Categoría: Blog

Nextcloud Enterprise Day 2024 Frankfurt speaker spotlight Felix Gebauer

Nextcloud Enterprise Day speaker spotlight: Felix Gebauer from Schleswig-Holstein

Announcing Nextcloud Enterprise Day speaker: Felix Gebauer from Schleswig-Holstein German state's administration. Join us in Frankfurt on November 6 2024!

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Meet the first open-source AI assistant that doesn't prey on your data

Meet the first open-source AI assistant that doesn’t prey on your data

The first ethical, open-source AI assistant that can get a multitude of tasks done for you without compromising your data.

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Nextcloud Hub 9

Conéctate con Nextcloud Hub 9

Nextcloud Hub 9 te permite estar conectado. Descubre nuevas funciones de federación, automatización del flujo de trabajo, una gran revisión del diseño y mucho más en tu plataforma de colaboración de código abierto favorita.

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Minor Nextcloud updates released

New maintenance update for Nextcloud Hub 8 is available

Maintenance update 29.0.6 for Nextcloud Hub 8 is here! Read an update summary here and access full changelog on the website.

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Minor Nextcloud updates released

August maintenance updates for Nextcloud Hub 7 and 8

August maintenance updates 28.0.9 and 29.0.5 for Nextcloud Hub are here! Read an update summary here and access full changelog on the website.

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DLRG’s innovative use of Nextcloud Hub for managing the world’s largest water rescue network

Discover how the Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft uses Nextcloud to provide water safety to all!

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How federated chat works in Nextcloud Talk

Nextcloud Hub 8 enables the federated chat feature that let you connect users from different instances via group chats.

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Global IT outage shows lack of digital sovereignty and resilience

El apagón mundial muestra la falta de soberanía digital y resistencia

Una actualización de CrowdStrike hizo caer innumerables sistemas de Microsoft, interrumpiendo vuelos, cirugías, operaciones bancarias y mucho más en todo el mundo. La increíble repercusión de esta única interrupción demuestra la importancia de la resiliencia digital, especialmente en el sector público.

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Minor Nextcloud updates released

July maintenance releases: Nextcloud Hub 7 & 8

July maintenance updates 28.0.8 and 29.0.4 for Nextcloud Hub are here! Read an update summary here and access full changelog on the website.

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