Nextcloud Regain control over your data Mon, 09 Dec 2024 04:39:58 +0000 it-IT hourly 1 Nextcloud 32 32 December maintenance updates for Nextcloud Hub 7, 8 and 9 Mon, 09 Dec 2024 04:39:58 +0000 Maintenance updates 28.0.12 and 30.0.2 for Nextcloud Hub 7 and 9 respectively are here! Read an update summary and access full changelog on the website.

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Due to a regression in creating multiple share links we had to pull NC 28.0.13 and 30.0.3. We will follow up with a hot fix release asap.

Please update to a new version to keep your data safe!

If you are using Nextcloud Hub 7, 8 or 9, we strongly recommend you to update to version 28.0.13, 29.0.10 or 30.0.3 respectively. Maintenance updates include important bug fixes, stability and security upgrades. It is a quick and safe process, as always!

About the updates

The updates include a number of important bug fixes and performance optimization, as well as other improvements in all supported Nextcloud Hub versions. You can find the full changelog on our website.

Updates are available for:

  • Nextcloud Hub 7 (version 28.0.13)
  • Nextcloud Hub 8 (version 29.0.10)
  • Nextcloud Hub 9 (version 30.0.2)

Nextcloud Hub 9 is our latest and greatest! 🚀

Nextcloud Hub 9 lets you stay connected like never before: federated calls, auto-magic with Nextcloud Flow, collaboration through a new medium with Nextloud Whiteboard, a big design redo and much more!

What’s new in Nextcloud Hub 9:

  • Federation: Edit documents and have video calls with users from other Nextcloud servers!
  • Automate and digitalize enterprise processes
  • Brand new design improvements
  • New Whiteboard app
  • AI reminders & summaries in Mail
  • PDF templates and form API
  • Chat UI for Nextcloud Assistant
Nextcloud - Get Nextcloud Hub 9

Get Nextcloud Hub 9

Download and install Nextcloud Hub 9 here!

Get Hub 9

Always keep your server up to date!

Nextcloud’s minor releases primarily focus on addressing security vulnerabilities and functionality bugs, avoiding major system overhauls that could jeopardize user data. Keeping your server up to date is vital, and our approach to testing and validation ensures that upgrading to minor releases is generally smooth and reliable.

For mission-critical Nextcloud systems in enterprise settings, consider switching to Nextcloud Enterprise. The tier provides you with ultimate deployment confidence: direct access to the Nextcloud engineering team, full assistance throughout deployment and integration, and peace of mind for system administrators. If you’re responsible for maintaining Nextcloud in your setting, this option may be the ideal solution for you.

The post December maintenance updates for Nextcloud Hub 7, 8 and 9 appeared first on Nextcloud.

Nextcloud Talk: la nostra risposta open source a Microsoft Teams Tue, 03 Dec 2024 08:59:24 +0000 Le organizzazioni, grandi e piccole, necessitano di una soluzione che garantisca la resilienza e la sovranità digitale delle loro operazioni: un'alternativa open source e rispettosa della privacy a Teams. E oggi presentiamo questa soluzione: Nextcloud Talk.

The post Nextcloud Talk: la nostra risposta open source a Microsoft Teams appeared first on Nextcloud.


Come affrontare situazioni in cui si verificano interruzioni di connessione, vengono imposte sanzioni o la legislazione sulla privacy vieta l’uso dei servizi da cui dipende la tua intera organizzazione?

In un contesto di cambiamenti geopolitici, molte organizzazioni si trovano a dipendere da grandi piattaforme centralizzate di comunicazione. Un esempio significativo è Microsoft Teams, una piattaforma di comunicazione disponibile esclusivamente come SaaS. È l’unica soluzione sul mercato che integra profondamente chiamate video, chat di gruppo e funzionalità per riunioni su larga scala con la collaborazione in tempo reale sui documenti e la condivisione di file. Questa integrazione è diventata fondamentale per il funzionamento di numerose organizzazioni. Di conseguenza, Microsoft è stata in grado di aumentare i prezzi del 20-40% senza subire una fuga di clienti, poiché questi – e i loro dati – sono completamente vincolati alla piattaforma.

Le organizzazioni, grandi e piccole, necessitano di una soluzione che garantisca la resilienza e la sovranità digitale delle loro operazioni: un’alternativa a Teams, open source e rispettosa della privacy. Oggi presentiamo questa soluzione.

Benvenuti su Nextcloud Talk

Oggi, dal nostro Enterprise Day a Parigi, lanciamo Nextcloud Talk “Paris”. È l’unica soluzione open-source che integra tutte le principali funzionalità – dalle chat e videoconferenze ai webinar – su un’unica piattaforma, evitando il vendor lock-in.

