Nextcloud Regain control over your data Fri, 24 Jan 2025 07:03:50 +0000 de hourly 1 Nextcloud 32 32 Trump’s second term: A critical turning point for open source and digital sovereignty? Thu, 23 Jan 2025 14:32:42 +0000 Donald Trump’s return to the White House has reignited debates about the balance of power in the tech industry. With legislations like the CLOUD Act and ongoing discussions around data sovereignty, open source faces significant challenges. These dynamics highlight the difficulty of navigating a world where global collaboration increasingly intersects with regional priorities.

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Lessons from the past Trump’s first term was marked by significant shifts in technology policy, reshaping how governments and organizations approach global collaboration. The CLOUD Act of 2018 exposed a critical vulnerability for those relying on U.S.-based technology providers: data stored outside the United States could potentially be accessed by American authorities. This sparked discussions about data sovereignty, particularly in Europe, where reliance on Big Tech has often clashed with GDPR’s stringent data protection standards. As a result, open source gained traction as a strategic alternative. With transparent codebases and self-hosting capabilities, it enabled organizations to retain control over their infrastructure. However, the broader context reveals the fragility of these gains: while open source promises independence, its reliance on global collaboration makes it vulnerable to changes in external conditions. Meanwhile, regulatory initiatives such as the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) and Digital Services Act (DSA) have positioned Europe as a leader in setting global standards for fair competition and accountability. These efforts reinforce the importance of frameworks that support open source as a viable alternative to proprietary solutions.

What could change for open source?

The return of Trump raises questions about how global technology policies might evolve and what this could mean for the open-source ecosystem. Several key factors could shape its future trajectory:

Data sovereignty as a driver for open source

The CLOUD Act remains a focal point in discussions about data sovereignty. Its provisions continue to pressure organizations to seek solutions that protect sensitive data from external jurisdictions. Open source, with its potential for localized deployment and transparent operations, remains a compelling choice for businesses and governments prioritizing control and compliance.

Regulation and the future of competition

While open source thrives on flexibility, it requires a fair regulatory framework to compete effectively with proprietary giants. Without such frameworks, large corporations may leverage their financial and infrastructural advantages to dominate markets, potentially stifling smaller initiatives. Strong enforcement of licensing norms and fair competition rules is essential to preserve the collaborative and ethical foundations of the open-source ecosystem.

Global collaboration as a strength

Open source depends on international cooperation, shared standards, and community-driven innovation. Maintaining this spirit of collaboration is crucial to ensuring its sustainability and growth. By leveraging its global community, the open-source ecosystem can continue to address complex challenges and remain resilient in an evolving technology landscape.

Looking ahead

Open source stands at a pivotal moment. The growing demand for transparent, self-hosted solutions highlights its relevance, but sustained progress requires robust support, strategic alignment, and advocacy for fair competition. To thrive, the open-source community must double down on its core values: collaboration, transparency, and adaptability. Strong regulatory frameworks that ensure fair competition and prevent monopolistic practices are critical for its continued success. Europe, with its leadership in digital governance, plays an essential role in fostering open-source adoption and setting global standards. As the tech landscape evolves, open source is more than just an alternative to proprietary software – it is a foundation for a fair, secure, and inclusive digital future.

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OpenCloud: der digital souveräne Arbeitsplatz von HKN, Univention und Nextcloud Wed, 22 Jan 2025 10:30:59 +0000 Seit 2018 bietet der Nextcloud-Partner HKN OpenCloud an, eine DSGVO-konforme, ISO-zertifizierte und in Deutschland gehostete Plattform für die Zusammenarbeit. Erfahren Sie mehr in diesem Interview!

The post OpenCloud: der digital souveräne Arbeitsplatz von HKN, Univention und Nextcloud appeared first on Nextcloud.

Foto von Marco Nöchel bei der Präsentation von OpenCloud, dem digital souveränen Arbeitsplatz auf einer Nextcloud-Veranstaltung

Seit 2018 bietet der Nextcloud-Partner HKN ein DSGVO-konformes Set von Kollaborationstools an, das in einem deutschen, ISO 27001-zertifizierten Rechenzentrum in Hamburg, Berlin, Düsseldorf oder Frankfurt am Main gehostet wird. Unter dem Namen OpenCloud erhalten Kunden Zugang zu einem digital souveränen, virtuellen Arbeitsplatz auf der Basis von Nextcloud Hub, optional mit weiteren Komponenten. Die Lösung umfasst auch Univention Corporate Server als Single Sign On Anbieter.

In einem früheren Beitrag aus 2019 haben wir die OpenCloud-Lösung als führende Open Source Cloud-Computing-Plattform vorgestellt. Da in wenigen Tagen der Univention Summit in Bremen beginnt, dachten wir uns, dass wir uns mit HKN-CEO Marco Nöchel unterhalten sollten, um mehr über OpenCloud zu erfahren und darüber, wie es den Datenaustausch und die Zusammenarbeit mit maximaler Sicherheit, Flexibilität und vollständiger Kontrolle erleichtert!


Nextcloud: Danke, dass du dir die Zeit genommen hast, Marco! Was hat HKN dazu inspiriert, OpenCloud, das Angebot für einen digital souveränen Arbeitsplatz, zu entwickeln?

Marco: HKN bietet zwar schon seit langem eine Reihe von maßgeschneiderten Nextcloud-Lösungen an, aber auf dem Markt bestand ein echter Bedarf an einem schlüsselfertigen digitalen Arbeitsplatz, der „einfach funktioniert“. Dabei müssen natürlich alle strengen Anforderungen an Sicherheit, Compliance und digitale Souveränität erfüllt werden, die nur eine vollständig quelloffene, in Deutschland gehostete Plattform bieten kann.

Deshalb haben wir mit einer Reihe von Partnern zusammengearbeitet, darunter Scaleup Technologies, Univention und Nextcloud, um ein Portfolio zusammenzustellen, das einen kompletten digitalen Arbeitsplatz bereitstellt.

Die Benutzer haben eine Menge Flexibilität, von einfacher Dateisynchronisierung und -freigabe zur Zusammenarbeit an Dateien bis hin zu einem vollständigen digitalen Arbeitsplatz, der auch E-Mail, Kalender, Chat, Anrufe, Projektmanagement und mehr bietet.

Nextcloud: Was genau ist OpenCloud und was unterscheidet OpenCloud Workspace als Plattform für Dateimanagement und Zusammenarbeit von anderen Anbietern auf dem Markt?

Mit der OpenCloud haben wir unser Open Source-Angebot völlig neu überdacht! Viele Anbieter nutzen großartige Open Source-Lösungen wie Nextcloud, aber was nützt die digitale Souveränität, die die Software bietet, wenn Sie sie auf der Infrastruktur eines Hyperscalers wie AWS oder Azure laufen lassen? Es ist einfach, Open Source in einer Open Source Cloud wie OpenStack zu betreiben.

