Categoria: Business

Announcing OVHcloud as a Sponsor at Nextcloud Enterprise Day 2023

We're excited to announce OVHcloud as a sponsor for Nextcloud Enterprise Day 2023! Discover how our synergies can enhance your cloud experience in Munich on June 13.

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Nextcloud Enterprise day speakers: how T-Systems migrated petabytes of data to Nextcloud

Nextcloud Enterprise Day is soon here and we have an amazing lineup of speakers providing insightful talks! One of those speakers is George Imrie from Nextcloud customer T-Systems – Deutsche Telekom’s business-customer IT affiliate. T-Systems is a digital transformation specialist, with operations in 20 countries...

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Nextcloud on German national TV ZDF

Nextcloud on German national TV: EU plans for Big Tech regulation

Last week, Nextcoud CEO Frank Karlitschek appeared on one of Germany’s biggest public service TV broadcaster’s: ZDF. Watch the news item by ZDF here. Interviewed in Nextcloud’s Berlin office, Frank explains the challenge the company faces up against big tech giants like Google and Microsoft....

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Nextcloud Enterprise day speakers: LISA in Saxony-Anhalt chose to deploy Nextcloud

Nextcloud Enterprise Day is soon here and we have an amazing lineup of speakers providing insightful talks! One of those speakers is Mr. Birkner from the State Institute for School Quality and Teacher Training in Saxony-Anhalt (LISA) in Germany. In preparation for his talk at...

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Announcing speakers at Nextcloud Enterprise Day: City of Cologne

Announcing Enterprise Day Speaker: Nextcloud empowers the City of Cologne to achieve digital sovereignty

Nextcloud Enterprise Day is soon here and we have an amazing lineup of speakers providing insightful talks! One of those speakers is Ralf Sutorius, Lead Enterprise Architect at City of Cologne. In preparation for their talk at Nextcloud Enterprise Day on June 13th, we asked their Lead...

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Nextcloud Events around the world

Meet Nextcloud at upcoming trade shows in Germany and Spain!

Do you want to learn more about the leading Content Collaboration Platform? Nextcloud is an on premise, integrated collaboration platform that can work for your organization or business in all sectors from Government, education, healthcare, and many other. Meet Nextcloud at exciting upcoming trade shows...

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Collaborate and Innovate – How Nextcloud helps TU Berlin shape their cloud-based collaboration

How TU Berlin's tubCloud, powered by Nextcloud, enables secure, collaborative file sharing for over 70,000 users across 35 instances in compliance with Germany's strict data privacy laws.

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EU Governments bet on Nextcloud to replace SharePoint

EU Governments bet on Nextcloud to replace SharePoint

In collaboration with European government organizations, Nextcloud announces a full SharePoint replacement.

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Il supervisore della protezione dei dati dell’UE stabilisce lo standard per la protezione dei dati con Nextcloud

Il Garante europeo della protezione dei dati ha implementato Nextcloud e ora lo offre come piattaforma di collaborazione conforme al GDPR a tutte le istituzioni dell'UE.

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