La nostra piattaforma soddisfa i più alti standard di conformità a normative come il GDPR e l’HIPAA, offrendo una sicurezza rigorosa e garantendo il pieno controllo dei dati. Grazie alla sua architettura aperta, Nextcloud Talk può essere integrato facilmente nei sistemi esistenti e personalizzato in base alle esigenze specifiche.

Nextcloud Talk è progettato per soddisfare tre casi d’uso principali. Vediamoli rapidamente.

Nextcloud Talk

Chat di team efficiente

Simile a piattaforme come Slack o Mattermost, la chat integrata in Nextcloud Talk aiuta i team a rimanere connessi durante la giornata lavorativa. Con più chat room e la possibilità di modificare i file direttamente nella conversazione, Talk semplifica la collaborazione dei team di lavoro ibridi e aumenta l’efficienza. La crittografia end-to-end garantisce che le conversazioni rimangano private e sicure, mentre le notifiche in tempo reale tengono tutti aggiornati. Tutti i dati rimangono sotto il tuo controllo, rispettando i più alti standard di privacy e sicurezza.

Videochiamate per una collaborazione perfetta

Nextcloud Talk rende le riunioni virtuali semplici e accessibili su tutti i dispositivi. Che si tratti di un rapido aggiornamento o di una riunione di team più ampia, la nostra piattaforma garantisce una collaborazione efficace per i team che lavorano in modalità ibrida. Funzionalità come lavagne virtuali integrate, condivisione dello schermo e la modifica congiunta dei documenti rendono la collaborazione in tempo reale più semplice che mai. Pianificare e partecipare alle chiamate è facile, direttamente dall’interfaccia di Nextcloud, integrata con l’app calendario per un’agevole pianificazione delle riunioni.

Webinar interattivi, sessioni di formazione e training

Talk ti consente di organizzare webinar coinvolgenti, riunendo team, studenti o clienti. La piattaforma supporta lo streaming live, sessioni di domande e risposte e condivisione dello schermo, oltre ad offrire funzionalità di moderazione. Strumenti come chat integrate, reazioni animate, sondaggi e breakout room rendono l’esperienza di apprendimento più interattiva e divertente. Tutto questo, e molto altro, è disponibile ovunque tu sia, non solo nel browser ma anche con app per iOS e Android. Se un collega ti chiama mentre sei fuori, il tuo telefono squillerà e potrai condividere lo schermo per mostrare rapidamente una presentazione su cui stai lavorando.

Numerose nuove funzioni per una migliore collaborazione

Nuova app desktop

Niente più ricerca tra le schede del browser! La nuova app offre integrazione e notifiche dirette, per comunicare e partecipare alle chiamate senza sforzo.

Nuove funzionalità AI

Stanco di prendere appunti durante lunghe riunioni? Goditi i riassunti automatici delle riunioni video! Preoccupato per quei 173 messaggi non letti? L’Assistente Nextcloud le riassume per te, riducendo lavoro e stress.

Nextcloud Talk AI summary

Collaborazione a livello visuale

La lavagna interattiva consente ai team di fare brainstorming e sviluppare idee in tempo reale, ideale per workshop e pianificazione di progetti.

Collaborazione semplificata

I documenti possono essere modificati in modo collaborativo direttamente all’interno delle chat o delle videochiamate.

Funzionalità per il benessere

Per promuovere una cultura sana delle riunioni, ora le chiamate possono terminare automaticamente dopo un tempo prestabilito.

Comunicazione ad alta sicurezza

Nextcloud Talk è l’unica piattaforma di collaborazione che soddisfa i più alti standard di sicurezza e può essere implementata in ambienti air gap.

Scopri altre nuove funzionalità


  • Riassunto automatico delle registrazioni delle chiamate grazie all’AI
  • Impostazione di una durata massima per le chiamate
  • Opzione per disabilitare sempre i dispositivi per impostazione predefinita
  • Possibilità di scaricare l’elenco dei partecipanti alla chiamata
  • Opzione per sfocare lo sfondo per impostazione predefinita


  • Riepilogo della cronologia delle chat quando ci sono molti messaggi non letti
  • Opzione per scaricare direttamente gli allegati
  • Evidenziazione delle condivisioni di file e oggetti con un’icona nell’elenco delle conversazioni


  • Identificazione e riconoscimento degli ospiti invitati tramite indirizzo email
  • Possibilità di invitare ospiti via email durante la creazione di una conversazione


  • Opzione per archiviare le conversazioni
  • Blocco automatico delle stanze dopo giorni di inattività

Messaggi vocali:

  • Riproduzione automatica dei messaggi vocali raggruppati


  • Redazione, importazione ed esportazione di sondaggi

Verso il futuro della collaborazione

Con Nextcloud Talk, consentiamo alle aziende e alle istituzioni pubbliche di lavorare in modo sicuro e produttivo, indipendentemente dalla loro ubicazione o infrastruttura. La piattaforma è ideale per installazioni on-premises o per l’hosting da parte di provider cloud locali, offrendo alle aziende e alle organizzazioni il pieno controllo sui propri dati.