Aber man könnte sich fragen: „Wie sicher ist OpenStack auf einer proprietären Infrastruktur?“ und das ist eine sehr gute Frage.

Hier kommt Christoph Streit ins Spiel, der visionäre CEO von ScaleUp, der mit der Idee, OCP-Hardware zu verwenden, Pionierarbeit geleistet hat, da die Blaupausen für OCP ebenfalls Open Source sind.

Aufbauend auf diesem innovativen Konzept bieten wir den OpenCloud Workspace an, eine umfassende Suite vollständig integrierter Lösungen, die digitale Souveränität neu definiert.

Der OpenCloud-Arbeitsplatz umfasst:

  • Vollständig verwalteter Nextcloud Hub
  • Vollständig verwalteter Univention Corporate Server

Optional bieten wir auch ein vollständig verwaltetes Zimbra an. Bei der Auswahl der Lösungen waren für uns die Möglichkeit der nahtlosen Integration und der vom Hersteller gebotene Support entscheidend. Deshalb ist jede dieser Lösungen auch lizenziert, obwohl viele immer noch der Meinung sind, dass Open Source kostenlos sein sollte.

Nextcloud: Es handelt sich also um ein Portfolio von E-Mail und Kollaborationstools. Kannst du mehr über den OpenCloud Workspace erzählen?

Marco: Auf jeden Fall! Der OpenCloud Workspace ist unser digitaler Arbeitsplatz, der Unternehmen vollständige digitale Souveränität bietet. Er ist ein direkter Ersatz für die Funktionen von Microsoft 365, von E-Mail und Videochat bis hin zur gemeinsamen Nutzung und Bearbeitung von Dokumenten. Aber er lässt sich auch leicht in eine heterogene Umgebung integrieren, in der verschiedene Teams unterschiedliche Anwendungen verwenden.

Wir haben bereits umfangreiche Erfahrungen mit der Einführung der Plattform bei Kunden, einschließlich der Migration ihrer Daten und Benutzer von anderen Anwendungen wie SharePoint.

Kunden möchten sich bei wichtigen Funktionen nicht auf eine unerprobte Technologie mit ungewisser Zukunft verlassen. Deshalb wollten wir etwas anbieten, das nachweislich skalierbare, sichere und praktische Lösungen für Tausende von Kunden und Millionen von Nutzern über einen langen Zeitraum hinweg geliefert hat. Nextcloud ist in dieser Hinsicht ein einzigartiger Akteur.

Die langfristige Vision zeigt sich auch in Funktionen wie dem Nextcloud Assistant, der alle unstrukturierten Daten in eine wertvolle Ressource verwandelt. Seine Fähigkeit, Daten zu durchsuchen und Fragen dazu zu beantworten und sogar bei der Erledigung von Aufgaben zu helfen, wird sich für den Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft als essenziell erweisen.

Kombiniert mit einer umfassenden Funktionalität für nahtlose Zusammenarbeit und ausgereiften Clients auf allen Plattformen, ob mobil oder Desktop, haben Nutzende die perfekte Lösung für die Zusammenarbeit, der Kunden wirklich vertrauen können.

Nextcloud: 2019 hatten Sie bereits eine Menge Kunden. Besteht die Möglichkeit, dass wir ein Update bekommen?

Marco: 2019 ist schon einige Zeit her und seitdem hat sich viel getan. Ohne genaue Zahlen zu nennen, kann ich bestätigen, dass wir derzeit Hunderte von Kunden mit Zehntausenden von Nutzern haben und ein Nextcloud Platinum Partner sind. Nicht alle Kunden nutzen den gesamten OpenCloud Workspace — einige bevorzugen vielleicht Zimbra als Groupware oder benötigen einige Komponenten nicht. Dies bedeutet, dass eine Vielzahl von Kombinationen möglich ist.

Einer unserer neueren Kunden ist die Jugendhilfe Köln, mit der wir gerade an einer Fallstudie arbeiten. Dies war ein spannendes Projekt, da die Jugendhilfe an vielen Standorten arbeitet und sehr hohe Anforderungen an die Betriebsfähigkeit und den Datenschutz ihrer Umgebung stellt.

Nextcloud: Beeindruckend! Was muss ein Unternehmen oder eine öffentliche Einrichtung also tun, um seinen eigenen digital souveränen Arbeitsplatz auf OpenCloud aufzubauen?

Marco: Wichtig zu erwähnen ist, dass Unternehmen unsere OpenCloud natürlich auch als IAAS-Cloud nutzen können, wenn sie zum Beispiel ihre Nextcloud selbst auf einer kompletten Open Source Cloud hosten möchten. Auf unserer Website sind alle OpenCloud Services erklärt und mit den entsprechenden Ansprechpartnern verlinkt.

Sie sind alle herzlich willkommen bei OpenCloud: der digital souveräne Arbeitsplatz!

The post OpenCloud: der digital souveräne Arbeitsplatz von HKN, Univention und Nextcloud appeared first on Nextcloud.

January maintenance updates are here: Nextcloud Hub 8 and 9 Fri, 17 Jan 2025 11:04:21 +0000 Maintenance updates 29.0.11 and 30.0.5 for Nextcloud Hub 8 and 9 respectively are here! Read an update summary and access full changelog on the website.

The post January maintenance updates are here: Nextcloud Hub 8 and 9 appeared first on Nextcloud.


Please update to a new version to keep your data safe!

If you are using Nextcloud Hub 8 or 9, we strongly recommend you to update to version 29.0.11 or 30.0.5 respectively. Maintenance updates include important bug fixes, stability and security upgrades. It is a quick and safe process, as always!

About the updates

The updates include a number of important bug fixes and performance optimization, as well as other improvements in all supported Nextcloud Hub versions. You can find the full changelog on our website.

Updates are available for:

  • Nextcloud Hub 8 (version 29.0.11)
  • Nextcloud Hub 9 (version 30.0.5)

Nextcloud Hub 9 is our latest and greatest! 🚀

Nextcloud Hub 9 lets you stay connected like never before: federated calls, auto-magic with Nextcloud Flow, collaboration through a new medium with Nextloud Whiteboard, a big design redo and much more!

What’s new in Nextcloud Hub 9:

  • Federation: Edit documents and have video calls with users from other Nextcloud servers!
  • Automate and digitalize enterprise processes
  • Brand new design improvements
  • New Whiteboard app
  • AI reminders & summaries in Mail
  • PDF templates and form API
  • Chat UI for Nextcloud Assistant
Nextcloud - Get Nextcloud Hub 9

Get Nextcloud Hub 9

Download and install Nextcloud Hub 9 here!

Get Hub 9

Always keep your server up to date!

Nextcloud’s minor releases primarily focus on addressing security vulnerabilities and functionality bugs, avoiding major system overhauls that could jeopardize user data. Keeping your server up to date is vital, and our approach to testing and validation ensures that upgrading to minor releases is generally smooth and reliable.

