Categoría: Press release

El supervisor de protección de datos de la UE establece el estándar de protección de datos con Nextcloud

El Supervisor Europeo de Protección de Datos desplegó Nextcloud y ahora lo ofrece como plataforma de colaboración conforme a la GDPR a todas las instituciones de la UE.

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Shadow es el primero en conectar la tecnología de PC remoto con la colaboración de contenidos

Tal y como se recoge enTech Crunch, la colaboración de nueva generación está llegando al servicio global de computación en la nube Shadow es probablemente más conocido por su plataforma de juegos a distancia para PC, descrita como «el único servicio de juegos en la...

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Nextcloud Office

La próxima versión de Office en la nube resuelve la compatibilidad de documentos y revisa la gestión del conocimiento

¡Nos complace presentar una importante actualización de Nextcloud Office! Basándonos en los comentarios de usuarios y clientes, centramos nuestros esfuerzos en la interfaz de usuario, la seguridad y la compatibilidad de los documentos.

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Zimbra and Nextcloud announce new integration features!

We are excited to announce a new and improved integration between Nextcloud and Zimbra!

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Nextcloud Present

European Governments work with Nextcloud to build Digitally Sovereign Office

As covered in the press we have been working with EU governments for some time on building a strong Nextcloud Office for use in the public sector.

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Nextcloud Hub 24 feature image

Nextcloud Hub 24 is here

Nextcloud Hub 24 introduces user data migration, automatic file locking and dozens of other features.

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Nextcloud and MariaDB collaborate to boost scalability and high availability for customers

Nextcloud and MariaDB announce a new partnership to bring Nextcloud customers a better database experience. With MariaDB, users are guaranteed to have a reliable, scalable, high-performance database solution. Nextcloud customers will now be able to perform large deployments without hesitation and have a flexible, open...

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Decentralize the cloud with fast deployment and easy backup

Today, with the release of Nextcloud Hub II, we also want to talk about something less technical. Nextcloud was founded to decentralize the cloud, to put users back in control over their data. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Privacy is a human...

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EU tech sector fights for a Level Playing Field with Microsoft

As reported by Spiegel (and coming in the print version), and Politico, Nextcloud has filed a complaint with the EU as well as the German anti-trust authorities over the behavior of Microsoft. We are supported in this by a coalition of European businesses and trade...

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