Finalmente la comunità open source ha una risposta concreta a Microsoft Teams.

Per saperne di più:

Aumenta produttività e sicurezza con Nextcloud Talk

Scopri di più su Nextcloud Talk e inizia subito ad usarlo!

Learn more

The post Nextcloud Talk: la nostra risposta open source a Microsoft Teams appeared first on Nextcloud.

How open-source AI models can help you take control of your privacy Thu, 28 Nov 2024 10:06:19 +0000 In this article, we find out how open-source AI gets you your privacy back and explore examples of reliable AI models that you can use in your ecosystem.

The post How open-source AI models can help you take control of your privacy appeared first on Nextcloud.

How open-source AI models help you take control of your privacy

AI tools woven into the big tech ecosystems, some more “open” than others, some more quiet, often require a silent sacrifice in exchange for easy-to-access technology. An alternative is open-source AI models which, much like open-source software, have a potential to give you more transparency and control.

You can study and even modify the model you are using, and if you don’t need that — at least understand how your data is processed, stored and shared. Sounds like something the viral AI photo editing apps can’t promise, yet millions keep giving them access to their private photos every day.

Join us as we explore how open-source AI benefits users and, from the perspective of our Ethical AI rating, provide examples of AI models that can help you reclaim your privacy.

What are open-source AI models?

With more people becoming aware of how data economy works, earning user’s trust becomes more challenging to the AI providers. To appeal to more conscious users, many AI vendors label their technology open or open-source. But without consensus on what open-source AI is, such open-washing could raise many risks: surveillance, information bias, effects on the labor market and creative industries, and excessive energy usage — to name a few.

In attempt to battle the potentially harmful trend, the Open Source Initiative released its official Open Source Artificial Intelligence Definition (OSAID). According to the OSAID, an Open Source AI is an AI system made available under terms and in a way that grant the freedoms to:

  • Use the system for any purpose and without having to ask for permission.
  • Study how the system works and inspect its components.
  • Modify the system for any purpose, including to change its output.
  • Share the system for others to use with or without modifications, for any purpose.

Even though the work on this definition has been endorsed by many companies and individuals, there’s no consensus in the community on whether or not to accept it in its current state, or if the open-source AI is even ready to be defined.

We too think there’s room for improvement. But with or without concrete definition for the OS AI, we can tell how four main freedoms of open-source – to use, to study, to modify, and to share – can impact life of the the AI users.

How do users benefit from open-source AI?

Open source promotes freedom and empowers users to control their software – in this case, the AI – they rely on. Here are several examples of opens-source AI systems could directly benefit you as a user:

  • Proprietary AI can include hidden features like data harvesting for advertising and user profiling, embedded biases, and using your private data to refine the products without your consent. Open-source lets you make sure there are no hidden features or data backdoors – because you (and thousands, or even millions of others) can inspect the source code and understand how the software operates.
  • If your software is not anymore supported by a provider, you may lose valuable data like your AI’s memory of interactions. And even though normally you can export this data, there’s no guarantee it will be compatible with alternative models. With open-source, you don’t rely on a single vendor – the software will continue to exist, and you will retain full ownership. Moreover, you are not locked in the provider’s ecosystem of applications in order to fully benefit from their AI, no-one controls your costs, your updates and maintenance.
  • You can host your AI yourself or with a provider you trust, which means you fully control your data, make own decisions for your privacy, and maintain your compliance instead of relying on third-party services.

Nextcloud Ethical AI rating

At Nextcloud, we employ and integrate AI tools ourselves and we realize the risks brought by the evolving computer intelligence. That’s why we created the Ethical AI Rating that helps our users make the right decisions about what AI models to use in their work. It is more granular than the OSAID and more critical in areas like training data availability. For now, we will keep using it as it resonates with the unique needs of Nextcloud users.

Nextcloud Ethical AI

Nextcloud Ethical AI Rating is based on three principles:

  • Whether the training data is available and is free to use
  • Whether the software (both for inferencing and training) is open-source
  • Whether the trained model freely available for self-hosting

Based on how many of the criteria are met, a model receives Red 🔴, Orange 🟠, Yellow 🟡 or Green 🟢 rating.

Looking for open-source AI models to try? Consider these!

Nextcloud is not primarily an AI developer or vendor, so we don’t promote any AI products. Instead, we want to help our users choose the right tools to protect their privacy, and where needed, help them start using those tools through Nextcloud Hub. From the perspective of our Ethical AI Rating, here are several AI models that help you take control of your privacy.

LocalAI logo

Open-source LLMs via LocalAI 🟢

With LocalAI, you can use several open-source models like GPT-Neo or GPT-J, running them locally with ability to modify and interact with them on your server. In this case, the app also gets the Green rating in our Ethical AI rating, fully meeting the criteria.

