Categoría: Eventos

group pic contributor week Nov 2018

You are invited to join our next contributor week in Stuttgart!

Two weeks ago, we concluded another successful hackweek, again attracting more people than ever. We’ve worked on many improvements for the upcoming Nextcloud 16 release, discussed what to do for 17 and of course had great fun together. We have set a date for our...

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Conferences, tradeshows and other events

Attending 35c3, FOSDEM, SCALE? Meet Nextcloud!

This winter again, Nextcloud will attend some great events to meet our beloved community! With, of course, a full program: booths, workshops, presentations, and lots of time to meet you all. 35c3 – the 35th edition of Chaos Computer Congress We have never had an...

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Meet Nextcloud experts at enterprise events: Paris Open Source Summit, CS3, Univention Summit, Didacta Conference.

The coming months, Nextcloud will be present at several professional events, offering business representatives an opportunity to learn more about Nextcloud and meet our experts. We are very happy to announce that Nextcloud will have booths, talks, workshops and roundtables at the following events: Paris...

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Nextcloud Enterprise Day coming March 12 2019

In the first quarter of 2019 Nextcloud GmbH again organizes an Enterprise Day, this time taking place in Stuttgart at the Congress Centrum Liederhalle. Earlier this year in August, the Enterprise Day during the Nextcloud Conference was very successful, forcing us to move the tables...

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Join us at our next Contributor Week!

Up for a last round of intense immersion with Nextcloud this year? Good news: Our next Contributor Week (formerly called Hackweek) will take place in Stuttgart from November 26th to 30th, 2018! We hope many of you will join us! If you are new to...

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Nextcloud Near You!

Nextcloud continues to travel to events all over. We’ve had a heavy presence in Berlin in the last week, giving talks at 2 events and presenting a booth at a third! Next week, (prospective) customers can talk to our team at the IT-SA in Nürnberg,...

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Nextcloud Conference 2018: Contributor Travel Support Program!

In six weeks, the Nextcloud Conference 2018 kicks off in Berlin. During a full week, Nextcloud contributors get together to code, write Nextcloud apps, improve design, plan new features and hang out together. And on the weekend of August 25 and 26, a program with...

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Get the most out of Nextcloud at our Enterprise Day

One day after the Nextcloud Conference program with talks and workshops for contributors and developers ends, Nextcloud GmbH is organizing an Enterprise Day at the Park Inn at Berlin Alexanderplatz. Taking place Monday August 27, this event provides IT professionals like project managers and decision...

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Join us at our next hackweek!

Time for another hackweek! We were really happy to meet some of you at FOSDEM, 34c3 and other events, but it has been a while since we have spent a whole week together! The next hackweek will happen from April 9th to April 13th and...

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