Catégorie : Blog

Nextcloud momentum continues amid industry awareness of GDPR and data leak risks, doubles customer base in 2018

A lot is happening in Nextcloud and once a year it makes sense to summarize and talk about how things are going. In our press release we shared that the momentum of Nextcloud continues, with our company more than doubling our customer base in 2018,...

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Nextcloud introduces social features, joins the fediverse

Today, Nextcloud 15 has been made available. As there is so much new and improved in this release, we have dedicated separate blogs to each main area of improvement. This blog covers a preview of the the brand new Nextcloud Social app, introducing social networking...

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group pic contributor week Nov 2018

Unsung heroes of the Nextcloud Community: Bernhard Posselt

It’s a classic libre software contributor story: Someone uses a tool, and adds to it a missing feature they want. Nextcloud contributor Bernhard Posselt got started this way and became a central member of the Nextcloud community. He is based in Austria, studied Software Engineering,...

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What happens to your data when a user account is deleted?

This post was originally written in German by the German Federal Youth Council. Nextcloud is free software for sharing and collaboratively working with files, appointments, tasks, chatting, video conferencing, collaborating and much more. Nextcloud scales from small teams to many thousands of users – and...

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Conferences, tradeshows and other events

Attending 35c3, FOSDEM, SCALE? Meet Nextcloud!

This winter again, Nextcloud will attend some great events to meet our beloved community! With, of course, a full program: booths, workshops, presentations, and lots of time to meet you all. 35c3 – the 35th edition of Chaos Computer Congress We have never had an...

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Meet Nextcloud experts at enterprise events: Paris Open Source Summit, CS3, Univention Summit, Didacta Conference.

The coming months, Nextcloud will be present at several professional events, offering business representatives an opportunity to learn more about Nextcloud and meet our experts. We are very happy to announce that Nextcloud will have booths, talks, workshops and roundtables at the following events: Paris...

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Controlling file retention on files uploaded with the Outlook Add-in

One of the more powerful features in Nextcloud is the auto-tagging feature combined with files retention control. This enables admins to control the life cycle of data. For example, you could delete files replacing email attachments using the latest version of the Nextcloud Secure Sharing...

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New version of Outlook Add-in

We’re happy to announce an update of our Secure Sharing Outlook Add-in today! This new version introduces a new web login flow that works with all the SSO, 2FA and other authentication technologies available in Nextcloud, a new activity tracker, Workflow integration and more. Watch...

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Join us at our next Contributor Week!

Up for a last round of intense immersion with Nextcloud this year? Good news: Our next Contributor Week (formerly called Hackweek) will take place in Stuttgart from November 26th to 30th, 2018! We hope many of you will join us! If you are new to...

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