OpenNMT logo

OpenNMT 🟢

OpenNMT is a fully open-source AI translation framework available under MIT license. In Nextcloud, it can be used via LibreTranslate app that offers translation via your own server/API key.

Opus Helsinki NLP logo

Opus 🟢

Opus is a machine translation provider by University of Helsinki that runs locally on CPU and doesn’t let any private data leaves your servers. It meets all criteria of our rating.

Nomic AI logo

GPT4All Falcon by Nomic AI 🟢

GPT4All Falcon is an LLM that combines the Falcon language model with the GPT4All interface. It is available under Apache 2.0 license and runs locally on CPU.

There are models that do not match the criteria of the Green rating, but can be worth considering since they are self-hosted and have very permissive licenses, making them mostly safe to run locally:

Stable Diffusion logo

Self-hosted Stable Diffusion 🟡

Stable Diffusion is open-source model licensed under CreativeML Open RAIL-M License. Users have full access to the model and its code, can modify and redistribute it, given that it’s an on-premises version. In Nextcloud, self-hosted Stable Diffusion can be used via LocalAI. We give it a Yellow rating, as the training data is not freely available in this case.


Whisper 🟡

In Nextcloud, you can use Whisper to enable speech-to-text conversion features. Whisper is available under the MIT License and has a Yellow rating due to limited availability of the training data.

Llama 2 🟡

Llama 2 is a free LLM by Meta that can be run on-premises, and the software for training and inference of this model is open source. However, the training data is not freely available. It is offered under Llama 2 Community License.

We don’t limit our users’ choice of AI tools, and there are other models and apps that you can integrate in Nextcloud Hub and use with Nextcloud Assistant, including self-hosted models like NeuralBeagle14 7B, Smaug-72B and Meta’s Llama 3. Or famous AI like ChatGPT, DALL·E or Aleph Alpha – which are far from meeting all the criteria of our rating, but you still can easily integrate them in Nextcloud if you wish.

Build your own private AI platform – with Nextcloud Hub

Nextcloud Assistant is the first local AI assistant built into collaboration platform. It is integrated everywhere across Nextcloud Hub, helping you with your daily tasks while taking care of your privacy. Among tools supported by Nextcloud Assistant are chat with AI, text and image generation, email summaries, translation, dictation, inquiring about your own data with Context Chat, automated document creation with Context Write, and much more.

You can integrate AI models of your choice to enable those tools, creating a custom AI-powered environment according to your your privacy and security needs. And if needed, you can host your AI with one of the trusted SaaS providers in Europe, staying fully compliant with privacy regulations like GDPR and others.

Nextcloud - Get Nextcloud Hub

Get Nextcloud Hub

AI-powered open-source collaboration platform that puts you back in control over your data.

Get Nextcloud Hub

The post How open-source AI models can help you take control of your privacy appeared first on Nextcloud.

Nextcloud Enterprise Day lands in Paris: be part of the product launch event! Mon, 18 Nov 2024 12:05:42 +0000 On December 3rd, we invite you to the Nextcloud Enterprise Day Paris, Nextcloud's flagship event for professionals. The day will kick off with a keynote by our CEO and founder, Frank Karlitschek—a highlight where he will share our vision for the future of online collaboration, followed by a major announcement about Nextcloud Talk!

The post Nextcloud Enterprise Day lands in Paris: be part of the product launch event! appeared first on Nextcloud.


On the eve of the Open Source Experience, we invite you to the Nextcloud Enterprise Day Paris, Nextcloud’s flagship event for professionals. An afternoon of discussions, networking, inspiring presentations, and exclusive announcements awaits you, featuring open-source leaders and experts in collaborative solutions.

Inspiring keynotes and an big Nextcloud Talk announcement

The Enterprise Day Paris kicks off with a keynote from our CEO and founder, Frank Karlitschek. He shares our vision for the future our vision for the future of online collaboration, followed by a major announcement for Nextcloud Talk! This is your chance to learn more about our latest innovations and ask all your questions directly to Frank Karlitschek and the Nextcloud team.

Next, hear inspiring testimonials from clients and partners as they share their success stories and real-world experiences with Nextcloud. These discussions, held in both English and French, provide a great opportunity to explore the benefits of Nextcloud in a variety of contexts.

Keep on reading for the full program of the Nextcloud Enterprise Day!

A networking space to connect with our experts

During the entire day, our networking space will give you a chance to connect with Nextcloud experts ready to advise you and answer all your questions, as well as our key partners and sponsors of the event.

Why attend the Nextcloud Enterprise Day Paris?

The Nextcloud Enterprise Day Paris is not just a networking event — it’s an opportunity to learn from the success of industry professionals, share your own experiences, and engage with the team behind Nextcloud.

