Kategorie: Blog

Nextcloud Podcast

How Nextcloud’s Design Team and Community Work Together – Listen to the Nextcloud Podcast!

Interested in the design process at Nextcloud and want to get involved? Then this podcast is for you. In this next podcast episode, our host Marius Quabeck speaks to a member of the Nextcloud Design Team – Nimisha Vijay. Nimisha started out as contributor through...

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Feature image for title of blog, "Swedish government advises against Zoom: "Sensitive information is at risk"" with slightly blurred image in the background of 3 Swedish flags and man on a podium on the right hand side.

Swedish government advises against Zoom: „Sensitive information is at risk“

From relentless Zoom bombers to $86 million dollar lawsuits, the world has repeatedly been exposed to the implications of Zoom’s security vulnerabilities and privacy issues. Under the Cloud Act, personal data handed over to Zoom Video Communications Inc. can be transferred to third parties or...

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Developer Tutorial #4: Create Dashboard Widgets with Vue.js

Welcome to ➡️ part 4 of the Nextcloud Developer Tutorial Series! 🛠️ The Developer Tutorial Series is a program where we help developers improve their coding skills by providing them the tools and step-by-step guides on a variety of topics to succeed. Nextcloud Dashboard The...

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How to Install the Nextcloud All-in-One on Linux

Are you a Linux user looking to install the Nextcloud All-in-One, or AIO, Docker image? In this blog, we walk you through the steps, just like we did in our last AIO Guide for Windows 10 & 11! 🎉 Nextcloud All-in-One is a Docker-based project...

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Nextcloud banner about "How to Install Nextcloud Office"

How to Install Nextcloud Office

Nextcloud Office is an open source online office suite that’s designed for today’s high working standards. In today’s remote working world, you need efficient ways to collaborate, get work done and produce beautiful results. Nextcloud Office’s collaborative editing and hundreds of integrations makes work feel...

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600 Mitarbeiter der Berliner NGO AWO arbeiten über Nextcloud zusammen

Bei der AWO Berlin-Mitte arbeiten 600 Teammitglieder mit Nextcloud Hub und nutzen Files, Talk, Deck, Tasks und mehr, um zu kommunizieren, zu teilen, zu planen und mit oft sehr kritischen, persönlichen Daten zusammenzuarbeiten. Lesen Sie weiter und erfahren Sie, warum sich die AWO für Nextcloud...

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Your journey with Nextcloud

Your journey with Nextcloud – Rate us today!

Everyone’s journey to Nextcloud is different. You may have been searching for a secure place to host all your data on-premise, for a GDPR private solution for your organization, or an open-source office suite. You may have heard about us through a friend, our social...

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Nextcloud Podcast

Nextcloud Podcast N. 17: Insights from CEO and Founder Frank Karlitschek

Every new year marks the time for reflection and change. By waving goodbye to 2022, we also said hello to the revamp of the Nextcloud Podcast. Starting this January 2023, we have a brand new host from our very own team – Marius Quabeck! Marius...

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Why a Single Platform boosts productivity and improves security

Why a Single Platform boosts productivity and improves security

On a typical work day, employees use countless different platforms and tools to get their tasks done. From taking a Zoom call, to emailing via Outlook to uploading files on Dropbox, before you know it you’re switching between different applications the entire work day. A...

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