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/axios from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1 (firstrunwizard#1369)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1378)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump vite from 5.4.7 to 5.4.8 (firstrunwizard#1384)
- Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1390)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#386)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#2034)
- Create block-merge-eol.yml (notifications#2040)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#2056)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump postcss from 8.4.39 to 8.4.47 (photos#2652)
- Feat: Check upload directory share state (photos#2660)
- Fix: Use user uid to compare in PhotosPicker (photos#2664)
- Chore(deps): Bump webdav from 4.11.3 to 4.11.4 (photos#2670)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#687)
- Fix: failure when using sqlite3 (survey_client#319)
- Fix: notifications link for mobile / desktop error generating errors in v30 (survey_client#323)
- Fix: clarify language for removing previously sent report data (survey_client#325)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#6336)
- Fix npm audit (text#6337)
- Fix(TaskList): Add class name to rendered HTML (text#6341)
- Ci: Fix selector for viewer modal name (text#6343)
- Fix: Reset session if file rename changes mimetype from/to markdown (text#6347)
- Fix(CodeBlock): Fix visibleFocus and pasting in code blocks (text#6351)
- Fix(deps): update dependency debounce to ^2.1.1 (text#6381)
- Fix(deps): update dependency y-prosemirror to ^1.2.12 (text#6382)
- Fix(deps): update dependency yjs to ^13.6.19 (text#6383)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-visual-regression to ^5.2.1 (text#6385)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.4.5 (text#6389)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/auth to ^2.4.0 (text#6390)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/files to ^3.9.0 (text#6391)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.18.0 (text#6392)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to v5.4.6 [security] (text#6419)
- Fix(paragraph): migrate preview options to decorations (text#6430)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#6445)
- Fix(codeblock): Add border radius (text#6457)
- Fix(tasklist): Correct indention (text#6458)
- Perf: optimize WorkspaceService::getFile (text#6461)
- Fix(sync): Disable browser broadcast (text#6482)
- Fix: Apply checks on shares in the middleware (text#6488)
- Check link protocol (text#6492)
- Fix(sync): handle 502 (Bad Gateway) gracefully (text#6495)
- Fix npm audit (twofactor_totp#1554)
- Chore(deps): update typescript (viewer#2473)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.4.5 (viewer#2474)
- Fix(deps): update dependency webdav to ^5.7.1 (viewer#2478)
- Chore(deps): cypress workflow update (viewer#2499)
- Update cypress snapshots (viewer#2501)
- Chore(deps): update nextcloud (viewer#2529)
- Fix: Only remove openfile from route when closing the viewer (viewer#2539)
- Update cypress snapshots (viewer#2560)
September 12, 2024
# Version 29.0.7
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Fix(webauthn): Increase database column for public key id (server#47247)
- Fix: check for correct storage class when checking for link parent (server#47284)
- Fix(caldav): allow renaming of birthday calendars (server#47337)
- Fix: write object to the correct urn when moving from another storage to object store (server#47486)
- Fix: re-enable content-length header via htaccess (server#47620)
- Fix(config): Avoid error messages for restricted opcache API (server#47623)
- Fix(files): Correctly parse external shares for files UI (server#47692)
- LinkReferenceProvider] Better size check (server#47696)
- Oauth2] Store hashed secret instead of encrypted (server#47700)
- Fix(settings): Fix sharing exclude groups from password requirement option not working (server#47715)
- Fix npm audit (server#47717)
- Fix: only keep major as server version (server#47721)
- Fix(jobs): Switch to executeStatement() while deleting rows (server#47727)
- Fix status check and saving of external storages (server#47734)
- Fix(files): Typo in import of `ShareType` (server#47743)
- Fix(files): undefined displayname for outdated `@nextcloud/files`<3.6.0 apps (server#47745)
- Fix(files): undefined sidebar (server#47747)
- Fix(files): Create non-existent parents of mountpoints (server#47750)
- Fix(appstore): Cache apps.json also on dev instances (server#47765)
- Fix: add option to remove the webroot for setup checks and don’t chec… (server#47774)
- Fix: Use sha256 to hash arguments of background jobs (server#47777)
- Feat(transfer-ownership): Correctly react to encrypted files (server#47780)
- Fix(dav): Always respond custom error page on exceptions (server#47786)
- Fix: Replace conflicting tags in `xml_exception` template (server#47843)
- Forces sidebarPlugins to unmount and mount during an ActivityTab update (activity#1771)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump axios from 1.7.5 to 1.7.6 (files_pdfviewer#1038)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump adm-zip from 0.5.15 to 0.5.16 (files_pdfviewer#1039)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#381)
- Fix: remove nextcloud_photos_ tmp files when done (photos#2610)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#679)
- Allow viewing of attachments when shared by mail (text#6285)
- Chore(deps): update vueuse to ^10.11.1 (text#6303)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/dialogs to ^5.3.7 (text#6304)
- Fix(deps): update dependency lib0 to ^0.2.97 (text#6305)
- Fix(Table): Fix pasting content with newlines to table cells (text#6318)
- Fix(mention): No extra whitespace in markdown before/after mentions (text#6320)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @types/dockerode to ^3.3.31 (viewer#2402)
- Chore(deps): update cypress (viewer#2403)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @fontsource/roboto to ^5.0.14 (viewer#2452)
- Fix(deps): update nextcloud (viewer#2455)
- Chore(deps): lock file maintenance (viewer#2458)
September 3, 2024
# Version 29.0.6
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Fix npm audit (server#47175)
- Fix(userstatus): run user status automation job for start and end events (server#47213)
- Stable29: Fix/comment deleting with activities installed (server#47234)
- Don’t save translated predefined user status as custom status (server#47263)
- Chore(deps): Update `@nextcloud/upload` (server#47367)
- Fix(setupcheck): Fix mimetype server version check in backport (server#47378)
- Fix(theming): Make getImage() call save against missing non-SVG version (server#47384)
- Fix(ProvisioningAPI): set typed config values by via API (server#47394)
- Fix(provisioning): Support setting new app configs as well (server#47410)
- Fix(caldav): limit property length (server#47421)
- Fix: Trusted server icon recovery without addressbook change (server#47428)
- Fix(mailer): Call to custom mail_template_class (server#47477)
- Fix(flow): cannot set custom user agent (server#47482)
- Fix(files): Adjust margin at the file list bottom (server#47493)
- Fix(files): Reset drop notice on firefox (server#47497)
- Fix: Correctly load favorites for subpath (server#47501)
- Fix(Router): Load attribute routes of all apps when not app is specified (server#47517)
- Fix: gracefully handle unexpected exif orientation types (server#47536)
- Fix(files): fix list gap at bottom (server#47538)
- Fix(logger): ignore session logging during setup (server#47549)
- Update `@nextcloud/vue` to v8.17.0 (server#47566)
- Refactor(files): Drop unneeded initial state (server#47571)
- Fix(provisionning_api): Remove parameters that are not set into template (server#47573)
- Fix: optimise `getWrongShareOwnership` query (server#47577)
- Fix npm audit (server#47668)
- Fix(settings): Hide forbidden UI elements for group managers (server#47687)
- Revert „fix(deps): Fix npm audit“ (server#47706)
- Fix npm audit (bruteforcesettings#637)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#1018)
- Fix: Use the user configured UI language for PDFjs instead of browser language #1026 (files_pdfviewer#1027)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump axios from 1.7.4 to 1.7.5 (files_pdfviewer#1030)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#1033)
- Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1319)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.5 to 5.3.7 (firstrunwizard#1330)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.4.1 to 5.4.2 (firstrunwizard#1331)
- Fix(dashboard): Fix dashboard panel ID (photos#2625)
- Fix: allow dot in mounted on (serverinfo#667)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#6195)
- Fix npm audit (text#6197)
- Fix reconnecting websocket polyfill and error propagation during push (text#6205)
- Fix(attachments): Uploading of attachments from public shares (text#6215)
- Fix: catch all errors when getting rich workspace content (text#6246)
- Ci(cypress): Fix file list link selector (text#6266)
- Fix(editorApi): Add support for a onCreate callback that gets content (text#6277)
- Fix: hide menu Link to file for direct editing (text#6289)
- Fix: undefined filename in livephoto (viewer#2419)
- Fix: Strictify live photo condition to prevent false positive (viewer#2443)
August 20, 2024
# Version 29.0.5
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Fix(redis): Require version >=4 for unlink (server#46521) 1
- Fix(theming): enforce theme should still provide dark as fallback (server#46522)
- Fix(files): Close sidebar on navigation (server#46529) 1
- Fix(files_metadata): Don’t run generation job on every upgrade (server#46564) 1
- Fix(previews): Stop returning true when
fails (server#46569) 1 - Fix(appstore): Return an empty array in case of fail (server#46578)
- Fix(caldav): lower scheduling table size warning (server#46582) 1
- Fix(caldav): Throw 403 Forbidden Error instead of 500 Internal Server… (server#46602) 1
- Fix(caldav): decode values before returning (server#46614)
- Fix(dashboard): Unify widget icon colors and document it’s behaviour (server#46626)
- Fix(mail): Fix big logos in mail templates for Outlook (server#46627) 2
- Fix(TextProcessing): use error instead of info for exception logging (server#46636)
- Fix(dav): Thrown forbidden error for authenticated user instead of no… (server#46646)
- Fix(Token): take over scope in token refresh with login by cookie (server#46669)
- Fix: Pass the mountpoint target user to storages without owner (server#46679)
- Feat: add config flag to toggle persistent redis connections (server#46684)
- Fix(caldav): stricter default calendar checks (server#46696) 1
- Support excalidraw file type (server#46711) 1
- Fix(files): validate input when creating file/directory (server#46718)
- Fix: FileInfo from
should have the correct name of a mountpoint (server#46721) - Fix(search): show user search provider for deactivated and admin pages (server#46725)
- Update
to 3.7.0 and fix display name handling of folders (breadcrumbs and filename) (server#46728) 1 - Fix(files): ensure forbiddenCharacters is an array (server#46731) 1
- Fix(files_versions): avoid unintentional skipping of expiration (server#46740)
- Feat: add a specialized writeStream implementation for s3 external storage (server#46743)
- Feat: add additional logging for database errors (server#46750)
- Fix: Add .whiteboard alias for .excalidraw files (server#46752)
- Fix(files_sharing):
should open a folder and not the parent (server#46755) - Fix: add a try and catch for delete versioning (server#46758)
- Avoid using partial file info as valid one (server#46764)
- Fix(files): Correctly validate new node name (server#46774)
- Style(settings): align icons at legacy help navigation (server#46787)
- Fix(files): always ask for confirmation if trashbin app is disabled (server#46801)
- Fix(styles): Make sure footer with legal links is shown correctly (server#46811)
- Fix: fix recursive share check (server#46863)
- Fix(files): correctly shrink breadcrumbs bar (server#46866)
- Fix:
was not setting the owner (server#46869) - Ci: Fix summary condition (server#46884)
- Migration Attributes (server#46889)
- Chore(ShareSettings): Proper wording for share autocompletion settings #46830 (server#46898)
- Fix(trashbin): Improve documentation of since/until timestamps of res… (server#46900)
- Perf(systemtags): Add index for systemtags_object_mappings.objectid (server#46906)
- Feat(editLocallyAction): Handle possible no local client scenario (server#46910)
- Revert: chore(files): cleanup old templates (server#46911)
- Fix(files): do not show legacy
edit locally
action on public pages (server#46933) - Fix(systemtags): Correctly set the display name for the Nextcloud node (server#46938)
- Fix(files): Provide default file action for file entry name (on click action) (server#46940)
- Fix(files): empty folder pending size (server#46948)
- Fix(AdminSettings/AI): show pref list of only the enabled translation providers (server#46949)
- Fix(files): Correctly create Nodes from WebDAV result in “recent”-view (server#46951)
- Fix(dav): drop unwanted RemoteException class (server#46952)
- Fix: don’t persist previews used during blurhash generation – take 2 (server#46954)
- Fix(userstatus): add missing parenthesis (server#46960)
- Fix(setupchecks): Skip checking for OPcache settings if running checks from CLI (server#46965)
- Fix(LDAP): remove unneeded dependencies (server#46969)
- Fix(files): cancel move-copy action should not be handled as an error (server#46972)
- Fix(files_sharing): add missing subtitle on search for share recipients (server#46983)
- Fix(files): show folder sharing overlay on received shares (server#46995)
- Fix(files): Correctly handle open file URL query (server#47023)
- Enh(metadata): Introduce a memory limit for metadata generation (server#47027)
- Fix(trashbin): Correctly set original name as displayname (server#47036)
- Fix: fix passing additional db connection parameters in factory (server#47046)
- Fix: Add direct parameter to flow auth v2 (server#47053) 1
- Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.14.0 to 8.16.0 (server#47060)
- Fix(inherited-shares): ignore top root folder (server#47068)
- Fix: Use timestamp instead of revision id in files_versions metadata API (server#47072)
- Fix: Ensure database connection is setup when getting group details (server#47078)
- Fix(previews): Don’t crash on animated WEBP images (server#47080)
- Fix(share): Rename Circle to Team (server#47084)
- Fix(config): Clarify smtp debugging config option usage (server#47086)
- Docs: added customclient_fdroid key to the config.sample.php file (server#47089)
- Fix(theming): make cache buster depend on the app version (server#47098)
- Fix(session): Log when session_* calls are slow (server#47105)
- Fix(encryption): Fix mountpoint check to accept if several are found (server#47119)
- Fix(migration): Add column only if it does not exist (server#47126)
- Fix(systemtags): Correctly load tagged files in “tags”-files-view (server#47129)
- Fix(dav): Try basic auth for ajax WebDAV requests (server#47137)
- Fix(files): trim names on new node creation (server#47151)
- Fix: fix getting the folder node from the dav response (server#47171)
- Apply group limit on remove from group (server#47192)
- Chore: compile assets (server#47205)
- Fix(security): Update expiration date in security.txt (server#47230)
- Fix: try to find non-recursive share source (server#47278)
- Store the mountpoint of storages in the mount options and use it to find the encryption keys (server#47354)
- Fix(dashboard): Fix dashboard icon (circles#1631)
- Feat: dismiss notification when accepting an invitation (circles#1647)
- Fix(notifications): Don’t trigger invite notifications for system groups (circles#1653)
- Fix: prevent null token (files_downloadlimit#338)
- Migrate personal setting page to vue (firstrunwizard#1303) 1
- Chore: update .git/workflows content (logreader#1310)
- Fix(format): export missing formatTime function (logreader#1339)
- Fix: use folder material design icon (recommendations#749)
- Use a more sensible format for load average (serverinfo#653)
- Fix: Display threads and not cores (serverinfo#660)
- Add npm audit fix job (suspicious_login#908)
- Fix: showing folder description on favorites (text#6030)
- Fix(sync): reuse open connection (text#6061)
- Test(cy): Install assistant app version matching the server branch (text#6074)
- Test(cypress): Downgrade to last cypress version that doesn’t crash (text#6083) 1
- No conflict dialogue in read only (text#6096)
- Fix/toc without transaction (text#6116)
- Fix: Avoid throwing exceptions during propfind (text#6155)
- Fix: Avoid throwing in BeforeNodeWrittenListener on new files (text#6170)
- Fix: sorting by date and number (viewer#2321)
- Fix: Enforce unsetting openfile when the viewer is closed (viewer#2369) 1
- Editing while slideshow in full screen mode (viewer#2382)
July 18, 2024
# Version 29.0.4
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Ci: Migrate Litmus and CalDAVTester from drone to GitHub (server#45726)
- Fix(cron): Log excess memory usage at debug and info levels (server#45843)
- Fix npm audit (server#45892)
- Chore(deps): Bump deepdiver/zipstreamer to 2.0.3 (server#45897)
- Fix(files): Properly handle denied ownership transfers (server#45906)
- Fix(files_versions): Use `NcDateTime` for proper translated version dates (server#45911)
- Delete background jobs by id when cleaning up (server#45919)
- Fix(settings): define a ‚heartbeat‘ route, so SecurityHeaders can handle redirected root (server#45956)
- Rename openFileInfo to fileInfo (server#45988)
- Fix(preview): don’t create folder structure when previews are disabled (server#45993)
- Fix: avoid duplicate tag inserts by checking if the mapping exists already in db (server#45995)
- Fix(files_versions): renaming file version when its not a string (server#46001)
- Fix(caldav): encode calendar URIs with umlauts for activities (server#46012)
- Don’t trigger action when renaming (server#46018)
- Fix: also use optimized getFirstNodeyIdInPath for Folder::getFirstNodeById (server#46035)
- Fix: csrf check failed on public share with password (server#46039)
- Fix(files_trashbin): Make files view registering an init script (server#46054)
- Fix: Do not log an error when connecting to SFTP without a logged in user (server#46061)
- Fix: don’t use custom certificate bundle if no customer certificates are configured (server#46069)
- Fix: allows admin to edit global credentials (server#46091)
- Fix(settings): make trailing slash for caldav/carddav redirects optional (server#46093)
- Fix(userstatus): Fix user status automation in real-life scenario (server#46096)
- Use guzzle for addressbook federation (server#46117)
- Fix(FilesView): Update files view upon share creation/delete (server#46119)
- Feat(files): increase max copy-move concurrency to 5 (server#46128)
- Update favorites navigation list on folder renames (server#46137)
- Fix(files_sharing): Also set the expiration date timezone during validation (server#46142)
- Fix(caldav): When message is a reply compare the message sender not the recipient (server#46146)
- Fix(security): Update code signing revocation list (server#46154)
- Fix(SharingEntryLink): Show enforced password input label (server#46162)
- Fix: Avoid throwing errors for teams are unavailable (server#46163)
- Perf(session): remove useless session open (server#46168)
- Fix(federation): Fix missing protocol on CloudID remote (server#46173)
- Fix(CI): Fix OpenAPI github action (server#46175)
- Fix(setupchecks): skip check when disk_free_space is disabled (server#46203)
- Fix(theming): Also provide default image as background by absolut URL (server#46211)
- Fix: Authorization header can be an empty string (server#46212)
- Fix: getMountsForFileId may return an unordered list (server#46213)
- Fix(DAV): offset not applied (server#46226)
- Docs(ShareApiController): Correct note about expiry date timezone (server#46228)
- Build(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.2 to 8.14.0 (server#46237)
- Build(deps-dev): Bump cypress-split from 1.21.0 to 1.21.2 (server#46240)
- Build(deps): Bump libphonenumber-js from 1.10.58 to 1.10.64 (server#46242)
- Build(deps-dev): Bump mime from 4.0.1 to 4.0.3 (server#46244)
- Build(deps-dev): Bump @cypress/webpack-preprocessor from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 (server#46246)
- Fix(theming): Conitionally disable blur filter for performance (server#46258)
- Fix(security): Update CA certificate bundle (server#46264)
- Fix(ExternalSharing): Handle template shares from external sources (server#46281)
- Fix(tests): Remove output when running tests (server#46290)
- Fix(IntegrityCheck): Ensure the check is run if no results are available (server#46298)
- Chore(mp3info): apply upstream patch for invalid array access (server#46306)
- Fix(carddav): limit vcard size (server#46314)
- Chore(deps): bump jquery-ui-dist from 1.13.2 to 1.13.3 (server#46330)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump tslib from 2.6.2 to 2.6.3 (server#46331)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump cypress-if from 1.12.0 to 1.12.3 (server#46332)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump cypress from 13.7.1 to 13.7.3 (server#46333)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 2.15.1 to 2.15.2 (server#46334)
- Fix(SharingDetailsView): Prevent illegal unselection of read permissions (server#46362)
- Fix(s3): Don’t wait indefinitely for S3 to return (server#46367)
- Fix: Update Nextcloud libraries (server#46374)
- Fix(cypress): wait for apps list fetch for better testing stability (server#46385)
- Perf: Set session.cache_limiter at runtime to avoid clients caching static assets served by PHP (server#46393)
- Fix(workflows): Fix file systemtag cache (server#46412)
- Fix(caldav): limit vevent size (server#46413)
- Fix(theming): Don’t reset the cachebuster value when we reset theming (server#46434)
- Fix(Session): avoid race conditions on clustered setups (server#46437)
- Feat: don’t count failed CSRF as failed login attempt (server#46443)
- Fix(ci): Correctly check for assets that need compilation (server#46469)
- Test(theming): Fix unit tests for personal settings (server#46471)
- Stop file actions when conflict dialog skipped (server#46562)
- Fix(CI): Update setup-php, setup-node, checkout and paths-filter actions (server#46575)
- Fix(files_sharing): also allow removing READ permissions on email shares (server#46598)
- Chore(deps): Bump deepdiver/zipstreamer from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 (3rdparty#1864)
- Chore(mp3info): apply upstream patch for invalid array access (3rdparty#1889)
- Chore: set version in composer.json (3rdparty#1891)
- Fix(dashboard): Fix missing dashboard icon (activity#1727)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (circles#1583)
- Ignore empty fileIds (circles#1625)
- Fix npm audit (files_downloadlimit#303)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#983)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/vite-config from 1.2.3 to 1.2.5 (firstrunwizard#1250)
- Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1256)
- Perf: optimize `@nextcloud/vue` imports (firstrunwizard#1266)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1273)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#1252)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#355)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1965)
- Fix npm audit (photos#2467)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#2488)
- Various fix from 30 (photos#2517)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump postcss from 8.4.35 to 8.4.39 (photos#2521)
- Fix: avoid erroring out on corrupt image data (photos#2530)
- Fix(l10n): Translate „All Tags“ string (photos#2532)
- Feat: Handle complex location type (photos#2538)
- Fix(dashboard): Fix ID and provide icon url (photos#2543)
- Fix npm audit (privacy#1088)
- Fix: catch and filter shares whom storage is not available (recommendations#757)
- Fix(dashboard): Fix dashboard icon (recommendations#768)
- Fix npm audit (related_resources#440)
- Fix: handle getNetInterfaces error (serverinfo#633)
- Fix: update wording about apps element in monitoring response (serverinfo#635)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#638)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (survey_client#296)
- Fix npm audit (suspicious_login#883)
- Chore(deps): update cypress (text#5907)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vue-demi to ^0.14.8 (text#5908)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/dialogs to ^5.3.4 (text#5909)
- Fix npm audit (text#5915)
- Fix(SmartPicker): Insert smart picker links as preview per default (text#5925)
- Fix(Preview): Show reference fallback (text#5928)
- Perf: Reduce polling interval for read only users (text#5934)
- Fix(LinkPicker): Fix inserting markdown (e.g. from `text_templates` app) (text#5940)
- Fix(LinkBubble): Don’t open bubble at initialization and on remote changes (text#5949)
- Fix(LinkBubble): Fix logic to detect transactions without history (text#5955)
- Ci: Skip cypress test crashing electron right now (text#5957)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5975)
- Fix(attachments): Don’t require document session for getting attachments (text#5981)
- Request the native app to reload the direct editing view on 403 errors (text#5985)
- Keep base version etag during reload (text#5987)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/dialogs to ^5.3.5 (text#5999)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/event-bus to ^3.3.1 (text#6000)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/files to ^3.5.1 (text#6001)
- Fix(deps): update dependency mermaid to ^10.9.1 (text#6002)
- Fix(deps): update dependency y-prosemirror to ^1.2.9 (text#6003)
- Fix(deps): update yjs (text#6004)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/babel-config to ^1.2.0 (text#6005)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/eslint-config to ^8.4.1 (text#6006)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^13.13.0 (text#6007)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.24.0 (text#6008)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.3.3 (text#6009)
- Chore(deps): update vueuse to ^10.11.0 (text#6010)
- Fix: use composables in setup function (text#6017)
- Fix(ApiService): Catch NotPermittedException and return 404 (text#6021)
- Ci(test): use codecov token (twofactor_totp#1537)
- Fix npm audit (viewer#2336)
- Fix(requesttoken): Make sure to use the correct requesttoken in WebdavClient (viewer#2342)
June 25, 2024
# Version 29.0.3
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Fix(settings): show warning for indexToReplace as part of missing indices (server#44675)
- Fix(appconfig): format app values (server#44894)
- Fix(files): Display selected files count (server#44909)
- Fix: regression with updating read-only config (server#44927)
- Fix(auth): Keep redirect URL during 2FA setup and challenge (server#44977)
- Feat: Add legal notice and privacy policy links to help page (server#44988)
- 44032 fix show new shares without refresh (server#45304)
- Avoid updating the same oc_authtoken row twice (server#45348)
- Feat: Add `forbidden_filename_characters` to JSConfig for use in frontend libraries (server#45379)
- Fix: register DI alias for IFileAccess (server#45476)
- Fix(dav): Rate limit address book creation (server#45543)
- CalDAV fix search with limit and time range (server#45566)
- Fix(theming): replace standard generic package icon by material design (server#45577)
- Unmark deleted users if their last login date is more recent than deleted date (server#45587)
- Fix(files): Don’t fail if dir exists (server#45590)
- Fix(files): Ensure active file list entry is highlighted (server#45597)
