Enterprise events: Meet Nextcloud experts at Infosecurity Europe, Nextcloud Enterprise Day and it-sa!
A great opportunity to meet the experts behind Nextcloud: After the Paris Open Source Summit, CS3 in Rome, the Univention Summit in Bremen and several other conferences, Nextcloud will continue to provide chances to meet members of its team. Learn more about Nextcloud at our booths, lectures and workshops at the following events!
- Infosecurity Europe, June, 4-6, London, UK : For the first time, Nextcloud will be present with a booth at one of the most important security events in Europe.
- Nextcloud Enterprise Day, September 16, Berlin, Germany: The Nextcloud Enterprise Day is the best opportunity to meet many Nextcloud experts and our partners during a one-day event of lectures covering a wide range of topics about Nextcloud and its ecosystem, and get an answer to all the questions you have about it! Benefit from 50% early booking discount until July 31st!
- it-sa, October 8-10, Nuremberg, Germany: This year again Nextcloud will be present at it-sa with our traditional booth – more details coming!
We are looking forward to meeting you in person! Want a free ticket to ITSA or Infosecurity Europe? Contact our sales team!