Nextcloud Enterprise Day is soon here and we have an amazing lineup of speakers providing insightful talks! One of those speakers is George Imrie from Nextcloud customer T-Systems – Deutsche Telekom’s business-customer IT affiliate. T-Systems is a digital transformation specialist, with operations in 20 countries...
Mehr lesenLast week, Nextcoud CEO Frank Karlitschek appeared on one of Germany’s biggest public service TV broadcaster’s: ZDF. Watch the news item by ZDF here. Interviewed in Nextcloud’s Berlin office, Frank explains the challenge the company faces up against big tech giants like Google and Microsoft....
Mehr lesenNextcloud Enterprise Day is soon here and we have an amazing lineup of speakers providing insightful talks! One of those speakers is Mr. Birkner from the State Institute for School Quality and Teacher Training in Saxony-Anhalt (LISA) in Germany. In preparation for his talk at...
Mehr lesenNextcloud Enterprise Day is soon here and we have an amazing lineup of speakers providing insightful talks! One of those speakers is Ralf Sutorius, Lead Enterprise Architect at City of Cologne. In preparation for their talk at Nextcloud Enterprise Day on June 13th, we asked their Lead...
Mehr lesenWollen Sie mehr über die führende Content Collaboration Platform erfahren? Nextcloud ist eine integrierte on premise Plattform für Zusammenarbeit, die sich für Ihre Organisation oder Ihr Unternehmen in allen Bereichen eignet, von Regierung über das Bildungs- und Gesundheitswesen bis hin zu vielen anderen. Treffen Sie...
Mehr lesenHow TU Berlin's tubCloud, powered by Nextcloud, enables secure, collaborative file sharing for over 70,000 users across 35 instances in compliance with Germany's strict data privacy laws.
Mehr lesenIn collaboration with European government organizations, Nextcloud announces a full SharePoint replacement.
Mehr lesenThe European Data Protection Supervisor deployed Nextcloud and now offers it as GDPR compliant collaboration platform to all EU institutions.
Mehr lesenFrom relentless Zoom bombers to $86 million dollar lawsuits, the world has repeatedly been exposed to the implications of Zoom’s security vulnerabilities and privacy issues. Under the Cloud Act, personal data handed over to Zoom Video Communications Inc. can be transferred to third parties or...
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