For mission-critical Nextcloud systems in enterprise settings, consider switching to Nextcloud Enterprise. The tier provides you with ultimate deployment confidence: direct access to the Nextcloud engineering team, full assistance throughout deployment and integration, and peace of mind for system administrators. If you’re responsible for maintaining Nextcloud in your setting, this option may be the ideal solution for you.

The post January maintenance updates are here: Nextcloud Hub 8 and 9 appeared first on Nextcloud.

Nextcloud powering the digital workspace of tomorrow: 2024 in review Mon, 23 Dec 2024 10:12:04 +0000 In the Nextcloud 2024 wrap-up, we want to take a moment to celebrate this year's achievements. Join us as we continue to reimagine what’s possible - shaping a world where open source, privacy and connection come together and drive progress for the greater good. 

The post Nextcloud powering the digital workspace of tomorrow: 2024 in review appeared first on Nextcloud.

Nextcloud powering the digital workspace of tomorrow - 2024 in review

We at Nextcloud have remained true to our vision: empowering collaboration without compromising on privacy. This year has been a testament to that commitment. Together with the passion of our global team and the support of our community we have not just build the best open-source collaboration tools, but expanded our dedication to open source itself.

In this annual wrap-up, we want to take a moment to celebrate this year’s achievements. Join us as we continue to reimagine what’s possible – shaping a world where open source, privacy and connection come together and drive progress for the greater good. 

~ Nextcloud team

Charting global growth

Nextcloud is used around the world by private individuals, communities, enterprises, and governments. In 2024, millions of new users gained access through hundreds of new enterprise customers. In the wider community, exact numbers are difficult to come by but there are some 400-500K servers online and this number also continues to grow steadily, with tens of thousands of new deployments across the globe from the US to France, from Australia to Indonesia and South Africa to Hawaii.

These numbers convert in the change Nextcloud brings about, contributing to a more connected, privacy-respecting, transparent, and safer digital world – where we interact with government services, access our education, cast votes in elections, fill forms on websites and call our colleagues and friends through video chat.

Change starts with people

This year, our team has grown significantly, reflecting our success. With 20% increase in size we are now 118 strong united by a shared vision across 23 countries. That includes 7 working students who get a chance to learn the ropes at Nextcloud. While we have expanded into a bigger office space in Berlin, we remain proudly remote-first, reflecting the flexibility and global collaboration that define our culture.

Nextcloud Community Conference 2024 group photo with overlay

A spirit of fellowship: Nextcloud community

As an open-source project, Nextcloud thrives not just on code but on the people behind it. Thanks to all the developers, translators, maintainers, and other enthusiasts that contribute, Nextcloud has grown into the platform of choice for those who value privacy, security, and transparency. Let us share some facts about Nextcloud in 2024!

38k+ GitHub commits 🧑‍💻

Made this year by the Nextcloud team and community.

11.3k+ new forum members 🤓

+8,4K new topics and +41.7 new posts on the Nextcloud Community forum.

100+ security experts thanked 🩺

Our engineers responded to reports in 5 hours on average, with 100% response efficiency.

100+ languages 💬

Thanks to the translator community, Nextcloud is available in 107 languages, 41 exceeding 50% completion.

Nextcloud Podcast Andy quote
Click to listen to the podcast episode!

Shaping collaboration of tomorrow with Nextcloud Hub

The efficient Nextcloud Hub 8

Launching Nextcloud Hub 8 under the “Regain control over your time” theme, we made it all about efficiency. With Nextcloud Assistant 2.0 bringing innovative AI features, interactive widgets connecting our apps further, advancing chat and sharing tools and ambitious architecture undertakings, this release gave you more control than ever before.

The connected Nextcloud Hub 9

Our latest release brought a major visual redesign to the platform, resulting in a slicker experience all around. But it’s not all about the looks – with a growing stack of federation features, automation centralizing under Nextcloud Flow, and further efforts to elevate performance and scaling, Nextcloud Hub 9 made headlines this September as an “Explosive release”.

Nextcloud Talk: the open-source answer to Teams

In an unrestful world of today, dependency on centralized, opaque systems under strong foreign influence is a ticking clock. It is time the open-source world had a real answer to Microsoft Teams. Nextcloud Talk is the only open-source conferencing hub that seamlessly integrates chats, video meetings and webinar functionality in one powerful, privacy-respecting platform.

We are wrapping up 2024 with a strong standalone release of Nextcloud Talk, celebrating its reinvention within Nextcloud’s product portfolio. New desktop application, new AI features, new streaming capabilities, simplified and mindful collaboration, and reinforced security (again!) – we invite you to meet the new Nextcloud Talk.

Nextcloud Talk Hub 9

Standing ground against Big Tech

In an attempt to slow down the antitrust case backed by Nextcloud and other members of the Coalition for level playing field, Microsoft has unbundled Teams from the Windows ecosystem. Such “malicious compliance” is one of the common instruments in the Big Tech arsenal used to resist the limiting market regulations. A legislation like EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) could protect fair competition further, once it targets Microsoft’s cloud products that squeeze numerous local providers from the market.

With this struggle still far from over, some results of our common efforts are evident. Earlier this year, Germany has officially recognized Microsoft as a tech giant and made it “subject to extended abuse control”, three years since the formal antitrust complaint.

When the global IT so evidently lacks digital sovereignty and resilience, we naturally consider the fight for a fair trade a part of our mission.

AI with ethical integrity

Like we said in one of the early introductions to our AI tools, some AI is hype and some is substance. And we want to give you the substance. Nextcloud does become a better version of itself with the evolving AI stack, helping you get some tasks done quicker.

The back-end, the UX, the features, and the models you can use to power up Nextcloud Assistant – this year our engineers and contributors have done work to be proud of. From context-aware features with Nextcloud Assistant 2.0 and chat UI and platform-wide integration in Nextcloud Hub 9 to new open-source AI models – you can enjoy a fully AI-powered workspace.

And most importantly, you stay in control of this powerful technology. To build the system that you can rely on and keep your data yours, you can refer to our Ethical AI Rating and decide what AI you want to use in Nextcloud Hub.

Nextcloud Ethical AI

Ready for mission-critical, enterprise deployment

Enterprise support for Roundcube

Since Roundcube joined us, Nextcloud began to receive requests from large hosting companies for support. In August Nextcloud introduced the first official offering of enterprise support for Roundcube! It is tailored specifically for mail providers running large instances with thousands to millions of end users. We also offer our services to help businesses, universities and the public sector, but our offering makes the most sense for larger installations.

Process automation at scale with Nextcloud Flow

Shortly before Nextcloud Hub 9, Nextcloud has presented the first automation-enabled open source platform for implementing the Online Access Act (Onlinezugangsgesetz, OZG) in Germany and similar use cases in other countries. The Nextcloud Flow toolbox provides administrations with a digitally sovereign tool for offering and automating public services online and for exchanging the underlying processes among themselves.

