Categoría: Martes de aplicaciones

polls app

The Nextcloud Polls app: Meet the developers!

Meet the developers of the Nextcloud Polls app! In this special edition blog, we've interviewed the creators behind it: Vinzenz and René.

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App development tutorials

Develop your own Nextcloud Apps: Check out our new tutorials!

Whether you’re an amateur, experienced or an expert developer, our tutorials will prepare you for developing apps for Nextcloud. We focus on open source app development and are commited to providing our community all the tools they need to transform their ideas into real Nextcloud...

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Nextcloud 9 best collaboration platform features for government users

9 Funciones de Nextcloud para usuarios de la Administración

Con la creciente preocupación por la privacidad de los datos y las nuevas normativas, los gobiernos se alejan cada vez más de los proveedores extranjeros de servicios en la nube. La mejor solución para los gobiernos es ser digitalmente soberanos, o en otras palabras, tener...

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Contribute to the Text app: the hidden gem!

Nextcloud Office comes with powerful and visible apps like Talk, Groupware and Deck, but quietly working in the background is perhaps the lesser known Text app. Nextcloud Text is perfect for note-taking, outlines and templates and it is also used in some other apps like...

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Developer Tutorial #4: Create Dashboard Widgets with Vue.js

Welcome to ➡️ part 4 of the Nextcloud Developer Tutorial Series! 🛠️ The Developer Tutorial Series is a program where we help developers improve their coding skills by providing them the tools and step-by-step guides on a variety of topics to succeed. Nextcloud Dashboard The...

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Cómo hemos llegado a las nuevas Fotos de Nextcloud

Hoy presentamos una entrada del blog de Nimisha, miembro del equipo y diseñadora de Nextcloud. Nimisha lleva casi 2 años trabajando con Nextcloud, empezando como colaboradora y uniéndose a la empresa poco después. Hoy se une a nosotros para hablarnos del viaje que condujo a...

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Nextcloud Talk

5 features in Nextcloud Talk you didn’t know about

You know Nextcloud Talk for video calls, chats with colleagues and web conferencing. But did you know about: 1. Links transform to widgets In your Talk chats, sent links instantly transform into widgets that provide a rich view of what you sent. This can be...

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Nextcloud App Development Tutorials: 1 step closer to creating an app!

Nextcloud is offering new development tutorials for developers interested in creating their own Nextcloud apps. Learn about our method and how you can get started today!

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2nd Prize Hackathon Winner Creates Organizational Chart Feature in Contacts

One of the best parts about a hackathon is people coming together from around the world in the name of code. The team that created the new organizational chart is a prime example of that. Comprised of team lead Shieva Saavedra from the Phillipines, Manuel...

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