- Fix: Update `@nextcloud/files` to fix public link shares (server#45601)
- Fix(session): Do not update authtoken last_check for passwordless (server#45602)
- Fix(core): unsupported browser redirect url (server#45621)
- Fix(caldav): automatically delete outdated scheduling objects (server#45641)
- Fix(core): Add missing null value possibility to Resource and Reference richObject (server#45644)
- Fix(INavigationManager): Fix psalm alias not set in the right place (server#45645)
- Fix(files): Close sidebar and update fileid when current node is deleted (server#45659)
- Fix(Mailer): Allow to enforce strict email format (server#45660)
- Fix(files): Only execute default action if there is an action to perform (server#45662)
- Fix(files): reset menu pos when opening in grid mode (server#45666)
- Fix(federatedfilesharing): import external federated share script (server#45675)
- Fix(files_sharing): usage of NcTextField in SelectShareFolderDialogue (server#45690)
- Fix(Session): avoid password confirmation on SSO (server#45705)
- Fix(files): Make sure files are opened when using `open-in-files` action(s) or at lease are scrolled into view (server#45728)
- Ci(eol): update workflow from template (server#45734)
- Fix(dav): Don’t log access control as error (server#45756)
- Fix(files): handling numbered type owner name & id (server#45764)
- Fix(settings): Use axios directly for health check to preven URL sanitizing (server#45765)
- Fix: Only list remnants as disabled if option is enabled (server#45773)
- Fix: Autodetect legacy filekey instead of trusting the header for legacy header (server#45778)
- Fix(search): tags redirect route (server#45791)
- Fix(caldav): event links in shared calendar notifications (server#45800)
- Use isRetryable to catch retryable exceptions (server#45808)
- Fix(Token): make new scope future compatible (server#45809)
- Fix(cron): Log long running jobs (server#45813)
- Fix(files_sharing): fix parsing of remote shares (server#45816)
- Test: add tests for ProfilePageController (server#45821)
- Fix(files): also trigger new tab on file name middle click (server#45826)
- Fix(files): do not rely on unique fileid (server#45837)
- Fix(ObjectStore): Fix regression when hostname is empty (server#45840)
- Get child ids for folder in a separate query during move (server#45851)
- Feat: add option to disable scanner transactions (server#45856)
- Fix(files): Ignore right click for default action (server#45862)
- Show non writable folders during move or copy (server#45864)
- Fix(comments): Use proper icon components instead of icon classes to fix dark mode (server#45871)
- Fix(theming): also apply enforced theme for guests (server#45904)
- Fix(deleteAction): Bump up delete requests concurrency to 5 (server#45907)
- Ci: use precise ref for 3rdparty check (server#45928)
- Fix(files): correctly import WebDAV client in files store (server#45942)
- Fix: move repair mimetype repair step to the expensive steps (server#45966)
- Fix(dav): Limit number of UPDATES for sync token created_at (server#45991)
- Fix(Token): add FILESYSTEM scope with SCOPE_SKIP_PASSWORD_VALIDATION (server#46075)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump adm-zip from 0.5.12 to 0.5.14 (files_pdfviewer#977)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1236)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.12 to 5.2.13 (firstrunwizard#1242)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#343)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1933)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1941)
- Fix(browser): Don’t create web notifications for old notifications (notifications#1945)
- Fix: separate creation of browser notifications and sounds from Vue rendering (notifications#1948)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#429)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#434)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#614)
- Ci: automate ocp updates (serverinfo#622)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (survey_client#281)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5854)
- Fix(table): Fix readonly detection in vue components (text#5857)
- Test(cypress): Fix selector for new button in files app (text#5860)
- Fix(locks): only lock when editing (text#5865)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5883)
- Reset all sessions (in occ command and on upgrade) (text#5889)
- Fix: Ignore pushes of update steps for read only sessions (text#5896)
- Truncate tables and rename documents folder on reset (text#5921)
- Properly save old route when opening the viewer (viewer#2326)
- Fix: Add missing generateUrl (viewer#2329)
June 6, 2024
# Version 29.0.2
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Fix(files): Focus filename input in new-node dialog when opened (server#44852)
- Enh(metadata): migrate metadata to lazy appconfig (server#44899)
- Fix(comments): Fix issues thrown by comments sidebar tab code (server#44903)
- Feat: add request id as comment to all queries (server#44959)
- Fix: fix FileAccess::getByFileId(InStorage) (server#45158)
- Fix(userstatus): catch unique constrain violation on revert (server#45206)
- Perf(db): Sort data for IN before chunking (server#45215)
- Expose subscription calendars (server#45224)
- Fix(contactsmenu): empty content margin (server#45427)
- Fix header menu icon color (server#45430)
- Fix: Mark more configs as sensitive (server#45443)
- Feat: Add back searching in disabled user list (server#45477)
- Respect empty `expiryDate` value in server (server#45483)
- Fix(db): Log long transaction times at debug level (server#45522)
- Fix: forbid moving a folder into a subfolder of itself (server#45529)
- Fix(files): Implement `SortingService` to fix sorting of files (server#45534)
- Fix(db): Prevent two connections for single node databases (server#45541)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.2 to 8.11.3 (bruteforcesettings#604)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.2.0 to 5.2.1 (files_pdfviewer#949)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#953)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1230)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.11 to 5.2.12 (firstrunwizard#1232)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#340)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1931)
- Fix(faces): Fix call to Viewer.open (photos#2476)
- Fix: add typecast for mimetype (photos#2495)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#424)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#609)
- Test(cypress): Avoid failure when editor is updated on webdav requests (text#5774)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5831)
- Fix(preview): prev token can be undefined in `isPreviewLinkInParagraph` (text#5835)
- Fix: smartpicker set links for selected text (text#5836)
- Cleanup `_oc_webroot` stubs where possible (text#5841)
- Test(cy): rely on @nextcloud/axios for requests (text#5844)
May 23, 2024
# Version 29.0.1
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#44564)
- Fix npm audit (server#44590)
- Fix(sharingDetails): Show correct share target (server#44918)
- Chore: Fix update-psalm-baseline to use correct php version depending on branch (server#44956)
- Support multiple scopes in DAV search (server#44969)
- Fix(unifiedSearch): Prevent broken avatars for federated users in peo… (server#44972)
- Fix(memcache): remove double $$ to fix error (server#44981)
- Fix(provisioning_api): Show warning but do not fail when listing accounts in case of users removed from backend but still in database (server#44985)
- Fix(DAV): Migrate known exceptions to Sabre exceptions when copying (server#45018)
- Fix: chunked upload leading to 0-byte files (server#45040)
- Fix(CalDAV): remove UNKNOWN from room / resource consideration (server#45053)
- Feat: support „s3-accelerate“ endpoint (server#45056)
- Fix: Remove bogus code from query builder and fix parameter name (server#45104)
- Fix(files): Fix ownership transfer encrypted files detection (server#45105)
- Fix(setupchecks): Fix opcache buffer check (server#45106)
- Fix: Fix default values for ini var in lib/base.php (server#45107)
- Fix(user_ldap): Fix a var name (server#45108)
- Retry smb notify test a few times (server#45148)
- Fix(icons): Update files icon (server#45171)
- Fix(session): Avoid race condition for cache::get() vs. cache::hasKey() (server#45192)
- Fix(OC_Image): Set correct return type for exif_imagetype stub (server#45199)
- Fix(User\Manager): Avoid future collisions with updater/audit logs (server#45202)
- Fix(settings): Save one HTTP request on enabling an app (server#45204)
- Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#45208)
- Fix(userstatus): Fix docs of user status manager (server#45231)
- Fix(Router): Stop loading routes of disabled apps (server#45246)
- Fix(files): handle multidimensional arrays in scanner (server#45279)
- Fix(setupCheck): Only warn when memcache present w/o memcached (server#45283)
- Fix(SetupChecks): Detect CLI mode in HTTPS / URL generator check (server#45284)
- Fix: consider all paths the user has for a share source when considering max permissions (server#45293)
- Update pdf icon (server#45296)
- Fix(caldav): loop through all events for busy events (server#45313)
- Fix(search): Limit maximum number of search results (server#45318)
- Fix: Correctly check result of function (server#45322)
- Revert: „Check datadirectory owner, not config owner.“ (server#45326)
- Perf(deleteAction): Queue delete requests (server#45328)
- Fix(preview): check mime type before processing with Imagick (server#45337)
- Fix: Extend SVG reference check (server#45341)
- Fix: add ldap_exop_passwd function to sensitive value (server#45360)
- Fix: delete user credentials stored in storages_credentials when user gets deleted (server#45363)
- Fix(groups): allows to save group names with more than 64 characters (server#45367)
- Hide ‚updater.server.url‘ As It May Contain Enterprise Key (server#45373)
- Fix(db): Prevent data loss by temporarily disabling `db:convert-type` (server#45469)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1631)
- Fix npm audit (activity#1633)
- Fix(tests): Fix selecting the correct tagging field (activity#1645)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.2.0 to 5.2.1 (bruteforcesettings#581)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/router from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (bruteforcesettings#593)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (bruteforcesettings#594)
- Updating 2 workflows from template (bruteforcesettings#597)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (circles#1541)
- Fix npm audit (files_downloadlimit#261)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (files_pdfviewer#963)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.1 to 8.11.2 (firstrunwizard#1167)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1171)
- Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1172)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/router from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (firstrunwizard#1196)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/vite-config from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 (firstrunwizard#1198)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (firstrunwizard#1199)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.8 to 5.2.11 (firstrunwizard#1201)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.2 to 8.11.3 (firstrunwizard#1217)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1222)
- Fix: LogIterator duplicates and drops log entries (logreader#1237)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#328)
- Fix: Correctly check result of function (nextcloud_announcements#333)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (notifications#1899)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/router from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (notifications#1900)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.2 to 8.11.3 (notifications#1919)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1922)
- Fix npm audit (photos#2419)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#2423)
- Feat: Allow multiple source folders (photos#2446)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#2472)
- Fix(SizeMetadataProvider): Swap the width and height if the image is rotated (photos#2479)
- Fix npm audit (privacy#1056)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/router from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (privacy#1069)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (privacy#1070)
- Fix npm audit (recommendations#730)
- Fix npm audit (related_resources#390)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#393)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#418)
- Fix: handle disabled shell_exec (serverinfo#600)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#605)
- Update dependency (survey_client#269)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (suspicious_login#864)
- Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.3.1 (text#5642)
- Fix(links): 5539 close link bubble on click outside (text#5694)
- Chore(deps): update cypress (text#5708)
- Chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-cypress to ^2.15.2 (text#5709)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.2.11 (text#5710)
- Feat: disable spellcheck inside code blocks (text#5711)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/dialogs to ^5.3.1 (text#5713)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/files to ^3.2.1 (text#5714)
- Fix(description): 5688 no need to encode filename (text#5719)
- Fix(editor): requestAnimationFrame in onResize callbacks (text#5753)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/browserslist-config to ^3.0.1 (text#5760)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.23.1 (text#5761)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/router to ^3.0.1 (text#5762)
- Fix(deps): update dependency yjs to ^13.6.15 (text#5763)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/babel-config to ^1.1.1 (text#5764)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/auth to ^2.3.0 (text#5765)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/axios to ^2.5.0 (text#5766)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/browser-storage to ^0.4.0 (text#5767)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/event-bus to ^3.2.0 (text#5768)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/initial-state to ^2.2.0 (text#5769)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.23.2 (text#5783)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.11.3 (text#5788)
- Fix(deps): update dependency y-prosemirror to ^1.2.5 (text#5789)
- Fix(deps): update dependency y-websocket to ^2.0.3 (text#5790)
- Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.3.2 (text#5791)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5796)
- Fix: Correctly check result of function (updater#557)
- Fix npm audit (viewer#2300)
April 24, 2024
# Version 29.0.0
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Get access list share by email recipients (server#32631)
- Added –enabled and –disabled options to occ app:list (server#33546)
- Allow to specify allowed groups to share instead of excluded groups (server#34115)
- Modernize mime typeloader (server#36252)
- Feat: Reword login form disabled warning #37949 (server#37953)
- Occ: Add `–all` support to `user:lastseen` (server#39669)
- Add some recrusive detection/prevention (server#39990)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getCapabilitiesManager` (server#40115)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getCloudFederationFactory` (server#40116)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getCommentsManager` (server#40117)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getRootFolder` (server#40123)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getThemingDefaults` (server#40125)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getTwoFactorAuthManager` (server#40127)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getShareManager` (server#40131)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getGetRedisFactory` (server#40136)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getHasher` (server#40138)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getLazyRootFolder` (server#40142)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getLockdownManager` (server#40143)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getLockingProvider` (server#40144)
- More comprehensive wording for devices wipe action (server#40161)
- Respect custom webroot in setup form (server#41189)
- Add mimetype for ReStructuredText (server#41684)
- Use correct mode constant of files:scan’s –path option (server#41973)
- Handle copy of live photos (server#42170)
- Deprecated sysconfig ‚enable_file_metadata‘ (server#42628)
- Declarative settings (server#42661)
- Enh(metadata): store current file etag (server#42707)
- Fix: always add user to group cache (server#42931)
- Fix(settings): `posix_getpwuid` can return `false` which should not be accessed like an array (server#43334)
- Enh(appconfig): only try to insert new value if in doubt (server#43425)
- Feat: add `PATCH` HTTP Verb Support To `IClient` Interface & its HTTP Client Implementation (server#43446)
- Chore: Migrate samba `files_external` test from drone to github (server#43516)
- Minor syntax update (server#43534)
- Feat(files_reminders): Add reminder status indicator (server#43589)
- Fix: fallback from guessing the owner from path in versioning (server#43613)
- Fixes for getting the filename in the FileInfo class (server#43652)
- Fix CSP for script-src with nonce on edge (server#43778)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump exports-loader from 4.0.0 to 5.0.0 (server#43806)
- Add ability to cancel a scheduled transcription (server#43862)
- Fix(provisioning_api): Fix AppInfo schema for OpenAPI (server#43877)
- Feat(appconfig): storing integrity check result as a lazy config value (server#43907)
- Fix: changed login-page to reflect correct LDAP settings (server#43946)
- Fix(filecache): Move from array_merge to avoid memory exhaustion on large scans (server#43982)
- Use the proper path to check if a file needs to be copied/moved to the actual target storage (server#43983)
- Fix: Avoid clear cache with prefix (server#43992)
- Fix default text processing provider in AI settings (server#43993)
- Perf: improve performance of resolving group shares (server#44004)
- Feat: Adding PublicSectorBundle (server#44011)
- Fix/caldav/eventcomparisionservice uses wrong array comparison (server#44017)
- Feat: show the id of last author in versions metadata (server#44049)
- Fix(files): properly reset preview component (server#44062)
- Refactor: depricate getNumberOfUnreadCommentsForFolder and redo it’s … (server#44064)
- Migrate header check to setupcheck API (server#44067)
- Split live photo listener to extract trashbin specific code into its own listener (server#44069)
- Fix(AppManager): Allow to query dark **or** bright icon (server#44073)
- Fix(updatenotification): Adjust tests for changed IAppConfig (server#44074)
- Fix(dav): Add retention time to sync token cleanup (server#44075)
- Use viewer to open files still on the simple widget (server#44076)
- Fix(settings): Adjust order of parameters for `runRequest` (server#44082)
- Revert „files_versions: add missing null check“ (server#44083)
- [master] Fix npm audit (server#44091)
- Feat: Refactor app & account management UI code (server#44092)
- Fix(cron): Fix Cron misrepresenting itself as console (server#44094)
- Chore(deps): bump query-string from 8.2.0 to 9.0.0 (server#44102)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump @types/dockerode from 3.3.24 to 3.3.26 (server#44103)
- Feat: author displayname and avatar on versions (server#44109)
- Test(dav): Add unit test for no calendars/subscription limit (server#44117)
- Fix(theming): fix incorrectly inverted favicons (server#44119)
- Feat: Apps discover section (server#44129)
- Fix(dav): Add occ command to fix missing caldav sync tokens (server#44130)
- Fix: don’t return null for SharedStorage::getWrapperStorage with share recursion (server#44132)
- Chore(deps): bump `@nextcloud/vue` from 8.9.1 to 8.10.0 (server#44134)
- Docs(config.sample.php): Warn that `updatedirectory` will break updates if set to a value within the installation folder (server#44138)
- Fix(files): Right click menu offset and list scrolled glitch (server#44139)
- Fix(settings): Fix always empty disabled users list for subadmins (server#44140)
- [master] fix(security): Update CA certificate bundle (server#44142)
- Fix: Call execute until it is removed for Job class (server#44151)
- Added rate limit bypass for app_api requests (server#44154)
- Fix(files): fixed breadcrumbs dissapearing on narrow screens (server#44162)
- Fix(updatenotification): spread the use of new iappconfig (server#44165)
- Chore(files_versions): Use new metadata API for versions (server#44175)
- Fix(Navigation): ensure NavManager is inited when adding an entry (server#44178)
- Fix: Ensure correct stacking context for right click menu (server#44179)
- Fix: No password set for new mail shares (server#44184)
- Add listener and interfaces to allow versions migration across storage (server#44187)
- Do not throw an exception if the etag is not set in metadata (server#44189)
- Fix(CI): Add missing generic files_external tests (server#44191)
- Fix: Migrate WebDAV endpoint check to SetupCheck API (server#44202)
- Fix: avoid scanning a non existing directory (server#44203)
- Chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.5 to 1.15.6 (server#44207)
- Fix: List specific share permissions as subline (server#44217)
- Feat: Limit email input to 255 chars (server#44218)
- Fix(files_sharing): ShareesAPI – Return empty response when user is not allowed to share (server#44223)
- Fix(files): provide onDestroy callback for interactive widgets (server#44226)
- Config: fix correctness issues in reading (server#44230)
- Chore: bump ncvue to 8.11.0 (server#44231)
- Fix(settings): apps list layout (server#44236)
- Chore(deps): Bump davclient.js from 0.2.1 to 0.2.2 (server#44237)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump karma from 6.4.2 to 6.4.3 (server#44238)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump typescript from 5.3.3 to 5.4.2 (server#44239)
- Chore(deps): Bump vue-multiselect from 2.1.8 to 2.1.9 (server#44240)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump cypress from 13.6.6 to 13.7.0 (server#44241)
- Chore(deps): Bump @vueuse/integrations from 10.8.0 to 10.9.0 (server#44243)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @cypress/vue2 from 2.0.1 to 2.1.0 (server#44244)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump puppeteer from 21.11.0 to 22.5.0 (server#44245)
- Feat(ObjectStore): Make the S3 `concurrency` option configurable (server#44252)
- Fix(files): Adjust dropservice to work with Blink engine (server#44254)
- Fix: Correctly add search event listener to make searching the app list work again (server#44255)
- Fix: getLogLevel return type (server#44258)
- Feat(settings): Allow app discover section links to open app routes or the appstore page (server#44259)
- Docs: added codespace link (server#44260)
- Fix(Logger): Warn on invalid `loglevel` configuration option (server#44262)
- Fix(files_external): Remove invalid jQuery Tooltip usage (server#44264)
- Fix(setupcheck): Catch Throwables from setup checks and show them to the admin (server#44270)
- Fix(config): Make sure user keys are strings (server#44276)
- Fix: ensure nested mount points are handled in the correct order (server#44279)
- Fix(settings): App Store Discover carousel animations are inverted (server#44280)
- Fix(AppDiscoverFetcher): Do not remove entries as expired that have no expiry date (server#44281)
- Fix(settings): Support `order` property on App Discover elements and hide future elements (server#44282)
- Fix(settings): Ensure media for app discover section is scaled correctly (server#44286)
- Enh: Send empty expireDate when not expireDate set (server#44291)
- Allow injecting the user temporarily for direct editing (server#44295)
- Forbid tagging readonly files (server#44297)
- Fix(federatedfilesharing): Use correct language file to render notifi… (server#44305)
- Fix(sharing): resolveGroupShares setPermissions on null (server#44316)
- Feat(settings): Implement `showcase` type for App Discover section (server#44328)
- Fix(db): remove redundant index in cards (server#44333)
- Fix(share): use share owner to get ownership (server#44339)
- Fix(dav): adjust usages of webdav.customRequest (server#44344)
- Log error when default getWrapperStorage would return null (server#44357)
- Fix(caldav): add EXDATE and EXRULE to confidential object (server#44360)
- Check permissions of all accessible file for versions (server#44362)
- Rename MetadataFileEvents to VersionAuthorListener (server#44363)
- Feat: Add new mdi New file menu icons (server#44368)
- Fix(dav): ACLs for shared addressbooks (server#44376)
- Fix(workflowengine): Use correct event names to make search for groups work again (server#44381)
- Chore(ci): update block merge EOL workflow (server#44388)
- Fix(DB): Sanitize `host` parameter for postgres databases when IPv6 address is passed (server#44394)
- Fix(logging): Restore the option to log with debug level (server#44400)
- Fix(files): Do not escape file names in the file picker (server#44407)
- Fix(JSRecourceLocator): Add missing slash after server root (server#44408)
- Fix(AppStore\Fetcher): Ensure `get` returns an array (server#44410)
- Fix(CSP): Add CSP nonce by default and convert `browserSupportsCspV3` to blacklist (server#44412)
- Fix(files): Only add copy suffix before file extension for files (not folders) (server#44417)
- Build(deps): bump libphonenumber-js from 1.10.57 to 1.10.58 (server#44423)
- Build(deps-dev): bump webpack from 5.90.3 to 5.91.0 (server#44424)
- Build(deps): bump @nextcloud/router from 2.2.1 to 3.0.0 (server#44425)
- Build(deps): bump dompurify from 3.0.9 to 3.0.11 (server#44426)
- Build(deps-dev): bump cypress-split from 1.20.1 to 1.21.0 (server#44427)
- Build(deps-dev): bump cypress from 13.7.0 to 13.7.1 (server#44428)
- Build(deps-dev): bump tar from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1 (server#44429)
- Build(deps): bump core-js from 3.36.0 to 3.36.1 (server#44430)
- Build(deps): bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.0 to 8.11.1 (server#44431)
- Build(deps-dev): bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.18 in /build/integration (server#44432)
- Build(deps-dev): bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (server#44436)
- Feat(login): Clear login form (password) after IDLE timeout (server#44438)
- Fix(federation): Fix creating local cloudIds with http:// protocol (server#44453)
- Fix(personal-files): correctly filters groupfolders now (server#44455)
- Fix(typo): Fix typo in docs (server#44456)
- Fix(contactsinteraction): Allow vCard download (server#44457)
- Feat: add interface for lower level filecache acess without having to do direct db queries (server#44458)
- Fix(S3): Adjust typing for 32bit compatibility (server#44462)
- Feat(settings): Allow to sort groups in the account management alphabetically (server#44465)
- Fix: Allow using replica config with split databases (server#44470)
- Fix(preview): webp preview format (server#44474)
- Fix(dns): detect disabled IPv6 support in DNS pinning (server#44475)
- Fix(settings): Also verify that `trusted_proxies` only contains IP addresses (with range) (server#44483)
- Fix(share): Send correct share attributes upon share creation (server#44484)
- Add retry logic to cover deadlock situations during move operations (server#44504)
- Feat: Add more new mdi icons (server#44513)