BITV 2.0 certified Nextcloud

Nextcloud Enterprise has been awarded a German BITV 2.0 certification that is based on WCAG 2.0 benchmark. This means that the enterprise and public sector users can be confident in the accessibility standards of Nextcloud. The platform is designed with all users’ needs in mind, suitable for people with limitations and requirements for non-standard input devices and additional measures like a screen reader. Contact your sales representative if you require the certification.

News talk: In the spotlight

  • Spanish newspaper El Espanol reported on the Nextcloud Community Conference.
  • German and others reported on the update regarding the complaint against Microsoft.
  • German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel published a bylined article by Frank Karlitschek on open source as a pioneer of digital sovereignty.
  • Weekly newspaper Die Zeit published an article on Microsoft’s practices of bundling following an interview with Frank Karlitschek.
  • Süddeutsche Zeitung Dossier published an article exploring the transition of Schleswig-Holstein state administration from Microsoft, featuring a conversation with Frank Karlitschek and Dirk Schrödter of Schleswig-Holstein.

Connecting globally, inspiring locally: 2024 events

Nextcloud Community Conference 2024

This September, we hosted our annual community gathering in Berlin once again. With attendance beating all the records, we certainly scaled up – and so did the program! Our guests – about 200 open-source enthusiasts, Nextcloud lovers, and team – were joined by speakers of a great caliber: computer scientist, author and spokeswoman of the Chaos Computer Club Constanze Kurz, and professor Björn Lundell, a researcher and Software Systems Research Group lead at the University of Skövde.

As always, Nextcloud Community Conference is a platform for our community to showcase their projects and discuss modern day wins and challenges of open-source! You can find the recordings of all the lightning talks in a dedicated YouTube playlist.

Nextcloud Enterprise Day in Paris, Munich and Frankfurt

Nextcloud Enterprise Day is gaining a momentum each year. Over two hundred enterprise and public decision makers attended our first event in Frankfurt in 2024. Featuring keynotes by leading voices across industries, product announcements and roadmap sneak peeks, and ample opportunities for networking and optimizing your platform, it provides a premier setting to explore and advance privacy, digital sovereignty, and digitalization. The success prompted us to organize two more events, in Munich and Paris.

This year, we hosted Nextcloud Enterprise Day in three cities:

Nextcloud Enterprise Day Munich

Nextcloud Enterprise Day Frankfurt

Nextcloud Enterprise Day Paris

Each year, Nextcloud Enterprise Day events grow in relevance among enterprise audiences, evident in rising attendance and enthusiasm. In 2025, we aim to amplify their impact by exploring new formats and locations.

This year’s content highlights

This year has been busy for our content team. Numbers speak: 154 blog articles, 9 Nextcloud Podcast episodes, 59 videos, 14 community newsletters, an a lot more content across social media and other channels. Here are some of the most popular pieces for you.

The best of our blog in 2024

In conversation: Nextcloud Podcast episodes 🎧

Nextcloud podcast Open source government Schleswig Holstein

Videos you loved ▶

We published 59 videos with 356K+ views and about 15.5H hours total watch-time! Here are 10 most watched videos this year:

Nextcloud - +9198 Newsletter subscriptions

+9198 Newsletter subscriptions

Love to learn more about Nextcloud? Get our monthly newsletter straight to your inbox!


More reasons to develop for Nextcloud!

Develop for Nextcloud

With our developer program, you get an opportunity to create apps for hundreds of thousands of Nextcloud servers deployed across the globe. With our App Store, you get free promotion and an opportunity to publish apps for both end users and businesses.

Create new apps or build on top of the Nextcloud platform using 11 available app tutorials. This year, we added 2 new tutorials: a ‚hello world‘ app tutorial and a guide to using Github Codespaces as a developer environment.

Other important improvements for developers this year include:

  • Getting help from Nextcloud translator community with Transifex
  • New mechanics in AppStore: donations, enterprise support
  • Support for AI apps
  • Support for external UI injection

New integrations

We designed Nextcloud to fit effortlessly into your existing workflows – by offering a wide range of integrations with popular tools and platforms, and an ability to create unique Nextcloud-ready apps in any programming language. This year, we introduced integrations with popular apps XWiki and Paperless-ngx, added new AI models to power up Nextcloud Assistant, and enabled enterprise support for a range of apps, working together with teams behind them.

New app integrations:

Nextcloud - Paperless-ngx


Nextcloud - XWiki


Enterprise support for apps:

Nextcloud - Mailvelope


Nextcloud - Dovecot


Nextcloud - Stalwart


New AI models supported:

NeuralBeagle14 7B



Let’s make it awesome in 2025!

If you made it this far, we hope this hefty read has brought you a personal reason to celebrate alongside us. From millions of new users choosing privacy to an ever-expanding deployments of servers worldwide, Nextcloud continues to connect people and organizations without compromising control over their data. And our story as a community-driven project is told by people. So today we thank ✨you✨ for being a part of it.

Cheers to reaching new heights together in 2025!

The post Nextcloud powering the digital workspace of tomorrow: 2024 in review appeared first on Nextcloud.

Nextcloud Office: your privacy upgrade as Microsoft Office end-of-life approaches Fri, 20 Dec 2024 10:00:00 +0000 By 2025 the most popular Microsoft Office products fall out of support.

We believe there's a need for a real Microsoft 365 alternative that protects your privacy.

The post Nextcloud Office: your privacy upgrade as Microsoft Office end-of-life approaches appeared first on Nextcloud.


By 2025 the most popular Microsoft Office products fall out of support, including the most widely used Office versions: Microsoft Office 2016 and 2019. Microsoft’s recommendation? Move, of course, to their subscription-only Microsoft 365 offering which changes the scope of data privacy, access, and the financial relationship SME’s depend on — becoming subject to sudden price changes, like the previous up-to-25% price hikes.

We believe there’s a need for a real alternative.

The clock is ticking

Currently more than 80% of small and midsize enterprises (SMEs) in Germany use Microsoft Office packages that will have reached end-of-life next year, including Office 2016 and Office 2019. Essentially, „support for Office 2016 and Office 2019 will end on October 14, 2025 and there will be no extension and no extended security updates.“ states Microsoft. Without an upgrade „you could expose yourself to serious and potentially harmful security risks.“ And… they’re right.

Why businesses hesitate with Microsoft 365

Microsoft’s recommendation to move to Microsoft 365 carries significant implications for essential everyday office tools in enterprises. Data show that enterprises are hesitating to upgrade, with market share of Office 2010, 2013, 2015 and 2019 remaining stable in the last 24 months. Why the hesitation to upgrade?

We can think of a few reasons.

The financial implications

The soon-to-expire versions of Microsoft Office follow the traditional licensing model, which SMEs expect and appreciate for it’s predictability. With Microsoft’s suggested move to Office 365, that model gets thrown away for the monthly subscription model with cloud services. Which leads us to question…

Why does Big Tech love subscriptions?

Price control: increased prices at any time

There’s an incentive to lock you into recurring pricing through subscriptions that cause price control: the ability for them to raise prices at any point, leaving SMEs at the mercy of their new subscription overlords.

The reason this is so effective?

