Nextcloud Hub 9: Be connected
Mit Nextcloud Hub 9 bleiben Sie vernetzt. Neue Federation-Funktionen, Automatisierung von Workflows, neues Design und vieles mehr!
Mehr lesenWelcome to the first episode of the Nextcloud podcast in 2021!
In this seventh episode, we’re bringing to you a conversation between our host Ingo and Stefan Niedermann, who works as a software developer for more than 10 years now and is our active community member who really enjoys contributing to open source projects in his free time!
Stefan is the developer of the Nextcloud Notes and the Nextcloud Deck App.
When you join Nextcloud as a community member, there are various benefits, both for the community and yourself. You learn different apps and how to extend the ecosystem. It is a lot of fun! You can learn a lot from other people and they learn from you! And there are contributors from all over the world!
Find the feed on our podcast page! If you have not heard the previous episodes, you can find them there as well.
So tune in!
Mit Nextcloud Hub 9 bleiben Sie vernetzt. Neue Federation-Funktionen, Automatisierung von Workflows, neues Design und vieles mehr!
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