Started by the Linux Solutions Group e.V. and LIVE Linux-Verband e.V. in 2011, the German language focused OSB Alliance is a collaboration of IT providers who want to push Open Source Software forward. Members can network, partner, share knowledge and experience and work on new ideas together, for example in the working groups.
Nextcloud GmbH and the Open Source Business Alliance are delighted to announce today that Nextcloud has joined the ranks of organizations dedicated to pushing Open Source technology further in Germany.
Technologies like the open Federated Cloud Sharing protocol developed by Nextcloud employees for cross-cloud interoperability benefit from collaboration and partnerships, building a stronger, more open ecosystem. By joining the Open Source Business Alliance, Nextcloud GmbH will be part of a push for interoperability and open standards forward in the open cloud.
Frank blogged yesterday about the vision behind Nextcloud and working with others like Collabora, WD Labs and of course the OSB Alliance helps us realize those ambitions!
Bechtle und Nextcloud kündigen heute eine vollständig verwaltete Kollaborationsplattform für den öffentlichen Sektor an, die keiner Ausschreibung bedarf und sofort bereitgestellt werden kann.
Our mission is to help individuals, businesses and organizations achieve digital sovereignty and regain control over their data. Nextcloud Hub 5 marks a massive step forward towards achieving this mission, putting the power of AI into your hands – in a way that keeps you in control. New release, new possibilities Hub 5 builds on […]
As the #NextcloudConf24 is just around the corner, we would like to additionally present you with the full program for the weekend. From our keynote speakers and panelists, to live podcasting, lightning talks and workshops, we have a full agenda booked that we cannot wait to experience with you!
Mit Flow stellt Nextcloud die erste Open Source Plattform für die Umsetzung des Onlinezugangsgesetzes vor. Verwaltungen erhalten damit ein digital souveränes Tool, um Behördenleistungen online anzubieten und zu automatisieren.
Last year we were joined by Roundcube, the most popular open source webmail client. At the time we promised to invest in the project (interview) and since then we have brought back the mailing lists and accelerating development. And today - we introduce enterprise support for Roundcube!
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