Cancelling is painful: the vendor lock-in guarantee

Subscription models provide a perfect vendor lock-in scenario, creating this dependency and making it both difficult and costly to switch providers if the service does not meet expectations. Another step to this vendor lock-in includes the technical challenges associated with a massive migration from a subscription service.

What about my data privacy?

Is it acceptable that internal documents, Intellectual Property, and private communications are the new building blocks for Microsoft’s AI models?

How open-source AI models help you take control of your privacy

Moving to Microsoft 365 also drastically changes the expectations of data privacy, sovereignty, and transparency. With the suggestion to move the entire office suite to Microsoft’s cloud, your data may no longer be solely yours.

Microsoft’s Privacy Statement even states „As part of our efforts to improve and develop our products, we may use your data to develop and train our AI models.“

Even the European Commission this year was found to infringe on its own EU data protection laws through its use of Microsoft 365, which „failed […] to ensure that personal data transferred outside the EU are afforded an essentially equivalent level of protection as guaranteed in the EU.“

Nextcloud Office: refreshing alternative to Microsoft technologies

Nextcloud Office presents a migration path that addresses all of these Big Tech problems, from the grips of vendor lock-in to the critical data privacy concerns. It’s your ideal Microsoft 365 alternative!

By allowing self-hosting on secure and self-controlled servers, or with trusted sovereign cloud hosting partners, Nextcloud Office prioritizes your data sovereignty and GDPR compliance. This gives Nextcloud an edge over Microsoft 365, where data is stored on Microsoft’s servers and may be subject to access by US authorities.

In addition to real-time collaborative editing of documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, Nextcloud Office also seamlessly integrates with other Nextcloud apps like Nextcloud Talk and Nextcloud Groupware applications, enhancing overall team productivity.

Success in Germany’s federal state

From the public sector, the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein in Germany migrated away from the grasp of subscription models into Nextcloud’s suite of open source, data sovereign solutions including Nextcloud Office. This transition has been explored in details by Schleswig-Holstein’s CIO Sven Thomsen in a recent episode of the Nextcloud Podcast.

With the adoption of Nextcloud Office in the last years, the value proposition that Nextcloud put into place totally changed for us: Nextcloud migrated in our view from a simple OneDrive alternative to becoming our central hub for collaboration and collaborative document editing. From an IT operations point of view, Nextcloud being open source is the perfect implementation path as a new solution.

Sven Thomsen
CIO of Schleswig-Holstein
Sven Thomsen

Migrating to Nextcloud? Let us help!

We can directly help you migrate to Nextcloud Enterprise or to one of our trusted partners. We offer support for migration from a multitude of platforms, and encourage you to contact our sales team.

To smooth the transition, Nextcloud also supports many Microsoft integrations to make the journey a success!

Nextcloud Office: Your new path forward

As Microsoft Office 2016 and 2019 reach their end-of-life milestones, SMEs face a critical decision, and an opportunity for a better path forward.

An upgrade to Nextcloud Office prioritizes your data privacy, sovereignty, compliance, and vendor lock-in freedoms. Our open source suite of solutions allows SMEs to maintain control over their sensitive business information and avoid the risks associated with Big Tech’s cloud-based services.

Don’t get left behind by the changing landscape of Microsoft’s products. Join the growing community of organizations that have successfully migrated to Nextcloud Office.

Take control of your data and your future.

Nextcloud - Explore Nextcloud Office

Explore Nextcloud Office

Your update journey to a more private and collaborative document editing.

Learn more!

The post Nextcloud Office: your privacy upgrade as Microsoft Office end-of-life approaches appeared first on Nextcloud.

Empowering through open source: Nextcloud’s Director of Engineering Andy Scherzinger Wed, 18 Dec 2024 10:10:01 +0000 From Andy's approach to problem-solving and guiding others to his personal values that give him direction, this episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersection of technology, community, and personal growth.

The post Empowering through open source: Nextcloud’s Director of Engineering Andy Scherzinger appeared first on Nextcloud.

In this episode, we dive into Andy Scherzinger’s journey from contributing to Nextcloud as a community member to becoming Director of Engineering. We explore his unique perspectives on our open source community, the importance of compliance in software development, and how he balances technical expertise with leadership responsibilities.

It gives me joy and recharges my batteries if at the end of the day I can see other people succeed.

Andy Scherzinger
Nextcloud’s Director of Engineering

From his approach to problem-solving and guiding others to his personal values that give him direction, this episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersection of technology, community, and personal growth.

Episode Links

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December maintenance updates for Nextcloud Hub 7, 8 and 9 Mon, 09 Dec 2024 04:39:58 +0000 Maintenance updates 28.0.12 and 30.0.2 for Nextcloud Hub 7 and 9 respectively are here! Read an update summary and access full changelog on the website.

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Due to a regression in creating multiple share links we had to pull NC 28.0.13 and 30.0.3. We will follow up with a hot fix release asap.

Please update to a new version to keep your data safe!

If you are using Nextcloud Hub 7, 8 or 9, we strongly recommend you to update to version 28.0.13, 29.0.10 or 30.0.3 respectively. Maintenance updates include important bug fixes, stability and security upgrades. It is a quick and safe process, as always!

About the updates

The updates include a number of important bug fixes and performance optimization, as well as other improvements in all supported Nextcloud Hub versions. You can find the full changelog on our website.

Updates are available for:

  • Nextcloud Hub 7 (version 28.0.13)
  • Nextcloud Hub 8 (version 29.0.10)
  • Nextcloud Hub 9 (version 30.0.2)

Nextcloud Hub 9 is our latest and greatest! 🚀

Nextcloud Hub 9 lets you stay connected like never before: federated calls, auto-magic with Nextcloud Flow, collaboration through a new medium with Nextloud Whiteboard, a big design redo and much more!

What’s new in Nextcloud Hub 9:

  • Federation: Edit documents and have video calls with users from other Nextcloud servers!
  • Automate and digitalize enterprise processes
  • Brand new design improvements
  • New Whiteboard app
  • AI reminders & summaries in Mail
  • PDF templates and form API
  • Chat UI for Nextcloud Assistant
Nextcloud - Get Nextcloud Hub 9

Get Nextcloud Hub 9

Download and install Nextcloud Hub 9 here!

Get Hub 9

Always keep your server up to date!

Nextcloud’s minor releases primarily focus on addressing security vulnerabilities and functionality bugs, avoiding major system overhauls that could jeopardize user data. Keeping your server up to date is vital, and our approach to testing and validation ensures that upgrading to minor releases is generally smooth and reliable.

For mission-critical Nextcloud systems in enterprise settings, consider switching to Nextcloud Enterprise. The tier provides you with ultimate deployment confidence: direct access to the Nextcloud engineering team, full assistance throughout deployment and integration, and peace of mind for system administrators. If you’re responsible for maintaining Nextcloud in your setting, this option may be the ideal solution for you.

The post December maintenance updates for Nextcloud Hub 7, 8 and 9 appeared first on Nextcloud.