- [master] fix(security): Update code signing revocation list (server#44515)
- Chore(branchoff): Test against stable29 branches (server#44531)
- Fix(security): Update expiration date in security.txt (server#44546)
- Fix(files): Fix translation of „Delete file“ (server#44553)
- Feat(trashbin): Show original location of deleted file (server#44584)
- Fix(files_sharing): Create passwords when enforced for mail shares (server#44591)
- Fix(files_sharing): Disable autocomplete for share label and password (server#44617)
- Fix(tests): Fix tests when daytime saving time change happened recently (server#44618)
- Build(deps): bump nextcloud/coding-standard from 1.1.1 to 1.2.1 in /vendor-bin/cs-fixer (server#44622)
- Fix(dav): Fix quota check for chunk upload (server#44624)
- Fix(federation): ICloudId->getRemote() should contain the protocol (server#44626)
- Fix(SetupChecks): Add hint about dns/firewall if `mjs` check can’t run (server#44628)
- Fix(encryption): Clicking default module in UI sets bogus value (server#44634)
- Fix(appconfig): compare with original value (server#44645)
- Fix(files): breadcrumbs drag-and-drop & unifying methods (server#44653)
- Fix(deps): Update phpseclib from 2.0.45 to 2.0.47 (server#44671)
- Fix(deps): Update `doctrine/dbal` to 3.8.3 (server#44686)
- Fix(3rdparty): Add a CI job to check 3rdparty integrity (server#44692)
- Fix(Blurhash): Suppress imagecreatefromstring() E_WARNING (server#44716)
- Fix(oc-dialog): Get rid of the overlay (server#44725)
- Fix(AppFramework): Fix error message about 204 not allowing custom headers (server#44729)
- Feat(core): Include core capabilities in OpenAPI (server#44732)
- Call davGetFavoritesReport after the registration of propfind properties (server#44735)
- Fix: Fix avatar images (server#44737)
- Fix: use proper jailed patch in watcher (server#44748)
- Fix(breadcrumbs): improved rendering of breadcrumb progress bar (server#44760)
- Fix(LDAP): escape DN on check-user (server#44765)
- Fix(federation): give some time to prepare both servers (server#44778)
- Fix(capabilities): Expose if mod-rewrite is working via capabilities (server#44800)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue to v8.11.2 (server#44816)
- Chore(deps): Update openapi-extractor (server#44828)
- Chore: Update @nextcloud/upload to 1.1.1 to fix uploading large files (server#44836)
- Fix(files): Inherit some node attributes when creating new nodes to preserve shared state (server#44845)
- Chore(files): Switch widget icon to primary color (server#44846)
- Fix(files): Do not show files from hidden folders in „Recent“-view if hidden files are disabled by user (server#44866)
- Fix(systemtags): Use built-in input label to satisfy a11y check of NcSelect (server#44880)
- Fix(status): Update status time when reverting to it manually (server#44885)
- Fix(files): Clear search filter when changing directory or view (server#44887)
- Fix(files): Also skip cross storage move with access control (server#44890)
- Fix(appconfig): returns correct value on details (server#44907)
- Fix: avoid douple `expireDate` parsing (server#44910)
- Fix(appconfig): returns correct value on details (server#44914)
- Fix(sharing): Don’t change the type of the controller argument (server#44917)
- Fix(files): Also restore shares after ownership transfer for object storage (server#44922)
- Fix: Fix truncation on public page (server#44989)
- Chore(deps): Bump phpseclib/phpseclib from 2.0.45 to 2.0.47 (3rdparty#1772)
- Fix(deps): Update `doctrine/dbal` to 3.8.3 (3rdparty#1791)
- MailQueueHandler: Don’t flood logs with useless messages (activity#1586)
- Upgrade: Bump @types/dockerode from 3.3.23 to 3.3.26 (activity#1587)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1591)
- Updating phpunit-mysql.yml workflow from template (activity#1595)
- Upgrade: Bump psalm/phar from 5.21.1 to 5.23.1 (activity#1596)
- Upgrade: Bump cypress from 13.6.3 to 13.7.0 (activity#1597)
- Upgrade: Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.5 to 1.15.6 (activity#1598)
- Upgrade: Bump @vitest/coverage-v8 from 1.2.2 to 1.4.0 (activity#1599)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1600)
- Upgrade: Bump vite from 5.0.12 to 5.2.3 (activity#1607)
- Upgrade: Bump cypress from 13.7.0 to 13.7.1 (activity#1609)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1611)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (activity#1614)
- Group activities sent by mail (activity#1622)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (bruteforcesettings#569)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.7.1 to 8.9.1 (bruteforcesettings#570)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.1.2 to 5.2.0 (bruteforcesettings#571)
- Updating phpunit-mysql.yml workflow from template (bruteforcesettings#574)
- Chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 (bruteforcesettings#575)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.9.1 to 8.11.1 (bruteforcesettings#577)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (bruteforcesettings#578)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.1 to 8.11.2 (bruteforcesettings#582)
- Feat: Implement team resource provider for shared files (circles#1525)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (circles#1534)
- Feat: Add admin setting to set default download limit (files_downloadlimit#232)
- Create .l10nignore (files_downloadlimit#233)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (files_downloadlimit#234)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.1.2 to 5.2.0 (files_downloadlimit#235)
- Chore: Remove unnecessary workflows and update existing (files_downloadlimit#236)
- Chore: Add some workflows from upstream (files_downloadlimit#237)
- Chore: Add README and document API (files_downloadlimit#238)
- Docs: Add asserts for example responses (files_downloadlimit#240)
- Feat: Provide limit via dav property (files_downloadlimit#241)
- Fix: Only allow the share owner to set a limit (files_downloadlimit#242)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.9.1 to 8.11.0 (files_downloadlimit#243)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.1.5 to 5.1.6 (files_downloadlimit#244)
- Chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 (files_downloadlimit#245)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#246)
- Chore: Disable ocp update for stable branches (files_downloadlimit#249)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.1.6 to 5.2.3 (files_downloadlimit#251)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (files_downloadlimit#253)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (files_pdfviewer#919)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.1.2 to 5.2.0 (files_pdfviewer#920)
- Updating phpunit-mysql.yml workflow from template (files_pdfviewer#922)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump axios from 1.6.7 to 1.6.8 (files_pdfviewer#929)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump adm-zip from 0.5.10 to 0.5.12 (files_pdfviewer#930)
- Chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 (files_pdfviewer#931)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (files_pdfviewer#932)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#943)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#944)
- Chore(deps): Bump dorny/paths-filter from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 (firstrunwizard#1113)
- Chore(deps): Bump icewind1991/nextcloud-version-matrix from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1 (firstrunwizard#1116)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (firstrunwizard#1117)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.8.1 to 8.9.1 (firstrunwizard#1119)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1121)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.1.4 to 5.1.6 (firstrunwizard#1123)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/checkout from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 (firstrunwizard#1124)
- Chore(deps): Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 (firstrunwizard#1125)
- Updating phpunit-mysql.yml workflow from template (firstrunwizard#1126)
- Chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 (firstrunwizard#1127)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump psalm/phar from 5.22.2 to 5.23.1 (firstrunwizard#1128)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump sass from 1.71.1 to 1.72.0 (firstrunwizard#1129)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.9.1 to 8.11.0 (firstrunwizard#1130)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1131)
- Chore(deps): Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 (firstrunwizard#1136)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/checkout from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 (firstrunwizard#1137)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.18 (firstrunwizard#1138)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.1.6 to 5.2.3 (firstrunwizard#1140)
- Chore(deps): Bump shivammathur/setup-php from 2.30.0 to 2.30.1 (firstrunwizard#1144)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (firstrunwizard#1146)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.0 to 8.11.1 (firstrunwizard#1148)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.3 to 5.2.6 (firstrunwizard#1150)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.2.6 to 5.2.8 (firstrunwizard#1156)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1160)
- Feat: Add Nextcloud Hub changelog (firstrunwizard#1162)
- Fix: Do not mess with all NcModal styles – scope styles to wizard (firstrunwizard#1168)
- Fix(i18n): Fixed typo (firstrunwizard#1177)
- Fix: Apply class to wizard page title (was a typo) and correctly navigate to page whats-new page (firstrunwizard#1186)
- Add relative time format back (logreader#1099)
- Build(deps): Bump axios from 1.6.5 to 1.6.7 (logreader#1129)
- Build(deps): Bump @nextcloud/router from 2.2.0 to 3.0.0 (logreader#1138)
- Build(deps): Bump vue-material-design-icons from 5.2.0 to 5.3.0 (logreader#1141)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (logreader#1144)
- Build(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/vite-config from 1.2.0 to 1.2.2 (logreader#1146)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#1149)
- Updating command-compile.yml workflow from template (logreader#1156)
- Build(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.0.3 to 5.1.2 (logreader#1161)
- Build(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.4.0 to 8.9.1 (logreader#1167)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (logreader#1169)
- Build(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.1.2 to 5.2.0 (logreader#1172)
- Build(deps-dev): Bump typescript from 5.3.3 to 5.4.2 (logreader#1173)
- Build(deps-dev): Bump happy-dom from 13.6.2 to 13.7.0 (logreader#1174)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#1175)
- Feat: Limit SetupCheck computing time to 5 seconds (logreader#1178)
- Perf: read larger chunks in logiterator (logreader#1179)
- Build(deps-dev): Bump happy-dom from 13.7.0 to 13.8.6 (logreader#1180)
- Build(deps-dev): Bump @vitest/coverage-istanbul from 1.3.1 to 1.4.0 (logreader#1181)
- Build(deps): Bump date-fns from 3.3.1 to 3.5.0 (logreader#1182)
- Build(deps): Bump axios from 1.6.7 to 1.6.8 (logreader#1184)
- Build(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 (logreader#1187)
- Build(deps-dev): Bump happy-dom from 13.8.6 to 14.3.1 (logreader#1190)
- Build(deps-dev): Bump typescript from 5.4.2 to 5.4.3 (logreader#1191)
- Bump date-fns from 3.5.0 to 3.6.0 (logreader#1192)
- Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.9.1 to 8.11.1 (logreader#1193)
- Fix: Catch exception from LogIteratorFactory, throw a clean error when log_type is not file (logreader#1195)
- Build(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.1.4 to 5.2.6 (logreader#1196)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (logreader#1198)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#1209)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (nextcloud_announcements#302)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#305)
- Updating phpunit-mysql.yml workflow from template (nextcloud_announcements#306)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump psalm/phar from 5.22.2 to 5.23.1 (nextcloud_announcements#307)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#309)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.18 (nextcloud_announcements#310)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#311)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (nextcloud_announcements#312)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#317)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#321)
- Feat(push): Try the new Route attribute (notifications#1798)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (notifications#1845)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.8.1 to 8.9.1 (notifications#1846)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.1.2 to 5.2.0 (notifications#1847)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1849)
- Updating phpunit-mysql.yml workflow from template (notifications#1852)
- Chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 (notifications#1853)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.9.1 to 8.11.0 (notifications#1854)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vimeo/psalm from 5.22.2 to 5.23.1 (notifications#1855)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1857)
- Fix(api): Ignore „parsed“ link and icon urls when deleting (notifications#1858)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.18 (notifications#1862)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.0 to 8.11.1 (notifications#1863)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.18 in /tests/Integration (notifications#1864)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (notifications#1865)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1866)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (notifications#1868)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1877)
- Perf(push): Only get user language when needed (notifications#1881)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.2.0 to 5.2.1 (notifications#1886)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.1 to 8.11.2 (notifications#1887)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1890)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump christophwurst/nextcloud_testing from 0.12.4 to 1.0.0 (password_policy#508)
- Chore: Update workflows from organization (password_policy#512)
- Fix: Migrate some deprecated functions (password_policy#516)
- Fix: Modernize build system to use vite and `@nextcloud/vue` version 8 (password_policy#517)
- Update npm and node engines versions (password_policy#536)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.16 to 9.6.17 (password_policy#551)
- Chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.5 to 1.15.6 (password_policy#560)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.18 (password_policy#563)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vite from 5.1.6 to 5.2.3 (password_policy#565)
- Fix(setting): Clarify the „Account disabled“ option (password_policy#578)
- Add dashboard widget: On this day (photos#1121)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (photos#2316)
- Fix(i18n): Adapted wording (photos#2377)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#2379)
- Updating phpunit-mysql.yml workflow from template (photos#2383)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump psalm/phar from 5.22.2 to 5.23.1 (photos#2384)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#2386)
- [master] Fix npm audit (photos#2393)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.18 (photos#2400)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (photos#2401)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#2403)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (photos#2407)
- Fix: Open Viewer when clicking on photo in folder (photos#2433)
- Check download attribute when fetching previews (photos#2439)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (privacy#1042)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.1.2 to 5.2.0 (privacy#1043)
- Updating phpunit-mysql.yml workflow from template (privacy#1045)
- Chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 (privacy#1046)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.18 (privacy#1051)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (privacy#1052)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 5.4.0 to 8.8.1 (recommendations#706)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/router from 2.2.1 to 3.0.0 (recommendations#707)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (recommendations#712)
- Chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 (recommendations#715)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (recommendations#720)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (recommendations#722)
- Fix: Fix navigation to folder (recommendations#728)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump nextcloud/coding-standard from 1.1.1 to 1.2.1 (related_resources#350)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/router from 2.2.1 to 3.0.0 (related_resources#351)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#353)
- Updating command-compile.yml workflow from template (related_resources#354)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (related_resources#355)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 10.5.11 to 10.5.13 (related_resources#371)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vimeo/psalm from 5.22.2 to 5.23.1 (related_resources#372)
- Chore(deps): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 (related_resources#373)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (related_resources#381)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (related_resources#382)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 7.12.4 to 8.11.2 (related_resources#398)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (serverinfo#569)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#570)
- Updating phpunit-mysql.yml workflow from template (serverinfo#571)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump psalm/phar from 5.22.2 to 5.23.1 (serverinfo#573)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#575)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.18 (serverinfo#576)
- [master] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#577)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (serverinfo#578)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#584)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#587)
- Fix: replace removed success and complete callbacks (serverinfo#590)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vimeo/psalm from 5.22.2 to 5.23.1 (survey_client#244)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.16 to 9.6.18 (survey_client#248)
- Fix: Return type of Model::jsonSerialize() should be compatible with … (suspicious_login#863)
- Bring back test failing due to server issue (text#5144)
- Remove bottom margin for better warning blocks display (text#5310)
- Fix(deps): update yjs (main) (text#5429)
- Fix(Preview): allow removing Preview with backspace (text#5444)
- Fix(Preview): hide link bubble when preview menu opens (text#5445)
- Fix cypress (text#5447)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (text#5449)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.1.6 (main) (text#5450)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.21.0 (main) (text#5451)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/dialogs to ^5.2.0 (main) (text#5452)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5453)
- Fix(Tables): require at least one cell in the header (text#5461)
- Fix(deps): update dependency mermaid to ^10.9.0 (main) (text#5462)
- Fix(deps): update dependency slug to v9 (main) (text#5463)
- Test(ci): Revert some cypress workflow changes (text#5464)
- Fix(backend): Accept pushs with only step1 messages by read-only clients (text#5466)
- Fix(session): Fix setting a guest name (text#5469)
- Fix: Avoid race condition that may initialize a document twice on the clients (text#5470)
- Ensure document stays consistent with y.js state file (text#5477)
- Reset document session on filesystem change (text#5481)
- Fix(attachments): Don’t use currentSession for fetching attachments (text#5484)
- Fix(HelpModal): Migrate to `NcDialog`, fix padding (text#5488)
- Fix(MarkdownContentEditor): Respect `onLoaded` callback passed via API (text#5489)
- Fix(LinkPicker): Don’t open link picker inside code blocks (text#5490)
- Chore(store): Remove unused currentSession from vuex store (text#5491)
- Fix: catch expected exception in event handler (text#5497)
- Updating phpunit-mysql.yml workflow from template (text#5498)
- Fix(deps): update dependency lib0 to ^0.2.92 (main) (text#5499)
- Chore(deps): bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 (text#5501)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.11.0 (main) (text#5502)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5512)
- Fix(sync): If `baseVersionEtag` changed, reset frontend (text#5523)
- Fix/hide bubble when in menu (text#5529)
- Test(cypress): Downgrade cypress-io/github-action to v5.3.0 to fix errors (text#5533)
- Fix: Force visibility for tippy (text#5537)
- Fix(LinkBubble): Display link bubble view only if href is set (text#5538)
- Fix(files): Change icons+wording for adding text doc and folder description (text#5540)
- Fix/5522 no link preview toggle for anchor links (text#5544)
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5545)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 (text#5546)
- Fix: Use our own vue instance rendering anything but the viewer component (text#5547)
- Update editor on readOnlyprop change (text#5549)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/files to ^3.1.1 (main) (text#5552)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.11.1 (main) (text#5553)
- Fix(deps): update yjs (main) (text#5554)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.18 (text#5556)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.2.6 (main) (text#5557)
- Fix(deps): update dependency y-websocket to v2 (main) (text#5558)
- Fix(LinkBubble): Limit hide on scroll to div elements (text#5566)
- Chore(deps): bump katex from 0.16.9 to 0.16.10 (text#5568)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump express from 4.18.1 to 4.19.2 (text#5570)
- Fix(links): set default for `loadState(‚core‘, ‚active-app‘)` (text#5571)
- Fix: Catch exceptions on non existing files (text#5572)
- Chore: Skip files list in sharing tests (text#5573)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (text#5577)
- Feat/5524 link preview add button to delete links in preview mode (text#5580)
- Always initialize with the same yjs document if no state is present (text#5593)
- Fix: workspace tables expand correctly (text#5595)
- Fix: Make edit mode in interactive widgets opt-in (text#5596)
- Fix(css): Adjust heading sizes (Fixes: #5515) (text#5598)
- Test(cypress): Wait for syncs after opening+editing in in `sync.spec.js` (text#5602)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.21.2 (text#5612)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.2.8 (text#5613)
- Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.2.4 (text#5614)
- Fix(LinkBubble): Treat links to hashes in same page directly (text#5615)
- Fix(deps): update dependency markdown-it-front-matter to ^0.2.4 (text#5617)
- Fix(deps): update dependency y-websocket to ^2.0.2 (text#5618)
- Fix(deps): update tiptap to ^2.2.5 (text#5633)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5646)
- Fix npm audit (text#5647)
- Fix: copy-paste markdown/raw text inconsistencies (text#5652)
- Fix(imageview): Don’t try to load unresolved images (text#5656)
- Fix: improve node and mark copy-paste behavior (text#5658)
- Fix: Avoid throwing when a workspace file cannot be found due to a failed storage (text#5663)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.11.2 (text#5671)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.23.0 (text#5673)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/dialogs to ^5.3.0 (text#5674)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5683)
- Fix npm audit (text#5685)
- Fix(l10n): „Connection failed“ not translatable (text#5699)
- [master] Fix npm audit (twofactor_totp#1506)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 29 on stable29 (twofactor_totp#1507)
- Fix npm audit (twofactor_totp#1512)
- Bump nextcloud/coding-standard from 1.1.1 to 1.2.1 (updater#537)
- Revert „Also include *.config.php files“ (updater#540)
- Fix(deps): update nextcloud (master) (viewer#2020)
- Chore(deps): update dockerode (master) (viewer#2053)
- Chore(deps): update dependency wait-on to ^7.2.0 (master) (viewer#2054)
- Chore(deps): Bump peter-evans/create-or-update-comment from 3.1.0 to 4.0.0 (viewer#2136)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump nextcloud/coding-standard from 1.1.1 to 1.2.1 (viewer#2143)
- Fix(deps): update dependency vue to ^2.7.16 (master) (viewer#2160)
- Fix(deps): update dependency webdav to ^5.4.0 (master) (viewer#2168)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^13.6.6 (master) (viewer#2173)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.16 to 9.6.17 (viewer#2174)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vimeo/psalm from 5.20.0 to 5.22.2 (viewer#2175)
- Chore(deps): Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 5.0.2 to 6.0.1 (viewer#2180)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (viewer#2191)
- Chore(deps): update dependency typescript to ^5.4.2 (master) (viewer#2192)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.1.5 (master) (viewer#2193)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @fontsource/roboto to ^5.0.12 (master) (viewer#2194)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @mdi/svg to ^7.4.47 (master) (viewer#2195)
- Fix(deps): update dependency filerobot-image-editor to ^4.7.0 (master) (viewer#2196)
- Fix(deps): update dependency vue-material-design-icons to ^5.3.0 (master) (viewer#2197)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @vue/tsconfig to ^0.5.1 (master) (viewer#2198)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-visual-regression to v5 (master) (viewer#2199)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/router to v3 (master) (viewer#2200)
- Fix(deps): update dependency debounce to v2 (master) (viewer#2201)
- [master] Update cypress snapshots (viewer#2211)
- Fix(cypress): sharing download test (viewer#2222)
- Chore(deps): lock file maintenance (master) (viewer#2229)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/checkout from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 (viewer#2232)
- Chore(deps): Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 (viewer#2233)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.2.3 (master) (viewer#2234)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress to ^13.7.1 (master) (viewer#2235)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vimeo/psalm from 5.22.2 to 5.23.1 (viewer#2236)
- Fix(deps): update nextcloud (master) (viewer#2237)
- Fix: filerobot-image-editor ^4.7.0 (viewer#2248)
- Chore(deps): update dependency typescript to ^5.4.3 (master) (viewer#2251)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.17 to 9.6.18 (viewer#2252)
- Fix(deps): update dependency webdav to ^5.5.0 (master) (viewer#2253)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.2.4 (master) (viewer#2256)
- Fix npm audit (viewer#2286)
Hub 8 Veröffentlichung
Nextcloud Hub 8 ist da!
Die Kontrolle über Ihre Zeit zurückholen: Nextcloud Hub 8 ist da! 🚀
- ✨ Nextcloud-Assistent: Chat-Zusammenfassungen, Nextcloud-Mail-Antwortvorschläge, Antworten basierend auf Ihren Daten und mehr!