The Nextcloud Enterprise Day experience includes:

  • Insights into the Nextcloud roadmap and an exclusive preview of the upcoming major update of Nextcloud Talk.
  • A deep dive into the new features and improvements that will help you boost your instance.
  • AI in Nextcloud: The most requested developments and the latest features to enhance your platform.
  • Real-world case studies presented by Nextcloud users from various industries and different types of businesses.
  • Strategies for optimizing your platform for peak performance with the Nextcloud leadership team.
  • A friendly meet-up with peers, industry leaders, and experts to expand your network and foster collaborations.
  • Exclusive Q&A session and a chance to meet with Nextcloud’s Senior Management.

Great location in the heart of Paris

The event will be held at Espace La Rochefoucauld, a modern and accessible venue in the heart of Paris. Located just steps away from major transport routes, this space is an ideal place for rich and inspiring exchanges, in a city that embodies both tradition and innovation.

Highlights of the program: plan out your day!

The Nextcloud Enterprise Day Paris will take place on Tuesday, December 3, 2024. The main program will run from 1:30 PM to 6:00 PM CET, with regular breaks for refreshments and networking.

The day will conclude with a casual cocktail reception. The tentative program below will be regularly updated on the dedicated Nextcloud Enterprise Day Paris page.

13:00🇫🇷🇬🇧 Welcome reception for participants, coffee and tea. Meet our partners and Nextcloud experts.
13:30🇬🇧 Welcome: Introduction to Nextcloud by Frank Karlitschek, CEO and Founder of Nextcloud.
14:00🇫🇷 “Connecter un Demi-Million de personne avec Leviia et Nextcloud” – Guy Daroles, Project Director at and William Meauzoone, Co-founder Leviia”
14:20🇫🇷 “Nextcloud basé sur MariaDB : Une solution évolutive et hautement disponible” – Sebastien Giraud, Senior Solution Engineer at MariaDB
14:40🇫🇷🇬🇧 Break and networking
15:10 🇬🇧 Nextcloud Talk Keynote 🎉
15:40🇫🇷 “EUniWell adopte Nextcloud en mode SaaS avec TAS Cloud Services pour la collaboration à distance de ses 11 Universités Européennes” – Youssef Araqi Houssaini and Matthieu Charton.”
16:00 🇬🇧 “Bridging Nextcloud with Microsoft via Sendent” – Richard Marx, Co-founder at Sendent
16:20🇫🇷🇬🇧 Break and networking
16:50🇫🇷 “Libérez vos Documents” – Car Méven, Software Engineer at Collabora
17:10🇫🇷 “Ayming : Nextcloud un remplaçant de SharePoint dans le secteur privé” – Xavier Quilliet, CIO at Ayming and Guy-Christian Facia, Consultant at Arawa
17:30🇫🇷 “Présentation des solutions XWiki et de leur intégration dans Nextcloud” – Clément Aubin, Sales Director at Xwiki
🇫🇷🇬🇧 Cocktails

Meet our sponsors and partners

We are thrilled to be supported by trusted sponsors: MariaDB, Arawa, IONOS, Leviia, and TAS Cloud Services. Come meet them at the event to discover their offerings and learn how they strengthen the Nextcloud ecosystem.

Book your place now to make sure you don’t miss out on Enterprise Day Paris.

Only a few spots left.

The post Nextcloud Enterprise Day lands in Paris: be part of the product launch event! appeared first on Nextcloud.

Nextcloud Recognized with World Summit Award Germany Fri, 15 Nov 2024 10:03:32 +0000 Nextcloud has been recognized with the World Summit Award Germany that selects and promotes local digital innovation improving society, aiming to contribute to the United Nations' agenda of sustainable development goals.

The post Nextcloud Recognized with World Summit Award Germany appeared first on Nextcloud.

Nextcloud Recognized with World Summit Award Germany

Nextcloud has been recognized with the World Summit Award Germany in the Government & Citizen Engagement category. WSA selects and promotes local digital innovation improving society, aiming to contribute to the United Nations’ agenda of sustainable development goals. In addition, Nextcloud is shortlisted for the World Summit Awards on a global level. The winners will be announced in January 2025.

What this award means for Nextcloud

The digital collaboration platform has been recognized for excelling in data sovereignty and giving customers and users control over their data. Nextcloud builds an open source platform for people to store their files, chat and videoconference, manage calendars, emails and more, that is not run by a single entity. Using a web interface and mobile apps, users don’t have to hand over their data to anybody else. Users, companies and governments can use Nextcloud software to build their own clouds, in a very easy way. And – hundreds of thousands have.

Data is concentrated in the hands of a very small number of companies. This is not good for society – especially with the rise of AI. Privacy is the foundation of democracy and society does not function well if all communication and collaboration is mediated by a few democratically unaccountable entities.

