If tech sites would write about every individual data leak, they’d have no time to cover anything else. Generally, only email-and-password leaks numbered in the millions get covered. LinkedIn: 164 million. Adobe: 38 million. MySpace: 359 million. Facebook: 200 to 600 million. It should be...
Ver másFor users who use Outlook as their mail client, the Nextcloud Add-in provides a convenient tool that makes it easy for users to make files available via Nextcloud and send only the URL to these files to the mail recipients. But what if you use...
Ver másIn a validation of Nextcloud’s hybrid and on premise product strategy, Vanson Bourne has found in their yearly survey of over 2650 IT decision makers at large enterprises that 73% of respondents are migrating applications away from the public cloud back to on premise infrastructures....
Ver másWhat takes better pictures, a DSLR or a mobile phone? What has better sound, a HiFi stereo or a phone? How does a phone compare to an agenda? How well can you type on a phone compared to a desktop keyboard? Still, in your pocket...
Ver másUna gran sorpresa que introdujimos con Nextcloud Hub fue la suite ofimática ONLYOFFICE incluida. La integración de ONLYOFFICE en Nextcloud permite a los usuarios colaborar en documentos ofimáticos con los miembros de su equipo en tiempo real. La compatibilidad con los formatos de Microsoft Office...
Ver másAs the new year quickly approaches, cyber criminals are once again preparing to attack individuals and especially businesses. Their attacks will be more sophisticated and even better at extracting money from you. We make three easy predictions for the next year and urge you to...
Ver másAn Enterprise File Sync and Share (EFSS) is a piece of software that gives users access to documents, photos and videos on any of their devices. It also allows them to easily share these documents with others. In this blog we highlight some typical features...
Ver másNextcloud features a unique and extremely powerful security feature you can use to give your shares the ultimate protection: video verification. When you need ultimate protection Imagine you need to share very sensitive data to somebody. Say it is the result of a medical test,...
Ver másDEGES is a project management company for complex infrastructure projects, founded by the Federal Government and five German states in 1991. In recent years, more states have joined as stakeholders and customers. DEGES plans transport routes (road, rail or waterway), coordinates, optimizes and manages the...
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