- 📱 Interaktive Vorschauen für Dateien, Ordner, Boards und Ereignisse
- 🌐 Federated Chat und Nachrichtenbearbeitung in Talk
- 🗒️ Mini-Apps auf der Basis von Tabellen
- 🔗 Gemeinsame Nutzung öffentlicher Kollektive, Vorschauen und QR-Codes
- 👥 Verwalten Sie Ihre Teamressourcen wie ein Profi mit Nextcloud Teams
- 🔄 Formulare: automatische Synchronisierung mit einer Tabellenkalkulation
December 12, 2024
# Version 28.0.14
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Fix(maintenance): Show a success message on data-fingerprint command (server#49589)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump @cypress/vue2 from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 (server#49707)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump @types/dockerode from 3.3.29 to 3.3.32 (server#49709)
- Fix(files_sharing): Stop infinite loop blocking link share requests (server#49722)
- Fix(files_sharing): Correct property enforced property names (server#49807)
- Fix(files_sharing): also submit new share on password submit (server#49818)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#410)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#2110)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/cypress from 1.0.0-beta.10 to 1.0.0-beta.12 (photos#2723)
- Fix npm audit (privacy#1104)
- Revert „Fix npm audit“ (privacy#1154)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#6720)
December 5, 2024
# Version 28.0.13 (Withdrawn)
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Build(deps-dev): bump @types/jest from 29.5.12 to 29.5.14 (server#49046)
- Clear pending two factor tokens also from configuration (server#49096)
- Fix(theming): Return default theme if the user never selected a theme (server#49135)
- Fix(SharingEntryLink): Show default password before create if any (server#49148)
- Fix(files_sharing): note icon color on public pages (server#49155)
- Fix: undefined variable $response in DAV storage (server#49158)
- Fix(files): edit locally buttons and description (server#49163)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @pinia/testing from 0.1.3 to 0.1.7 (server#49173)
- Fix(files): view-in-folder enabled conditions (server#49178)
- Fix(files): Allow downloading multiple nodes not from same base (server#49203)
- Fix: log a warning when we can’t build a background job (server#49205)
- Chore(github): Update groupware code owners (server#49212)
- Fix(files_external): cast storage id int (server#49220)
- Fix remaining readdir() calls in loops with undesirable false evaluation potential (server#49227)
- Feat: Add X-NC-Disable-Scheduling property to allow skipping scheduling (server#49253)
- Chore(deps): Add SabreDav Patch for iTip Broker (server#49267)
- Fix: override iTip Broker to fix several issues (server#49269)
- DNS: do not query CNAME if A succeeded already (server#49279)
- Build(deps): bump dompurify from 3.1.6 to 3.1.7 (server#49318)
- Fix(files): improve delete display name when trashbin is disabled (server#49367)
- Feat(settings): add big file upload setup checks (server#49381)
- Fix(job): Check if carddata is resource and read it to string (server#49388)
- Fix(storage): Try to delete existing target (server#49411)
- Fix: (CalDav) Delete invitation link when deleting Calendars or Events (server#49427)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump @nextcloud/cypress from 1.0.0-beta.9 to 1.0.0-beta.10 (server#49446)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump jsdoc from 4.0.3 to 4.0.4 (server#49449)
- Fix(BackgroundJobs): Adjust intervals and time sensitivities (server#49463)
- Fix(OCMDiscoveryService): Also cache error results during discovery (server#49470)
- Fix: invalid usage of IQueryBuilder::createNamedParameter() (server#49478)
- Fix(security): Update CA certificate bundle (server#49510)
- Fix(migration): Decrypt ownCloud secrets v2 (server#49535)
- Chore: stricter access to testremote endpoint (server#49542)
- Fix(setupcheck): Disable PhpMaxFileSize setupcheck for now (server#49640)
- Add SabreDav Patch for iTip Broker (3rdparty#1985)
- Revert „fix/remote activity constructor“ (activity#1842)
- Fix npm audit (bruteforcesettings#690)
- Remove caching for shares (circles#1752)
- Fix(notification): Make sure the action URL is an absolute URL (circles#1760)
- Fix(CoreQueryBuilder): Use correct member entry for circle as initiator (circles#1763)
- Fix(FederatedUserService): Increase cache TTL for singleId to one week (circles#1772)
- Bypass user condition on cli (circles#1780)
- Fix(activity): ensure absolute URL are used (circles#1788)
- Fix(SetupCheck): remove debug(?) output (logreader#1416)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/cypress from 1.0.0-beta.9 to 1.0.0-beta.10 (photos#2710)
- Fix: use NcCheckboxRadioSwitch in settings (recommendations#818)
- Fix: add missing description to command (recommendations#822)
- Fix: Proper layout for split view (viewer#2570)
November 7, 2024
# Version 28.0.12
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Build(deps): bump @nextcloud/password-confirmation from 5.1.0 to 5.1.1 (server#47003) 1
- Fix(files): Add more visual move / copy notification (server#48456)
- Ci: fail psalm when baseline update required (server#48470)
- Fix: provision api’s status codes (server#48472)
- Fix: do not reduce count for subadmins if they are members of group (server#48569)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/cypress from 1.0.0-beta.8 to 1.0.0-beta.9 (server#48580)
- Fix: Make user removal more resilient (server#48587) 1
- Fix email share transfer accross storages (server#48616)
- Fix: Allow overriding shouldApplyQuota check from child classes (server#48633)
- Fix(locking): Accept mixed as value on setTTL (server#48695)
- Fix(AppConfig): Add external JWT private key to sensitive keys (server#48711)
- Fix(share): Return empty string if no label is set (server#48739)
- Fix: Fix “Unknown path” error when source user
folder has not been initialized (server#48744) - Fix: add PasswordConfirmationRequired to create user storages endpoint (server#48749)
- Fix: get rid of denied notification when accept (server#48753)
- Fix(message): Fix logic of Mail test (server#48762)
- Fix(security): Update code signing revocation list (server#48783)
- Fix(files_sharing): Add proper user facing messages on success (server#48796)
- Fix(logger): Remove more parameters of other methods (server#48832)
- Build: Print RTL limited characters in translation-checker (server#48858)
- Fix(files): undefined displayname for outdated
<3.6.0 apps (server#48875) - Fix(files): add title for files list table header button (server#48923)
- Fix(dav): Cleanup view-only check (server#48929)
- Fix(files_sharing): Cleanup error messages (server#48935)
- Fix(files): handle empty view with error (server#48938)
- Fix: encrypt and store password, decrypt and retrieve the same (server#48941)
- Chore(deps): Update
to at least 1.5.0 (server#48946) - Fix(config): Mark more configs as sensitive (server#48948)
- Fix(files_sharing): federated shares avatar (server#48955)
- Ci(psalm): Add missing imagick extension (server#48959)
- Fix copying or moving from shared groupfolders (server#48966) 1
- Fix disabled user list for subadmins (server#48967)
- Fix: add PasswordConfirmationRequired to the external storages mentioned in review (server#48974)
- Perf(ObjectStoreStorage): Improve (slow) move on same object bucket (server#48985)
- Fix: add PasswordConfirmationRequired to saveGlobalCredentials (server#49007)
- Fix(ShareEntryLinkList): Append new links to the end of list (server#49020)
- Fix(files-external): set password as sensitive (server#49027)
- Chore: request review from groupware when changing the card- and cald… (server#49063)
- Docs: update overwrite.cli.url wording (server#49070)
- Fix(owncloud): Fix ownCloud migration with oauth2 app (server#49084)
- Fix/remote activity constructor (activity#1813)
- Fix: do not send daily digest email to user who is disabled (activity#1831)
- Fix npm audit (bruteforcesettings#673)
- Fix npm audit (bruteforcesettings#678)
- Migrating custom groups (circles#1721)
- Fix(ShareWrapperRequest): Save share attributes on creation (circles#1734)
- Fix toArray on null (circles#1738)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#1065)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#1073)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#1075)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1396)
- Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1397)
- Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1412)
- Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1423)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#393)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#2073)
- Fix(push): Make testing the push server easier (notifications#2087)
- Fix(generation): Fix common-password check when we accidentally hit t… (password_policy#688)
- Fix npm audit (recommendations#786)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#692)
- Fix inaccurate disk usage reporting for ext* filesystems due to reserved blocks (serverinfo#698)
- Fix npm audit (suspicious_login#925)
- Fix(LoginClassifier): Adjust log levels / reduce logging noise (suspicious_login#941)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#6498)
- Fix npm audit (text#6501)
- Fix npm audit (twofactor_totp#1566)
- Fix: Make loading the viewer an init script (viewer#2491)
- Fix: Update default editor translations for version 4.8.1 (viewer#2592)
- Fix: Usage of pushToHistory function on prev/next (viewer#2606)
October 10, 2024
# Version 28.0.11
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Fix(FileList): Show correct avatar for federated share owner (server#47441)
- Fix(caldav): Do not load IMipPlugin before user auth and session is c… (server#47791)
- Fix: Fix inaccessible content on public pages due to overlapping footer (server#47811)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/calendar-availability-vue from 2.2.2 to 2.2.4 (server#47813)
- Fix: Only write once to template instead of create/copy (server#47861)
- Fix(preview): gracefully handle file not being opened in ProviderV2 (server#47866)
- Fix(appstore): return if appstore is manually disabled (server#47870)
- Fix(files): Reset context menu position on close (server#47876)
- Fix: Display ‚Leave share‘ instead of ‚Delete‘ (server#47893)
- Fix(LDAP): check index before accessing it (server#47917)
- Fix(appstore): Ensure returned apps from AppStore are valid (server#47935)
- Fix(config): Throw PreconditionException always when it didn’t match (server#47942)
- Fix(files_external): broken credentials dialog (server#47952)
- Fix(files): Adjust Cache::searchQuery() parameter name to match interface (server#47956)
- Fix(files_external): Check key exists before accessing it (server#47974)
- Fix: Do not try to set HTTP response code on already closed connection (server#47979)
- Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#47988)
- Feat: Reset route if neither the Viewer of the Sidebar is open (server#48002)
- Fix(Storage\Local): Do not call getSourcePath() on SplFileInfo (server#48019)
- Fix(Comment): Initialize childrenCount as integer (server#48022)
- Fix(Tags): Return boolean for userHasTags() (server#48023)
- Fix(BaseResponse): Cast XML element values to string (server#48032)
- Fix(dav): set string type for sanitizeMtime (server#48051)
- Fix(dav): imip service test expects integers for last occurence (server#48054)
- Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#48058)
- Fix(dav): cast parameters to string (server#48066)
- Fix(weather_status): Fix search address errors when offline (server#48074)
- Chore(1i8n): Fixed grammar and improved wording (server#48082)
- Catch MaxInstancesExceededException on calendar events (server#48085)
- Fix(Entity): Fix magic setter call for custom strong typed setters (server#48089)
- Fix: Prevent crash when refreshing metadata for files without an owner (server#48091)
- Fix(config): Add missing handling for `envCache` in `getKeys()` (server#48099)
- Ensure that the hash method does not return null (server#48103)
- Fix(appstoreFetcher): get list from a custom store and remove unnecessary warning (server#48166)
- Ci fixes (server#48213)
- Fix(psalm): Enable findUnusedBaselineEntry (server#48281)
- Fix: Don’t crash if disabled user is missing in the database (server#48283)
- Chore: add .git-blame-ignore-revs (server#48292)
- Fix: skip the integrity check for nextcloud-init-sync.lock (server#48300)
- Add bidirectional text support – Backend (server#48310)
- Refactor(AccountIcon): Remove needless console.log (server#48318)
- Fix(security): Update CA certificate bundle (server#48339)
- Chore(deps): Bump aws/aws-sdk-php from 3.240.8 to 3.322.4 (server#48348)
- Fix(files): Fix having to resolve conflicts twice when dropping files (server#48352)
- Fix(files_external): Catch correct exception (server#48363)
- Fix: Show storage full warning when storage is actually full (server#48367)
- Feat(share): ensure unique share tokens with dynamic length adjustment (server#48379)
- Fix: Use placeholder for external storage password (server#48386)
- Skip future shipped apps from updatenotification check (server#48392)
- Fix(files_sharing): Parse OCM share permissions from OCM and not OCS prop (server#48399)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump cypress from 13.13.2 to 13.13.3 (server#48427)
- Fix: gracefully parse non-standard trusted certificates (server#48443)
- Fix(Auth): ignore missing token when trying to set password-unconfirmable (server#48445)
- Fix: correctly count disabled users for subadmins (server#48448)
- Fix(config): Suppress `config.php` fopen error at install time (server#48501)
- Fix(caldav): add missing handlers (server#48510)
- Fix(config): Mark more app configs sensitive (server#48590)
- Chore(deps): Bump aws/aws-sdk-php from 3.240.8 to 3.322.4 (3rdparty#1947)
- Remove requiring PNG for iOS (activity#1794)
- Fix npm audit (bruteforcesettings#626)
- Updating block-merge-eol.yml workflow from template (bruteforcesettings#654)
- Fix(CoreQueryBuilder): Use shorter prefixes to stay below 30 characters for Oracle <12.2 (circles#1700)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#1045)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump axios from 1.7.6 to 1.7.7 (files_pdfviewer#1051)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#1059)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1350)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1376)
- Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1391)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#389)
- Create block-merge-eol.yml (notifications#2039)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#2057)
- Chore(deps): Bump webdav from 4.11.3 to 4.11.4 (photos#2646)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump postcss from 8.4.39 to 8.4.47 (photos#2655)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/cypress from 1.0.0-beta.7 to 1.0.0-beta.9 (photos#2656)
- Feat: Check upload directory share state (photos#2659)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#688)
- Fix: failure when using sqlite3 (survey_client#318)
- Fix: notifications link for mobile / desktop error generating errors in v30 (survey_client#322)
- Fix: clarify language for removing previously sent report data (survey_client#326)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#6335)
- Fix(CodeBlock): Fix visibleFocus and pasting in code blocks (text#6350)
- Chore(deps): update vueuse to ^10.11.1 (text#6393)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/dialogs to ^5.3.7 (text#6394)
- Fix(deps): update yjs (text#6395)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.4.5 (text#6396)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/auth to ^2.4.0 (text#6397)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/files to ^3.9.0 (text#6398)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.18.0 (text#6399)
- Ci: Fix selector for viewer modal name (text#6409)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to v5.4.6 [security] (text#6420)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#6447)
- Fix(sync): Disable browser broadcast (text#6481)
- Fix: Apply checks on shares in the middleware (text#6487)
- Fix(sync): handle 502 (Bad Gateway) gracefully (text#6494)
- Fix npm audit (twofactor_totp#1556)
- Chore(deps): cypress workflow update (viewer#2498)
- Update cypress snapshots (viewer#2503)
- Update cypress snapshots (viewer#2511)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @types/dockerode to ^3.3.31 (viewer#2530)
- Chore(deps): update nextcloud (viewer#2532)
- Fix(deps): update dependency webdav to ^5.7.1 (viewer#2535)
- Fix: Only remove openfile from route when closing the viewer (viewer#2540)
- Update cypress snapshots (viewer#2561)
September 12, 2024
# Version 28.0.10
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Build(deps): bump jquery-ui-dist from 1.13.2 to 1.13.3 (server#46483)
- Fix: Pass the mountpoint target user to storages without owner (server#46680)
- Fix(files): Provide default file action for file entry name (on click action) (server#46939)
- Fix npm audit (server#47019)
- Fix(files): Correctly validate new node name (server#47035)
- Fix(trashbin): Correctly set original name as displayname (server#47037)
- Fix(userstatus): run user status automation job for start and end events (server#47214)
- Fix/comment deleting with activities installed (server#47233)
- Fix(webauthn): Increase database column for public key id (server#47246)
- Don’t save translated predefined user status as custom status (server#47262)
- Fix(sharing): Pin @nextcloud/dialogs to a version that doesn’t use Nextcloud 29 APIs (server#47271)
- Fix(FileList): Update filelist or share save (server#47318)
- Fix(user_ldap): Catch DB Exceptions when updating group memberships (server#47335)
- Fix(caldav): allow renaming of birthday calendars (server#47336)
- Fix(setupcheck): Fix mimetype server version check in backport (server#47377)
- Fix(theming): Make getImage() call save against missing non-SVG version (server#47383)
- Fix(files): Adjust import of `ShareType` (server#47386)
- Fix(caldav): limit property length (server#47420)
- Fix: Trusted server icon recovery without addressbook change (server#47427)
- Fix: csrf check failed on public share with password (server#47445)
- Fix npm audit (server#47472)
- Fix(mailer): Call to custom mail_template_class (server#47476)
- Fix(flow): cannot set custom user agent (server#47481)
- Fix: gracefully handle unexpected exif orientation types (server#47531)
- Fix(files): fix list gap at bottom (server#47537)
- Fix(provisionning_api): Remove parameters that are not set into template (server#47572)
- Fix: optimise `getWrongShareOwnership` query (server#47576)
- Fix: re-enable content-length header via htaccess (server#47622)
- Fix(config): Avoid error messages for restricted opcache API (server#47624)
- Fix(files): Reset drop notice on firefox (server#47639)
- Fix npm audit (server#47669)
- LinkReferenceProvider] Better size check (server#47697)
- Oauth2] Store hashed secret instead of encrypted (server#47701)
- Fix(settings): Fix sharing exclude groups from password requirement option not working (server#47714)
- Fix: only keep major as server version (server#47722)
- Fix(dav): adjust usages of webdav.customRequest (server#47732)
- Fix status check and saving of external storages (server#47735)
- Fix(files): undefined sidebar (server#47746)
- Fix(files): Create non-existent parents of mountpoints (server#47749)
- Fix(appstore): Cache apps.json also on dev instances (server#47766)
- Fix: Use sha256 to hash arguments of background jobs (server#47776)
- Feat(transfer-ownership): Correctly react to encrypted files (server#47779)
- Fix(dav): Always respond custom error page on exceptions (server#47785)
- Fix(files): Correctly parse external shares for files UI (server#47797)
- Bump nextcloud/vue from `8.6.2` to `8.8.1` (activity#1583)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1680)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#1034)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump adm-zip from 0.5.15 to 0.5.16 (files_pdfviewer#1042)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump axios from 1.7.5 to 1.7.6 (files_pdfviewer#1043)
- Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1322)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#379)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#2028)
- Fix: remove nextcloud_photos_ tmp files when done (photos#2609)
- Fix npm audit (photos#2621)
- Fix: allow dot in mounted on (serverinfo#666)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#677)
- Fix reconnecting websocket polyfill and error propagation during push (text#6204)
- Fix(attachments): Uploading of attachments from public shares (text#6214)
- Fix npm audit (text#6239)
- Fix: catch all errors when getting rich workspace content (text#6245)
- Ci(cypress): Fix file list link selector (text#6265)
- Fix(editorApi): Add support for a onCreate callback that gets content (text#6276)
- Allow viewing of attachments when shared by mail (text#6286)
- Fix: hide menu Link to file for direct editing (text#6288)
- Fix npm audit (text#6308)
- Fix(Table): Fix pasting content with newlines to table cells (text#6317)
- Fix npm audit (viewer#2408)
August 20, 2024
# Version 28.0.9
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Fix(comments): Fix issues thrown by comments sidebar tab code (server#44902)
- Fix(cypress): wait for apps list fetch for better testing stability (server#46384)
- Fix(redis): Require version >=4 for unlink (server#46520)
- Fix(theming): enforce theme should still provide dark as fallback (server#46523)
- Fix(comments): Use proper icon components instead of icon classes to fix dark mode (server#46524)
- Fix(files_metadata): Don’t run generation job on every upgrade (server#46563)
- Fix(appstore): Return an empty array in case of fail (server#46577)
- Fix(caldav): lower scheduling table size warning (server#46580)
- Fix(caldav): Throw 403 Forbidden Error instead of 500 Internal Server… (server#46603) 1
- Fix(caldav): decode values before returning (server#46613)
- Fix(mail): Fix big logos in mail templates for Outlook (server#46628)
- Fix(TextProcessing): use error instead of info for exception logging (server#46637)
- Fix(dav): Thrown forbidden error for authenticated user instead of no… (server#46647)
- Fix(Token): take over scope in token refresh with login by cookie (server#46668)
- Allow injecting the user temporarily for direct editing (server#46678) 1
- Feat: add config flag to toggle persistent redis connections (server#46683)
- Support excalidraw file type (server#46712)
- Fix(files): validate input when creating file/directory (server#46717)
- Fix: FileInfo from
should have the correct name of a mountpoint (server#46720) - Fix(search): show user search provider for deactivated and admin pages (server#46724)
- Update
to 3.6.0 and fix display name handling of folders (breadcrumbs and filename) (server#46727) - Fix(files): ensure forbiddenCharacters is an array (server#46734)
- Feat: add a specialized writeStream implementation for s3 external storage (server#46742)
- Feat: add additional logging for database errors (server#46751)
- Fix(files_sharing):
should open a folder and not the parent (server#46754) - Fix: add a try and catch for delete versioning (server#46757)
- Avoid using partial file info as valid one (server#46763)
- Fix: Add .whiteboard alias for .excalidraw files (server#46781)
- Style(settings): align icons at legacy help navigation (server#46788)
- Fix(files): always ask for confirmation if trashbin app is disabled (server#46802)
- Fix(styles): Make sure footer with legal links is shown correctly (server#46808)
- Fix(sharing): Disable “Read permission” checkbox correctly (server#46841)
- Fix: fix recursive share check (server#46862)
- Fix:
was not setting the owner (server#46868) - Chore(ShareSettings): Proper wording for share autocompletion settings (server#46899)
- Perf(systemtags): Add index for systemtags_object_mappings.objectid (server#46905)
- Feat(editLocallyAction): Handle possible no local client scenario (server#46909)
- Fix(files): do not show legacy
edit locally
action on public pages (server#46932) - Fix(files): empty folder pending size (server#46947)
- Fix(AdminSettings/AI): show pref list of only the enabled translation providers (server#46950)
- Fix(userstatus): add missing parenthesis (server#46959)
- Fix(setupchecks): Skip checking for OPcache settings if running checks from CLI (server#46964)
- Fix(LDAP): remove unneeded dependencies (server#46968)
- Fix(files): cancel move-copy action should not be handled as an error (server#46971)
- Fix(files): Close sidebar on navigation (server#46973)
- Fix(systemtags): Correctly set the display name for the Nextcloud node (server#46978) 1
- Fix(files_sharing): add missing subtitle on search for share recipients (server#46982)
- Fix(files): show folder sharing overlay on received shares (server#46994)
- Fix(files): Correctly handle open file URL query (server#47024)
- Fix: Add direct parameter to flow auth v2 (server#47052)
- Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.14.0 to 8.16.0 (server#47062)
- Fix(inherited-shares): ignore top root folder (server#47067)
- Fix: Ensure database connection is setup when getting group details (server#47077)
- Fix(previews): Don’t crash on animated WEBP images (server#47079)
- Fix: check for correct storage class when checking for link parent (server#47081)
- Fix(config): Clarify smtp debugging config option usage (server#47085)
- Docs: added customclient_fdroid key to the config.sample.php file (server#47088)
- Fix(theming): make cache buster depend on the app version (server#47099)
- Fix(encryption): Fix mountpoint check to accept if several are found (server#47118)
- Fix(migration): Add column only if it does not exist (server#47125)
- Fix(systemtags): Correctly load tagged files in “tags”-files-view (server#47128)
- Fix(files): trim names on new node creation (server#47150)
- Chore: compile assets (server#47206)
- Apply group limit on remove from group (server#47227)
- Fix(security): Update expiration date in security.txt (server#47231)
- Fix: try to find non-recursive share source (server#47279)
- Revert “Apply group limit on remove from group” (server#47326)
- Remerge: Apply group limit on remove from group““ (server#47327)
- Store the mountpoint of storages in the mount options and use it to find the encryption keys (server#47353)
- Fix(notifications): Don’t trigger invite notifications for system groups (circles#1654)
- Fix: Remove legacy code that caused errors (firstrunwizard#1260)
- Chore: update .git/workflows content (logreader#1311)
- Use a more sensible format for load average (serverinfo#652)
- Fix: Display threads and not cores (serverinfo#659)
- Add npm audit fix job (suspicious_login#909)
- Fix: showing folder description on favorites (text#6029)
- Fix(sync): reuse open connection (text#6059)
- Test(cy): Install assistant app version matching the server branch (text#6073)
- No conflict dialogue in read only (text#6097)
- Fix/toc without transaction (text#6124)
- Fix: Avoid throwing exceptions during propfind (text#6156)
- Fix: Avoid throwing in BeforeNodeWrittenListener on new files (text#6171)
- Fix: Enforce unsetting openfile when the viewer is closed (viewer#2370)
- Fix: sorting by date and number (viewer#2396)
July 18, 2024
# Version 28.0.8
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Fix: don’t return null for SharedStorage::getWrapperStorage with share recursion (server#44323)
- Fix(settings): Use axios directly for health check to preven URL sanitizing (server#45770)
- Fix npm audit (server#45891)
- Chore(deps): Bump deepdiver/zipstreamer (server#45896)
- Fix(files): Properly handle denied ownership transfers (server#45905)
- Delete background jobs by id when cleaning up (server#45920)
- Fix(settings): define a ‚heartbeat‘ route, so SecurityHeaders can handle redirected root (server#45955)
- Rename openFileInfo to fileInfo (server#45987)
- Fix: avoid duplicate tag inserts by checking if the mapping exists already in db (server#45994)
- Fix(caldav): encode calendar URIs with umlauts for activities (server#46011)
- Don’t trigger action when renaming (server#46019)
- Fix: Do not log an error when connecting to SFTP without a logged in user (server#46060)
- Fix: don’t use custom certificate bundle if no customer certificates are configured (server#46067)
- Fix: allows admin to edit global credentials (server#46090)
- Fix(files_versions): renaming file version when its not a string (server#46092)
- Fix(FilesView): Update files view upon share creation/delete (server#46118)
- Feat(files): increase max copy-move concurrency to 5 (server#46129)
- Update favorites navigation list on folder renames (server#46138)
- Fix(files_sharing): Also set the expiration date timezone during validation (server#46141)
