Catégorie : Blog

Nextcloud participe à des événements internationaux en octobre 2023

Nextcloud effectue une tournée internationale pour faire connaître Nextcloud Hub 6 au mois d’octobre ! Rendez-vous à l’un des événements suivants pour : Que vous soyez en Allemagne, en Italie, en Lettonie, à Singapour ou dans les Émirats Arabes Unis, nous sommes prêts à partager...

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Nextcloud conference

Day 2 Recap of the 2023 Nextcloud Conference

Just like that, the Nextcloud Conference has come to a close. It’s been an exciting weekend and we can’t wait to share it with you! Today was the second and final day of the conference and we hope it was a great experience for all...

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Nextcloud Conference panel

Trust, Transparency, Together: Highlights from Day 1 of the Nextcloud Conference

After a full day of keynotes, talks and discussions, Day 1 of the Nextcloud Conference is complete! Thank you to everyone who made it here from near or far and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow for Day 2! If you missed it or...

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Hub 6 release

Nextcloud Hub 6 : Une culture de la réunion saine et le premier assistant IA local

Notre dernière version soutient une culture de réunion saine, introduit l’assistant Nextcloud et met l’accent sur la conception centrée sur l’utilisateur, la transparence et le contrôle par l’utilisateur. Merci à notre communauté ! 💙 Nextcloud ne serait pas le même sans notre communauté dévouée et...

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Anti-trust update: Digital markets Act

Last Thursday, the Digital Markets Act went into effect with the first ‘Gatekeepers designations’. The new EU rules would require Microsoft to stop some of its alleged market-distorting behavior by March 2024, but even if implemented swiftly it is unlikely to create a more equitable...

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Nextcloud Conference

All you need to know for the Nextcloud Conference 2023!

This blog is your guide to everything you need to know about the Nextcloud Conference. Our goal is to help you feel prepared, relaxed and excited for an incredible weekend! What to expect Our venue MotionLab.Berlin is unique to say the least. The large industrial...

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Simon Phipps

Learn more about Keynote Speaker Simon Phipps!

Simon is a web and open source advocate often writing about key topics in Free and Open Source Software or FOSS. Today, we’ve asked him a few questions: Simon, you’ve done hard core development, management, legal and arguably philosophical writing and if I dare say...

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La collaboration en ligne devient plus facile avec Pexip et Nextcloud

Nextcloud et Pexip unissent leurs forces pour offrir des services sur site et dans le cloud pour la collaboration en ligne et la vidéoconférence sécurisée.

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Smart Picker

What’s the Smart Picker? Nextcloud’s feature-full menu!

Nextcloud’s Smart Picker was introduced in our Hub 4 release, improved in Hub 5 and is now fully ready for your use! What is the Smart Picker? The Smart Picker is a cross-application feature enabling users to use AI, enhance communication and integrate other apps...

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