Die Open-Source-Antwort auf Microsoft Teams Tue, 03 Dec 2024 08:59:24 +0000 Unternehmen, ob klein oder groß, brauchen eine Möglichkeit, die Ausfallsicherheit und digitale Souveränität ihrer Abläufe zu gewährleisten - eine Open-Source-Alternative zu Teams, die die Privatsphäre respektiert. Und heute stellen wir diese Lösung vor - Nextcloud Talk.

The post Die Open-Source-Antwort auf Microsoft Teams appeared first on Nextcloud.


Was können Sie tun, wenn Kabel gekappt werden, Sanktionen verhängt werden oder Datenschutzgesetze die Nutzung des Dienstes verbieten, von dem Ihr gesamtes Unternehmen abhängt?

Inmitten der geopolitischen Veränderungen sind Unternehmen von großen, zentralisierten Kommunikationsplattformen abhängig. Ein wichtiges Beispiel dafür ist die reine SaaS-Kommunikationsplattform Microsoft Teams. Sie ist die einzige Lösung auf dem Markt, die Videoanrufe, Teamchats und große Gruppenanrufe mit Echtzeit-Zusammenarbeit und Dateifreigabe integriert und für viele Unternehmen unverzichtbar geworden ist. Das wiederum hat es Microsoft ermöglicht, die Preise um 20 bis 40 % zu erhöhen, ohne dass es zu einer Abwanderung von Kunden kommt, da diese und ihre Daten vollständig an das Unternehmen gebunden sind.

Organisationen, ob klein oder groß, brauchen eine Möglichkeit, die Ausfallsicherheit und digitale Souveränität ihrer Operationen zu gewährleisten – eine Open Source-Alternative zu Teams, die die Privatsphäre respektiert. Und heute stellen wir diese Lösung vor.

Willkommen bei Nextcloud Talk

Heute, live von unserem Unternehmenstag in Paris, stellen wir Nextcloud Talk „Paris“ vor. Es ist die einzige Open-Source-Lösung, die alle wichtigen Funktionen – von Chats über Videokonferenzen bis hin zu Webinaren – in einer einzigen Plattform integriert und gleichzeitig die Bindung an einen bestimmten Anbieter vermeidet.

Unsere Plattform erfüllt die höchsten Standards für die Einhaltung von Datenschutzgesetzen wie GDPR oder HIPAA und bietet strenge Datensicherheit, die eine vollständige Datenkontrolle gewährleistet. Dank seiner offenen Architektur lässt sich Talk nahtlos in bestehende Systeme integrieren und an individuelle Bedürfnisse anpassen.

Nextcloud Talk ist für drei wichtige Anwendungsfälle konzipiert. Lassen Sie uns diese schnell durchgehen!

Nextcloud Talk

Effizienter Team-Chat

Ähnlich wie Plattformen wie Slack oder Mattermost wurde der integrierte Chat in Nextcloud Talk entwickelt, damit Teams während des Arbeitstages in Verbindung bleiben können. Mit mehreren Chat-Räumen und der Möglichkeit, Dateien direkt im Chat zu bearbeiten, optimiert Talk die Zusammenarbeit in hybriden Teams und steigert die Effizienz. Die Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung sorgt dafür, dass Unterhaltungen privat und sicher bleiben, während integrierte Echtzeit-Benachrichtigungen jeden auf dem Laufenden halten. Alle Daten bleiben unter Ihrer Kontrolle und erfüllen die höchsten Datenschutz- und Sicherheitsstandards.

Videoanrufe für nahtlose Zusammenarbeit

Nextcloud Talk macht virtuelle Meetings einfach und geräteübergreifend zugänglich. Ganz gleich, ob es sich um ein schnelles Check-in oder ein größeres Team-Meeting handelt, unsere Plattform sorgt für eine leistungsstarke Zusammenarbeit für gemischt arbeitende Teams. Funktionen wie integrierte Whiteboards, Bildschirmfreigabe und die gemeinsame Bearbeitung von Dokumenten machen die Zusammenarbeit in Echtzeit so einfach wie nie zuvor. Die Planung und Teilnahme an Anrufen ist mühelos, direkt von der Nextcloud-Oberfläche aus, die mit der Kalender-App zur einfachen Planung von Besprechungen integriert ist.

Interaktive Webinare, Schulungen und Trainingseinheiten

Talk ermöglicht es Ihnen, ansprechende Webinare zu veranstalten, bei denen Teams, Studenten oder Kunden zusammenkommen. Die Plattform unterstützt Live-Streaming, Frage- und Antwortrunden und Screensharing und verfügt über Moderationsfunktionen und eine virtuelle Lobby mit Wartemusik. Funktionen wie der integrierte Chat, animierte Reaktionen, Umfragen und Breakout-Räume machen das Lernerlebnis interaktiver und unterhaltsamer. All dies und noch viel mehr ist verfügbar, wo immer Sie sind. Nicht nur im Browser, sondern auch mit Apps auf iOS und Android! Wenn Ihr Kollege Sie anruft, während Sie unterwegs sind, klingelt Ihr Telefon und Sie können Ihren Bildschirm freigeben, um ihm eine schnelle Präsentation zu zeigen, an der Sie gerade arbeiten.

Zahlreiche neue Funktionen für eine bessere Zusammenarbeit

Neue Desktop-App

Keine Suche über Browser-Tabs mehr! Die neue App bietet eine direkte Integration und Benachrichtigungen, so dass die Benutzer mühelos kommunizieren und an Anrufen teilnehmen können.

Neue KI-Funktionen

Sind Sie es leid, in langen Besprechungen Notizen zu machen? Genießen Sie unsere automatisch erstellten Zusammenfassungen von Videokonferenzen! Fürchten Sie sich vor den 173 ungelesenen Nachrichten am Morgen? Der Nextcloud Assistent fasst sie für Sie zusammen. Weniger Arbeit, weniger Stress!

Nextcloud Talk AI Zusammenfassung

Visuelle Zusammenarbeit

Das interaktive Whiteboard ermöglicht Teams ein Brainstorming und die Entwicklung von Ideen in Echtzeit – ideal für Workshops und Projektplanung.

Vereinfachte Teamarbeit

Dokumente können direkt in Chats oder Videoanrufen gemeinsam bearbeitet werden.

Merkmale der Achtsamkeit

Um eine gesunde Meeting-Kultur zu fördern, können Anrufe jetzt automatisch nach einer bestimmten Zeit beendet werden.

Hochsichere Kommunikation

Nextcloud Talk ist die einzige Collaboration-Plattform, die den höchsten Sicherheitsstandards entspricht und auch in Airgap-Umgebungen eingesetzt werden kann.