- Fix(caldav): When message is a reply compare the message sender not the recipient (server#46145)
- Fix(security): Update code signing revocation list (server#46155)
- Fix(openapi): Regenerate OpenAPI after server changes (server#46164)
- Fix(cron): Log long running jobs (server#46191)
- Fix: getMountsForFileId may return an unordered list (server#46214)
- Fix(DAV): offset not applied (server#46221)
- Fix(setupchecks): skip check when disk_free_space is disabled (server#46223)
- Chore: upgrade `@nextcloud/files` and `@nextcloud/sharing` (server#46236)
- Build(deps): Bump @nextcloud/calendar-availability-vue from 2.2.0 to 2.2.2 (server#46238)
- Build(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.2 to 8.14.0 (server#46239)
- Build(deps-dev): Bump karma-coverage from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1 (server#46241)
- Build(deps-dev): Bump @types/dockerode from 3.3.28 to 3.3.29 (server#46243)
- Build(deps-dev): Bump cypress from 13.7.2 to 13.7.3 (server#46245)
- Fix(security): Update CA certificate bundle (server#46265)
- Fix(ExternalSharing): Handle template shares from external sources (server#46280)
- Fix(IntegrityCheck): Ensure the check is run if no results are available (server#46297)
- Fix(SetupCheck): jsm test shall not give up with first no-response (server#46302)
- Fix(carddav): limit vcard size (server#46313)
- Sidebar: allow turning off tags view by default (server#46316)
- Chore(deps): bump dompurify from 3.1.4 to 3.1.6 (server#46335)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump jsdoc from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3 (server#46336)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump mime from 4.0.1 to 4.0.4 (server#46337)
- Chore(deps-dev): bump ts-jest from 29.1.2 to 29.1.5 (server#46338)
- Chore(mp3info): apply upstream patch for invalid array access (server#46341)
- Fix(SharingDetailsView): Prevent illegal unselection of read permissions (server#46364)
- Fix(s3): Don’t wait indefinitely for S3 to return (server#46366)
- Perf: Set session.cache_limiter at runtime to avoid clients caching static assets served by PHP (server#46394)
- Fix(workflows): Fix file systemtag cache (server#46411)
- Fix(files_trashbin): Make files view registering an init script (server#46417)
- Fix(caldav): limit vevent size (server#46421)
- Fix: Update Nextcloud libraries (server#46422)
- Test: run tests in child process (server#46430)
- Fix(theming): Conitionally disable blur filter for performance (server#46431)
- Fix(theming): Don’t reset the cachebuster value when we reset theming (server#46433)
- Fix(Session): avoid race conditions on clustered setups (server#46436)
- Feat: don’t count failed CSRF as failed login attempt (server#46442)
- Fix(ci): Use low runners were possible (server#46468)
- Stop file actions when conflict dialog skipped (server#46561)
- Fix(CI): Update setup-php, setup-node, checkout and paths-filter actions (server#46576)
- Fix(files_sharing): also allow removing READ permissions on email shares (server#46599)
- Chore(deps): Bump deepdiver/zipstreamer from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 (3rdparty#1865)
- Chore: set version in composer.json (3rdparty#1892)
- Chore(mp3info): apply upstream patch for invalid array access (3rdparty#1895)
- Ignore empty fileIds (circles#1624)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#984)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1244)
- Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1258)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#1253)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/files from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 (photos#2398)
- Fix npm audit (photos#2464)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#2473)
- Various fix from 30 (photos#2518)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump postcss from 8.4.35 to 8.4.39 (photos#2523)
- Fix: avoid erroring out on corrupt image data (photos#2529)
- Fix(l10n): Translate „All Tags“ string (photos#2531)
- Feat: Handle complex location type (photos#2537)
- Fix npm audit (privacy#1090)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#437)
- Fix npm audit (related_resources#439)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#624)
- Fix: handle getNetInterfaces error (serverinfo#632)
- Fix: update wording about apps element in monitoring response (serverinfo#634)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (survey_client#225)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (survey_client#292)
- Fix npm audit (suspicious_login#886)
- Fix(description): 5688 no need to encode filename (text#5718)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5911)
- Fix npm audit (text#5914)
- Perf: Reduce polling interval for read only users (text#5935)
- Chore(deps): update cypress (text#5972)
- Fix(attachments): Don’t require document session for getting attachments (text#5980)
- Revert „chore(deps): update cypress“ (text#5982)
- Request the native app to reload the direct editing view on 403 errors (text#5984)
- Keep base version etag during reload (text#5986)
- Fix(ApiService): Catch NotPermittedException and return 404 (text#6022)
- Ci(test): use codecov token (twofactor_totp#1536)
- Fix(deps): update dependency webdav to ^5.6.0 (viewer#2257)
- Fix npm audit (viewer#2337)
- Fix(requesttoken): Make sure to use the correct requesttoken in WebdavClient (viewer#2343)
- Fix npm audit (viewer#2366)
June 25, 2024
# Version 28.0.7
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Fix(sharing): Avoid (dead)locking during orphan deletion (server#44010)
- Fix(dav): Add occ command to fix missing caldav sync tokens (server#44197)
- Fix(dav): Add retention time to sync token cleanup (server#44398)
- Fix(files): Display selected files count (server#44908)
- Fix: avoid douple `expireDate` parsing (server#44912)
- Fix: regression with updating read-only config (server#44926)
- Feat: add request id as comment to all queries (server#44958)
- Fix(memcache): remove double $$ to fix error (server#44980)
- Fix: Fix truncation on public page (server#44990)
- Fix(files_sharing): Add one string for every share type + fix(sharingDetails): Show correct share target (server#45024)
- Fix(unifiedSearch): Prevent broken avatars for federated users (server#45028)
- Fix(CalDAV): remove UNKNOWN from room / resource consideration (server#45052)
- Feat: support „s3-accelerate“ endpoint (server#45059)
- Fix(session): Do not update authtoken last_check for passwordless (server#45063)
- Fix(files): Fix ownership transfer encrypted files detection (server#45110)
- Fix(OC_Image): Set correct return type for exif_imagetype stub (server#45198)
- Fix(userstatus): catch unique constrain violation on revert (server#45205)
- Perf(db): Sort data for IN before chunking (server#45214)
- Expose subscription calendars (server#45225)
- Fix(contactsinteraction): Allow vCard download (server#45286)
- Feat: Limit email input to 255 chars (server#45289)
- Fix: consider all paths the user has for a share source when considering max permissions (server#45294)
- 44032 fix show new shares without refresh (server#45303)
- Avoid updating the same oc_authtoken row twice (server#45349)
- Fix: delete user credentials stored in storages_credentials when user gets deleted (server#45362)
- Fix(groups): allows to save group names with more than 64 characters (server#45368)
- Fix(contactsmenu): empty content margin (server#45426)
- Fix(files): properly reset preview component (server#45432)
- Fix: Mark more configs as sensitive (server#45442)
- Feat: Add back searching in disabled user list (server#45478)
- Fix: forbid moving a folder into a subfolder of itself (server#45528)
- Fix(files): Implement `SortingService` to fix sorting of files (server#45533)
- Fix(dav): Rate limit address book creation (server#45542)
- Fix header menu icon color (server#45552)
- CalDAV fix search with limit and time range (server#45567)
- Fix: Refresh file picker on folder creation (server#45575)
- Fix(theming): replace standard generic package icon by material design (server#45578)
- Unmark deleted users if their last login date is more recent than deleted date (server#45588)
- Fix(files): Don’t fail if dir exists (server#45591)
- Fix(files): Ensure active file list entry is highlighted (server#45598)
- Fix: Update `@nextcloud/files` to fix public link shares (server#45600)
- Respect empty `expiryDate` value in server (server#45604)
- Fix(theming): replace standard generic package icon by material design (server#45610)
- Fix(core): unsupported browser redirect url (server#45622)
- Fix(caldav): automatically delete outdated scheduling objects (server#45640)
- Fix(core): Add missing null value possibility to Resource and Reference richObject (server#45643)
- Fix(INavigationManager): Fix psalm alias not set in the right place (server#45646)
- Fix(files): Close sidebar and update fileid when current node is deleted (server#45658)
- Fix(files): Only execute default action if there is an action to perform (server#45663)
- Fix(files): reset menu pos when opening in grid mode (server#45665)
- Fix(federatedfilesharing): import external federated share script (server#45674)
- Fix(files_sharing): usage of NcTextField in SelectShareFolderDialogue (server#45689)
- Fix(Session): avoid password confirmation on SSO (server#45704)
- Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#45719)
- Fix(files): Make sure files are opened when using `open-in-files` action(s) or at lease are scrolled into view (server#45727)
- Ci(eol): update workflow from template (server#45735)
- Fix(dav): Don’t log access control as error (server#45758)
- Fix: Only list remnants as disabled if option is enabled (server#45774)
- Fix: Autodetect legacy filekey instead of trusting the header for legacy header (server#45777)
- Fix(search): tags redirect route (server#45790)
- Fix(Mailer): Allow to enforce strict email format (server#45793)
- Fix(caldav): event links in shared calendar notifications (server#45799)
- Fix(files): handling numbered type owner name & id (server#45803)
- Use isRetryable to catch retryable exceptions (server#45807)
- Fix(files_sharing): fix parsing of remote shares (server#45817)
- Test: add tests for ProfilePageController (server#45823)
- Fix(files): also trigger new tab on file name middle click (server#45825)
- Fix(files): do not rely on unique fileid (server#45836)
- Fix(ObjectStore): Fix regression when hostname is empty (server#45839)
- Get child ids for folder in a separate query during move (server#45850)
- Feat: add option to disable scanner transactions (server#45857)
- Fix(files): Ignore right click for default action (server#45863)
- Show non writable folders during move or copy (server#45865)
- Fix(comments): Use proper icon components instead of icon classes to fix dark mode (server#45870)
- Revert „fix(comments): Use proper icon components instead … (server#45881)
- Fix(theming): also apply enforced theme for guests (server#45903)
- Fix(deleteAction): Bump up delete requests concurrency to 5 (server#45909)
- Ci: use precise ref for 3rdparty check (server#45927)
- Fix(files): correctly import WebDAV client in files store (server#45933)
- Fix(dav): Limit number of UPDATES for sync token created_at (server#45990)
- Fix: move repair mimetype repair step to the expensive steps (server#46031)
- Fix(Token): add FILESYSTEM scope with SCOPE_SKIP_PASSWORD_VALIDATION (server#46088)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#950)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 4.2.6 to 4.2.7 (files_pdfviewer#956)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump adm-zip from 0.5.12 to 0.5.14 (files_pdfviewer#975)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1238)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#344)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#348)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#350)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1934)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1942)
- Fix(browser): Don’t create web notifications for old notifications (notifications#1944)
- Fix: separate creation of browser notifications and sounds from Vue rendering (notifications#1949)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1957)
- Fix: use folder material design icon (recommendations#750)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#428)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#432)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#612)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#618)
- Ci: automate ocp updates (serverinfo#621)
- Feat: update dependency on branch stable28 (survey_client#291)
- Test(cypress): Avoid failure when editor is updated on webdav requests (text#5775)
- Fix: smartpicker set links for selected text (text#5837)
- Cleanup `_oc_webroot` stubs where possible (text#5842)
- Test(cy): rely on @nextcloud/axios for requests (text#5843)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5852)
- Fix(table): Fix readonly detection in vue components (text#5858)
- Fix(locks): only lock when editing (text#5866)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5881)
- Reset all sessions (in occ command and on upgrade) (text#5890)
- Fix: Ignore pushes of update steps for read only sessions (text#5897)
- Truncate tables and rename documents folder on reset (text#5920)
- Fix npm audit (viewer#2301)
- Properly save old route when opening the viewer (viewer#2327)
- Fix: Add missing generateUrl (viewer#2330)
May 23, 2024
# Version 28.0.6
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#43412)
- Fix(share): Send correct share attributes upon share creation (server#44500)
- Fix(provisioning_api): Show warning but do not fail when listing accounts in case of users removed from backend but still in database (server#44984)
- Fix(DAV): Migrate known exceptions to Sabre exceptions when copying (server#45017)
- Fix: chunked upload leading to 0-byte files (server#45039)
- Fix(setupchecks): Fix opcache buffer check (server#45112)
- Fix: Fix default values for ini var in lib/base.php (server#45114)
- Fix: Remove bogus code from query builder and fix parameter name (server#45116)
- Fix(user_ldap): Fix a var name (server#45119)
- Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#45133)
- Retry smb notify test a few times (server#45147)
- Fix(icons): Update files icon (server#45170)
- Fix npm audit (server#45187)
- Fix(session): Avoid race condition for cache::get() vs. cache::hasKey() (server#45191)
- Fix(User\Manager): Avoid future collisions with updater/audit logs (server#45201)
- Fix(settings): Save one HTTP request on enabling an app (server#45203)
- Fix(userstatus): Fix docs of user status manager (server#45230)
- Fix(files): handle multidimensional arrays in scanner (server#45278)
- Fix(setupCheck): Only warn when memcache present w/o memcached (server#45282)
- Fix(caldav): loop through all events for busy events (server#45312)
- Fix(search): Limit maximum number of search results (server#45319)
- Fix: Correctly check result of function (server#45323)
- Perf(deleteAction): Queue delete requests (server#45327)
- Fix(preview): check mime type before processing with Imagick (server#45339)
- Fix: Extend SVG reference check (server#45342)
- Fix: add ldap_exop_passwd function to sensitive value (server#45359)
- Hide ‚updater.server.url‘ As It May Contain Enterprise Key (server#45372)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (bruteforcesettings#595)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (files_pdfviewer#959)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1221)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#329)
- Fix: Correctly check result of function (nextcloud_announcements#334)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (notifications#1898)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1923)
- Fix(faces): Fix call to Viewer.open (photos#2477)
- Fix(SizeMetadataProvider): Swap the width and height if the image is rotated (photos#2478)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @nextcloud/browserslist-config from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (privacy#1068)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#416)
- Fix: handle disabled shell_exec (serverinfo#599)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#604)
- Feat: disable spellcheck inside code blocks (text#5702)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5795)
- Fix: Correctly check result of function (updater#558)
April 25, 2024
# Version 28.0.5
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Fix npm audit (related_resources#396) 6
- Feature(files): Hide breadcrumbs when an upload is ongoing on narrow screen #40942 (server#43834)
- Migrate setup checks to new API – round 3 (server#44268)
- Added rate limit bypass for app_api requests (server#44296)
- Fix default text processing provider in AI settings (server#44343)
- Fix(LDAP): escape DN on check-user (server#44352)
- Fix(JSRecourceLocator): Add missing slash after server root (server#44413)
- Fix(files): Do not escape file names in the file picker (server#44416)
- Fix(files): Only add copy suffix before file extension for files (not folders) (server#44434)
- Feat(perf): add cache for authtoken lookup (server#44446)
- Fix(DB): Sanitize
parameter for postgres databases when IPv6 address is passed (server#44461) - Fix/caldav/eventcomparisionservice uses wrong array comparison (server#44473) 1
- Fix(preview): webp preview format (server#44489) 1
- Enh: Send empty expireDate when not expireDate set (server#44490)
- Fix(settings): Also verify that
only contains IP addresses (with range) (server#44495) - Fix(security): Update expiration date in security.txt (server#44541)
- Add retry logic to cover deadlock situations during move operations (server#44551)
- Split live photo listener to extract trashbin specific code into its own listener (server#44561)
- Fix(files_sharing): Create passwords when enforced for mail shares (server#44570) 1
- Feat(trashbin): Show original location of deleted file (server#44583) 1
- Fix(files_reminders): Fix translations (server#44599)
- Config: fix correctness issues in reading (server#44605)
- Fix(files): Fix translation of “Delete file” (server#44610)
- Fix(tests): Fix tests when daytime saving time change happened recently (server#44615)
- Fix(files_sharing): Disable autocomplete for share label and password (server#44616) 1
- Fix(encryption): Clicking default module in UI sets bogus value (server#44633)
- Fix(files): breadcrumbs drag-and-drop & unifying methods (server#44652) 2
- Fix(dav): Fix quota check for chunk upload (server#44655) 1
- Fix(deps): Update phpseclib from 2.0.45 to 2.0.47 (server#44672) 1
- Perf: Avoid updating the folder size if we know the size difference (server#44679)
- Fix(3rdparty): Add a CI job to check 3rdparty integrity (server#44691)
- Call davGetFavoritesReport after the registration of propfind properties (server#44734)
- Fix: Fix avatar images (server#44738)
- Fix: use proper jailed patch in watcher (server#44750)
- Fix(breadcrumbs): improved rendering of breadcrumb progress bar (server#44759)
- Fix(federation): give some time to prepare both servers (server#44779)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue to v8.11.2 (server#44815)
- Fix npm audit (server#44817)
- Chore: Update @nextcloud/upload to 1.1.1 to fix uploading large files (server#44837) 1
- Fix(files): Inherit some node attributes when creating new nodes to preserve shared state (server#44844)
- Fix(files): Focus filename input in new-node dialog when opened (server#44851)
- Fix(files): Do not show files from hidden folders in “Recent”-view if hidden files are disabled by user (server#44867)
- Fix(systemtags): Use built-in input label to satisfy a11y check of NcSelect (server#44879)
- Fix(files): Clear search filter when changing directory or view (server#44883)
- Fix(files): Also skip cross storage move with access control (server#44891)
- Fix(files): Also restore shares after ownership transfer for object storage (server#44921)
- Fix(deps): Update phpseclib to 2.0.47 (3rdparty#1788) 1
- Group activities sent by mail (activity#1623)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1630)
- Fix npm audit (activity#1632)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#935)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1132)
- Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1141)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1161)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#1208)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#316)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1876)
- Fix(setting): Clarify the “Account disabled” option (password_policy#577)
- Fix npm audit (photos#2406)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#2424)
- Fix: Open Viewer when clicking on photo in folder (photos#2432)
- Check download attribute when fetching previews (photos#2438)
- Fix npm audit (privacy#1049) 1
- Fix npm audit (privacy#1064) 1
- Fix npm audit (recommendations#716)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#375)
- Fix npm audit (related_resources#378)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#392)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#583)
- Refactor document and session handling (text#5541)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/files to ^3.1.1 (text#5559)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.11.1 (text#5560)
- Fix(deps): update dependency lib0 to ^0.2.93 (text#5561)
- Fix npm audit (text#5564)
- Remove bottom margin for better warning blocks display (text#5567)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.21.1 (text#5585)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.2.7 (text#5586)
- Fix: Catch exceptions on non existing files (text#5599) 1
- Test(cypress): Wait for syncs after opening+editing in in
(text#5603) - Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.21.2 (text#5619)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.2.8 (text#5620)
- Fix(deps): update dependency markdown-it-front-matter to ^0.2.4 (text#5621)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5645)
- Fix npm audit (text#5649)
- Fix: copy-paste markdown/raw text inconsistencies (text#5653)
- Fix: improve node and mark copy-paste behavior (text#5657)
- Fix: Avoid throwing when a workspace file cannot be found due to a failed storage (text#5664)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.11.2 (text#5675)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.23.0 (text#5677)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/dialogs to ^5.3.0 (text#5678)
- Fix npm audit (text#5684)
- Fix(l10n): “Connection failed” not translatable (text#5698)
- Fix npm audit (twofactor_totp#1505)
- Fix npm audit (twofactor_totp#1515)
- Preserve sort order (viewer#2177)
- Chore(deps): update cypress (viewer#2272)
- Fix npm audit (viewer#2276)
- Fix npm audit (viewer#2287)
March 28, 2024
# Version 28.0.4
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Add “-i” to sendmail’s pipe (server#43788)
- Add some recrusive detection/prevention (server#44320) 1
- Bring back test failing due to server issue (text#5494) 1
- Bug fix: Select the correct table based on CALENDAR_TYPE_CALENDAR (server#43800)
- Chore(CI): Adjust testing matrix for Nextcloud 28 on stable28 (related_resources#323)
- Chore(ci): Update workflows from main branch (text#5428)
- Cleanup versions entities in versions:clean command (server#44037)
- Collaboration, MailPlugin: Protect access to a potentially missing array component by ??. (server#43900)
- Deprecated sysconfig ‘enable_file_metadata’ (server#44124)
- Disable the internal s3sdk multi part copy logic (server#44053)
- Do not create a new version for empty files (server#43929)
- Docs(config.sample.php): Warn that
will break updates if set to a value within the installation folder (server#44168) - Feat: Restore unified search filtering in files view (server#44024)
- Feat(share): save date and time for expiration (server#43833)
- Fix CSP for script-src with nonce on edge (server#44088)
- Fix data type in FilesMetadata::setIntList() (server#43801)
- Fix xml ocs response for serializable objects (server#44265)
- Fix: Allow to disable multipart copy on external s3 storage (server#43816)
- Fix: Avoid clear cache with prefix (server#44080)
- Fix: Avoid race condition that may initialize a document twice on the clients (text#5478)
- Fix: avoid scanning a non existing directory (server#44208)
- Fix: Catch exception from LogIteratorFactory, throw a clean error when log_type is not file (logreader#1197)
- Fix: changed login-page to reflect correct LDAP settings (server#44111)
- Fix: changed text alignment and icon logic (server#43916)
- Fix: Display “+New” while files page loads instead of “+Add”. (server#43858)
- Fix: Ensure correct stacking context for right click menu (server#44212)
- Fix: ensure nested mount points are handled in the correct order (server#44285)
- Fix: fallback from guessing the owner from path in versioning (server#44248)
- Fix: Fetch custom app store url without internet connection (server#43985)
- Fix: filerobot-image-editor (viewer#2249)
- Fix: List specific share permissions as subline (server#44251)
- Fix: merge conflict dialog added when overwriting files on move-file action (server#43811)
- Fix: No password set for new mail shares (server#44194)
- Fix: support 28 Files (recommendations#709)
- Fix: Throw instead of yielding nothing when listing local directories (server#43828)
- Fix(ActionInsertLink): Sync NcActionInput value property (text#5425)
- Fix(admin role): fix old and wrong way to determine whether user is admin (server#43817)
- Fix(api): Ignore “parsed” link and icon urls when deleting (notifications#1859)
- Fix(attachments): Don’t use currentSession for fetching attachments (text#5486)
- Fix(backend): Accept pushs with only step1 messages by read-only clients (text#5471)
- Fix(caldav): add EXDATE and EXRULE to confidential object (server#44386)
- Fix(CI): Correctly test against stable28 again (activity#1565)
- Fix(config): Make sure user keys are strings (server#44336)
- Fix(core): Convert text to path in f-droid banner SVG (server#43864)
- Fix(dav): ACLs for shared addressbooks (server#44377)
- Fix(dav): fallback realm for HTTP authentication (server#43796)
- Fix(db): db-convert supports disabled apps but not removed ones (server#44065)
- Fix(federatedfilesharing): Use correct language file to render notifi… (server#44313)
- Fix(files_sharing): ShareesAPI – Return empty response when user is not allowed to share (server#44228)
- Fix(files): Adjust dropservice to work with Blink engine (server#44273)
- Fix(files): Adjust sidebar – remove deprecated function calls and add aria label for favorite icon (server#43994)
- Fix(files): fix html structure on the profile page (server#43909)
- Fix(files): Open new file when created from template (server#44019)
- Fix(files): page h1 heading (server#43795)
- Fix(files): Right click menu offset and list scrolled glitch (server#44174)
- Fix(IUrlGenerator): Add
documentation forimagePath
function (server#43978) - Fix(JSResourceLocator): Consider configured app roots for files (server#44050)
- Fix(LinkPicker): Don’t open link picker inside code blocks (text#5492)
- Fix(mail): Use parsed action label in email notification (notifications#1843)
- Fix(MarkdownContentEditor): Respect
callback passed via API (text#5526) - Fix(provisioning_api): Fix AppInfo schema for OpenAPI (server#44192)
- Fix(session): Fix setting a guest name (text#5475)
- Fix(settings):
can returnfalse
which should not be accessed like an array (server#44182) - Fix(settings): Disable app again if it breaks the files app (server#44021)
- Fix(settings): Fix always empty disabled users list for subadmins (server#44150)
- Fix(settings): Split group lists (server#44047)
- Fix(share): use share owner to get ownership (server#44347)
- Fix(Tables): require at least one cell in the header (text#5465)
- Fix(updatenotification): a11y of channel menu and new icons (server#43785)
- Fix(UpdateNotifications): Handle numeric user ids (server#44095)
- Fix(user_ldap): Early failure for empty password login attempt (server#44056) 1
- Fix(user_ldap): Ignore unserialize error in group membership migration (server#44030)
- Fix(user_status): Fix status update request not being sent (server#43813)
- Fix(workflowengine): Use correct event names to make search for groups work again (server#44382)
- Fixes for getting the filename in the FileInfo class (server#44201)
- Forbid tagging readonly files (server#44298)
- Improve files version listing (server#43981) 1
- Log error when default getWrapperStorage would return null (server#44420)
- MailQueueHandler: Log errors (activity#1605)
- Only cleanup orphaned shared daily (server#43835)
- Tests(dav): Add unit test for no calendars/subscription limit (server#44118)