Frank Karlitschek
Founder and CEO of Nextcloud

Digital sovereignty for millions of users

Nextcloud is deeply rooted in the open source community and has become the most popular self-hosted alternative to the collaboration platforms of big tech companies. There are an estimated 500,000 servers on the internet running Nextcloud, some of these with millions of users. We do not track users but estimate to have between 25 and 50 million users in total.

For the business side, besides companies and other organzations, more than 600 EU institutions, federal and state ministries, as well as city and local governments globally rely on Nextcloud, including Germany, France, the Netherlands, Serbia, Canada, Australia, Brazil and the USA. The most popular self-hosted collaboration solution for 2 million users in the public sector and tens of millions of users overall around the globe.

To help the German public sector digitalise their services for citizens, Nextcloud has rolled out several efforts. Latest example is the launch of Nextcloud Flow, the first fully open source, integrated process automation platform.

WSA awards digital solutions with impact on society

The World Summit Awards (WSA) aim to promote the best digital solutions with impact on society. It is a non-monetary award system with a focus on sustainable knowledge transfer through a worldwide network. The award was launched in 2003 and aims to contribute to the United Nations’ agenda of sustainable development goals by recognizing local digital content with societal impact and showcasing the wealth and diversity of innovative applications.

The post Nextcloud Recognized with World Summit Award Germany appeared first on Nextcloud.

November maintenance updates for Nextcloud Hub 7 and 9 Fri, 08 Nov 2024 11:46:19 +0000 Maintenance updates 28.0.12 and 30.0.2 for Nextcloud Hub 7 and 9 respectively are here! Read an update summary and access full changelog on the website.

The post November maintenance updates for Nextcloud Hub 7 and 9 appeared first on Nextcloud.



We had to pull version 29.0.9 due to issues with PDF display. It will be fixed in December maintenance release for Nextcloud 29.

Please update to a new version to keep your data safe!

If you are using Nextcloud Hub 7 or 9, we strongly recommend you to update to version 28.0.12 or 30.0.2 respectively. Maintenance updates include important bug fixes, stability and security upgrades. It is a quick and safe process, as always!

About the updates

The updates include a number of important bug fixes and performance optimization, as well as other improvements in all supported Nextcloud Hub versions. You can find the full changelog on our website.

Updates are available for:

  • Nextcloud Hub 7 (version 28.0.12)
  • Nextcloud Hub 9 (version 30.0.2)

Nextcloud Hub 9 is our latest and greatest! 🚀

Nextcloud Hub 9 lets you stay connected like never before: federated calls, auto-magic with Nextcloud Flow, collaboration through a new medium with Nextloud Whiteboard, a big design redo and much more!

What’s new in Nextcloud Hub 9:

  • Federation: Edit documents and have video calls with users from other Nextcloud servers!
  • Automate and digitalize enterprise processes
  • Brand new design improvements
  • New Whiteboard app
  • AI reminders & summaries in Mail
  • PDF templates and form API
  • Chat UI for Nextcloud Assistant
Nextcloud - Get Nextcloud Hub 9

Get Nextcloud Hub 9

Download and install Nextcloud Hub 9 here!

Get Hub 9

Always keep your server up to date!

Nextcloud’s minor releases primarily focus on addressing security vulnerabilities and functionality bugs, avoiding major system overhauls that could jeopardize user data. Keeping your server up to date is vital, and our approach to testing and validation ensures that upgrading to minor releases is generally smooth and reliable.

For mission-critical Nextcloud systems in enterprise settings, consider switching to Nextcloud Enterprise. The tier provides you with ultimate deployment confidence: direct access to the Nextcloud engineering team, full assistance throughout deployment and integration, and peace of mind for system administrators. If you’re responsible for maintaining Nextcloud in your setting, this option may be the ideal solution for you.

The post November maintenance updates for Nextcloud Hub 7 and 9 appeared first on Nextcloud.

Nextcloud Enterprise Day: key to smooth SharePoint to Nextcloud migration with Dr. Frank Dengler Thu, 31 Oct 2024 10:45:35 +0000 Frank Dengler from audriga joins the Nextcloud Enterprise Day program with a keynote about migration from SharePoint to Nextcloud. Read this article for more details about the keynote and the speaker.

The post Nextcloud Enterprise Day: key to smooth SharePoint to Nextcloud migration with Dr. Frank Dengler appeared first on Nextcloud.


One week is left until Nextcloud Enterprise day, and good things come to those who wait! As you are planning your trip to Frankfurt, we are happy to announce an amazing talk by Dr. Frank Dengler.

  • Speaker: Frank Dengler, CEO and founder of audriga
  • Title: Migrating from SharePoint to Nextcloud: What we’ve learned

Transitioning the organization’s collaborative environment from SharePoint to Nextcloud is a complex project, successfully undertaken by organizations like Swiss Bank and the Schleswig-Holstein state administration. How exactly do you make such a migration both achievable and efficient? Dr. Dengler argues that a well-prepared and structured approach is key to a successful migration, and he is going to share some of his insights in this special session.