Entdecken Sie weitere neue Funktionen


  • Automatisches Zusammenfassen von Anrufaufzeichnungen mit KI
  • Erzwingen Sie eine maximale Anruflänge
  • Option zur standardmäßigen Deaktivierung von Geräten
  • Option zum Herunterladen einer Anruferliste
  • Option, den Hintergrund standardmäßig zu verwischen

Plaudern Sie:

  • Zusammenfassung der Chatverläufe, wenn es viele ungelesene Nachrichten gibt
  • Option zum direkten Herunterladen von Anhängen
  • Markieren Sie Datei- und Objektfreigaben mit einem Symbol in der Konversationsliste


  • Identifizieren und erkennen Sie über die Mailadresse eingeladene Gäste
  • Erlauben Sie das Einladen von E-Mail-Gästen beim Erstellen einer Konversation


  • Option zum Archivieren von Unterhaltungen
  • Automatisches Sperren von Räumen nach Tagen der Inaktivität


  • Automatische Wiedergabe von gruppierten Sprachnachrichten


  • Umfragen entwerfen, importieren und exportieren

Ein Blick in die Zukunft der Zusammenarbeit

Mit Nextcloud Talk ermöglichen wir es Unternehmen und öffentlichen Einrichtungen, sicher und produktiv zu arbeiten – unabhängig von ihrem Standort oder ihrer Infrastruktur. Die Plattform ist ideal für Installationen vor Ort oder für das Hosting bei lokalen Cloud-Anbietern geeignet und gibt Unternehmen und Organisationen die volle Kontrolle über ihre Daten.

Endlich hat die Open-Source-Community eine echte Antwort auf Microsoft Teams.

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The post Die Open-Source-Antwort auf Microsoft Teams appeared first on Nextcloud.

How open-source AI models can help you take control of your privacy Thu, 28 Nov 2024 10:06:19 +0000 In this article, we find out how open-source AI gets you your privacy back and explore examples of reliable AI models that you can use in your ecosystem.

The post How open-source AI models can help you take control of your privacy appeared first on Nextcloud.

How open-source AI models help you take control of your privacy

AI tools woven into the big tech ecosystems, some more “open” than others, some more quiet, often require a silent sacrifice in exchange for easy-to-access technology. An alternative is open-source AI models which, much like open-source software, have a potential to give you more transparency and control.

You can study and even modify the model you are using, and if you don’t need that — at least understand how your data is processed, stored and shared. Sounds like something the viral AI photo editing apps can’t promise, yet millions keep giving them access to their private photos every day.

Join us as we explore how open-source AI benefits users and, from the perspective of our Ethical AI rating, provide examples of AI models that can help you reclaim your privacy.

What are open-source AI models?

With more people becoming aware of how data economy works, earning user’s trust becomes more challenging to the AI providers. To appeal to more conscious users, many AI vendors label their technology open or open-source. But without consensus on what open-source AI is, such open-washing could raise many risks: surveillance, information bias, effects on the labor market and creative industries, and excessive energy usage — to name a few.

In attempt to battle the potentially harmful trend, the Open Source Initiative released its official Open Source Artificial Intelligence Definition (OSAID). According to the OSAID, an Open Source AI is an AI system made available under terms and in a way that grant the freedoms to:

  • Use the system for any purpose and without having to ask for permission.
  • Study how the system works and inspect its components.
  • Modify the system for any purpose, including to change its output.
  • Share the system for others to use with or without modifications, for any purpose.

Even though the work on this definition has been endorsed by many companies and individuals, there’s no consensus in the community on whether or not to accept it in its current state, or if the open-source AI is even ready to be defined.

We too think there’s room for improvement. But with or without concrete definition for the OS AI, we can tell how four main freedoms of open-source – to use, to study, to modify, and to share – can impact life of the the AI users.

How do users benefit from open-source AI?

Open source promotes freedom and empowers users to control their software – in this case, the AI – they rely on. Here are several examples of opens-source AI systems could directly benefit you as a user:

  • Proprietary AI can include hidden features like data harvesting for advertising and user profiling, embedded biases, and using your private data to refine the products without your consent. Open-source lets you make sure there are no hidden features or data backdoors – because you (and thousands, or even millions of others) can inspect the source code and understand how the software operates.
  • If your software is not anymore supported by a provider, you may lose valuable data like your AI’s memory of interactions. And even though normally you can export this data, there’s no guarantee it will be compatible with alternative models. With open-source, you don’t rely on a single vendor – the software will continue to exist, and you will retain full ownership. Moreover, you are not locked in the provider’s ecosystem of applications in order to fully benefit from their AI, no-one controls your costs, your updates and maintenance.
  • You can host your AI yourself or with a provider you trust, which means you fully control your data, make own decisions for your privacy, and maintain your compliance instead of relying on third-party services.

Nextcloud Ethical AI rating

At Nextcloud, we employ and integrate AI tools ourselves and we realize the risks brought by the evolving computer intelligence. That’s why we created the Ethical AI Rating that helps our users make the right decisions about what AI models to use in their work. It is more granular than the OSAID and more critical in areas like training data availability. For now, we will keep using it as it resonates with the unique needs of Nextcloud users.

Nextcloud Ethical AI

Nextcloud Ethical AI Rating is based on three principles:

  • Whether the training data is available and is free to use
  • Whether the software (both for inferencing and training) is open-source
  • Whether the trained model freely available for self-hosting

Based on how many of the criteria are met, a model receives Red 🔴, Orange 🟠, Yellow 🟡 or Green 🟢 rating.

Looking for open-source AI models to try? Consider these!

Nextcloud is not primarily an AI developer or vendor, so we don’t promote any AI products. Instead, we want to help our users choose the right tools to protect their privacy, and where needed, help them start using those tools through Nextcloud Hub. From the perspective of our Ethical AI Rating, here are several AI models that help you take control of your privacy.

LocalAI logo

Open-source LLMs via LocalAI 🟢

With LocalAI, you can use several open-source models like GPT-Neo or GPT-J, running them locally with ability to modify and interact with them on your server. In this case, the app also gets the Green rating in our Ethical AI rating, fully meeting the criteria.

OpenNMT logo

OpenNMT 🟢

OpenNMT is a fully open-source AI translation framework available under MIT license. In Nextcloud, it can be used via LibreTranslate app that offers translation via your own server/API key.

Opus Helsinki NLP logo

Opus 🟢

Opus is a machine translation provider by University of Helsinki that runs locally on CPU and doesn’t let any private data leaves your servers. It meets all criteria of our rating.

Nomic AI logo

GPT4All Falcon by Nomic AI 🟢

GPT4All Falcon is an LLM that combines the Falcon language model with the GPT4All interface. It is available under Apache 2.0 license and runs locally on CPU.

There are models that do not match the criteria of the Green rating, but can be worth considering since they are self-hosted and have very permissive licenses, making them mostly safe to run locally:

Stable Diffusion logo

Self-hosted Stable Diffusion 🟡

Stable Diffusion is open-source model licensed under CreativeML Open RAIL-M License. Users have full access to the model and its code, can modify and redistribute it, given that it’s an on premise version. In Nextcloud, self-hosted Stable Diffusion can be used via LocalAI. We give it a Yellow rating, as the training data is not freely available in this case.