- Update home button selector in file picker breadcrumbs (text#5416)
- Use the proper path to check if a file needs to be copied/moved to the actual target storage (server#44085)
February 29, 2024
# Version 28.0.3
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Add missing label to “back” button (photos#2273) 3
- Allow application to pass external links in navigation (server#43520) 1
- Buffer chunked requests (server#43129) 1
- Check share status when touching versions (server#43741)
- Chore: Update
to 5.1.2 (server#43766) - Chore(dep): bump NcVue → 8.7.0 (server#43695)
- Consider admin defaults when creating shares (server#43278)
- Continue background scanning different storages if one fails (server#43421)
- Correct values and attributes (server#43040)
- Dav: fix wrong decoding of pluses in URLs (server#43236)
- Do not break personal settings page is viewer is not there (server#43456)
- Do not mess with
styles and fix navigation header a11y (photos#2299) - Document throwing behavior of SetupResult upon invalid rich object (server#43196)
- Dont reuse etag for folders marked explicitly unscanned (server#43244)
- Enh: breadcrumbs icons are now more visually descriptive (server#43622)
- Enh: Migrate photos picker to use NcDialog (photos#2320)
- Enh(a11y): Fix modal close button overlapping content (photos#2298)
- Enh(a11y): Update folder design to fix contrast issues (photos#2274)
- Enh(files_reminders): Allow clearing reminders (server#43591) 1
- Enh(UnifiedSearch): Keep the searchbar on top of the modal (server#42776)
- Feat: add labels to textarea elements in translate modal (text#5319) 1
- Feat: added l10n translation prop to calendar component (server#43743)
- Feat/4750 Make code type fields copyable (text#5403)
- Filter out large EXIF entries (photos#2284)
- Fix #745 ValueError: random_int(): Argument #1 ($min) must be less than or equal to argument #2 ($max) (suspicious_login#847)
- Fix back arrow position in wide screens (photos#2325)
- Fix color of app menu entries and background color (server#43392)
- Fix for previews not being generated sometimes (server#43037) 1
- Fix kerberos test successfull authentication detection (server#43304)
- Fix rss feed item guid (activity#1543)
- Fix Slow logout on Chrome-like browsers (server#43525)
- Fix undefined share object during expirationDate update (server#43685)
- Fix: Add alt attribute to all image nodes (text#5398)
- Fix: Add alt attribute to image nodes (text#5397)
- Fix: Add bruteforce protection to email endpoint (server#43596) 1
- Fix: Add bruteforce protection to federation endpoint (server#43713) 1
- Fix: added a label element to the NcSelect in update settings (server#43158)
- Fix: added last two places for aria-labels on setting icons (server#43403)
- Fix: apply config flag for accessible features (text#5406)
- Fix: config param ‘overwritecondaddr’ not working (server#43181)
- Fix: Fix focus loop on tab navigation in Add to album modal + Migrate to new UploadPicker API (photos#2293)
- Fix: Fix focus lost to body when closing firstrunwizard (firstrunwizard#1075)
- Fix: Fix tab focus when other elements are displayed next to text that are within a focus trap (text#5318)
- Fix: only register workspace once (text#5365)
- Fix: Only unpause focus traps that we paused ourselves (text#5329)
- Fix: removed wrong color on active actions button (viewer#2146)
- Fix(a11y): Fix heading hierarchy in some places (photos#2272)
- Fix(a11y): Fix informative graphics contrast of user status icons (server#43066)
- Fix(a11y): Return focus to Add button on dialog close (photos#2282)
- Fix(a11y): Unified search headings the sequel (server#42777)
- Fix(apps): Fix type information of app manager (server#43046)
- Fix(caldav): only call getTimestamp() on actual DateTime data (server#43282)
- Fix(ContactsStore): Sanitize user ID given to guest avatar route (server#43422)
- Fix(DAV): fix getNodeForPath cache (3rdparty#1738)
- Fix(dav): fix getNodeForPath cache (server#43708)
- Fix(dav): Rate limit calendar/subscription creation (server#43751)
- Fix(files_sharing): Return focus to trigger element on sharing details close (server#43155)
- Fix(files_sharing): SharingEntryLink lost styles (server#43559)
- Fix(files): add mount root property and adjust delete wording (server#43404)
- Fix(files): Allow to set node name before creating + bring back new-file highlingting (server#43470)
- Fix(files): combine navigation and files list into single Vue app (server#43108)
- Fix(files): Consistent sorting for folders before files (user configurable) (server#43175)
- Fix(files): dav owner and mime types (server#43359)
- Fix(files): do not open file by id on load for folders (server#43292)
- Fix(files): Don’t attempt to format a partial cache entry (server#43391)
- Fix(files): Dont’t warn re: full on either zero or unlimited quota (server#43672)
- Fix(files): drag leave detection on safari (server#43336)
- Fix(files): drop to folder path and user feedback (server#43418)
- Fix(files): Fix description for favorite images and remove image description (photos#2276)
- Fix(files): make sure we focus the parent actions submenu entry (server#43242)
- Fix(files): move focus to sidebar on open (server#43448)
- Fix(files): selected files actions position on scroll/with readme block (server#43222)
- Fix(files): Update
to make XML entities in filenames work (server#43473) - Fix(menubar): menubar and table menus a11y (text#5330)
- Fix(migration): Make naming constraint fail softer on updates (server#43445)
- Fix(papercut): rerendered submenu actions for time sensitive actions (server#43590)
- Fix(push): Correctly ignore push tokens that are not valid again (notifications#1829)
- Fix(Request): Catch exceptions in
(server#43192) - Fix(security): Describe
occ security:bruteforce:attempts
accurately (server#43726) - Fix(settings): Disable renaming for tokens marked to be wiped (server#43195)
- Fix(settings): Disable SSL cert check for JavaScript modules SetupCheck (server#43587)
- Fix(settings): federation scope menu a11y (server#43112)
- Fix(settings): Fix required groups validation for subadmins (server#43719)
- Fix(settings): focus on federation scope after dialog (server#43388)
- Fix(settings): set viewBox on SVG icons (server#43065)
- Fix(sharing): migrate QuickShareSelect to NcActions (server#43449)
- Fix(sharing): Move video verification option to password and hide without Talk (server#43546) 1
- Fix(styles): Add default styles for disabled elements (server#43710)
- Fix(theming): change color button contrast (server#43347)
- Fix(user_status): Fix losing focus to body when closing user status modal (server#43291)
- Fix(userstatus): add back 0 timestamp for status without message (server#43530)
- Handle storage not available when expiring versions (server#43126)
- Lower failed movie preview generation logs to level info (server#43511)
- Make failure to load app commands non-fatal (server#43294)
- Move away from deprecated utf8_encode() on PHP 8.2+ (server#43669)
- Move modal outside of the Version component. (server#43167)
- Perf: skip request without read permission (server#43722)
- Remove disputed bz2 check (server#43013) 2
- Replace inaccessible disabled option of NcCheckboxRadioSwitch with NcNoteCard (server#43044)
- SMB: allow to list root directory when using case-insensitive option (server#43523)
- Stop the auto-logout loop after redirecting to the logout page (server#43706)
- Use AccountPlusIcon in broadcrombs (server#43451)
February 1, 2024
# Version 28.0.2
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Replace input filed with password field and added password error message (server#42118)
- Fix(theming): Adjust theming util to calculate primary element color based on WCAG color contrast (server#42315)
- Feat(setupcheck): Add setup check for maintenance_window_start config (server#42355)
- Typo in move or copy (server#42358)
- Fix(manager): removed dead code (server#42365)
- Fix(files): Use DAV functions from library to fix invalid source links (server#42367)
- Fix(theming): Adjust theming util to calculate primary element color based on WCAG color contrast (server#42369)
- Fix(dav): allow multiple organizers if possible (server#42373)
- Don’t write back .htaccess file on a RO filesystem (server#42384)
- Fix: Ensure app menu entries and dashboard welcome message have enough contrast (server#42403)
- Fix(files): drag and drop (server#42409)
- Fix(dav): Hide less than minute diff in calendar notification title (server#42410)
- Enh(dashboard): changed h1 to say Dashboard instead of Nextcloud (server#42413)
- Fix(files): Adjust ID for skip content buttons (server#42425)
- Fix(theming): Add adjusted color versions of default background (server#42426)
- Fix(theming): Adjust dark high contrast to fulfill WCAG 2.1 AAA contrast (server#42429)
- Enh(settings): Refactor UI for session and app token management (server#42430)
- Rename „global search“ to „unified search“ (server#42431)
- Backport unified search improvments (server#42432)
- Enh(files): added ability to escape out of all selection when focused (server#42435)
- Fix(theming): Invert filter should be based on primary-element (server#42445)
- Fix(LDAP): ensure stored groups are formatted as simple list (server#42446)
- Restore shared lock ttl to previous value when releasing (server#42450)
- Fix: Adjust focus-visible marker on appmenu (server#42461)
- Enh(breadcrumbs): removed unnecessary aria label (server#42487)
- Fix(files): allow silent batch actions errors (server#42490)
- Fix(theming): Adjust high contrast theme to fulfill WCAG AAA text contrast (server#42491)
- Fix(files): Allow Ctrl/Command click on file entries to open in a new tab (server#42494)
- Fix(settings): Use heading for Profile and Profile picture sections (server#42495)
- Bump NcVue to v8.4.0 (server#42506)
- AppAPI: allow to bypass Two-Factor (server#42519)
- Only do a multipart s3 copy when above the regular copy limit (server#42521)
- Fix(ViewController): Properly handle non-existent fileIds (regression lead to 500 errors) (server#42524)
- Fix log rotation notification level (warning->info) (server#42539)
- Fix(files): focus file name on renaming also initially (server#42553)
- Fix(files): open menu on right click position (server#42556)
- Fix upgrade of user_ldap when oc_group_members contains duplicated uids (server#42583)
- Feat(files): show quota warning on page load or if storage becomes full and better upload error handling (server#42591)
- Fix SVG’s for social media links (server#42594)
- Remove unneeded styles: everything is handled by NcVue (server#42600)
- Fix(files): Fix unresponsive file click to download (server#42604)
- Fix(files_external): add back js config files (server#42609)
- Enh(settings): removed background-gradient to ensure contrast ratio a… (server#42622)
- Fix(files): remove focus outline on file list item click and make the link focusable (server#42623)
- Chore(package): bumped nc-calendar to 2.0.1 (server#42629)
- Fix(files): add visible label to webdav URL in settings (server#42630)
- Fix(files): kept only first and last breadcrumb titles (server#42632)
- Include grid view toggle in accessibility switch (server#42646)
- Perf: Use more performant way to obtain and check the email as a login name with token login (server#42651)
- Fix(core): enhanced contrast when UserMenuItem is focused (server#42664)
- Enh(core): replaced previous native a element with NcButton (server#42669)
- Chore(deps): Update openapi-extractor (server#42673)
- Return providers as indexed array (server#42677)
- Feat(user_status): Add online status type for OpenAPI (server#42684)
- Fix(files): move actions for selected file out from table header (server#42691)
- Fix(weather_status): Fix forecast format in OpenAPI (server#42693)
- Fix/add settings section type attribute (server#42697)
- Remove display name ellipsis in user menu (server#42699)
- Fix(files): fix unshare action and merge duplicate shares (server#42703)
- Fix(files): switched native input to NcButton (server#42711)
- Update webauthn section to feature components (server#42715)
- Refresh FileList on current folder update (server#42719)
- SharingEntrySimple` needs `ul` or `ol` around it (server#42724)
- Fix styling of development-notice (server#42725)
- Always catch OCP versions of authentication exceptions (server#42726)
- Better users cycle (server#42728)
- Fix header-elements being not shown correctly (server#42730)
- Fix(files): use getSummaryFor for better files summary translations (server#42734)
- Fix(files_sharing): fix sharing status indicator side after component… (server#42735)
- Fix(a11y): Aria-hide contacts menu icon images (server#42739)
- Enh(comments): Add visual labels for editor (server#42745)
- Fix npm audit (server#42758)
- Fix(settings): set default or unlimited user quota (server#42766)
- Fix(files): use backend error message if provided (server#42767)
- Fix(dav): Fix user status „Undefined array key 0 at StatusService.php… (server#42771)
- Remove unneeded role=“radiogroup“ from „Predefined statuses“ (server#42772)
- Tooltip outside click, should abort share creation (server#42779)
- Fix(share): use user timezone to parse share expiration date (server#42786)
- Migrate setup checks to new SetupCheck API (server#42795)
- Add RichObject support for SetupCheck descriptions (server#42804)
- Occ background-job:delete (server#42810)
- Fix crash of login in case of duplicated group membership (server#42815)
- Enh(settings): Add SetupCheck to ensure webserver correctly serves `.mjs` files (server#42816)
- Fix(l10n): Add context note for table footers (server#42819)
- Prepare migration to lazy config (server#42820)
- Dashboard): Lower error to info log message (server#42824)
- Fix: reduce memory consumption of scans (server#42827)
- Fix(appstore): Only send subscription keys to valid appstores (server#42832)
- Fix/41826 avoid same h1 and h2 headings (server#42848)
- Use showError in TransferOwnershipDialogue (server#42851)
- Fix(userstatus): catch unique constraint violation (server#42854)
- Fix(update-section): changed span to an interactive element (server#42859)
- Chore(theming): fix warning of incorrect `NcCheckboxRadioSwitch` usage (server#42861)
- Fix(manifest): Check if app exists instead of accessing null as an array (server#42864)
- Fix(session): Avoid useless authtoken DB queries for anonymous requests (server#42868)
- Fix(systemreport): Mark more configs as sensitive (server#42871)
- Update crl after revoke integration_homeassistant.csr (server#42874)
- Fix(dav): ajax request check on public remote endpoints (server#42882)
- Fix(files): prevent dragging previews and appear as an external files DnD (server#42895)
- Fix(theming): Make sure `color-border-maxcontrast` fulfills 3:1 contrast (server#42897)
- Enh(a11y): improved contrast on user menu (server#42898)
- Update ContactsStore: Avoid exceptions on empties (server#42899)
- Fix(CalDAV): set acls for DeletedCalendarObjectsCollection (server#42906)
- Setup check migrations to new API (server#42918)
- Improve path resolution in files_version hooks (server#42921)
- Fix(build): Do not generated OpenAPI for non-shipped apps or apps without OpenAPI support (server#42928)
- Chore(deps): Update openapi-extractor (server#42948)
- Add OpenAPI scopes (server#42952)
- Fix(a11y): Fix avatar menu icon color in dark mode (server#42960)
- Fix(build): Fix OpenAPI diff on non-default specs (server#42982)
- Fix(files): Fix checkbox state semantics (server#42983)
- Fix(files): fixed aria-desciption logic for last breadcrumb (server#42984)
- Profile: Refactor code to use vue components and styles where possible (server#42986)
- Enh(files): Allow to copy files into same directory (server#42988)
- Update `@nextcloud/dialogs` to 5.1.0 (server#42994)
- Fix(weather_status): Fix location format for OpenAPI (server#43006)
- Fix(auth): Fix logging in with email and app password (server#43012)
- Fix header inversion bug (server#43014)
- Fix(files): do not show `View in folder` in the Files view (server#43030)
- Fix(theming): Apply same logic on capabilities for primary color as done on themes (server#43032)
- Fix(settings): Allow to connect to local address when checking for `.mjs` support (server#43055)
- Wrap versions list in virtual scroll (server#43058)
- Fix(security): Update code signing revocation list (server#43070)
- Chore: Update `@nextcloud/router` to 2.2.1 (server#43091)
- Fix(userstatus): CALL status should overwrite MEETING status (server#43107)
- Fix(files): Make the navigation reactive to view changes and show also sub routes as active (server#43119)
- Update `@nextcloud/dialogs` to 5.1.1 (server#43150)
- Fix(files): disable `Unshare` until proper fix (server#43169)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (3rdparty#1685)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1474)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (activity#1477)
- Bump NcVue to 8.4.0 (activity#1484)
- Fix/1481 focused links are truncated on 400% zoom (activity#1485)
- Fix npm audit (activity#1487)
- Fix/1480 remove horizontal scrolling for activity view (activity#1489)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1496)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1504)
- Fix npm audit (activity#1509)
- Fix wrongly inverted icon (activity#1511)
- Fix/1464 adapt visual your activities
which remains the same through all activities pages (activity#1515) - Fix(ActivityTab): Typo in try-catch (activity#1516)
- Create block-merge-freeze.yml and block-merge-eol.yml (bruteforcesettings#533)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (files_pdfviewer#876)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump axios from 1.6.2 to 1.6.3 (files_pdfviewer#880)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump axios from 1.6.3 to 1.6.5 (files_pdfviewer#885)
- Disable scripting in pdfviewer (files_pdfviewer#888)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1020)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (firstrunwizard#1027)
- Chore(deps): Bump vue and vue-template-compiler (firstrunwizard#1032)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1044)
- Fix typo in translation on page3 (firstrunwizard#1049)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (firstrunwizard#1052)
- Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1055)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#1090)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (logreader#1092)
- Chore: audit dependencies (logreader#1107)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (logreader#1115)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#275)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (nextcloud_announcements#278)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#279)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#284)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1761)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (notifications#1763)
- Chore(deps): Bump vue and vue-template-compiler (notifications#1764)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump vue-template-compiler from 2.7.15 to 2.7.16 (notifications#1771)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1774)
- Fix(CI): Remove unmaintained library (notifications#1775)
- Chore: bump nextcloud/notify_push to 1.1.4 (notifications#1779)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1788)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#1796)
- Bump NcVue to v8.4.0 (password_policy#531)
- Chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 4.0.1 to 5.0.3 (password_policy#534)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (photos#2203)
- Fix 2160 create accessible ckeckboxes for media (photos#2208)
- Fix: refetch only on path change, not on anchor links (e.g. „skip to“ links) (photos#2213)
- Fix: glitch buttons on mobile (photos#2214)
- Bump NcVue to 8.4.0 (photos#2223)
- Also sort by getlastmodified when searching for photos (photos#2229)
- Order collections files by taken date (photos#2230)
- Allow to hide „People“ nav entry for admin (photos#2232)
- Request background job to generate metadata on non-local files (photos#2245)
- Clean up headings (photos#2253)
- Also fix additional place regarding album modal header (photos#2263)
- Just because an array key doesn’t imply the value at that key isn’t null. (photos#2283)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.0.2 to 5.0.3 (privacy#1002)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (privacy#1006)
- Chore(deps): Bump vue from 2.7.15 to 2.7.16 (privacy#1009)
- Fix npm audit (privacy#1015)
- Fix npm audit (recommendations#687)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (related_resources#327)
- Fix npm audit (related_resources#328)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (related_resources#334)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (serverinfo#543)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#545)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (suspicious_login#832)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.0.10 (text#5137)
- Fix(deps): update dependency y-websocket to ^1.5.1 (text#5138)
- Test(cy): skip test failing due to server issue (text#5145)
- Fix cypress workspace test by setting default language (text#5146)
- Preserve step queue during reconnect (text#5147)
- Fix(gapcursor): Don’t allow gap cursor in tables (text#5149)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5160)
- Fix(deps): update vue monorepo to ^2.7.16 (text#5162)
- Enh(ci): set renovate PRs to auto merge (text#5165)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (text#5167)
- Chore: Update krankerl config (text#5169)
- Fix(a11y): contrast for active menubar buttons (text#5171)
- Revert „chore: update workflows from templates“ (text#5173)
- Chore(deps): update cypress (text#5180)
- Chore(deps): update vueuse to ^10.7.1 (text#5181)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.18.1 (text#5182)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @mdi/svg to ^7.4.47 (text#5183)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/vue to ^8.4.0 (text#5184)
- Chore(ci): update workflows, remove *-when-unrelated (text#5191)
- Chore(deps): bump tj-actions/changed-files from 39 to 41 in /.github/workflows (text#5192)
- Fix/5080 keep menubar in workspace (text#5195)
- Feat: switch to native browser tooltips (text#5196)
- Chore(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/cypress to ^1.0.0-beta.7 (text#5201)
- Chore(deps): update dependency vite to ^5.0.11 (text#5202)
- Fix(deps): update dependency path-normalize to ^6.0.13 (text#5203)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5209)
- Fix: Skip editor container and file upload input during keyboard navigation (text#5227)
- Fix: Prioritize un-collapsible menubar entries for mobile and aggregate children in the hidden entries (text#5228)
- Fix: Only show translate if providers are available (text#5231)
- Fix: Use proper way of hiding the attachment input (text#5235)
- Fix migration from `v-tooltip` to native `title` in menu bar buttons `ActionEntry` (text#5236)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/files to ^3.1.0 (text#5243)
- Fix(deps): update dependency @nextcloud/moment to ^1.3.1 (text#5244)
- Chore(deps): update dependency cypress-split to ^1.18.2 (text#5246)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (text#5255)
- Chore(deps): update vueuse to ^10.7.2 (text#5257)
- Create update-nextcloud-ocp-approve-merge.yml (text#5260)
- Fix: Properly copy selection as markdown to the plaintext clipboard (text#5266)
- Fix: Proper error message based on file permissions (text#5272)
- Fix(sync): push local changes on reconnect (text#5284)
- Fix(mention): use new url schema (text#5304)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (updater#522)
- Change master version to 29 in tests (updater#527)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (viewer#2107)
- Bump NcVue to 8.4.0 (viewer#2111)
- Fix: make prev and next slides not focusable and aria-hidden (viewer#2117)
- Fix: use filename to find current index (viewer#2118)
- Fix npm audit (viewer#2123)
- Add live photo support based on files metadata (viewer#2127)
- Improve handling of Node API properties (viewer#2128)
December 21, 2023
# Version 28.0.1
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Fix npm audit (activity#1437)
- Fix missing parameters when type is not „known“ (activity#1469)
- Fix: Allow older app values to be set (logreader#1079)
- Fix(mail): Fix mail handling when force_language is true or false (notifications#1744)
- Fix(push): Allow apps to provide already parsed notifications (notifications#1754)
- Catch and log error thrown while parsing dates from metadata (photos#2194)
- Fix: Adjust favorite icon to be accessible (photos#2197)
- Fix TypeError with invalid coordinates (fix #2187) (photos#2207)
- Fix(Users/Quota setting): Prevent floating point value from getting truncated in locales other than english (server#42106)
- Comment legacy file_metadata table migrations (server#42108)
- Enh(settings): Set main page heading (server#42125)
- Fix(a11y): Unified search headings (server#42131)
- Fix(caldav): don’t reuse query builder objects (server#42152)
- Fix(dav): Prevent out-of-office event time drifts (server#42166)
- Fix(security): Update CA certificate bundle (server#42190)
- Feat(settings): add occ commands to handle admin delegation (server#42201)
- Wrap metadata generation in try/catch (server#42263)
- Fix(files): Conditionally add drag handlers (server#42277)
- Fix(UnifiedSearch): Drop title prop (server#42278)
- Feat(files): add batch support to copy-move (server#42279)
- Fix(files): navigation exact (server#42282)
- Fix(files): Partly revert 32c1aeb and show correct quota again (server#42293)
- Fix: Ensure correct max contrast color is used when blurred background is used (server#42294)
- Enh(oauth2): allowed toggling of aria label (server#42295)
- Fix(dashboard): changed h3 elements to h2 (server#42296)
- Fix(files): fix download file encoded source (server#42302)
- Fix(joblist): also reset last_run timestamp on updating an existing job (server#42316)
- Fix(ooo): add new ooo status with new emoji (server#42351)
- Don’t query oc_properties for metadata props (server#42357)
- Add global accessibility switch (server#42371)
- Use FileInfo’s metadata for hidden prop (server#42378)
- Fix(userstatus): set user status to ‚In a meeting‘ if calendar is busy (server#42380)
- Update crl after revoke rides.csr (server#42400)
- Fix(dav): undeclared `$cache` property (server#42423)
- Disable image editor if accessibility switch is off (viewer#2102)
December 12, 2023
# Version 28.0.0
Prüfen Sie die Dateiintegrität mit:
- Fix share creation insert and get (server#26716)
- Fix creating events with old (< unix time) lastoccurence (server#31790)
- Add api to register setup checks (server#32550)
- Mark comments as read (server#32775)
- Add batch methods in user backends (server#32912)
- Talk federation authentication (server#33105)
- Changed mapping to font (server#34419)
- Add IProvideEnabledStateBackend interface (server#34443)
- Cleanup comments code (server#35424)
- Cleanup psalm issues in DB/ContactsManager and Console (server#35539)
- Fix background theming deletion and cypress admin theming tests (server#35728)
- Display displayname on federated shares (server#35915)
- Extend fix-key-location to handle cases from broken cross-storage moves (server#36068)
- Specify the parameters of FederatedFileSharing controllers (server#36214)
- Log to `error_log` in fatal case (server#36316)
- Refactors tests/app.php to improve code readability. (server#36742)
- Fix: Avoid failing with duplicate checks (server#36830)
- Fix: Escape group names for LDAP (server#37201)
- Avoid db connections when logging db connection errors (server#37458)
- Ci(checkers): Require composer autoloaders for all shipped apps (server#37481)
- Fix: log fopen calls when stream isn’t available (server#37624)
- Refactors Command/Encryption/Enable.php to improve code readability. (server#37665)
- Redis: use atomic operations everywhere (server#37758)
- Check for open_basedir before reading /proc (server#37959)
- Use more efficient tag retrieval on DAV report request (server#37969)
- Imaginary WebP support (server#38032)
- Add label to „default quota“ multiselect (server#38075)
- Allow „wasm-unsafe-eval“ in CSP (server#38082)
- Make Node::getParent lazy (server#38150)
- [master] Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#38162)
- Show pending popover menu when password is enabled by default (server#38164)
- Admin audit app: optimization according to PHP 8 (server#38176)
- Fix share roots always being marked as writable (server#38179)
- Increase from 100000 to 600000 iterations for hash_pbkdf2 (server#38206)
- Enh(theming): RGBY contrast (server#38211)
- Add utility command for object store objects (server#38226)
