Protecting data in schools, universities, and other educational institutions is paramount for the sake of organizations and their students. The security measures safeguarding personal information, external communication and collaborative work needs to be intact and transparent.
With Nextcloud Hub, educational institutions can easily protect their data stored on-premises to ensure utmost security. Let’s take a look at how Nextcloud functions for faculty, student’s and researchers.
Data privacy and compliance for educators
School administrators and educators are entrusted with the future of their students and their privacy. Student’s personal information must be safeguarded and kept on-premises at the school or university. Nextcloud ensures the utmost security so you can store, share and archive files with transparency and precision.
For many schools and universities, data privacy and compliance can be difficult to achieve when working with proprietary software. What schools can achieve with Nextcloud is local hosting of data on your own server and full control over the IT infrastructure.
Student remote learning and collaboration
Students learn best when the tech they use is reliable. They need to be able to easily collaborate with other students, work on homework and submit assignments and projects. Nextcloud offers an intuitive platform that students can use with ease and connect with from anywhere. When it comes to remote learning, Nextcloud provides:
Video calls with break out rooms
Real-time editing in documents
Secure chat with peers and teachers
File storage with administrator controls
Integrations with popular e-platforms
Access from web, mobile and desktop interfaces
And much more!
Whatever the needs of your school, university, or institution, they can be met with Nextcloud.
Benefits of Nextcloud Enterprise
Only Nextcloud Enterprise offers educational institutions the reliability, security and compliance they need to confidently deploy software in critical environments
University researchers and PhD students work with a cumbersome amount of data. Some data is easy to store like files and documents, whereas others like images and video, sound recordings and measurement data take on a lot of storage capacity. The Nextcloud platform can handle large amounts of data, scales easily and can be stored locally on your server.
Success stories in education
Sorbonne University
Nextcloud provided the University with a sovereign cloud solution for their researchers, students and staff.
Nextcloud offers schools and universities full control over their data, IT infrastructure and future with the Nextcloud Hub solution. With ease of use for student’s, seamless collaboration for educators and capacity for researchers, Nextcloud can fit the needs for all departments.
Nextcloud in Education
Nextcloud is a pioneer in leading educational institutions to a data sovereign future
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