Join Nextcloud Enterprise Day on November 6 in Frankfurt, Germany. Register today!

Get your ticket at the best price

Tickets to Nextcloud Enterprise Day in Frankfurt are limited.
Secure your seat today and don’t miss out!

Register now!

About the speaker

audriga is a globally recognized expert in email, groupware, and storage migration. They support companies of all sizes, including hosting providers and telcos, with white-label self-service solutions for customer onboarding and large-scale platform migrations involving millions of user accounts. audriga can migrate almost any type of data, such as files, contacts, calendar, tasks, metadata, and settings, between virtually any systems — including migrations from SharePoint to Nextcloud.

Frank Dengler is a co-founder and currently serve as the CEO of audriga. His professional journey began at Intel, where he worked as a consultant in the server and data center division. He holds an interdisciplinary degree in Information Engineering and Management, as well as a PhD in Knowledge Management, both from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

audriga chose Nextcloud because we noticed a growing demand from customers seeking a strong alternative to SharePoint. Nextcloud stands out as a great option, not only for its robust file management capabilities but also for its additional features like collaboration tools, integrated apps, and data control, making it a comprehensive solution beyond just file storage.

About Nextcloud Enterprise Day

Nextcloud Enterprise Day is our top event of the year for business leaders, decision-makers, and project managers to achieve their goals with Nextcloud.

From customer presentations and success stories to networking opportunities and access to management, sales, marketing, and engineering teams, you’re bound to walk away with new information, techniques, and inspiration.

The upcoming edition takes place at the spectacular Radisson Blu hotel in Frankfurt, Germany on November 6.

Join the conversation in Frankfurt!

Click below to explore the full program, location and registration information

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The post Nextcloud Enterprise Day: key to smooth SharePoint to Nextcloud migration with Dr. Frank Dengler appeared first on Nextcloud.

Open Source AI is here Mon, 28 Oct 2024 14:26:27 +0000 Today, the Open Source Initiative has released its first official definition of Open Source AI. This is an important milestone. Let me explain why.

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Open-source AI is here - Nextcloud

Today, the Open Source Initiative has released its first official definition of Open Source AI. This is an important milestone. Let me explain why.

Why Open Source matters

In a world where speech depends on software, free speech depends on free software.

The key tenet of open source is is that it puts the user in control. Software is ever growing in complexity and importance in our society. Software is how we do our work, how we communicate, how we pay, how we access information. When software is a black box, subject to subtle (or not so much) manipulation, users are at risk.

Risks of AI

AI brings these risks to an entirely new level. Not only because it makes decisions that are often entirely intransparent, but also because its easy, human like interface often lulls users to trust it far more than deserved.

The big AI firms have done their level best to ensure the attention of the public around risks with AI were aimed at existential, contrived notions akin to Skynet, the AI in the movie series Terminator, scenarios where AI would take over the world. In reality, the risks associated with AI are far more mundane. Surveillance, bias, explosive energy usage and job losses are the concerns we should focus on.

Need for control

And, just like with software, what matters is control. Who controls the AI, who makes decisions about what it can and can’t do, what goes in and what does not. With control, we can address the real risks of AI. Without control, we can simply hope that the billion dollar companies do the right thing.

They haven’t in the past. So we need Open Source AI. AI that that gives users the ability to study and modify the AI models that govern their lives.

Nextcloud Ethical AI Rating 🟢🟡🟠🔴

Nextcloud gave this a first shot in March 2023, when we launched our Ethical AI Rating. A simple traffic light would show with green/yellow/orange/red if a given AI model was freely available, if its data was publicly available and if the code needed to run and train it was open source. This way we help users make an informed decision without restricting their choice of models and features.

Nextcloud Ethical AI

Users of AI solutions deserve transparency and control, which is why we introduced our Ethical AI rating in early 2023. Now, we see big tech firms trying to hijack the term open source AI. We fully endorse the creation of a clear definition of open source AI by the community to protect users and the market.

Frank Karlitschek
CEO and fouder of Nextcloud

The wider open source community has picked up the gauntlet as well, and after extensive consultation with the community, today the OSI has announced an official definition of Open Source AI. This will help users, from private users, to governments, research institutes, hospitals and businesses, to make decisions what systems they can trust.

So, today, It is a first step in a journey and we are glad to be a part of it. Nextcloud has formally endorsed the definition, even if we think there is room for improvement. We will use it as a basis for our Ethical AI Rating. Our rating is a bit more granular and also more critical in some areas – for example, when it comes to data, we believe it should be always fully available – and thus, for now, we will keep using it, as it fits the use cases of our users more.

