Kategorie: Geschäftlich


DLRG nutzt Nextcloud Hub für das weltweit größte Wasserrettungsnetzwerk

Entdecken Sie, wie die Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft Nextcloud nutzt, um die Sicherheit im Wasser für alle zu gewährleisten!

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MagentaCLOUD feature image

How T-Systems migrated millions of MagentaCLOUD users to Nextcloud

MagentaCLOUD’s migration to Nextcloud in 2021 resulted in a fully equipped Online Storage with an integrated online office suite that further improves the user experience, flexibility and security for customers.

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4 Nextcloud Hub tools feature image

4 Nextcloud Hub tools to improve business productivity

Discover the 4 key components of the Nextcloud collaboration platform, exploring how they provide organizations enhanced business productivity

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Engineers without Borders

How Ingenieure ohne Grenzen e.V. serves global communities with Nextcloud

How the NGO Ingenieure ohne Grenzen e. V. or Engineers without Borders Germany uses Nextcloud to make a difference around the world.

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Nextcloud Enterprise Day speaker

Enterprise Day speaker: Lars Karrock on connecting 10K users at EKHN in Hesse and Nassau

Nextcloud Enterprise Day speaker announcement: Introducing Lars Karrock, Head of the Church Council of the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN).

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Enterprise Day Speaker: Felix Gebauer, Schleswig-Holstein

Enterprise Day speaker: Felix Gebauer, Schleswig-Holstein’s open source strategy

Nextcloud Enterprise Day speaker announcement: Introducing Felix Gebauer from Schleswig-Holstein German state's administration

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Announcing T-Systems as a Sponsor at Nextcloud Enterprise Day 2024

We're thrilled to reveal T-Systems, part of Deutsche Telekom and a prominent global IT service provider, as the latest sponsor of Nextcloud Enterprise Day. Join us on April 24, 2024, in Munich, Germany, for this pivotal event.

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Enhancing digital sovereignty: XWiki SAS and Nextcloud forge closer ties

Learn about the collaboration between XWiki SAS and Nextcloud as these two open-source, privacy friendly companies forge closer ties through an investment and reseller agreement.

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Bechtle and Nextcloud 
offer a digitally sovereign service for the public sector

Bechtle und Nextcloud bieten digital souveränen Kollaborationsdienst für den Public Sector

Bechtle und Nextcloud kündigen heute eine vollständig verwaltete Kollaborationsplattform für den öffentlichen Sektor an, die keiner Ausschreibung bedarf und sofort bereitgestellt werden kann.

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