Webinaires de Nextcloud

Les webinaires de Nextcloud vous permettent de prendre de la hauteur, de découvrir de nouvelles fonctionnalités et capacités grâce à des démonstrations, et de poser des questions. Notre équipe d’experts est déterminée à vous fournir des informations approfondies et une approche dynamique que vous ne voudrez pas manquer.

Prochains webinaires

Getting started with Nextcloud Enterprise

Getting started with Nextcloud Enterprise

  • 5 août @ 3:00 pm (CEST) / 9:00 am (EDT)

In this webinar, you will learn more about Nextcloud Enterprise platform, its advantages, deployment options, and get your questions answered by an expert.

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Beyond Secure: Air-gapped Nextcloud for highly confidential data

  • 15 août @ 3:00 pm (CEST) / 9:00 am (EDT)

In this webinar, you will learn how to set up an air-gapped Nextcloud for highly confidential data.

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Amnesty International Spain and Nextcloud

  • 5 septembre @ 3:00 pm (CEST) / 9:00 am (EDT)

Join our webinar to learn how Amnesty International Spain transformed data security and collaboration with Nextcloud Hub.

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Enregistrements des webinaires

Sharing, storing and collaborating on sensitive data with Nextcloud

Watch this webinar recording to learn about security features in Nextcloud.

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Cross-organizational collaboration with Nextcloud federation

Discover the benefits of Nextcloud federation and unlock seamless cross-organizational collaboration in this on-demand webinar.

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Secure your data with Nextcloud virtual data room

Join our webinar to discover virtual data rooms in Nextcloud Hub. Watch a live demonstration of Nextcloud's VDR features.

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How to set up Nextcloud for scale

How to set up Nextcloud for scale

In this on-demand webinar, you will learn strategies for deploying Nextcloud at scale. Discover how to handle millions of users, manage petabytes of data, and optimize performance and costs with real-world case studies and expert insights.

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Propel performance and productivity with the latest Nextcloud Office

Discover the latest advancements in Nextcloud Office/Collabora Online during our exclusive webinar.

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Nextcloud Hub 8 : Reprenez le contrôle de votre temps de travail

Regardez l’enregistrement de notre webinaire et découvrez Nextcloud Hub 8, la nouvelle version de notre plateforme collaborative de gestion de contenu plébiscitée par des millions d’utilisateurs à travers le monde. Déjà riche en fonctionnalités pour le stockage, le partage et la collaboration en temps réel...

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Schleswig-Holstein and Nextcloud collaborate on a sovereign workplace

Watch this on-demand webinar to explore how Schleswig-Holstein is revolutionizing public services with AI and open-source solutions through Nextcloud.

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Webinar on Nextcloud Hub 8: Regain control over your time

Join us in this webinar about Nextcloud Hub 8

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How to get started with Nextcloud

Join us in this webinar on getting started with Nextcloud

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