We look forward to your input, both on the OSI definition – on the road to a 2.0 – and on our AI rating.

The post Open Source AI is here appeared first on Nextcloud.

HKN joins as sponsor for Nextcloud Enterprise Day 2024 in Frankfurt Thu, 24 Oct 2024 12:05:45 +0000 HKN GmbH has joined the Nextcloud Enterprise Day 2024 sponsor lineup, and we couldn't be more excited! Read this blog to learn more about this partnership.

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HKN signs on as sponsor for Nextcloud Enterprise Day 2024 in Frankfurt

HKN GmbH has joined the Nextcloud Enterprise Day 2024 sponsor lineup, and we couldn’t be more excited!

The event will be held on November 6 in Frankfurt, Germany, and we can’t wait to see you there! As a long-standing partner of Nextcloud, HKN is absolutely thrilled to support the event and promote the importance of data sovereignty and open-source solutions.

Register today to secure your seat!

Register for Nextcloud Enterprise Day today to secure your spot!

Register now

About HKN

Since 1996, HKN GmbH has been a top provider of open-source solutions for businesses. It operates its own OpenStack cloud to serve the needs of demanding clients, and it’s been doing an amazing job! One of the best things about HKN is our ability to tailor Nextcloud environments to fit each customer’s unique infrastructure and requirements perfectly. This flexibility has made HKN a trusted partner across various sectors, from financial institutions to healthcare organisations – and we’re proud to have earned the trust of so many great clients.

Together with Nextcloud, HKN have had great success implementing a whole range of projects. These include Nextcloud for teachers in Luxembourg, platforms for financial institutions and tailored solutions for healthcare organisations.

HKN GmbH prioritize data sovereignty and run their own cloud infrastructure entirely on open-source solutions. HKN GmbH makes a considerable contribution to helping organisations avoid vendor lock-in and maintain full control over their data.

HKN GmbH can’t wait to join the event with their team on-site to share expertise and engage with attendees. The Nextcloud Enterprise Day is a fantastic opportunity to connect with forward-thinking leaders in the IT industry and gain insights into the latest developments surrounding Nextcloud.

About Nextcloud Enterprise Day

Nextcloud Enterprise Day is our top event of the year for business leaders, decision-makers, and project managers to achieve their goals with Nextcloud.

From customer presentations and success stories to networking opportunities and access to management, sales, marketing, and engineering teams, you’re bound to walk away with new information, techniques, and inspiration.

The upcoming edition takes place at the spectacular Radisson Blu hotel in Frankfurt, Germany. Early Bird tickets are limited.

Early Bird tickets are limited. Secure your spot now!

Register now

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MariaDB becomes a sponsor of Nextcloud Enterprise Day 2024 in Frankfurt Thu, 24 Oct 2024 09:01:15 +0000 We are announcing MariaDB, a pioneering database solution provider and Nextcloud's trusted partner, as a sponsor of the Nextcloud Enterprise Day 2024 in Frankfurt. Read more to find out why this is exciting news.

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MariaDB becomes a sponsor of Nextcloud Enterprise Day 2024 in Frankfurt

MariaDB becomes a new sponsor of the Nextcloud Enterprise Day in Frankfurt on November 6.

A provider of leading open-source database solutions, MariaDB makes data easier to access and lets users focus on growing their business while being confident in their database’s resilience. A long-standing partnership between Nextcloud and MariaDB enables scalability and high availability of solutions for Nextcloud customers. We are proud to welcome MariaDB as a sponsor of the most important event for Nextcloud’s enterprise users.

Nextcloud Enterprise Day takes place on November 6 in Frankfurt, Germany. Register today to secure your spot!

Register for Nextcloud Enterprise Day today to secure your spot!

Register now

About MariaDB

MariaDB seeks to eliminate the constraints and complexity of proprietary databases, enabling organizations to reinvest in what matters most – rapidly developing innovative, customer-facing applications. Enterprises can depend on a single complete database for all their needs, that can be deployed in minutes for transactional, analytical or hybrid use cases. 

Trusted by organizations such as Deutsche Bank, DBS Bank, Red Hat, ServiceNow and Samsung – MariaDB delivers customer value without the financial burden of legacy database providers.

About Nextcloud Enterprise Day

Nextcloud Enterprise Day is our top event of the year for business leaders, decision-makers, and project managers to achieve their goals with Nextcloud.

From customer presentations and success stories to networking opportunities and access to management, sales, marketing, and engineering teams, you’re bound to walk away with new information, techniques, and inspiration.

The upcoming edition takes place at the spectacular Radisson Blu hotel in Frankfurt, Germany. Early Bird tickets are limited.

Early Bird tickets are limited. Secure your spot.

Register now

The post MariaDB becomes a sponsor of Nextcloud Enterprise Day 2024 in Frankfurt appeared first on Nextcloud.