- Allow enforcing share passwords only when already asking for a password (server#38227)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump cypress from 12.11.0 to 12.12.0 (server#38232)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.7 to 9.6.8 in /build/integration (server#38234)
- Reload filelist when adding or removing shares (server#38259)
- Refactors „strpos“ calls in lib/public to improve code readability. (server#38260)
- Refactors „strpos“ calls in lib/private to improve code readability. (server#38261)
- Fix loading custom logo image (server#38291)
- Add config variable for curl timeout (server#38292)
- Use aria-expanded correctly on toggle user actions (server#38294)
- Feat: Add occ user:user:sync-account-data for updating oc_accounts information from user backends (server#38298)
- Fix: better error message on missing user files dir (server#38300)
- Fix(caldav): Ignore invalid events for reminder generation (server#38301)
- Migrate a few components to NcSelect (server#38306)
- Fix(carddav): Check if SERVER variables are set before accessing them (server#38308)
- Fix: Throw early when a service cannot be found in the app container (server#38322)
- Remove focus-visible polyfill (server#38323)
- Optimize webpack chunking (server#38329)
- Adjust style of passwordless login (server#38330)
- Remove some dead code in files app (server#38332)
- Weather_status: Improve contrast of favorite icon (server#38333)
- Master is now 28 (server#38336)
- 38340 fix add group broken (server#38344)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump guzzlehttp/guzzle from 7.5.1 to 7.6.1 in /build/integration (server#38346)
- Make unsupported browser check asynchronous (server#38354)
- Fix(trashbin): Truncate long filenames (server#38355)
- Add imaginary_key (server#38365)
- Add commands to copy/move files (server#38366)
- Adjust files favorite marker to fulfill A11Y contrast requirements (server#38370)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump tar from 6.1.14 to 6.1.15 (server#38372)
- Webpack: add nonce to unsupported-browser-redirect chunk (server#38374)
- Refactor: migrate OC_EventSource to dependency injection (server#38386)
- Bug-report-template – move `Official All-in-One appliance` to the bottom (server#38393)
- Enh(contacts): show/hide addressbooks for all (server#38397)
- Store encrypted OAuth2 client secrets (server#38398)
- Remove deprecated `OC.appSettings` API (server#38400)
- Fix(SAB): Save avatar to SAB (server#38413)
- Don’t always check if we need to setup the object store root (server#38415)
- Fix(carddav): Check enumeration settings for all SAB methods (server#38423)
- Feat(ocp): Add types and strict typing to \OCP\Group\IGroup (server#38425)
- Fix deletion of User when system link are used in him user folder (server#38429)
- Add OpenAPI specs (server#38438)
- Fix(files): make open folder a default action (server#38441)
- Fix(carddav): Don’t show system address book cards to guests (server#38448)
- Fix(carddav): Make system contact phone number RFC compliant (server#38454)
- Use default page size for jumping to desired offset (server#38457)
- Revert „Fix table view“ (server#38458)
- Adjust active element visibility in the usermenu (server#38459)
- Adjust active element visibility in the sidebar (server#38460)
- Add fallback when a there is no preview for a version (server#38467)
- Log failures to read certificates during listing (server#38468)
- Fix initialisation of versions in the DB (server#38469)
- [master] fix: Catch Deadlock properly as execute throws Doctrine exceptions not our wrapped ones (server#38478)
- Fix(dav): Fix avatar size in system address book (server#38481)
- Chore: update workflows from templates (server#38486)
- Emit an event when a message is logged (server#38490)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump puppeteer from 19.10.1 to 20.4.0 (server#38492)
- Fix: catch errors in id3parser library (server#38496)
- [master] Fix npm audit (server#38497)
- Replace id3parser with mp3info (server#38498)
- Fix(docs): Fix language and copy-paste class name in docs of CSP (server#38513)
- Chore(libphonenumber): Bump giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php to giggsey… (server#38514)
- Chore(deps): Drop swiftmailer/swiftmailer (server#38516)
- Fix contrast for inactive elements of the main navigation (server#38519)
- Improved display of app links (server#38520)
- Chore(app): Do not clear unused cache key (server#38524)
- [master] Update ca-cert bundle (server#38534)
- Ci: Use conventional commits for CA bundle updates (server#38537)
- Uses „Null Coalescing Operator“ to improve code readability. (server#38543)
- Fix(dispatcher): Migrate to OCP event dispatcher before symfony/event… (server#38545)
- Fix(deps)!: Upgrade symfony/event-dispatcher to supported version 5.4.26 (server#38546)
- Fix app menu flicker (server#38549)
- Chore: Drop app code checker test data (server#38550)
- Chore!: Drop \OC_App::isEnabled (server#38551)
- Chore!: Drop \OC_Defaults::getLogoClaim (server#38552)
- Chore(deps): Bump doctrine/dbal to 3.7.x (server#38556)
- Feat(request): Allow to match the client version with the IRequest::U… (server#38561)
- Drop \OC_App methods deprecated in Nextcloud 14 (server#38566)
- Remove deprecated legacy loader from `OC` (server#38567)
- Redis: Do not try to authenticate with non-string password/user (server#38568)
- Improve oauth2 database migration from ownCloud (server#38577)
- Fix: correct hint for missing posix extension (server#38581)
- Feat(ocp): Allow sending emails with subject and body (server#38585)
- Fix(ocp): Mark IMessage::attachInline as @since 27 (server#38586)
- Chore: Do not sass-compile external apps (server#38590)
- Fix(caching): Avoid checking existence before fetching (server#38591)
- Chore(ocp)!: Drop \OCP\Util::linkToPublic (server#38593)
- Chore: remove check for suhosin.executor.func.blacklist (server#38595)
- Fix(CI): Temporary workaround – Run Psalm CI with 1 thread only so it… (server#38597)
- Refactors „strpos“ calls in /core to improve code readability. (server#38602)
- Refactors „strpos“ calls in /apps/workflowengine (server#38604)
- Refactors „strpos“ calls in /apps/comments (server#38605)
- Refactors „strpos“ calls in /apps/settings (server#38606)
- Refactors „strpos“ calls in /apps/user_ldap (server#38608)
- Refactors „strpos“ calls in /apps/dav (server#38610)
- Refactors „strpos“ calls in /apps/theming (server#38611)
- Feat(HTTPClient): Provide wrapped access to Guzzle’s asyncRequest() (server#38613)
- Refactors „strpos“ calls in /apps/files_external (server#38619)
- Refactors „strpos“ calls in /apps/files_sharing (server#38620)
- Replace if/else with return match (server#38622)
- Fix(storage): fallback to copy and unlink when rename fails (server#38623)
- Fix: expect interface, not a specific implementation (server#38625)
- Bump marked from 4.3.0 to 5.0.4 (server#38627)
- Feat: set background = backgroundColor via occ (server#38631)
- Test: add test for cache mount provider (server#38633)
- Feat: remove check for OpenSSL 1.0.1d and 1.0.2b (server#38635)
- [1/3] Refactors /core controllers using constructor property promotion. (server#38636)
- [2/3] Refactors /core controllers using constructor property promotion. (server#38637)
- [3/3] Refactors /core controllers using constructor property promotion. (server#38638)
- Bugfix/36644 pruneOutdatedSyncTokens deletes all entries (server#38639)
- Openapi: Fix wrapping OCS responses that are not DataResponse (server#38640)
- Chore(appframework)!: Drop \OCP\AppFramework\Http\EmptyContentSecurityPolicy::allowInlineScript (server#38642)
- Avoid requests to opengraph image if no host detected (server#38645)
- Fix(caldav): Cast calendar objects id to int when building index (server#38648)
- Fix(caldav): Close DB cursor in reminder index background job (server#38649)
- Chore: Drop dead private methods in /lib (server#38652)
- Fix(systemtags): Incorrect tags shown temporarily (server#38655)
- Fix OpenAPI core paths (server#38656)
- Disable background color on group-header line (on hover, focus, active) (server#38662)
- Chore: Replace \OC::$server->query with \OCP\Server::get in /lib (server#38663)
- Fix(weather_status): Always show all favorite locations (server#38664)
- Fix(weather_status): Pass address as param to OSM API (server#38665)
- Fix(SystemTagManager): Use truncated tagName in getTag and updateTag (server#38667)
- Feat: add width, height, crop and mode to BeforePreviewFetchedEvent (server#38679)
- Fix(apache): Serve `mjs` (module javascript) as static files (server#38688)
- Fix(actions): cypress (server#38694)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump css-loader from 6.7.3 to 6.8.1 (server#38695)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump tslib from 2.5.0 to 2.5.3 (server#38696)
- Update bug report issue template (server#38700)
- Fix oauth2 tests (server#38701)
- Do not cast sizes to int in Trashbin class (server#38703)
- Fix wrong link in issue template (server#38710)
- Select the fileid first when looking for incomplete files (server#38714)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 7.11.6 to 7.12.0 (server#38715)
- Drop meta robots header (server#38725)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump dms/phpunit-arraysubset-asserts from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0 in /build/integration (server#38733)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/event-bus from 3.0.2 to 3.1.0 (server#38734)
- Allow to specify upgrade.cli-upgrade-link in order to link to the correct documentation (server#38735)
- Add a Dependabot configuration to autoupdate GitHub action versions (server#38737)
- [master] Fix npm audit (server#38742)
- Allow stdClass in XML responses (server#38745)
- Perf: skip request without write permission (server#38747)
- Uses PHP8’s constructor property promotion in core/Command/Encryption (server#38762)
- Uses PHP8’s constructor property promotion in core/Command/Db classes. (server#38764)
- Uses PHP8’s constructor property promotion in core/Command/User classes. (server#38766)
- Uses PHP8’s constructor property promotion in core/Command/Maintenance (server#38767)
- Uses PHP8’s constructor property promotion in core/Command/Config and Group (server#38768)
- Uses PHP8’s constructor property promotion core/Command/App,/Background, and /Broadcast (server#38769)
- Make oauth2 client secret column larger (server#38770)
- Uses PHP8’s constructor property promotion core/Command/Info, /Integrity, and /Preview (server#38771)
- Add bruteforce protection in OauthApiController (server#38773)
- Uses PHP8’s constructor property promotion in core/Command/Log, /Security, and /SystemTag (server#38774)
- Uses PHP8’s constructor property promotion in core/Command and / (server#38775)
- Fix(core): Do not invert app menu text color (server#38776)
- Fix(carddav): Make SystemAddressBook::__construct $groupManager argument nullable (server#38777)
- Ci: pin setup-php to avoid a regression (server#38781)
- Chore(deps): Bump skjnldsv/read-package-engines-version-actions from 1.1 to 2.2 (server#38785)
- Chore(deps): Bump peter-evans/create-or-update-comment from 2 to 3 (server#38786)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/setup-node from 2 to 3 (server#38787)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2 to 3 (server#38788)
- Align subadmins css class name (server#38793)
- Enable version features again with S3 versioning (server#38794)
- Fix: Avoid failing to update the current version entry if there is none (server#38800)
- Add types to responses (server#38802)
- Bump @nextcloud/auth @nextcloud/axios @nextcloud/calendar-availability-vue @nextcloud/dialogs @nextcloud/files and @nextcloud/router (server#38803)
- Make sure to show download button only one time (server#38804)
- Add files actions testing + code coverage (server#38806)
- Fix issues where unencrypted_size was being falsely used for non-encrypted home folders (server#38808)
- Generate user themed favicon and touchicon (server#38823)
- Enh(a11y): New user modal (server#38826)
- [master] Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#38827)
- Fix files API route names (server#38830)
- Adjust saving of status messages (server#38832)
- Replace plain input fields with NcTextField fields and NcMultiSelect … (server#38839)
- Fix: Removed invalid user from CODEOWNERS file (server#38841)
- Fix type in BeforeMessageLoggedEvent (server#38843)
- Feat: add detected mime type to exception (server#38844)
- Move deprecation warnings to debug (server#38852)
- Introduce LanguageModel/TextProcessing OCP API (server#38854)
- Fix(sab): put location in proper address field (server#38856)
- File scanner performance improvements (server#38858)
- Add summary of detected changes to files:scan output (server#38860)
- Chore(deps): Bump cypress-io/github-action from 5.8.1 to 5.8.3 (server#38863)
- Bump @nextcloud/files from 3.0.0-beta.9 to 3.0.0-beta.10 (server#38865)
- Fix confusion around mail settings and improve layout a bit (server#38868)
- [master] Fix npm audit (server#38869)
- Style(config): alphabetise preview providers (server#38876)
- Cleanup controller service aliases (server#38878)
- Fix user log.condition feature (server#38881)
- Don’t disable actions when saving share permissions (server#38888)
- Use source cache when listing folder during recursive copy (server#38890)
- Add getDocBaseUrl on theming app (server#38900)
- Reduce load of files versions preview loading (server#38905)
- Fix: ContactManager search with fullmatch (server#38907)
- Cast string type for trim() (server#38910)
- Adjust admin setup check to increase warning to configure https (server#38915)
- Fix(l10n): Fix plural issue with different locale and language (server#38917)
- Chore: update node engines to next LTS (server#38924)
- Chore: Adjust editorconfig for package.json and package-lock.json (server#38927)
- Fix(systemtags): Add missing systemtags index (server#38928)
- Clean failed upload chunks (server#38930)
- Fix(s3): Pass SSE-C parameters for multipart upload (server#38934)
- [f2v] Rename, favorite and edit locally actions (server#38939)
- Implement optimized getDirectoryContent for DAV (server#38945)
- Align collaborative tags differently (server#38948)
- [f2v] Favorites view (server#38950)
- Chore(deps): Bump fast-xml-parser and webdav (server#38951)
- Fix(eventdispatcher): Don’t use all evaluating „or“ (server#38955)
- Use getsystemvalue-functions in Mailer.php (server#38958)
- Dav: clean path before putting it in the statcache (server#38965)
- Enh(sab): Add profileUrl to SAB (server#38969)
- Uses PHP8’s constructor property promotion in core/Migrations (server#38974)
- Uses PHP8’s constructor property promotion in remaining /core classes (server#38975)
- Refactors lib/private/Accounts classes (server#38978)
- Refactors lib/private/Contacts. (server#38986)
- Refactors lib/private/Mail. (server#38987)
- Fix: restore AppsSlideToggle feature (server#38988)
- Refactors lib/private/Avatar. (server#38989)
- Refactor lib/private/Calendar (server#38990)
- Refactors lib/private/SystemTag (server#38995)
- Fix(dav): Catch SAB sync errors during upgrade (server#39005)
- Switch to bootstrap font-stack (server#39008)
- [1/3] Refactors lib/private/Security (server#39011)
- [2/3] Refactors lib/private/Security (server#39012)
- [3/3] Refactors lib/private/Security (server#39013)
- Add „button“ class to the QR code link (server#39015)
- Fix(s3): fix handling verify_bucket_exists parameter (server#39017)
- Migrate federation application to LoggerInterface (server#39018)
- Adds same object return annotations to lib/private/Mail classes (server#39020)
- Fix(files): Only render the menu if there are actions to show (server#39025)
- Chore: upgrade typescript, eslint and fix lint (server#39029)
- Migrate deprecated vue property (server#39038)
- Refactors lib/private/Log (server#39039)
- Fix(ocp): TimedJob can’t have a more specific argument than Job (server#39042)
- Fix(ocp): Fix reference of dashboard IAPIWidget::getItems from WidgetItem (server#39043)
- Fix root mounts not being setup in some cases (server#39044)
- Update aria-expanded attribute for sidebar apps-slide-toggles (server#39049)
- Enh(a11y): Users table (server#39050)
- Feat(ocp): More specific type for ICapabilities::getCapabilities (server#39057)
- Avoid adding (attribute=) part to filter which will confuse LDAP servers (server#39058)
- Fix(TagSearchProvider): Short circuit if no tag matches the query (server#39062)
- Migrate away from ILogger in encryption (server#39065)
- Bump sabre/http to 5.1.7 in master (server#39070)
- Fix(settings): Migrate away from deprecated `NcPopoverMenu` (server#39073)
- Refactors lib/private/Profile. (server#39075)
- Fix(cypress): branch definition and update from template (server#39076)
- Fix(CalDAV): Check if the vObject exists before attempting any operations (server#39083)
- Feat(admin_audit): Migrate to non-deprecated IEventDispatcher (server#39086)
- Fix event names of 2FA related typed events (server#39089)
- Silent `imagecreatefromstring()` errors (server#39093)
- Chore(deps): Bump skjnldsv/read-package-engines-version-actions from 2.1 to 2.2 (server#39095)
- [master] Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#39096)
- Fix(settings): Migrate away from `NcAppNavigationCounter` (server#39102)
- Files_sharing: Remove orphaned file with deprecated imports (server#39103)
- [master] Fix npm audit (server#39104)
- Fix(updatenotification): Remove deprecated `NcPopoverMenu` and use `NcActions` instead (server#39106)
- Refactors lib/private/Lock (server#39108)
- Refactors /Metadata, /Migration, and /Net namespaces in /lib/private/ (server#39109)
- [1/2] Refactors lib/private/Collaboration (server#39113)
- [2/2] Refactors lib/private/Collaboration (server#39114)
- Fix(sse): don’t update uncached files (server#39115)
- Psalm: Enable more/less specific errors (server#39116)
- Psalm: Disable cache (server#39120)
- Rewrite OCS CSRF check to be readable (server#39125)
- Fix password confirmation master (server#39127)
- Fix(ldap): avatar is not being fetched (server#39128)
- Refactors files_external app commands (server#39131)
- Fix(CardDAV): catch right exception when checking for federated app classes (server#39132)
- User_status: Add OpenAPI spec (server#39133)
- Fix(files_sharing): hide download permission for circle shares (server#39146)
- Refactors files app commands (server#39150)
- Migrate federated file sharing to PSR LoggerInterface (server#39160)
- Add OCSPreconditionFailedException (server#39164)
- Enable all files_versions features when groupfolders is enabled (server#39165)
- Refactors dav app commands. (server#39166)
- Migrate files sharing to PSR LoggerInterface (server#39169)
- Add command do delete orphan shares (server#39170)
- Support opening and comparing versions in viewer (server#39171)
- Use square bracket syntax to modify array (server#39175)
- Fix: Cleanup unused imports and some type deprecations (server#39189)
- Fix(dav): Move DAV app to non deprecated event dispatcher (server#39190)
- Feat(sharing): add sharing overview view (server#39196)
- Fix: Remove deprecation warning for already removed API (server#39200)
- Fix(cypress): revert only toggle (server#39203)
- Docs(dav): remove outdated comment (server#39204)
- Remove jQuery from main entry point where not needed (server#39210)
- Add return types (server#39211)
- Refactor „strpos“ and „substr“ calls in federatedfilesharing app to improve code readability (server#39213)
- Refactor „substr“ calls in lib/private to improve code readability (server#39216)
- Migrate parts of files app away from depecrated Ilogger (server#39218)
- [master] Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#39219)
- Bugfix/bulk upload empty files (server#39221)
- Migrate more apps to IEventDispatcher (server#39222)
- Provisioning_api: Add OpenAPI spec (server#39223)
- Convert isset ternary to null coalescing operator (server#39224)
- Convert isset ternary to null coalescing operator (server#39225)
- Convert isset ternary to null coalescing operator (server#39226)
- Fix(files): default emptycontent message (server#39229)
- Refactor comments app (server#39236)
- Refactor contactsinteraction app (server#39243)
- Preload custom properties when propfinding folders (server#39248)
- Comments: Add OpenAPI spec (server#39257)
- Add IgnoreOpenAPI attribute (server#39263)
- Add instance category while checking new updates (server#39264)
- Fix(flow): Revert invalid rename of check class for RequestTime (server#39268)
- Bump CS Fixer rules to follow latest Nextcloud standards (server#39271)
- Sharebymail: Add OpenAPI spec (server#39272)
- Weather_status: Add OpenAPI spec (server#39274)
- Add optional to add backtrace to log items (server#39275)
- Set double outline to buttons in focus state (server#39277)
- Federation: Add OpenAPI spec (server#39280)
- Settings: Add OpenAPI spec (server#39284)
- Dashboard: Add OpenAPI spec (server#39286)
- Theming: Add OpenAPI spec (server#39287)
- Chore(deps): Bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 (server#39296)
- Fix(dav): close cursor when fetching max id (server#39297)
- Fix(comments): Emit CommentsEntityEvent as typed event (server#39304)
- Feat(dav): Emit a typed event to deprecate OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre::addPlugin (server#39305)
- Fix(profile): fix getUID on nullable user variable (server#39309)
- Updatenotification: Add OpenAPI spec (server#39312)
- User_ldap: Add OpenAPI spec (server#39313)
- Dav: Add OpenAPI spec (server#39315)
- Oauth2: Add OpenAPI spec (server#39316)
- Change color for primary element on hover (server#39317)
- Cloud_federation_api: Add OpenAPI spec (server#39318)
- Files_versions: Add OpenAPI spec (server#39319)
- Files_trashbin: Add OpenAPI spec (server#39320)
- Files_external: Add OpenAPI spec (server#39321)
- Files_external: getStorage before remove (server#39323)
- Cibit): fix failing test setup (server#39324)
- Files: Add OpenAPI spec (server#39327)
- Federatedfilesharing: Add OpenAPI spec (server#39328)
- Fix: also run phpunit on `apps/theming/css` modified files (server#39329)
- Files_sharing: Add OpenAPI spec (server#39330)
- Core: Add OpenAPI spec (server#39331)
- Set double outline on checked state for radio buttons (server#39332)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @pinia/testing from 0.0.16 to 0.1.2 (server#39336)
- Fix(workflowengine): Migrate from deprecated `NcMultiselect` to `NcSelect` (server#39337)
- Fix(node): non-existing folder is not searchable (server#39339)
- Cloud_federation_api: Fix OpenAPI spec (server#39341)
- Chore(CI): Sign .drone.yml file (server#39343)
- Handle more exceptions in AmazonS3::fopen (server#39367)
- Fix: Always apply fullscreen styling to sidebar (server#39378)
- Fix(db): no hardcoded table prefix is expected (server#39380)
- Enh(a11y): Add aria-modal to dialogs (server#39382)
- Feat: Add public event for missing indices (server#39389)
- Change color of error and success (server#39391)
- Fix(i18n) Changed case of „Files“ (server#39400)
- Fix(i18n) Changed grammar related to „login“ (server#39401)
- Enh(a11y): User management settings dialog (server#39402)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.8 to 9.6.10 in /build/integration (server#39403)
- Chore(deps): Bump dompurify from 2.4.5 to 3.0.5 (server#39405)
- [master] Fix npm audit (server#39409)
- Fix(core): Add password confirmation requirement for getapppassword (server#39416)
- Fix: check that object store backend supports multi part uploads (server#39432)
- Chore(3rdparty): update symfony/process to 5.4.24 (server#39441)
- Chore: update codeowners for 2fa (server#39442)
- Fix(l10n): User manager (server#39444)
- Refactor user_ldap group membership cache and add check-group command (server#39446)
- Fix sharing of encrypted files (server#39447)
- Docs: remove superfluous phpdocs (server#39449)
- Chore(3rdparty): update symfony/console to 5.4.24 (server#39455)
- Fix: Correctly add `module` content type to script tags with versions (server#39456)
- Add more space below item preview explanation (server#39460)
- Improve sharing flow (server#39472)
- Fix(IParallelAwareJob): Check for other reserved jobs before setting new ones as reserved (server#39473)
- Fix(i18n) Fixed grammar (server#39474)
- Fix(i18n) Fixed grammar (server#39475)
- Remove opacity on federation control action buttons (server#39476)
- Chore(3rdparty): update symfony http-foundation, routing and translat… (server#39477)
- Migrate files external to PSR LoggerInterface (server#39480)
- Fix: don’t emit Hooks when hookpaths are empty (server#39481)
- Fix(files): Adjust files favorite marker for vue file list being cropped (server#39483)
- Fix(dispatcher): Move remaining simple cases in apps/ folder to IEven… (server#39485)
- Chore(3rdparty): update punic to 3.8.1 (server#39486)
- Typed events for db:add-missing-… (server#39487)
- Fix(apps): Fix loading info.xml file (server#39490)
- Fix(caldav): Assign initial value to typed CalendarQuery properties (server#39504)
- Feat(db): Ensure that index names are unique across the database (server#39506)
- Fix(utility): De- deprecate getDateTime and getTime as now() only returns DateTimeImmutable (server#39511)
- Fix(CardDAV): set owner-principal, displayname properties for SAB (server#39525)
- Only show weather credits if necessary (server#39527)
- Kerberos sso ci fix (server#39531)
- `/ocs/v1.php/cloud/groups` `UPDATE` method – correct status when group not found (server#39537)
- Update to nextcloud-vue 8 (beta) (server#39540)
- AI admin settings (server#39567)
- Calendar optimizations (server#39568)
- Move lib/ events to IEventDispatcher where possible (server#39571)
- OCM Services (server#39574)
- „Allow untested app“ wording (server#39575)
- [f2v] feat(files_external): migrate to vue (server#39577)
- Simplify IP address normalizer with IP masks (server#39582)
- Feat(settings): Show supported apps on app settings if subscribed (server#39586)
- Bump deepdiver1975/tarstreamer to 2.1.0 in master (server#39587)
- Fix(files): url used to retrive storage stats (server#39588)
- Fix!: Remove symfony EventDispatcherInterface from OC\User and OC\Group (server#39595)
- Fix(l10n): Password column header (server#39599)
- Fix!: Final round of moving to IEventDispatcher (server#39605)
- Fix(files): Remove duplicated outline on file name of vue file list (server#39609)
- Feat(files): migrate recent view (server#39613)
- Remove litmus locks tests (server#39626)
- Enable litmus largefile tests (server#39628)
- Fix(s3): add SSE-C parameters to headObject call (server#39629)
- Core: Document text processing API (server#39634)
- Fix OpenAPI specs (server#39641)
- Fix: copy-and-delete fallback should use unlink (server#39644)
- Fix(files_sharing): String translations (server#39649)
- Feat: File reminders backend (server#39651)
- Fixes in update-3rdparty command (server#39652)
- AppEcosystem Authentification (server#39655)
- [master] fix(files): fix extension with custom displayName (server#39656)
- Bump oc_version to (server#39660)
- Chore(3rdparty): update symfony/mailer to 5.4.22 (server#39662)
- Fix(dav): use quota of destination in s3 chunk upload (server#39672)
- Feat(theming): add mime accept in Theming image file picker (server#39673)
- New OCS endpoint to list text processing tasks (server#39680)
- Fix(cypress): Flaky tests (server#39682)
- Fix: missing argument for TextProcessing Manager (server#39684)
- Feat: Set file reminders (server#39685)
- Fix(core): Modernize JS for mimetype handling (server#39686)
- Fix(notifications): Remove share notification when the node is deleted (server#39689)
- Re-enable download configuration on circles shares (server#39693)
- Expose gps data via webdav (server#39694)
- Refactors files version app commands. (server#39695)
- Chore: add pr-feedback workflow (server#39696)
- Catch more invalid cache source storage paths (server#39698)
- Hide shares by disabled users (server#39699)
- Fix: close cursor after reading the invitation (server#39700)
- Fix: adjust test for font icon (server#39705)
- Allow ext storage Local to go unavailable (server#39707)
- [master] Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#39708)
- Remove padding for longer wordings (like the future French one) (server#39713)
- Update blog URL (formerly „/news“) (server#39715)
- Add OpenAPI CI (server#39716)
- Files_external: Fix OpenAPI (server#39717)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump symfony/event-dispatcher from 5.4.22 to 5.4.26 in /build/integration (server#39720)
- Chore: remove version check for apc extension (server#39723)
- [master] Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#39727)
- Fix(db): Print why the migration file could not be created (server#39739)
- Optimize calendar search query (server#39741)
- Fix: Don’t try to access null array (server#39743)
- Feat(caldav): linkify location in scheduling mails (server#39753)
- „Download and enable all“ instead of „Enable all“ only (server#39754)
