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By playing this video, all Youtube videos will be unblockedEmbedded YouTube VideoBy loading the video, you agree to Youtube's privacy policy and Nextcloud's privacy policy. Link to the video: https://youtu.be/t4NvjokQ-2s
Those of you keeping an eye on the updater app will have been notified: Nextcloud 10.0.2 and 9.0.55 are now available for download. If you did not get notified, check our blog here with tips on how to upgrade! These updates bring a number of important security and stability updates so we strongly recommend to upgrade.
About 90 changes were merged in 10.0.2, about two dozen in 9.0.55, most of them small bug fixes all over. Some fix compatibility with older Firefox versions, check what PHP version you run, make certain things work under specific settings, fix small UI glitches and more.
There are also some translation improvements and a few performance related updates. Last but not least, a number of minor security issues has been fixed, details of which you can expect after our usual 2 week waiting period. We suggest upgrading before that time!
Get the latest nextcloud version via the updater or grab 10.0.2 on our install page.
Willkommen bei Nextcloud Hub 10. Die neueste Version der Plattform bietet eine besserte Leistung für alle Apps, besser Integration Plattform und Dutzende neuer Funktionen, die Ihnen den Alltag erleichtern werden.
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Mehr lesenMaintenance updates for Nextcloud Hub 8 (29.0.12) and 9 (30.0.6) are here! Read an update summary and access full changelog on the website.
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