Categoria: Generale

Password manager

Password Managers for Nextcloud

Where do you manage your passwords? Nextcloud supports several apps and has its own too! In this blog, explore the available password managers for Nextcloud and find the best one for you! Keepass Keepass is an open source, password safe with the Nextcloud integration app...

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Ancestral seat of the Prussian imperial House of Hohenzollern in Baden-Wuertenberg

Data Protection Officer of Baden-Württemberg recommends Nextcloud Talk

The Covid-19 crisis is putting a lot of pressure on organizations to enable remote working and collaboration. The ease of deploying cloud solutions means this is a route often taken, but it comes with significant data protection risks. The Data Protection Officer of the German...

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Security in Nextcloud: how to block 99.9% of user account attacks

If tech sites would write about every individual data leak, they’d have no time to cover anything else. Generally, only email-and-password leaks numbered in the millions get covered. LinkedIn: 164 million. Adobe: 38 million. MySpace: 359 million. Facebook: 200 to 600 million. It should be...

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The perfect integration of Nextcloud in HCL Notes (formerly IBM Notes or Lotus Notes)

For users who use Outlook as their mail client, the Nextcloud Add-in provides a convenient tool that makes it easy for users to make files available via Nextcloud and send only the URL to these files to the mail recipients. But what if you use...

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Over 70% of enterprises moving applications back on-premises among security and cost concerns

In a validation of Nextcloud’s hybrid and on premise product strategy, Vanson Bourne has found in their yearly survey of over 2650 IT decision makers at large enterprises that 73% of respondents are migrating applications away from the public cloud back to on premise infrastructures....

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The 10 problems with data silos

What takes better pictures, a DSLR or a mobile phone? What has better sound, a HiFi stereo or a phone? How does a phone compare to an agenda? How well can you type on a phone compared to a desktop keyboard? Still, in your pocket...

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Come installare ONLYOFFICE in Nextcloud Hub

Una grande sorpresa che abbiamo introdotto con Nextcloud Hub è la suite per ufficio ONLYOFFICE inclusa. L’integrazione di ONLYOFFICE in Nextcloud consente agli utenti di collaborare in tempo reale con i membri del proprio team su documenti d’ufficio. La compatibilità con i formati di Microsoft...

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3 easy predictions for ransomware in 2020

As the new year quickly approaches, cyber criminals are once again preparing to attack individuals and especially businesses. Their attacks will be more sophisticated and even better at extracting money from you. We make three easy predictions for the next year and urge you to...

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Enterprise File Sync & Share – what it is and what to look for

An Enterprise File Sync and Share (EFSS) is a piece of software that gives users access to documents, photos and videos on any of their devices. It also allows them to easily share these documents with others. In this blog we highlight some typical features...

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