- Add endpoint for getting disabled user list (server#39756)
- Fix: always use display name from correct backend (server#39770)
- Test: remove broken steps from files acceptance test (server#39778)
- Log imaginary errors as info to not spam the server logs (server#39780)
- Fix: Also cleanup version metadata if expiring (server#39786)
- Fix: Pass proper viewer filename (server#39789)
- Feat: Add new Vue FilePicker from `@nextcloud/dialogs` and use it by default (server#39792)
- Enh(files_reminders): Adjust reminder options (server#39798)
- Fix(updatenotification): Skip update check (server#39806)
- Feat(f2v): migrate Files (server#39808)
- Fix text processing OpenAPI (server#39809)
- Let `occ trashbin:restore` restore also from groupfolders and add filters (server#39818)
- Add l10n for files_reminders (server#39820)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump puppeteer from 20.9.0 to 21.0.3 (server#39833)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 2.13.3 to 2.14.0 (server#39834)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @vue/vue2-jest from 29.2.4 to 29.2.5 (server#39835)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @babel/node from 7.22.6 to 7.22.10 (server#39836)
- Fix: encode basename in restore action (server#39842)
- Remove check for very old PGsql version (server#39846)
- Wrap long productName on login form (server#39848)
- Code simplification using null coalescing (server#39850)
- Stop sending deprecated Pragma header (server#39852)
- Feat(testing): Add fake providers for translations and text processing (server#39856)
- Don’t preload metadata for the sub-childen (server#39860)
- Move share permission logic to storage wrapper (server#39863)
- Reuse l10n and request in dav folder listing (server#39864)
- Fix php 8.3 support in tests (server#39866)
- Add a separate event for login page rendering (server#39867)
- Remove query builder reuse in files_external (server#39868)
- Feat(security): Add a bruteforce protection backend base on memcache (server#39870)
- Fix various file reminders bugs (server#39876)
- Adjust add button (server#39884)
- Bump Hub 5 -> Hub 6 (server#39885)
- Reduce the number of container queries (server#39888)
- Admin have no special rights on users‘ entries (server#39895)
- Sharebymail: remove ILogger and upgrade to PHP 8 syntax (server#39897)
- Don’t bother checking dav acl’s in files (server#39903)
- Prevent PHP warning when CacheEntry extension keys are not set (server#39906)
- Fix(settings): focus lost on selects in users settings (server#39909)
- Fix(memcache): Fix comparison of Memcache configs to classes (server#39910)
- Fix(CardDAV): only run upgrade sync if 1000 users or less (server#39911)
- Improve upload progress visualization (server#39912)
- Try to fix regression with public file upload button (server#39916)
- Chore(deps): Bump marked from 5.1.2 to 7.0.3 (server#39922)
- Fix: Set X-Requested-With header on all requests to avoid browser auth dialogs (server#39924)
- Fix(CardDAV): allow disabling of the system address book (server#39925)
- A better design for update channel selector (server#39927)
- Feat(dashboard): implement widget item api v2 (server#39937)
- Chore(deps): Bump libphonenumber-js from 1.10.38 to 1.10.41 (server#39938)
- Fix(settings): User management app navigation styles (server#39943)
- Pass the share to the cache instead of having to ask the storage (server#39944)
- Feat(files): add uploader (server#39945)
- Fix: Avoid throwing on folder previews as there are none (server#39950)
- Chore: use Navigation and Actions from `@nextcloud/files` (server#39955)
- Improve performance of calculating dav permissions (server#39958)
- Fix(CS): Use the naming pattern for the URL scheme (server#39961)
- Chore(deps): Bump camelcase from 6.3.0 to 8.0.0 (server#39964)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump cypress from 12.17.3 to 12.17.4 (server#39965)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump sass from 1.64.2 to 1.66.1 (server#39967)
- Chore(deps): Bump nextcloud-vue-collections from 0.10.0 to 0.11.1 (server#39968)
- Fix(a11y): Add always visible label when setting weather address (server#39971)
- Chore(deps): Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 3 to 5 (server#39972)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/setup-node from 3.6.0 to 3.8.1 (server#39974)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/github-script from 5 to 6 (server#39975)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/stale from 5 to 8 (server#39976)
- (config sample) Remove defunct trystack.org url (server#39978)
- [master] Fix npm audit (server#39979)
- Files_reminders: Add OpenAPI spec (server#39984)
- Fix predefined status buttons (server#39987)
- Fix(CS): Ignore apps*/ directories which are gitignored (server#39989)
- Fix(middleware): Fix header injection for bruteforce middleware (server#39996)
- Feat(files): add drag and drop support (server#39998)
- Chore(deps): upgrade `@nextcloud/webpack-vue-config` and `typescript` (server#39999)
- Fix OpenAPI capabilities (server#40001)
- [master] fix(security): Update CA certificate bundle (server#40005)
- Fix(tests): Specify all positional parameters again to fix tests (server#40012)
- Do not log passwords in debug mode (server#40013)
- Create right table view (server#40014)
- Feat: Add auth token list and delete commands (server#40026)
- (enh) Change `occ background-job:list` limit default 10->500 (server#40042)
- Replace custom input field with NcTextField (server#40043)
- Add Altahrïm as code owner for login routes and sharebymail app (server#40044)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.10 to 9.6.11 in /build/integration (server#40052)
- Chore(deps): Bump jquery from 3.6.4 to 3.7.0 (server#40054)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @babel/preset-typescript from 7.22.5 to 7.22.11 (server#40055)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump babel-jest from 29.6.2 to 29.6.4 (server#40057)
- Fix(files): do not load legacy files app js (server#40065)
- Fix: make cancelOperation public (server#40067)
- [Devcontainer] move git setup to postStartCommand (server#40068)
- Fix(updatecheck): Don’t wait 120s for a response of updater.nextcloud… (server#40071)
- Fix(API): Fix parameter name to match interface (server#40075)
- Fix(cache): Remove displayname cache entry on delete (server#40077)
- Techdebt(DI): Use public IThrottler interface which exists since 25 (server#40079)
- Bump @nextcloud/vue to v8 beta 5 + add some visible labels (server#40084)
- Adjust input field for „rename group“ (server#40087)
- Replace custom input field with NcTextField (server#40100)
- Replace custom input field with NcTextField (server#40102)
- Enable caldav push notifications by default (server#40103)
- Feat: add switch to disable dns pinning (server#40108)
- Enh(settings): Add and remove groups accessibly (server#40110)
- Refactor `OC\Server::getAvatarManager` (server#40114)
- Fix(CI): Update .drone.yml signature (server#40159)
- Enh(a11y): Add accessible user menu semantics (server#40168)
- Fix(CI): Fix server setup in cypress by overwriting all files in shal… (server#40181)
- Test(sharebymail): Improve tests (server#40182)
- SFTP improvements (server#40183)
- Feat: Add events for version restore (server#40184)
- [master] Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#40189)
- Feat(files): add sharing icon in header (server#40192)
- Fix: prevent sharing permissions on user root folder (server#40195)
- Create right list view for app store view (server#40198)
- Remove old fileUploadSpec jsunit test and fix flaky cypress files test (server#40199)
- Change proftpd ci image (server#40201)
- Fix(mimetype): Fix aborted transaction on PostgreSQL when storing mimetype (server#40203)
- Feat(files): add folder icon overlay (server#40209)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @cypress/webpack-preprocessor from 5.17.1 to 6.0.0 (server#40210)
- Chore(deps): Bump webdav from 5.2.3 to 5.3.0 (server#40211)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/browserslist-config from 2.3.0 to 3.0.0 (server#40213)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump guzzlehttp/guzzle from 7.6.1 to 7.8.0 in /build/integration (server#40214)
- Print log message when version could not be got from updater server (server#40216)
- Fixn): Fixed grammar (server#40217)
- ProfileApi: Fix typo (server#40224)
- Enh: skip processing for empty response (server#40234)
- Comments: Ignore endpoints in OpenAPI (server#40257)
- 40172 Polish new sharing flow : accesibility, expand bahavior, click outside behaviour (server#40266)
- Fix(files_sharing): select sharing in sidebar breaks Viewer focus trap (server#40273)
- Change order of keyboard shortcuts settings to be at the end (server#40275)
- [f2v] Render inline system tags using new DAV properties API (server#40284)
- Detect aborted connection in OC\Files\View and stop writing data to t… (server#40285)
- Feat(appframework): Expose programmatic rate limiter (server#40288)
- Fix(CalDAV): check birthday calendar owner (server#40292)
- Fix(ratelimit): Only use memory cache backend for redis (server#40293)
- Fix(comments): move new comment instructions placeholder to description (server#40294)
- Rename AppEcosystemV2 to AppAPI (server#40295)
- Enable new versions feature for groupfolders (server#40296)
- Fix(caldav): add webroot to objectid for activities (server#40301)
- Remove quotation marks (server#40306)
- Fix: Pass parent to NonExistingFile instances (server#40312)
- Enh(a11y): Add search contacts label (server#40314)
- Feat: Add dedicated method to load init scripts (server#40323)
- Implement TextToImage OCP API (server#40326)
- Fix Admin AI settings javascript error (server#40328)
- Theming: Revert broken SVG optimization in default-source.svg (server#40329)
- Fix access to fileInfo in VersionTab.vue (server#40340)
- Fix: Hide set reminder action on public shares (server#40341)
- Fix: Update file list headers on breadcrumb navigation (server#40345)
- Fix(autoloader): no apcu no side effects (server#40349)
- Chore(deps): Bump @vueuse/components from 10.3.0 to 10.4.1 (server#40354)
- Chore(deps): Bump cypress-io/github-action from 5.8.3 to 6.5.0 (server#40355)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3 (server#40356)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (server#40357)
- [master] Update psalm-baseline.xml (server#40358)
- [master] Fix npm audit (server#40360)
- Hide additional content when share details is open (server#40365)
- Fire group membership events from LDAP at login (server#40367)
- Feat: update sign up link in share pages (server#40368)
- 40172 polish sharing flow bugs (server#40372)
- Test: add tests for dns pin middleware (server#40376)
- Add plus icon to new user button (server#40378)
- Fix invite guest for new sharing flow (server#40389)
- Fix(settings): Undefined user count error (server#40391)
- Display user status by the side in sharing flow (server#40393)
- Ellipsize user status in sharing entry (server#40404)
- Refactor(f2v): Migrate unread comments action to the new FileAction API (server#40409)
- Use t and n for translation (server#40411)
- Add in:users as a search filter to limit searches to users (server#40413)
- Fix: use faster method to fetch user count (server#40416)
- Fix: don’t use davtags for tag search (server#40418)
- Remove deprecated at matcher in tests/lib/InstallerTest.php (server#40419)
- Remove last calls to deprecated at matcher in tests/Core (server#40420)
- Core: Fix OpenAPI for reference API (server#40421)
- Enh(db): provide database providers via IDB API (server#40423)
- Remove last at matcher call in dav application tests (server#40424)
- Provisioning_api: Fix quota constants in OpenAPI (server#40426)
- Multiple bug fix in users list (server#40428)
- Enh(a11y): Add label to share note textbox (server#40430)
- Correctly switch/revert from custom to bundled perms (server#40434)
- Make logo in header clickable in the shared file view (server#40439)
- Consider link shares in removeShare method in SharingTab (server#40440)
- Fix(ldap): store last known user groups (server#40443)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.0.0-beta.2 to 5.0.0-beta.4 (server#40452)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.6.10 to 9.6.12 in /build/integration (server#40455)
- Refactor: Replace array_search with in_array in lib/ (server#40462)
- Fix(files): CustomElementRender $el replacement bug (server#40465)
- Bump phpseclib/phpseclib to 2.0.45 in master (server#40470)
- Only add x-requested-with header in requests to Nextcloud (server#40471)
- Fix(twofactor): avoid DB error on Twofactor (en/dis)abled event (server#40472)
- Fix(dav): report status (server#40474)
- Feat(files): add systemtags view (server#40475)
- Add method to create a node from cache entry + mountpoint (server#40478)
- Fixes Dashboard icon rendering in darkmode (server#40480)
- Fix: content info footer on guest pages (server#40481)
- Fix(isLegitimatedForUserId): Setup mountpoints to check file access (server#40482)
- Fix(dav): fix report tests (server#40485)
- Fix(comments): Use provided offset in best effort when loading comments (server#40488)
- Load script and styles on setup page (server#40494)
- Fix(sharing): set name to target name in sharing cache (server#40495)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @vue/vue2-jest from 29.2.4 to 29.2.6 (server#40496)
- Add wrapper for external storage to ensure we don’t get an mtime that is lower than we know it is (server#40499)
- Consider share type for enforced share expiry dates (server#40500)
- Store size in int|float for 32bit support (server#40501)
- Add single status code descriptions for OpenAPI (server#40502)
- Remove deprectated ILogger uses from user_ldap application (server#40504)
- Chore(3rdparty): remove opis/closure (server#40505)
- Migrate applications away from deprecated ILogger (server#40508)
- Fix dashboard widgets api (server#40511)
- Fix: redirect to proper directory if file not found (server#40515)
- Remove ‚Working with … code‘ sections from README.md (server#40516)
- Feat(files): add files_sharing indicator (server#40517)
- Use multipart copy for s3 (server#40531)
- Auto set password for new email shares (server#40533)
- Fix(dav): expand recurrences when searching (server#40541)
- Add label for input field and select and adjust styles (server#40548)
- Fix: avoid side-effect imports and actions title support (server#40551)
- Add labels for input fields (server#40552)
- Style: Fix editorconfig indent for config/*config.php (server#40562)
- Update crl after revoke mfazones.csr (server#40563)
- Fix(userstatus): Track message timestamp too (server#40564)
- Remove deprecated methods Util::writeLog and DIContainer::log (server#40565)
- Feat(CI): Allow apps to test with PHPUnit10 (server#40574)
- Core: Fix OCM OpenAPI (server#40575)
- Split list to navigation for the left sidebar (server#40576)
- Feat(files): properly format buttons, align mtime to the left and apply opacity based on file last modification (server#40583)
- Correct value for device name input field (server#40584)
- Fix(files): disallow illegal characters (server#40585)
- Ci: skip cypress install (server#40589)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (server#40595)
- Fix(theming): Make sure the footer is hidden if no content is rendered (server#40597)
- Chore(deps): Bump marked from 7.0.3 to 9.0.3 (server#40598)
- Fix(files): open folder fileid while navigating without opening the sidebar (server#40604)
- Remove unneeded opacity for action button (server#40613)
- Fix(userstatus): Sync migration version number with app version (server#40614)
- Feat(user status): automate user status for events (server#40615)
- Read apporder from configuration value (server#40617)
- Advanced search: backend allows multiples terms to search (server#40618)
- Use proper app id in Version.vue (server#40619)
- Feat(phonenumber): Add OCP wrapper for PhoneNumber utils library (server#40620)
- Fix(build): Ignore `default-source.svg` from image optimization (server#40622)
- Updates to new sharing flow (server#40629)
- Allow PHP 8.3 (server#40630)
- Chore: Drop vendored Composer v2.4.1 (server#40639)
- Set visible label for input field (server#40643)
- Fix: encode uri for delete, restore and favorite (server#40644)
- Fix OCS-APIRequest header for OpenAPI (server#40649)
- Refactor: Use DBAL’s executeQuery instead of query (deprecated) (server#40651)
- Feat: Add out-of-office message API (server#40653)
- Feat(backgroundjob): Schedule job after (server#40656)
- Fix(autocomplete): Fix missing user status on autocomplete endpoint (server#40660)
- Correct `aria-label` on action input and text field (server#40662)
- Fix(dav): Reduce CalDAV backend memory footprint (server#40665)
- Feat: allow external drop and add dropzone (server#40674)
- Fix(unifiedsearch): Allow searching for „0“ (server#40675)
- Fix(files): pass WCAG AA for hover rows (server#40677)
- Chore: Install phpunit via vendor bin (server#40678)
- Chore: Bump @nextcloud/vue + @nextcloud/dialogs + @nextcloud/calendar-availability-vue (server#40692)
- Correct typos and add quotation marks (server#40698)
- LDAP: Increase profile picture limit to 512 (server#40709)
- Fix(systemreport): Mask onlyoffice secret as sensitive (server#40714)
- Enh(settings): Semantic user table markup (server#40719)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump cypress and @nextcloud/cypress (server#40720)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @jest/globals from 29.6.2 to 29.7.0 (server#40721)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump cypress-wait-until from 1.7.2 to 2.0.1 (server#40722)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump workbox-webpack-plugin from 6.6.0 to 7.0.0 (server#40724)
- Generate all preview sizes for Imaginary (server#40731)
- Ci: skip puppeteer chrome download (server#40733)
- Chore: rename serializedClosure to argument to align with parent class (server#40734)
- Test(cypress): only use the cypress cloud on pull requests (server#40736)
- Added CORS skip if session was created by AppAPI (server#40737)
- Remove unneeded class (server#40738)
- Fix ocm-provider rewrite rules (server#40745)
- Chore(deps): remove @nextcloud/vue-dashboard (server#40748)
- Refactor: Contacts menu to Vue (server#40749)
- Chore(deps): Bump core-js from 3.32.0 to 3.33.0 (server#40751)
- Show loading icon in ’save share‘ button when creating a share (server#40752)
- Fix(files): encoded source path on actions requests (server#40756)
- IFilesMetadata (server#40761)
- Chore: Do not lint external apps (server#40764)
- Make OAuth2 authorization code expire (server#40766)
- Feat(dav): implement personal absence settings (server#40767)
- Fix(dashboard): remove duplicated IDs on the dashboard page (server#40768)
- Fix(cypress): empty group, tag and ci-build-id when not using cypress cloud (server#40770)
- Fix(files): migrate to NcIconSvgWrapper (server#40771)
- Fix(theming): Ensure all text colors have enough contrast for accessibility (server#40773)
- Fix(files_external): basic auth user storage trigger (server#40782)
- Adjust color of focus-visible to be better visible (server#40783)
- Move inline docs to online documentation (server#40784)
- Fix: Log critical session renewal and logout paths (server#40785)
- Fix(user): Log affected user of app token login name mismatch (server#40795)
- Fix: Show error message when CSRF check fails at login (server#40799)
- Fix text on default background image button (server#40804)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @types/dockerode from 3.3.19 to 3.3.20 (server#40805)
- Fix(L10N): Support „Accept-Language: zh-Hans-CN“ and alike (server#40808)
- Update README.md (server#40809)
- Catch Imaginary processing errors (server#40819)
- New UI global search (server#40823)
- Fixed mixed translations in sharing details (server#40825)
- Fix Dynamic property timeFactory in ClientFlowLoginControllerTest (server#40829)
- Pass IConfig by constructor to Group_LDAP (server#40839)
- Remove leading slash (server#40843)
- Feat: Allow to configure the app menu order in the frontend (server#40844)
- Feat(contactsmenu): Show user status (server#40852)
- Feat(files): migrate template picker (server#40854)
- Fix: Scope app nav caption styles (server#40858)
- Fix(session): Log why session renewal failed (server#40859)
- Chore: Drop unused \OC\Memcache\Factory::createLowLatency (server#40861)
- Fix(federation): Use `sharing.federation.allowSelfSignedCertificates` config for all OCM requests (server#40864)
- Fix version number in ITimeFactory after it was delayed (server#40865)
- Feat: Add factory method for in-memory caches (server#40868)
- Fix my-apps view on mobile (server#40871)
- Change width for input field (server#40872)
- Fix width of input on contacts menu (server#40873)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/password-confirmation from 4.0.1 to 5.0.0 (server#40874)
- Fix(scheduling): don’t send iMIP emails to rooms / resources (server#40876)
- Fix(session): Log when crypto session data is lost (server#40879)
- Fix OCM provider public API and handling to allow apps to register (server#40885)
- Fix several admin settings problems (server#40887)
- Check for more php modules (server#40889)
- Fix(search): Close unified search at the second ctrl+f (server#40890)
- Enh(files): Add accessible sort direction (server#40893)
- Fix(cypress): User groups test (server#40894)
- Add custom apps translation scripts and image path for consistency (server#40898)
- Refactor: Unify running a dev server (for automated testing) (server#40899)
- Fix(docs): Fix parameter types in docs (server#40900)
- Append to body all selects inside of user table (server#40902)
- Reduce left margin of files list header (server#40905)
- Fix several personal settings problems (server#40907)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @babel/preset-typescript from 7.22.11 to 7.23.2 (server#40909)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump ts-loader from 9.4.4 to 9.5.0 (server#40910)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump tar from 6.1.15 to 6.2.0 (server#40911)
- Chore(deps): Bump @mdi/svg from 7.2.96 to 7.3.67 (server#40912)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump dockerode from 3.3.5 to 4.0.0 (server#40913)
- Chore(deps): Bump dompurify from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6 (server#40914)
- Feat(files): grid view (server#40917)
- [master] Fix npm audit (server#40923)
- Shortcut Ctrl+F for different keyboard layouts (server#40924)
- Config.sample.php: fix incorrect theme name + add a missing ones (server#40926)
- Allow share expiry dates lower than enforced limits (server#40927)
- Fix unit tests on PHP 8.3 (server#40931)
- Fix profile visibility settings being too wide (server#40932)
- Check expiry enforcement for all share types (server#40933)
- Chore: Add the talk team as codeowners for things Talk heavily relies on (server#40934)
- Add some support for rename on case insensitive local filesystems (server#40935)
- Fix(settings): Account property scope actions (server#40938)
- Chore(deps): Bump @babel/traverse from 7.22.8 to 7.23.2 (server#40941)
- Fix(files): fix new folder encoding (server#40948)
- Fix(theming): Add `aria-pressed` attribute to active background (server#40950)
- Fix(xhr-request): Make sure to also allow strings as url (server#40951)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs to v5-beta.6 (server#40956)
- Files-list: performance optimizations (server#40958)
- Fix(dbal): Fix types in query builder methods for parameters (server#40959)
- Fix(cypress): Replace flaky password-confirmation hack (server#40961)
- Reduce width of sharing entry (server#40963)
- Support dynamic metadata request on PROPFIND requests (server#40964)
- Fix(federation): Fix type and docs on ICloudFederationNotification in… (server#40965)
- Add „no public GH Issues please“ request, past advisories link, bounty mention, scope link to security.md (server#40966)
- Fix return type annotation of IShare::getExpirationDate (server#40969)
- Update version.php to owncloud 10.13 (server#40977)
- HTML Validation: replace non standard `autocorrect` with `spellcheck` (server#40978)
- Fix placement of actions within unified search (server#40979)
- HTML Validation: remove unnecessary roles (server#40980)
- HTML Validation: Personal settings (server#40983)
- Fix(tests): Only run tests on CI that are needed (server#40986)
- Fix(weather_status): remove `li` wrapper (server#40992)
- Refactor: remove remaining usage of OC::getCapabilities (server#40993)
- Fix(user_menu): pass only actual prop to user menu entries (server#40994)
- Optimize cache jail creation (server#40995)
- Reuse sharing disabled state when listing folder content (server#40996)
- Files: fix virtual list will-change value fps superpowers) (server#40999)
- Fix(cypress): Also sync `3rdparty` directory for local cypress tests (server#41000)
- Fix trusted server input field (server#41008)
- Feat(files): support nested actions (server#41010)
- Move IToken and IProvider::getToken to OCP (server#41017)
- Fix(files): disable size containment on headers (server#41018)
- Fix(files): correct item height (server#41019)
- Fix(tests): Move leftover acceptance tests for users from drone to Cypress (server#41021)
- Theming: Allow to reset custom app order and keep focus when reordering (server#41024)
- Chore(deps): Bump peter-evans/create-or-update-comment from 3.0.2 to 3.1.0 (server#41026)
- Chore(deps): Bump actions/checkout from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 (server#41027)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump @types/dockerode from 3.3.20 to 3.3.21 (server#41028)
- Chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/calendar-availability-vue from 2.0.0-beta.2 to 2.0.0-beta.3 (server#41029)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump eslint-plugin-cypress from 2.14.0 to 2.15.1 (server#41030)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump typescript from 5.1.6 to 5.2.2 (server#41032)
- Chore(tests): Migrate login acceptance tests from behat to Cypress (server#41033)
- Fix(settings): users page html validation (server#41034)
- Fix(settings): apps list html validation and loading icon (server#41035)
- Fix(l10n): invalid translation of a number (server#41036)
- Feat(cypress): Always run cypress CI in parallel (server#41039)
- Fix(provisioning_api): Fix quota fields in OpenAPI (server#41045)
- Fix: duplicating contacts with the Recently contacted feature (server#41046)
- Feat(dav): implement personal absence settings backend (server#41051)
- Fix(files_external): on case insensitive system, block case change (server#41053)
- Get children from dav node when preloading system tags (server#41054)
- Feat(profile): Add public interface for profile manager so apps can check config (server#41055)
- Optimize UserMountCache::registerStorage (server#41057)
- Fix(theming): Correctly expose user and admin theming (server#41059)
- Fix(3rdparty): Don’t use indirect dependency „Safe/“ for functions (server#41061)
- Return correct status if touch failed (server#41062)
- Fix(dashboard): html validation (server#41063)
- Remove opacity on table header (server#41064)
- Fix(user_status): separate user menu and dashboard status layout for HTML validation (server#41068)
- Chore: Bump @nextcloud/vue to v8-beta.9 (server#41070)
- Update openapi extractor (server#41078)
- Fix(update): Allow updating from 27.1 to 28 (server#41079)
- Change styles on active, hover and focus state for background buttons (server#41080)
- Add a command to run the setup checks from CLI (server#41081)
- Improve setup checks naming and improve database version check (server#41083)
- Migrate memory_limit check to new SetupCheck API (server#41086)
- Fix(workflowengine): Add an empty content when no flows are installed or configured (server#41089)
- Fix(files): let popper overflow in header (server#41093)
- Fix(dav): Remove usage of indirect thecodingmachine/safe dependency (server#41094)
- #37978: Remove duplicate dependency (server#41101)
- Remove unneeded `tabindex=“0″` from sidebar and app content (server#41108)
- Fix(cypress): Fix selector for the user menu button (server#41110)
- Add index for classification (server#41111)
- Fix(cypress): Fix linter errors on Cypress chains and refactor `wait-until` checker functions (server#41115)
- Fix(login): Fix JS error on login grant page (server#41117)
- Optimize builtin storage wrappers (server#41119)
- Fix: don’t pass invalid streams to Imaginary (server#41120)
- Enh(a11y): Separate profile and user status user menu entries (server#41122)
- Fix(external): Get storage before update it (server#41123)
- Don’t duplicate notification warning (server#41133)
- Migrate checks to new SetupCheck API (server#41134)
- Fix(cypress): Also clone 3rdparty submodule to keep in sync for cypress tests (server#41135)