Kategorie: Blog

Sorbonne University

Sorbonne University implements on-premise solution with Nextcloud

Sorbonne University, or La Sorbonne, is a a renowned university in Paris, France first established in 1257. Over more than a 750 year period, names like Marie Curie, François Mitterrand and Vera Wang were all pupils at the institution making history in science, politics and...

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Meet Nextcloud at international events in November 2023

Join Nextcloud at enterprise events in November 2023

Join Nextcloud team at industry events in November 2023. Browse the upcoming events and secure a meeting with Nextcloud team.

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Jamaica Data Privacy Act

Jamaica looks to Nextcloud ahead of the Data Protection Act

Starting December 1st, 2023, Jamaican businesses will be officially held liable for privacy violations under the Data Protection Act. Passed in June 2020, the Data Protection Act provides guidelines on how personal data should be handled in physical or electronic form. All businesses that manage...

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Nextcloud introduces Data Loss Prevention (DLP) capabilities with ICAP support

Data Loss Prevention, or DLP, is an essential security tool for any business or organization. Since you never know when you may be at risk of a data breach, it’s important to adopt some form of DLP. A typical example are anti-virus scanners. Thanks to...

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Nextcloud’s exhibiting at international events in October 2023

Nextcloud is on an international tour spreading the word of Nextcloud Hub 6 this October! Go to any of the following events to: Whether you’re in Germany, Italy, Latvia, Singapore or the UAE, we’re ready to share the latest of what Nextcloud has to offer...

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Nextcloud conference

Day 2 Recap of the 2023 Nextcloud Conference

Just like that, the Nextcloud Conference has come to a close. It’s been an exciting weekend and we can’t wait to share it with you! Today was the second and final day of the conference and we hope it was a great experience for all...

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Nextcloud Conference panel

Trust, Transparency, Together: Highlights from Day 1 of the Nextcloud Conference

After a full day of keynotes, talks and discussions, Day 1 of the Nextcloud Conference is complete! Thank you to everyone who made it here from near or far and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow for Day 2! If you missed it or...

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Hub 6 release

Nextcloud Hub 6: Gesunde Meeting-Kultur und der erste lokale KI-Assistent

Unsere neueste Version fördert eine gesunde Meeting-Kultur, führt den Nextcloud-Assistenten ein und überzeugt durch benutzerzentriertes Design, Transparenz und Benutzerkontrolle. Ein herzliches Dankeschön an unsere Community! 💙 Nextcloud wäre nicht dasselbe ohne unsere engagierte, begeisterungsfähige Community. Ein großes Dankeschön an die Tausende von Community-Mitgliedern, die diese...

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Anti-trust update: Digital markets Act

Last Thursday, the Digital Markets Act went into effect with the first ‚Gatekeepers designations‘. The new EU rules would require Microsoft to stop some of its alleged market-distorting behavior by March 2024, but even if implemented swiftly it is unlikely to create a more equitable...

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