Catégorie : Nouvelles

Nextcloud Forms est conçu pour préserver la confidentialité de vos enquêtes

Créez des enquêtes personnalisées avec Nextcloud Forms sans limitations et sans problèmes de confidentialité. L'application garantit un traitement sécurisé des données, un nombre illimité de questions et de réponses, ainsi qu'une confidentialité absolue.

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Branding and theming Nextcloud Hub

From simple theming to comprehensive enterprise branding, discover the tools to make Nextcloud truly yours in this article.

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Statement: Nextcloud stands for an open and free society

At a time when people are questioning democracy, we want to publicly state our support for democratic values, diversity, openness, and fairness.

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Dropbox handing data to OpenAI: the risks of AI in practice

Dropbox has recently ‘dropped’ a new enabled-by-default feature that has users worried about their data privacy. As almost every company in tech these days, Dropbox is latching onto the new capabilities of AI – specifically OpenAI – with a questionable approach to user privacy. Last...

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Nextcloud Hub 7 : recherche avancée et fonctions globales d’absence du bureau

Nextcloud fonctionne comme une plateforme unique, regroupant en les synchronisant toutes les applications au même endroit. Aujourd'hui, nous présentons notre plateforme la plus aboutie à ce jour - Nextcloud Hub 7.

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Owncloud Nextcloud Kiteworks migration tools

Kiteworks acquires ownCloud & Dracoon

Today, US-based file sync & share vendor Kiteworks announced their acquisition of ownCloud and Dracoon. Kiteworks points out that their customers now have access to their file-sharing application. It is to be expected they will not maintain 3 similar products, but customers will have to...

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Meet the first open-source AI assistant that doesn't prey on your data

Meet the first open-source AI assistant that doesn’t prey on your data

The first ethical, open-source AI assistant that can get a multitude of tasks done for you without compromising your data.

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Jamaica Data Privacy Act

Jamaica looks to Nextcloud ahead of the Data Protection Act

Starting December 1st, 2023, Jamaican businesses will be officially held liable for privacy violations under the Data Protection Act. Passed in June 2020, the Data Protection Act provides guidelines on how personal data should be handled in physical or electronic form. All businesses that manage...

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Minister of Digitization of Schleswig-Holstein and Nextcloud CEO shake hands

German state & Nextcloud build digitally sovereign AI for public sector

As part of Schleswig-Holstein's state digitization strategy, the state chancellery has announced they will work with Nextcloud to develop AI for working with government documents. This comes just after we announced the first private AI assistant last weekend with Hub 6. The German state already...

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