Whisper 🟡

In Nextcloud, you can use Whisper to enable speech-to-text conversion features. Whisper is available under the MIT License and has a Yellow rating due to limited availability of the training data.

Llama 2 🟡

Llama 2 is a free LLM by Meta that can be run on premise, and the software for training and inference of this model is open source. However, the training data is not freely available. It is offered under Llama 2 Community License.

We don’t limit our users’ choice of AI tools, and there are other models and apps that you can integrate in Nextcloud Hub and use with Nextcloud Assistant, including self-hosted models like NeuralBeagle14 7B, Smaug-72B and Meta’s Llama 3. Or famous AI like ChatGPT, DALL·E or Aleph Alpha – which are far from meeting all the criteria of our rating, but you still can easily integrate them in Nextcloud if you wish.

Build your own private AI platform – with Nextcloud Hub

Nextcloud Assistant is the first local AI assistant built into collaboration platform. It is integrated everywhere across Nextcloud Hub, helping you with your daily tasks while taking care of your privacy. Among tools supported by Nextcloud Assistant are chat with AI, text and image generation, email summaries, translation, dictation, inquiring about your own data with Context Chat, automated document creation with Context Write, and much more.

You can integrate AI models of your choice to enable those tools, creating a custom AI-powered environment according to your your privacy and security needs. And if needed, you can host your AI with one of the trusted SaaS providers in Europe, staying fully compliant with privacy regulations like GDPR and others.

Nextcloud - Get Nextcloud Hub

Get Nextcloud Hub

AI-powered open-source collaboration platform that puts you back in control over your data.

Get Nextcloud Hub

The post How open-source AI models can help you take control of your privacy appeared first on Nextcloud.

Nextcloud Enterprise Day lands in Paris: be part of the product launch event! Mon, 18 Nov 2024 12:05:42 +0000 On December 3rd, we invite you to the Nextcloud Enterprise Day Paris, Nextcloud's flagship event for professionals. The day will kick off with a keynote by our CEO and founder, Frank Karlitschek—a highlight where he will share our vision for the future of online collaboration, followed by a major announcement about Nextcloud Talk!

The post Nextcloud Enterprise Day lands in Paris: be part of the product launch event! appeared first on Nextcloud.


On the eve of the Open Source Experience, we invite you to the Nextcloud Enterprise Day Paris, Nextcloud’s flagship event for professionals. An afternoon of discussions, networking, inspiring presentations, and exclusive announcements awaits you, featuring open-source leaders and experts in collaborative solutions.

Inspiring keynotes and an big Nextcloud Talk announcement

The Enterprise Day Paris kicks off with a keynote from our CEO and founder, Frank Karlitschek. He shares our vision for the future our vision for the future of online collaboration, followed by a major announcement for Nextcloud Talk! This is your chance to learn more about our latest innovations and ask all your questions directly to Frank Karlitschek and the Nextcloud team.

Next, hear inspiring testimonials from clients and partners as they share their success stories and real-world experiences with Nextcloud. These discussions, held in both English and French, provide a great opportunity to explore the benefits of Nextcloud in a variety of contexts.

Keep on reading for the full program of the Nextcloud Enterprise Day!

A networking space to connect with our experts

During the entire day, our networking space will give you a chance to connect with Nextcloud experts ready to advise you and answer all your questions, as well as our key partners and sponsors of the event.

Why attend the Nextcloud Enterprise Day Paris?

The Nextcloud Enterprise Day Paris is not just a networking event — it’s an opportunity to learn from the success of industry professionals, share your own experiences, and engage with the team behind Nextcloud.

The Nextcloud Enterprise Day experience includes:

  • Insights into the Nextcloud roadmap and an exclusive preview of the upcoming major update of Nextcloud Talk.
  • A deep dive into the new features and improvements that will help you boost your instance.
  • AI in Nextcloud: The most requested developments and the latest features to enhance your platform.
  • Real-world case studies presented by Nextcloud users from various industries and different types of businesses.
  • Strategies for optimizing your platform for peak performance with the Nextcloud leadership team.
  • A friendly meet-up with peers, industry leaders, and experts to expand your network and foster collaborations.
  • Exclusive Q&A session and a chance to meet with Nextcloud’s Senior Management.

Great location in the heart of Paris

The event will be held at Espace La Rochefoucauld, a modern and accessible venue in the heart of Paris. Located just steps away from major transport routes, this space is an ideal place for rich and inspiring exchanges, in a city that embodies both tradition and innovation.

Highlights of the program: plan out your day!

The Nextcloud Enterprise Day Paris will take place on Tuesday, December 3, 2024. The main program will run from 1:30 PM to 6:00 PM CET, with regular breaks for refreshments and networking.

The day will conclude with a casual cocktail reception. The tentative program below will be regularly updated on the dedicated Nextcloud Enterprise Day Paris page.

13:00🇫🇷🇬🇧 Welcome reception for participants, coffee and tea. Meet our partners and Nextcloud experts.
13:30🇬🇧 Welcome: Introduction to Nextcloud by Frank Karlitschek, CEO and Founder of Nextcloud.
14:00🇫🇷 „Connecter un Demi-Million de personne avec Leviia et Nextcloud“ – Guy Daroles, Project Director at and William Meauzoone, Co-founder Leviia“
14:20🇫🇷 „Nextcloud basé sur MariaDB : Une solution évolutive et hautement disponible“ – Sebastien Giraud, Senior Solution Engineer at MariaDB
14:40🇫🇷🇬🇧 Break and networking
15:10 🇬🇧 Nextcloud Talk Keynote 🎉
15:40🇫🇷 „EUniWell adopte Nextcloud en mode SaaS avec TAS Cloud Services pour la collaboration à distance de ses 11 Universités Européennes“ – Youssef Araqi Houssaini and Matthieu Charton.“
16:00 🇬🇧 „Bridging Nextcloud with Microsoft via Sendent“ – Richard Marx, Co-founder at Sendent
16:20🇫🇷🇬🇧 Break and networking
16:50🇫🇷 „Libérez vos Documents“ – Car Méven, Software Engineer at Collabora
17:10🇫🇷 „Ayming : Nextcloud un remplaçant de SharePoint dans le secteur privé“ – Xavier Quilliet, CIO at Ayming and Guy-Christian Facia, Consultant at Arawa
17:30🇫🇷 „Présentation des solutions XWiki et de leur intégration dans Nextcloud“ – Clément Aubin, Sales Director at Xwiki
🇫🇷🇬🇧 Cocktails

Meet our sponsors and partners

We are thrilled to be supported by trusted sponsors: MariaDB, Arawa, IONOS, Leviia, and TAS Cloud Services. Come meet them at the event to discover their offerings and learn how they strengthen the Nextcloud ecosystem.

Book your place now to make sure you don’t miss out on Enterprise Day Paris.

Only a few spots left.

The post Nextcloud Enterprise Day lands in Paris: be part of the product launch event! appeared first on Nextcloud.
