Categoría: Opinión

Federation: a foundational concept for digital sovereignty?

Federation: a foundational concept for digital sovereignty

In this article, we explain how federation works and what federation tools you can already use in Nextcloud, and discover how it can help businesses and governments achieve digital sovereignty.

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Global IT outage shows lack of digital sovereignty and resilience

El apagón mundial muestra la falta de soberanía digital y resistencia

Una actualización de CrowdStrike hizo caer innumerables sistemas de Microsoft, interrumpiendo vuelos, cirugías, operaciones bancarias y mucho más en todo el mundo. La increíble repercusión de esta única interrupción demuestra la importancia de la resiliencia digital, especialmente en el sector público.

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Microsoft slows antitrust case by unbundling Teams

Microsoft attempts to delay antitrust action by separating Teams from Office, hoping to continue to abuse its market dominance while it 'negotiates' with the EU.

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BREAKING NEWS: ECJ rules US Cloud services fundamentally incompatible with EU Privacy laws

The US «culture of surveillance» received a major EU push back today, with the European Court of Justice ruling against the legitimacy of the EU’s Standard Contractual Clauses as a way of transferring data to legal regimes outside of the Union. As we wrote 2...

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US cloud companies give up fight for privacy after CLOUD act is signed into law

The Verge reports how Microsoft and the US Department of Justice have withdrawn the Supreme Court Case about accessing data operated in different countries. The reason is that the new CLOUD Act, signed by President Trump, guarantees US access to data under jurisdiction of US...

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