Orchestrating data and optimizing workflows with Nextcloud Tables

Date du webinaire

16 novembre 2023


Fabrice Mous

Nextcloud Tables, our no-code platform, is gaining ground as a steadfast SharePoint alternative. It is developed in collaboration with the public sector to provide a pathway to evade the lock-in associated with cloud-only solutions, offering you the freedom to:

  • To design and share tables, with a variety of column types.
  • To nurture a collaborative environment, sharing your curated tables with teams.

In this webinar recording, we’ll unveil the features of Nextcloud Tables and dive into a spectrum of use cases. Catered to three distinct use levels, this session welcomes everyone — from beginners to experts.

Orchestrating data and optimizing workflows with Nextcloud Tables

Learn in this webinar recording how Nextcloud Tables simplifies data processing and workflow management.

Watch now

Your speaker

Florian, Nextcloud team member

Florian Steffens
Software Engineer at Nextcloud

Florian, based near Kiel in northern Germany, holds a master’s degree in Business Information and Communication Systems. With a background in IT security management for one of Germany’s largest data centers, he’s honed his expertise in human interfaces.

Florian is the founder of the Nextcloud Tables App, driven by the desire to offer intuitive and data management solutions for Nextcloud Hub.

In this webinar we cover

  • Exploring the key features of Nextcloud Tables.
  • Use case demonstrations across varying user levels.
  • Demonstrate the data and workflow management capabilities.

Watch this webinar