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17. August 2023
Mikaela Schneider
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We are pleased to announce that privacy activist and lawyer, Max Schrems, will be giving a keynote at this year’s conference!
Max Schrems is a pioneer in the European data privacy movement, most well known for his lawsuits on the Safe Harbor agreement (Schrems I) and the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield (Schrems II).
He’s also the founder of NOYB, or My Privacy is „None of Your Business,“ which is a privacy enforcement platform and NGO that raises awareness and brings to court data protection cases that don’t follow GDPR.
At the Nextcloud Conference, Max will be talking about the newly adopted Transatlantic Data Privacy Framework and why local hosting like Nextcloud is important. His talk is scheduled for Saturday, September 16th.
Register for the Nextcloud Conference today – Berlin, September 16-17, 2023
Register nowWillkommen bei Nextcloud Hub 10. Die neueste Version der Plattform bietet eine besserte Leistung für alle Apps, besser Integration Plattform und Dutzende neuer Funktionen, die Ihnen den Alltag erleichtern werden.
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